Qin reporters rarely entered Qi, because no one reported on the war in Qi. This is an upset. Qin people don't like to watch. Korean reporters are reluctant to report, and reporters from various countries are reluctant to report. the reason is simple. No one paid attention to this matter, and news that no one paid attention to naturally became an upset.

Therefore, Qin reporters and South Korean reporters deliberately avoided the war between Qi and Chu, but some Qin reporters insisted on their beliefs. They believe that reporters should report such things.

"This war, we will definitely be able to win. This is the place of our Qi people, and it is impossible for them to defeat us. This is our place." A Chu army soldier said at this time.

"En." Qin Guo reporter recorded.

Most of the topics the reporter interviewed were related to Qi Jun. At first, Qi Jun was more resistant to the Qin reporter's interview, because Qin's attitude made Qi people angry, but then Tian Heng personally ordered the Qin reporter to enter the Qi State military camp freely for interviews. No one can resist. Tian Heng's change meant to let Qin State understand all this. To win the sympathy of Qin, in exchange for the attention of the Qin government.

For such interviews, reporters from Qin State believe that these are nothing. The war is a matter for both sides. As a third party, Qin State should treat both sides of the war fairly and rationally. Rather than simply watching the actions of one side of the war, this will arouse the interest of readers.

"We should go to the Chu Army to take a look. Perhaps only in this way can we better understand the war." said a long-bearded Qin Guo reporter.

"Doing so. There is a great risk. You know, we don't know what the attitude of Chu people are. This is war. Killing one person is nothing?" Another Qin reporter with a camera said.

"It must be done. War, it must be done." At this time, the long-bearded Qin Guo reporter said.

And in the area controlled by the Chu army. On an important channel. An ox cart of Chu Jun was burning. Two cows lay on the road. And behind the bullock carts stayed a large number of bullock carts for transporting supplies in this way.

"Raise your hand." A Chu army searched a Qi army soldier with a bayonet-mounted rifle. The Qi army soldier ignited a Chu army supply vehicle with a tank full of fierce oil, and the Chu army soldier quickly Captured each other

"Nothing?" The Qi Army soldier looked at the Chu Army soldier with trepidation. Next to the Qi Army soldier, there were two dead bodies, both of which were Qi Army soldiers. They were shot. Or killed by a bayonet.

"What to do?" The Chu Army soldier with a bayonet-mounted rifle asked a sword-armed Chu Army officer.

"Wow." At this moment, the officer of the Chu Army immediately drew out his saber and quickly stepped forward.

"Don't kill me." The soldiers of the Qi army shook their feet at this moment and immediately fell to the ground.

"Puff." The Chu army officer immediately assassinated the opponent.

"Boom." At this time, the body of the Qi Army soldier fell down.

"Who? Stand up." And on the side of the road. A Chu army soldier searched a group of people. They are civilians in Qi State, and they are civilians who specialize in avoiding the flames of war.

"Don't kill us." This time. Standing in a row from the dirt ditch, there were men and women, old and young.

"Kill them all?" This time. A veteran of the Chu Army asked the officer who was still wiping his sword.

"Huh." The officer looked at the civilians.

"The women took them. The men, no matter how old or young, were killed." The officer said at this time.

The veteran did not answer. But to a group of Chu soldiers behind.

"Capture them all." At this time, the Chu army soldiers quickly stepped forward and captured the Qi woman.

"Father, save me. Save me." Qi Guo women shouted loudly.

"Shooting." The officer shouted at this time, waving his arms.

"Boom." Boom. "At this time, the Chu Army soldiers raised their guns and immediately fired at the group of civilians.

Soon, a ditch of Qi people was shot and killed.

"Huh." Some of the soldiers of the Chu Army who fired the gun didn't care, while others were a little afraid. The slaughter of civilians was considered morally shameful, but such things were often seen in wars. occur. Neither side cared about these, because the victory concealed the occurrence of these things.

And Qin State often happened during the unification war of the six countries, for example, during the Baiqi period, it used water attack to attack the Chu army city. Caused a large number of civilian deaths. Such things also caused Qin’s bad eloquence. This was also an important reason for the dissatisfaction of the six Kwantung countries with Qin. Qin relied on the unity of military power, but in terms of soft power, it was difficult for Qin to have great power. Convincing power.

And what Shang Wen wants to change is this state.

In addition to these, when the Chu army marched into the Qi country, a large number of illegal and criminal incidents occurred from time to time, and robbery and snatching of civilian women happened from time to time. Such illegal incidents were not controlled by the Chu Army at all. The Chu Army had no military police, and even the general’s personal soldiers only played a role of supervising the war. They would not interfere or do not want to interfere with illegal actions outside the battlefield. Not only the Chu Army, but the Qi Army also did not have a military police. relatively. Only the Qin Army, the Korean New Army, and the Yan Army have established military police. The Zhao Jun did not have a regular military police, but they did have Li Mu's personal soldiers. These personal soldiers and the military police play the same role.

They all have good control over illegal matters and traffic conditions. Promptly deal with incidents of military violations. Thus. The armed forces of the Three Kingdoms have better discipline, but these things only happened in the Six Eastern Kingdoms and the places where the Qin Army actually controlled them. In other places, such things happen frequently. This shows that law enforcement is not fair.

"For those prisoners of war, immediately dispose of them. Dispose of them secretly." The general said to his own military lieutenant alone at this time.

"Here." The captain nodded at this time. Then he left quickly at the instruction of General Chu Jun.

"Look for more than a hundred prisoners of war. Go over there to dig a hole." At this time, the Lieutenant of the Chu Army looked at the densely packed Qi Army prisoners of war. Many of these prisoners of war were civilians, and many civilians in the city became civilians. Chu army prisoner of war.

"How do we deal with these prisoners of war?" A Chu army officer knew very well what the order they received was. They will kill all these prisoners of war. The reason why the Chu army was able to capture so many prisoners of war was that Qi Min could not survive at all. The continuous wars exhausted all his savings. In addition, it was winter again, and many people had no food to eat. At this time, the Chu Army provided food to the Qi Army prisoners of war. Although the food was not too much, it was better than starving to death. As a result, the Chu army almost quickly captured a considerable number of prisoners of war, and the number of prisoners of war increased rapidly. In fact, the Qi army resisted desperately, and the number of arrests was very small. Under such a huge amount of water, the Chu army provided food for the prisoners of war. As a result, the Chu army quickly captured a large number of prisoners of war. Now, the Chu army wants to completely deal with these prisoners of war, and most of these prisoners of war are actually civilians. And these civilians only eat for one bite, and now they all have to lose their lives.

"Kill. Every hundred people, grab them and kill them. Use bayonets and rifles to shoot and kill them, and deal with this matter as quickly as possible." Xiaowei said coldly.

"We can let them go." The officer of the Chu Army couldn't bear to say. The officers of the Chu Army knew exactly who these prisoners of war were. They were just civilians who wanted a bite to eat. Many people have not even touched a gun, so how come they become prisoners of war.

"Qi people are repeated and can't be let go. If let go, we will encounter such things in the future." Lieutenant Chu said.

"But they are all civilians," the Chu army officer said pleadingly.

"They are soldiers and prisoners of war." Lieutenant Chu said in a veto.

"But, killing prisoners of war, such a thing." The Chu Army officer said worriedly at this time. Everyone knows that killing prisoners of war is very unlucky. And now Chu Jun is doing this. They can easily think of the consequences.

"If we don't kill these prisoners of war, we will all be starved to death. If you want to starve to death, do so." said the captain.

"Stop talking." The captain said while looking at the Chu Army officer who wanted to speak.

"Dispose of it immediately." The lieutenant left after speaking.

And far away. The first hundred prisoners of war sent out were looking blankly at the big hole they had dug. Some of them, they have experienced battlefields, and they know the consequences of digging holes, and there are Chu army soldiers standing on them.

"Okay?" a Chu army officer said.

"Let's start." The officer of the Chu Army commanded looking at the Qi Army prisoners of war in the pit.

"Go." An veteran waved his arm. A group of Chu Army soldiers quickly stepped forward.

"No. The Chu people are going to kill us." A real prisoner of the Qi army finally realized the seriousness of the problem at this time.

"Raise the gun." The Chu army veteran commanded loudly.

"Run." The Qi Army prisoners of war quickly scattered and fled, but this was a big hole they dug by themselves.

"Shoot." The order was then issued.

"Bang bang bang bang." The sound of a musket firing came out.

"Ah. Ah." The Qi Army prisoner of war under the big pit shouted loudly.

After they screamed, they were killed.

"Hurry up." At this time, those Qi army prisoners who were not hit immediately climbed down to the other side. He climbed up hard. At this moment, the shoes of a Chu Army soldier appeared in front of him. The Qi Army prisoner of war looked up.

"Ah." Then there was a scream.

A Chu army soldier assassinated the opponent with a bayonet-killing rifle. The prisoner of war let out a scream and fell into the pit. And there are many corpses in the big pit. They were all killed.

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