The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1416: We are here to negotiate

"Bang. Bang." At this moment, the gunshots kept thinking. The soldiers of the Chu Army drove all the Qi State prisoners of war into the big pit, and then shot them at will. The smell of gunpowder is full. At this time, the officer was playing with the two Qi women who had just been arrested. Some veterans did not shoot, but stood aside and admired the beauty. For them. The slaughter of prisoners of war is far less interesting than watching officers play with women.

"These Chu people, how can they..." The middle-aged reporter criticized those Chu soldiers in terms of war morals at this time.

"Shhh." At this time, the young reporter was just looking at everything that happened before him. For him, they were concerned about the safety of their lives, and then the news materials. Only if they survived can they make all these things public. To the public. Only in this way can everyone know what happened in Qi.

The massacre went very smoothly. It was quite smooth. The group of Qi state prisoners soon died in the big pit. At this time, the attention of the Chu army had shifted from the massacre to the women, and all the Chu army soldiers surrounded them. In one piece. The officer has satisfied his desires. Some veterans rushed forward anxiously at this time. The rest of the people watched intently.

The two reporters have cameras in their hands, the high-level cameras, which do not have the click sound that takes pictures, and there is no flash. This kind of camera is so expensive that reporters can’t afford it. For those special news materials, news newspapers are still willing to spend such an expensive fee to collect such money.

After the group of soldiers left. The two reporters rushed to gather such evidence. This is a big news. The young reporter felt it.

The State of Chu in the South. Xiang Yan was busy preparing to attack Changsha at this time. The important role of Changsha made him determined to capture Changsha.

"We don't even have a decent government office now. Changsha must be occupied. This city is very important to us." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"What the general said is." Xiang Bo agreed at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan just nodded.

"It's just. General. This Changsha city is also a big city. It already existed when the first king was alive, I'm afraid. It is difficult for our army to win." A general said worriedly.

"Speaking of this, I haven't thought about this problem carefully." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"How powerful is the artillery attack technology now. The rammed earth city wall is simply difficult to resist a shot from the other side. As long as our army mobilizes enough artillery, it can take down Changsha City." Xiang Yan said at this time.

The general lowered his head and said nothing at this time, and Xiang Yan was very concerned about artillery technology, because he believed that any resistance force would quickly disintegrate under the strong blow of artillery. The immense power of the artillery gave him a good opportunity to rise. This opportunity is very rare.

"The city defense of Changsha has not been improved. It is estimated that as long as we bombard with artillery, the opponent will lose resistance." Xiang Yan said.

"However, according to our army's scouts, Changsha City also has artillery, and they also have musketeers." A young officer stood up and said.

"En. We can use the counterattack method. As long as the artillery is strong enough, it's fine." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"General. The general thought that a sneak attack should be adopted. Then the army pressured the territory, so that you can quickly capture Changsha City." The young officer said at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time. Express thumbs up.

"Plan well." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Here." The young officer nodded and agreed.

The Chu Army officially began to plan an attack on Changsha City.

And in the southern waters. The colonial authorities are planning their future.

"The strength of the Chu army is far inferior to that of South Korea." At this time. Huang Bu said to another congressman. This member of the Diet is the largest farmer in the area, and he owns more than 500 slaves. And a firearms team of more than one hundred people.

"How can you see it?" the farmer asked.

"The largest warship artillery of the Chu Army is only 20. Although there are many, most of them are small warships. There are only 10 artillery on one side, and some are less than eight artillery." Huang Bu said at this time. .

"The Korean warship has twenty-four artillery on one side. The number of artillery is as high as fifty. And they are well-trained and all have uniform uniforms. They look very neat. Look at our Chu Army. "Huang Bu said, waving his arm.

"They can't do anything. It's just too disappointed." Huang Bu said at this time.

"Huh. There is no way, we can't fight against the regular army at all. Our firearm team can't resist the opponent's artillery attack at all, unless we also have our own artillery. In this way, we can fight against the Chu army." Say so.

"I think so too." Huang Bu said at this time.

"The main purpose of the Chu army is to collect taxes. We can collect more and use these taxes to build our own militia artillery units." Huang Bu said.

"In this way, will our councillors agree?" said the farmer.

"And the establishment of artillery troops, can those Chu troops agree to it?" the farmer asked at this time.

"We can think of a way. Let's just say that these artillery are used to deal with the **** pirates and the threat of the Koreans. At the same time, the colony needs to expand, and it needs to expand its operations. Expanding its operations requires expanding production space. With these spaces, the colonies need to expand. Can increase income. Then increase taxes. I think these are good." Huang Bu said.

"Will our colony agree?" the farmer asked at this time.

"I don't know. I think so." Huang Bu said.

"Well, let's do this. An independent colony is good for us. Those Chu troops who receive taxes will increase their armaments and buy guns. In that case, we might as well use them to defend ourselves. Colony." The farmer said at this time.

"Just do it." Huang Bu nodded and said.

As a result, the colony that the Chu army had just acquired had begun planning their independence. At this time, the Chu army did not effectively control the colony. They are thinking of a way to capture more colonies.

"General, shall we fire this time?" the captain asked at this time.

"No." Xiang Liang waved and said at this time.

"We can't attack each other." Xiang Liang said.

In fact, this expedition of the Chu army has consumed a large number of their artillery shells. Their supply vessel has not arrived. Their supplies have almost bottomed out. This kind of battle made Chu Jun feel very overwhelmed. Only then did two colonies be laid down, and there are many such colonies. If consumed in this way, the strength of the Chu army will quickly weaken.

"We can't do this anymore." Xiang Liang said after thinking.

"Immediately, send a small team to negotiate with them. Maybe we can win this colony through negotiation," Xiang Liang said.

"Can this work?" the officer asked at this time.

"Try it." Xiang Liang said. Immediately, Xiang Liang sent a team represented by the captain of a warship and a chief mate to the coast. Xiang Liang was anxiously waiting for orders at this time.

The colonial people on the shore, many of them were armed with weapons, and even women stood behind the men with kitchen knives. Most of this colony was built by farming farmers. Only a few merchants were in charge of general affairs here. There was no council. The merchants only bought agricultural products, such as rice, and transferred them to other colonies. Merchants have some small boats of their own, and the only two medium-sized merchant ships. The merchant ship was equipped with four artillery. The colony has only 400 households, about 2,000 people.

"Sir. We only have less than two hundred people. The opponent is a whole fleet, how can we fight. Look at it, there are cannons." A young militiaman asked the merchant with his flintlock. The role of merchants is very important, because they want to sell the surplus food in exchange for important various materials.

Therefore, merchants occupy a very important position in the colonies. They are the soul of the colony.

"Wait and see." The businessman concurrently served as the captain of the Colony Musketeer Self-Defense Force.

"En." The young militia nodded.

"A small boat is approaching ahead." a militiaman shouted loudly.

"Wow." Hearing a boat approaching. All the militiamen raised their flintlocks at this time. Many people stretch their heads at this time. Looking into the distance nervously.

"What should we do?" the young man asked. No one answered.

"Don't move." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"They only have one boat. Less than four people. Don't move." The captain said at this time.

"They are still flying the white flag." said a bearded militiaman next to him.

"I saw it. It is estimated that they are here to negotiate." The captain said at this time.

"Aren't they attacking?" the militiaman asked.

"It was like this before the war started," the captain said.

"Of course, if we can bleed, don't bleed," the captain said.

"I'll go over and take a look." The captain continued.

"I'll go with you," the bearded militia said at this time.

"Okay. Come with me." The captain said at this time.

immediately. The captain took a militia to the beach. For more militiamen, the people are staring at every move on the beach with their own weapons.

"Hey, don't shoot, we are here to negotiate." The captain said with a white flag at this time. The first officer had already jumped off the boat at this time and pushed their boat to the shore.

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