The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1418: Can't increase food production

"But if we do this, we will lose the home we finally built. Our wealth will be lost." The captain said after considering it.

All the people present were silent. Because there is no taxation, the economic development here is quite fast. Because there is no tax, everyone lives quite affluent.

For them, the current life is the life they want, but the arrival of Chu Jun broke the tranquility here, and their wealthy life is about to be broken. This is truly unfair to them.

"We can open up new places, grow our income, and negotiate with them. Let us pay less taxes. Or, no one wants to get everyone's benefits." A man shouted loudly.

"I think it's OK. I think it's OK." At this time people began to echo the idea.

Subsequently, the captain summarized the results of the deliberations. Proactively negotiate details with the captain of the Chu army. Negotiation is a time-consuming task. Both parties should conduct in-depth discussions on details. Because it is about the future of a colony. Neither the captain nor the captain can be sloppy.

The calm Xianyang has entered winter at this time. Winter nights can't stop people's desire to go shopping. Xianyang has lifted the curfew. In other countries, only South Korea's Xinzheng followed Qin. There will be a curfew for the rest after entering the night.

"Marshmallow. Marshmallow," a peddler shouted loudly from a corner.

Occasionally one or two people come forward to buy. Most of the purchases are young men and women.

Yingyu was wearing a brown coat, watching this scene.

Yingyu thought of a lot of things. At the beginning, Shang Wen and himself had set up such a small stall. There is no pressure on the two. Nothing oppresses. It was easy then. I feel that everything can be done. It is very meaningful to do. But now. Such a small stall is still there, but there are no people. And there is no mood at that time.

once Upon a time. Things will become like this. Shang Wen became extremely busy. I am so busy that I have no time to eat, and getting married is also under great pressure. Is this all Shang Wen wants? Yingyu thought in her heart.

"Obviously not." Yingyu said to herself.

"A nerd doesn't want this. He is a person without pressure. He will do it well without pressure. Once there is pressure, his affection will become tense." Yingyu said.

"Huh. I don't know who it is that gave him such a lot of pressure. I don't know how he is now?" Yingyu said in a low voice while looking at the marshmallow stall.

Xinzheng in South Korea. Shang Wen is having dinner with Han Shu. There are only two people for dinner.

"How's the food?" Han Shu asked.

"En. It's okay. It's much better than the Mo family's food." Shang Wen took his chopsticks and ate it.

Han Shu shook his head with a smile.

"It's true." Shang Wen said innocently at this time. Because he saw Han Shu smile and shook his head. He thought she didn't believe what she said. Shang Wen explained immediately.

"They only eat two meals a day. One in the morning and one in the evening. Breakfast is fine, with dry food. But dinner is all porridge made from wild vegetables. Or it's vegetable soup. I simply They don’t have enough to eat. They consume so much energy every day that they can survive, I. I can’t believe it. Where does the calories they consume in a day come from?” Shang Wen shook his head unbelievably.

"En." Han Shu nodded at this time.

"Before, it was the same in South Korea, where people only ate two meals a day. And. Sometimes they only ate one meal a day. You can think about it. How would people survive." Han Shu said.

"Oh." Shang Wen promised. He had never thought about such a problem. It is good to eat two meals a day. And some people have a meal. Because there is not too much food, people simply cannot afford to eat. In other words, it is simply unable to consume so much food.

"So, do Koreans eat two meals now?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"En. According to what I got. In South Korea, most of them have eaten three meals. But in some remote and poor places. They still eat two meals. However, the quality of the meals is much better than before. Now." Han Shu said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. In fact, what Han Shu said is basically true, but some situations have not been fully reflected. South Korea is in the Xinzheng area or the urban effect area established near Xinzheng. People have basically reached the standard of three meals a day. But in remote areas of South Korea, such standards will be rapidly reduced.

In mountainous areas, some people only have one meal a day because they have no source of income. This means that they rely on selling their labor to get paid. At the same time, they also lack sufficient food production to sustain their survival because of the mountainous conditions. So their land is extremely barren, so their land will not have too much food output. This also led to the lack of economic resources and stability in these mountainous areas, and sufficient food consumption, which eventually led to their standard of only one meal a day. And Han Shu obviously didn't know the situation here.

"So what is your grain output?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"This." Han Shu hesitated.

"I think it should be much better than before." Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Is it?" Shang Wen asked, looking at Han Shu's expression.

"Actually." Han Shu said.

"The situation is a bit worse than you think." Han Shu looked at Shang Wen at this time and said.

"Oops?" Shang Wen looked at each other incomprehensibly.

"Korea's grain production is not as good as the previous level of grain production before South Korea's reform." Han Shu said frankly.

"What?" Shang Wen exclaimed in surprise. He couldn't believe it. The situation in South Korea has reached such a point. He really couldn't believe his ears.

"This is indeed the case." Han Shu said with certainty. And Shang Wen is unbelievable.

South Korea also imitated Qin's land reform method, they quickly annexed the land in the hands of the nobility. Let a large number of free farmers sell their land at market prices, and then force these farmers to enter the cities and become employers. And the concentration of land can turn those old nobles into brand new farmers. At the same time, some wealthy free farmers or merchants became farmers. In this way, the centralized merger of land was completed, which greatly increased the efficiency of land use. And more peasants were liberated from the land and entered the cities, and they became the main source of cheap labor. These people have also become workers, they have a stable labor income, and they have become members of the city.

Although it seems that South Korea has completed the most important part of the reform, it is precisely this important part that has become a fatal blow. This directly leads to the main reason why Korea's grain production cannot rise rapidly.

In fact, the main reason is Qin State. In the earliest use of the Shangyang Reform, the Qin State divided the land into small pieces of land and gave it to the peasants, and the peasants had their own land, and their enthusiasm for farming increased rapidly. This is also important for the rapid increase in Qin’s grain output The reason is that the peasants have their own land, except for a part of the country, all the rest are their own, and more work, more income, so everyone desperately farms. As a result, Qin's national power rose rapidly. At that time, agriculture was the main industry.

The reform of Shangwen was formulated in response to the drawbacks of this policy, which mainly appeared in the fact that farmers who were divided into a small piece of land were unable to withstand larger natural disasters. The farmers themselves are not a collective. They can withstand such natural disasters very small and weak, and their output is extremely limited. This kind of output is limited by the size of the farmers, and the energy expenditure, etc. These things are all proportional.

In fact, Qin had already encountered such a problem before. For example, after the State of Qin has been continuously consumed, he must stop and rest in order to allow food to accumulate. For example, the Changping War during the Qin Zhaowang period consumed a large amount of food in Qin. After that, Qin rarely launched large-scale offensives. Why, Qin needed to re-accumulate. There is a quantitative difference between the rate of consumption and the rate of growth. This difference in numbers prevented Qin from launching an offensive sustainably.

Simultaneously. There is also a certain connection between the output of food and the population. The greater the population, and the rapid increase in food production, but there is a quantitative relationship between the increase and population consumption. This forms an endless loop. Add more water to the noodles. More water and noodles. This situation did not have much impact on Qin from the beginning. Because there are more personnel, they can participate in the war. However, such a system had an important influence on the Qin State. This effect is that the feudal history of more than two thousand years has been plagued by such problems. Population, food production. The two major pressures have caused many completions to be difficult to resolve.

But Shangwen solved this problem very well. This problem was solved through land reform. In fact, Shangwen only solved the possible future land merger problem of Qin State in advance. The issue of land annexation is actually an extension of this institutional issue.

The advantage of farmers owning a small piece of land is to mobilize enthusiasm. The disadvantage is that it requires a large population and more land. It is not difficult to explain why Qin has so many main grain producing areas. These reasons are because this system requires more population and land. This is his strength as well as his weakness. Under certain conditions, the advantages and disadvantages are automatically transformed.

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