"In other words, you are now making Qin's war potential unprecedented?" Han Shu clearly understood why Shang Wen didn't take the initiative to let the Qin army attack. Qin State is turning his war potential into unprecedentedly great. In this way, as long as Qin needs it, Qin can quickly expand its warfare capabilities. Turning civilian enterprises into military production, Qin State has a huge military power. In this way, Qin State had achieved a late-competition situation, but Han Shu didn't understand it at this time. Why does Shangwen want to be late. Qin State has always been pre-emptive, why does Shangwen adopt such a measure?

"However, Qin State used to be preemptive, but you want to strike later, this. I don't understand. Can't you understand?" Han Shu shook his head and said.

"Hey." Shang Wen just smiled silently and didn't answer the question.

Shang Wen would definitely not tell Han Shu what he thought. The reason why Qin did not actively launch a unity war was waiting for an opportunity, an excellent and suitable time. Although Qin could win the war actively, it would consume Qin's national strength and digest the ability of the six eastern nations. There is a lot of loss. And Qin wants to minimize the resistance of the six countries, and at the same time maximize the cohesion among the people of the right countries. On the issue of unification war, the Qin State did not take the initiative to initiate a war, and to gain a good impression, but to buy time to develop its economic capabilities and military potential. Form a powerful advantage. This advantage is what a superpower should prepare.

This is the case in the United States. The United States has been developing in obscurity. But when World War I realized that one's own power was not enough to change the world, it was better to hide calmly and watch the changes. The situation requires the entry of decisive forces. It has gathered considerable strength, and such strength is enough to decide the situation at once.

"No one can tell about Qin's affairs." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

"There are too many uncertain factors. Such factors. There are too many." Shang Wen said speculatively.

"So. I'm sure." Shang Wen said.

And Qin State. Meng Yi is working to resolve a series of Qin's internal affairs.

"We have experienced many external affairs in the current banking business. We need to manage some risks early. We must know that there are risks when these money are released. For example, if the bank can't get the capital back, then our bank will go bankrupt. The consequence of the bankruptcy is that our people will lose their deposits. This is simply a disaster for us. We should control such disasters as soon as possible.” Meng Yi mentioned this issue at a small cabinet meeting.

"We can only remind me kindly, but we can't control the situation. To make those bankers give up the immediate profits. It is as difficult as a wolf giving up the food in front of them." The bank minister said at this time.

"I don't think you understand what I mean." Meng Yi said at this time.

"I mean. We need to control risks, not let them give up their profits. If it is what you said, then Qin State Bank can go bankrupt directly." Meng Yi looked at the bank minister and said.

"Is there any good solution?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"No." The bank minister shook his head and said.

"I need to discuss this issue before it can be approved," said the bank minister.

"Well, you can solve this problem as soon as possible. The bank's problem is related to Qin. So be cautious. Be cautious." Meng Yi continued.

"So, are there any other questions?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"Yes. A lot of coal mines in the north have been closed. Those mine owners who have lost coal mines are probably going to target us." The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"En. I know this." Meng Yi nodded and said at this time.

"Any other questions?" Meng Yi took his pen and wrote on the notebook.

"There is also the problem of Qi State," said the security consultant.

"Although the problems of Qi State have little to do with Qin State, Qin State can take the opportunity to influence the Six Nations." said the security adviser.

"This question is shelved." Meng Yi said without looking up.

"This matter, I think the king will advocate. No one needs to worry about this." Meng Yi said at this time.

"I mean. Put this matter aside for now. Understand?" Meng Yi said, looking up at everyone.

Everyone understands. Qin Guo wanted to manage. But there is no reason to manage. This is the current situation of Qin State.

Qin needs a reason, a suitable reason to intervene in Qi affairs, otherwise everything will be difficult to unfold.

Just when Qin needed a reason. Qin Guo's reporter found a suitable reason.

"Shhh, be careful. Old Bai." A young Qin Guo reporter cautiously squatted under a big tree. And a middle-aged man followed.

"Wow." A group of Chu Army soldiers ran over quickly.

"It's already under the control of the Chu army. We have to be careful." The young Qin State then whispered.

"I see." The reporter named Lao Bai nodded and said.

"There are secrets everywhere here, we have to be careful," the young reporter said. Because he had participated in the war against Yueshi, he was fairly experienced.

"Hurry up." At this moment, the young reporter lowered his body. Because he heard the voice of Chu Army soldiers.

At this time, the young reporter slowly raised his head. What he saw was a group of Chu Army soldiers escorting a group of Qi State prisoners walking away.

"What are they going to do?" This time. The middle-aged reporter raised his head and asked in a low voice.

"Shhh, don't talk." The young reporter said to the middle-aged reporter at this time.

"Who?" The young reporter had just finished speaking at this time. The Chu army soldier's rebuke came immediately.

He heard a soldier of the Chu army coming towards him. The young reporter quickly took out a revolver, and he decided if this Chu army soldier came over here. He immediately drew his gun and shot the opponent.

"Come out, otherwise I will shoot." The Chu Army soldier shouted loudly.

Hear the Chu Army soldiers getting closer. The young reporter tapped the hammer of the revolver lightly at this time.

"Don't kill us." Just when the young reporter was about to shoot at each other, another voice came.

"Don't kill us." An elderly Qi country raised his dry hands and whispered.

At this time, the soldiers of the Chu Army looked at each other alertly with their bayonet-mounted rifles, and behind the old man, there were seven or eight people standing. Among the seven or eight people, there were two women. The rest are children, no males.

The young reporter secretly took a look at the situation at this time.

The Chu Army soldier saw the two women at this time. The corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a man dressed as a Chu army officer came over. He held a bronze dagger in his hand.

"Found these people?" The Chu Army soldier pointed at his rifle at this time.

Officer Chu looked at each other, and then focused on the two Qi women. The two women were fifteen or sixteen years old at most, and had varying degrees of black and gray on their faces. The hair is also a little messy. It's all war that made them like this.

"What should we do?" the Chu army soldier asked at this time.

"Grab them all. It's a bit urgent." The officer shouted loudly at this time.

"A few people here." The officer turned around and shouted loudly. Then a few soldiers walked over and **** all those people, especially the two women, who were "specially treated" by the soldiers. Then these soldiers escorted the team toward their goal.

"Huh." The young reporter let out a sigh of relief, and a lot of sweat appeared on his forehead. Obviously, the situation just now was very crisis.

"What should we do?" the middle-aged reporter asked at this time.

"Next, we have to move forward. Go and see what those Chu soldiers are going to do?" the young reporter said.

"I think something is wrong. Have you seen those Qi people?" the young reporter said.

"Those Qi people are civilians. What do these Chu people want to arrest civilians for?" the reporter asked.

"We have to follow. Take a good look. Moreover, they also arrested a few people from Qi country just now, as well as women. This matter must be reported." Qin Guo's young reporter decided. Then two people followed up.

The Chu army took these Qi prisoners a long way. Many Qi people can't walk anymore. Under the persecution of the Chu army, they finally had to walk to the seat where the Chu army arrived.

Once there. The prisoners of war were taken aback. Some people squatted down on the spot, while others were at a loss.

"Go down." At this time, the Chu Army soldier stepped forward with his bayonet-mounted rifle and forced the opponent to jump into the pit. In the big pit, the bodies of Qi army prisoners of war who were shot to death were everywhere. They were civilians, but they were treated as prisoners of war. However, handling the prisoners in this way would also be very condemned. The killing of captives is an unknown sign.

"Forgiveness. Forgiveness." At this time, some of the prisoners of war knelt to the ground and shouted loudly.

"We are just ordinary Qi people, just for a bite of food, let us go. Let us go." A Qi countryman cried and cried. Then he climbed up to a Chu Army soldier and grabbed the opponent's forehead and thigh, crying.

"Since I saw it, I don't know anything." Chu Army soldiers raised their rifles one after another at this time, and gave them to the opponent with their butts.

"Ah." Qi people shouted loudly.

"Puff." Then came the sound of a bayonet entering the opponent's body.

"Ah." The Qi people fell under the bayonet with their mouth full of blood.

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