The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1417: It's not fair to us

"We are not going to shoot." The captain replied loudly at this time.

Hear this answer. Captain Chu Jun smiled slightly. Then the captain waved the white flag, then jumped off the boat and boarded the beach.

"We are all Chu people." The captain greeted.

"So, we don't need to use weapons to say hello." The captain said.

"En. Yes, we are from the country of Chu, but the people of the country of Chu are not the same as the people of the country of Chu. If the people of the country of Chu rob us of our property like those pirates, we will also take such measures to defeat the enemy." The captain said .

"We must defend our homeland, defend my wealth, and defend our dignity." The captain said firmly in one breath. The captain just listened to this in silence. He had heard similar words, but the colonies that said these words finally succumbed.

"We. Understand." The captain said at this time.

"No. You don't understand." The captain replied to the captain.

"Okay. We don't understand." The captain said according to the other party's intention at this time.

"We don't understand, but we know what we are here for." The captain said.

"We are returning these colonies to Chu's jurisdiction. We can defend your homeland." The captain said at this time.

"No. We don't need you to protect our home. We can protect ourselves." The captain said at this time.

"Really?" said the captain.

"I think you still don't understand the situation." The captain said at this time.

"Do you know the situation of the ships launched from Qin State recently?" the captain asked at this time.

"What do you mean?" The captain became interested in what the captain said.

"The captains who launched from Qin State have artillery. And the number and power of the artillery have begun to increase a lot. I noticed that your ship has only two artillery on it. Two ships add up to no more than four artillery. The number of artillery, for us, has no resistance." The captain said at this time.

"The ships launched from the Qin State are generally equipped with captains with more than 15 artillery pieces. Some specialized ships have become warships with fifty-six artillery pieces on them. Such a huge number of artillery is for us. It is simply a disaster." The captain said at this time.

And when the captain said that so many artillery was equipped on the ship, the captain's heart was about to jump out. Such ships, as long as they approach a salvo, they can plunge their colony into a huge massacre.

"Huh." The captain looked at each other with tight eyes at this time, panting non-stop.

"It's not just that we are equipped with these ships, the pirates are also equipped with such ships, they may not attack merchant ships as they did before. They need to rely on help, and then rush to the ship in a swarm. No. They won't be like this anymore. "The captain said at this time.

"They have cannons. As long as you fire a few shots on those escaping merchant ships, the other party will stop immediately. Then honestly hand over the expenses they should pay. If the pirates are not happy, your lives, Property. There will be none," the captain said.

"Think about it. Your merchant ships are gone. What else do you have?" the captain asked.

"Oh. By the way. I forgot." The captain said calmly.

"You still have a colony." The captain said while looking at the colony.

"Your colony is expected to face this new situation." The captain said at this time.

"Because the pirates have artillery. They can capture your colonies. In the past, they would choose to land and fight. But now, they have artillery. With muskets, artillery can blow up any fortifications. Your infantry is very powerful. Musketeers They played well. But those pirates have cannons. As soon as the artillery shells come over, you will die a lot. What will happen if you continue to bombard you?" The captain shook his head and said.

"I can't think of a scene." The captain shook his head and said.

"What on earth do you want to do?" the captain asked at this time. He agreed with Captain Chu's statement, and understood that such a thing might happen. It will happen someday in the future. However, now they have encountered such a threat.

"We are here to protect you." The captain said at this time.

"As long as you pay a certain amount of taxes and agree to be loyal to the general. I think you will definitely get the benefits you deserve right now. Think about it. This is good for us. Our garrison needs military expenses. We can Solve the problem of our military expenditures, and your safety has been guaranteed. We have to fight those pirates, and your merchant ships have a safety guarantee above them. This is fair to everyone." The captain said at this time.

"We can use force to achieve this. However, we are all Chu people. We use force to solve our own internal problems. This is not our general's style. Therefore, I think you should agree to us." The captain said.

At this time, the captain was in deep thought. He was thinking about problems, thinking about how to solve their own problems.

See the captain who was lost in thought. The captain realized that the captain was thinking about the problem and weighing the pros and cons, so he immediately seized the opportunity to give the other side a step.

"I think, Captain, you should discuss with your own people. We don't want both sides to bleed. There are many people who have lost their lives. You can think about it, I will wait, and just tell us your answers." Captain Said at this time.

After speaking, the captain looked at each other, and the captain looked up at each other at this time, and then nodded. He turned and left.

The captain looked at each other with a smile at this time.

"Captain, let's do this. Is it useful?" the first officer asked after watching this happen.

"Yes. It's useful," the captain said.

"But, the other party..." the first officer asked, waving his arms.

"Just give the other party some time, I think they will agree to our request, I can see it. They hesitated. Hesitation means they don't want to lose anything." The captain said at this time.

"Not wanting to lose anything means they can't do anything." said the captain.

"As long as they take care of the place, it will be of great benefit to us. Now, this is our situation." The captain said.

"Now, what we need to do is to wait patiently and wait for the answer from the other party, but before that, you have to tell our general about the situation here, so that he has a good judgment." The captain said at this time.

"Okay. Captain." The first officer said at this time.

Then the first officer began to leave. The captain waited patiently on the shore. Waiting for the arrival of the other party.

"Chu Jun came here to pay taxes. Taxes can give them military expenses and keep them going." The captain said at this time.

"These gods of the Chu army, I know they have nothing good to do here." An old farmer yelled, because Chu's domestic taxation is very good. Such high taxes have forced Chu people to go to sea to find new livelihoods. They finally found this colony. They can get a lot of things they want without paying taxes. And these things are too easy for them. Only if taxes are not levied, everything is too happy. But just when they had just stabilized and thought that happy days were coming. The Chu army came all of a sudden and wanted to take away their wealth, especially when they took more than half of their belongings like those nobles in the country, everyone was in panic.

"They will definitely levy our taxes." The captain said.

"But they will protect us. The current situation is like this. Among the ships that Qin has just launched, many ships have cannons. The number of cannons has rapidly risen to about 20, and our colony simply cannot withstand such fierceness. The blow. It’s really a big blow to us.” The captain said at this time.

"Not only are the Chu army equipped with these cannons, but even the pirates have such cannons. This is too much of a threat to us. It is not just that they can attack our merchant ships. They can destroy our trade, but they can also attack us. In this way, our wealth, homes, and wives are all threatened by each other, which is too bad for us.” The captain shook his head at this time. The obedient people shook their heads. They obviously find it difficult to accept such a situation.

"It is impossible for us to equip those cannons. First, time is too late. Second, we don’t have that much money. These foods can’t be sold for much, and the money we make cannot afford to buy warships and cannons like that. The prices of these weapons are very expensive. I think we should give the Chu army a sum of money at this time, so that the more we come, our interests and everyone’s interests can be guaranteed. We cannot lose everything here, here Everything is too important to us." The captain said.

"So, we need to pay such a fee, which is too important to us." The captain said.

"Everyone can sacrifice a little money to get our safety." The captain said.

"It's not a little bit," a man said.

"Domestic taxes are very high. All of us came here to avoid taxes. Our destination for establishing this place is not to levy taxes. Now, taxes are coming. We should leave here and look for a piece that cannot be levied. It’s good for all of us.” The man said at this time.

"This is not fair to us." The man continued.

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