Qin did not study Wei’s problem well because they thought it was not worth studying, as long as Qin voted for the national book. It is estimated that Wei will immediately agree, and any request made by Qin will be agreed to by Wei. The State of Qin has regarded Wei as a country that is not in the upper ranks. As long as the State of Qin makes a request, the State of Wei must agree to it.

So on the issue of Wei State. Qin directly negotiated with South Korea and decided the fate of Wei. For such things. Wei Guo had no idea, in their opinion. Wei Guo has no right to know all this.

"There has been no progress in the frontline war. The originally planned three-month war has now been fought for a long time. And it has entered the winter. This kind of battle is worrying." Doctor Sanlu said worriedly.

"Yes. Yeah." Some nobles met later. The Chu Army's progress was exceptionally slow, and the logistics supply required more and more materials, which already made the Chu Army's logistics supply capabilities unbearable.

"We have to change generals." A nobleman said impulsively at this time.

"It's a big taboo for military strategists to change generals before battle. No. No." Doctor Sanlu refused.

"Why not?" the nobleman said loudly.

"Maybe a general can win this war." The nobleman said simply.

"In my opinion, I'll be a general. General Xiang fought bravely. I will definitely be able to win this war." The nobleman said at this time.

"Yes. I think it's OK. I think it's OK." The other nobles met at this time. They also think that if a general is changed at this time, I am afraid that all problems will be fully resolved. This is a very easy thing for them. Once the war is over, they can get rid of the main battle.

"The main battle of this war is grain and grass. Nowadays, grain and grass is a problem. There are also many ammunition supply issues. These two things can crush the army's logistical supplies." Dr. Sanlu said.

"What kind of supplies? It's enough if you're full after the war," a nobleman said at this time.

Doctor Sanlu glanced at the other person, then stopped talking. He believes that talking to such a person is an insult to him.

"If you change a general, I think you can win a war. General Xiang fought bravely and dared to fight. As long as you change the general, you can definitely win. Maybe the war can end early." The nobles said this with optimism. In their view, war has become a matter of generals, and all issues such as logistics supplies and soldiers' being soldiers are not the same thing.

And just when the nobles were discussing Xiang Yan's replacement of generals. Xiang Yan has already begun to mobilize their army.

"The plan this time is mainly for a quick sneak attack. Our army must launch an offensive on the night of the 15th full moon in January." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"The target of the offensive is Changsha." Xiang Yan swiped his pen at Changsha's position at this time.

After other generals heard about this plan. Everyone was shocked. Because it was already the first day of January, there were still fifteen days before the war started. In such a short period of time, it is a bit rushed, and many people think it is too late to prepare. They don't know much about the situation in Changsha City. Therefore, after hearing such news, many generals were more worried than shocked. They thought that the general's military action was somewhat ill-considered.

"The general is not allowed." A general proactively said.

"Our army is at least more than 700 miles away from Changsha. By water, the army needs seven days at the earliest. With preparations, it has already taken the initiative to launch an offensive. Fifteen days. It is not enough." A general was worried at this time. Said.

"What's more, my army is dispatched and we need more troop carriers, but we have too few ships like this. We simply cannot have so many troop carriers." The general continued.

"There will be these." Xiang Yan said easily at this time. Then he raised his eyes and looked at each other with a kind of oh life. The general was even more puzzled by the look in his eyes.

After the meeting. Xiang Yan met with representatives of Qin State Bank in her account.

"We have collected the merchant ships that the general needs. There are a total of twelve large iron ships equipped with three-inch caliber artillery and twenty-four guns. One iron ship can transport 300 soldiers. From here to Changsha, it takes up to three. Days. We can arrive in three days," said the bank representative.

"Very good." Xiang Yan agreed at this time.

"With the support of Qin State Bank, I think we will soon occupy Changsha City." Xiang Yan said excitedly.

"We just hope that the general can quickly establish a sound tax system after occupying Changsha. Otherwise, follow-up loans will not be launched, and we will not be able to continue to provide financial support." The bank representative said with a worried look.

"I know this naturally." The bank representative said at this time.

"We can get strong assistance from Qin State Bank, and these will naturally be carried out smoothly." Xiang Yan said with confidence.

"En. I hope the general can win a major victory." The bank representative said at this time.

Just when Qin supported Xiang Yan's army with more material resources. Qi State is not idle either.

"The weather is good." A Qi Jun colonel looked at the sky and said.

"Our air force can be deployed," the colonel said.

"Sir, can our airship be dispatched?" a major asked tentatively at this time.

"Yes, it's okay. Let the Chu people on the opposing position come and destroy all their cannons." The colonel said loudly, waving his arms vigorously.

"Yes, sir." The major saluted.

"Take off. Take off." The major waved his arms and ran toward the open space where the hot airship that had been charged up was parked there. These hot airships use steam engines. Qi Jun captured Qin's pilot and flight mechanic. These Qin people have a certain technical content in it.

Qi Jun tortured them severely at first. The Qin Jun also actively negotiated with the other party to request the return of these personnel. These things were known to Tian Heng. Tian Heng realized something. Because usually those captured by Qin Jun committed suicide, or never asked for a request to return the prisoner. Such things were very rare for Tian Heng. After a gentle question. Tian Heng immediately protected these technical talents. And give the guarantee on the largest material.

For these prisoners of war's request, as long as it is not too excessive, he will agree to such a request. Some prisoners of the Qin Army began to provide some technical support to the Qi State Air Force. The steam engine is their result. However, the main materials of Qi's steam engine come from Qin, such as pipes. Qi Guo simply couldn't make Qin's good pipes. Because there is no welding technology, it can only be carried out by heavy casting. Or tap it by hand. In terms of smelting technology, Qi people used coal for heating for the first time. As a result, their iron smelting technology has rapidly increased. These are all advanced technologies brought by the people of Qin. In addition, coal has increased the furnace temperature, and the emergence of steel is just a few more processes. These technical support have all raised Qi Jun's equipment to a great level.

For example, the Qi people can forge the bayonet by themselves. Many cold weapons can be mastered by the people of Qi. In addition, the use of quenching technology also allows the people of Qi to quickly replace the cold weapons in their hands. However, the coking technology has not yet been mastered. If you master this technology, I am afraid that the people of Qi will quickly get more iron. These are very important war resources.

"Take off. Take off," the major shouted.

"Wow." A flying corporal who received the order quickly picked up the shovel in his hand and added coal to the airship. Then the airship quickly ejected a red flame. A pilot is vigorously inflating the airbag. The airbag blows out more heat. Let the airship’s hot air balloon fill it up.

"Hurry up," the captain shouted. The military rank on his shoulder indicated that he was a captain.

"Hurry up." The co-pilot whispered at this time. The captain looked back at the same co-pilot at this time.

"Don't worry," the co-pilot said.

"En." The first officer nodded nervously. Just while they were waiting. The next two airships have taken off. These airships are all the most advanced airships in Qi, and they are equipped with steam engine-powered airships. There are still many hand-propelled airships before, but they were not used this time, mainly due to the weather. Their power unit is very weak. If it encounters a forward wind, it is easy to be changed.

Qi army on the ground.

"Airship, our airship." The Qi army soldier cheered loudly. Some soldiers threw their hats up and shouted loudly.

"Airship. Our airship. Good job." The Qi army veteran also exclaimed in excitement.

"Teach the Chu people a good lesson," the Qi army veterans shouted loudly.

On the Chu army's position, the Chu army soldiers nestled listlessly in the trenches.

"This weather is really cold." A Chu Army soldier curled up behind a blanket. The logistics supply of the Chu army was terrible. This prevented their winter clothes from being delivered for a long time. Without any choice. The soldiers of the Chu Army could only curl up like this.

"Oh my God." A Chu Army soldier who was in charge of guarding by the Chu Army stopped his stomping behavior and stood on the spot in surprise, looking up at the behemoth that appeared in the sky.

"Then, what is that?" The Chu Army soldier exclaimed in surprise.

"What?" A veteran of the Chu Army stood up wrapped in blankets, thinking about what to eat in the afternoon. When can the meal be served?

The veteran saw the airship as soon as he looked up. He was frightened at once. The legs seem to be infused with lead.

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