The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1426: Cannonball strikes

"I don't know. Who knows what this is?" An veteran of the Chu Army squinted his head and saw. In his opinion, the things that suddenly appeared from the sky were even a kind of monster, but they didn't know what it was.

"Look, what is that?" At this time, more and more soldiers of the Chu Army looked up at Qi Jun's airship. For them, it was the first time they saw such a thing.

"That's right. What is it." The soldiers of the Chu Army all looked up and stood in the trenches.

"Hey, listen. Listen." At this moment, a soldier of the Chu Army shouted loudly.

"The Qi Jun over there is calling that crazy, who knows what they are called?" the soldier asked curiously at this time.

"Who knows?" An veteran said indifferently at this time. For them, being able to eat a full meal is what they are most concerned about at the moment.

On the airship of the Qi State Air Force in the air.

"Shall we drop bombs now? Sir." A flying corporal asked anxiously. The Qi State Air Force has not launched into the air for a long time. The reason is that the materials they consume are very large. The situation of the Qi army at that time made it difficult to maintain the army's expenditure. Therefore, the Qi State Air Force stopped for a while. that period of time. The Qi State Air Force simply cannot launch into the air. They lack everything, everything they need. In such a situation, the Qi State Air Force would not be able to fly into the air.

But with the funding from the Korean Bank, the Qi State Space is recovering. Coupled with the stability of the domestic situation in Qi, they began to update some of their airships. Among them, these steam engine airships were one of their important achievements. In addition to these, they were cast iron aerial bombs equipped with impact fuzes. This bomb was introduced and developed by the Qi army.

The part introduced is the impact fuze. The craftsmen of Qi State were very interested in the fixed ammunition used by Qin State's trap-door rifle. They didn't understand why the rifle made by Qin State could shoot out bullets after pulling the trigger. After some research, they finally came to a bolder conclusion. They believed that Qin had used a certain craft to make that kind of little hat. And this kind of thing is a process that Qin State must go through to make fixed-loading bullets, flashing caps. The manufacture of flash hiders requires a certain amount of machining technology, especially some machine tool assistance. In addition to these, there is also the chemical industry, especially after Qin Guo successfully developed thunderbolt, and invented a brand-new propellant. The appearance of these pyrotechnics allowed Qin to enter the post-loading pin rifle era. However, the quantity of this rifle equipment has already been changed by the Qin army, exceeding Shangwen's expectations. Shangwen believes that it will take at least twenty years for such a weapon to be refurbished, but it took Qin only three months to complete the refurbishment. The speed of changing clothes far exceeded Shangwen's expectations. After such a change-up is completed, the price paid is that Qin's high military expenditure remains high.

"General, look quickly." An artilleryman shouted loudly on the confronting Chu army high ground. At this time, a senior officer of the Chu Army raised the telescope in his hand to look at the airship floating in the sky.

"What is that?" the senior officer asked.

"I don't know, General," the artillery replied.

At this time, the senior officer raised his telescope and looked curiously.

"Did we drop the bomb? The following is the position of the Qi army." A flying corporal asked the captain.

"No. The target we want to bomb is the opponent's artillery position, not the infantry position. Wait." The captain said loudly to the corporal in the front cockpit. After the Qi State Air Force prepared the aerial cast-iron bomb, it was considered to have the real power to strike the ground. The fuze of this aviation cast iron bomb is imported from Qin, because no country can produce such a thing. As for the projectile, there are also loading requirements. They were loaded with granular gunpowder imported from Qin. Of course, Qi also manufactured some granular gunpowder himself. But these granular gunpowder is far less powerful than Qin's gunpowder. Generally speaking, this kind of aerial bomb is made by Qi.

"Okay." The corporal replied loudly.

And the Chu Army artillery position. At this time, the senior officer was still holding his binoculars to view the airship of the Qi State Air Force that was getting closer.

"General, I look at that thing, something is wrong." This time. An artillery officer quickly ran over and said.

"What?" The senior officer did not put down his binoculars to check the airship in the distance.

"There are people from Qi country above, I think they are coming for us." The artillery officer said his worry at this time.

"What?" the senior officer asked at this moment, putting down the telescope in his hand.

"Yes. General, there are Qi people on it, I saw them. And they are coming towards us, what should we do?" At this time. The artillery officer of the Chu Army said at this time.

"The people of Qi are on it?" the senior officer asked incredulously.

"Yes, I saw them right there. What must we do?" said the artillery officer.

"Oh my God." The senior officer at this time. He immediately checked the behemoth with the telescope in his hand.

"Sure enough, there are people from Qi country." The senior officer shouted loudly.

"Bring all our cannons to Nagasaki. Hurry. Hurry." The senior officer shouted loudly, waving his arms.

"General. We should shoot them down with cannons. Our cannons should be able to stop each other." The Chu Army artillery officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Okay, fight it down. I'll leave this to you. Hide the rest of the artillery. Hurry up. Hurry up." The senior officer of the Chu army shouted loudly. Said the senior officer ran away. The Chu Army artillery officer shook his head helplessly, and then left.

"We are about to get close to each other." The co-pilot shouted loudly at this time.

On the Qi army's position, some Qi army soldiers who were not afraid of death crawled out of the trenches to watch their airships.

"Haha, those **** Chu people, they're done. We also have long-range cannons." The Qi Army soldier shouted loudly.

"Come on for them fiercely." A soldier of the Qi army shouted loudly, waving his arms.

On the opposite side of the Chu army's position. A soldier of the Chu Army jumped out of the trench at this time.

"Look at the veteran, all the Qi Army soldiers on the opposite side have crawled out. They all set their heads upright. Look at the big things in the sky." A new recruit from the Chu Army reported.

"Heaven's Qi," the veteran scolded at this time. Then stood up and checked the situation.

The artillery position of the Chu Army was full of turmoil. Many artillerymen were busy pushing the artillery out of this **** artillery position.

"Quick. Quickly." The officer urged loudly. And the soldiers kept busy.

"Hold the cannon as high as possible. Fast." The artillery officer who first reported the situation shouted at this time.

"No way. Our artillery has risen to the highest point. I'm not sure about that big thing." At this time an artillery shouted loudly.

"Boom." At this moment, a five-inch cannon fired quickly.

The solid shells roared out.

An airship in the sky.

"Be careful." At this moment, the co-pilot was observing the ground conditions, and suddenly saw a dark object approaching his airship. Immediately shouted nervously.

"Huh." A cry. That **** thing. The airbag attached to the airship flew away.

"Huh." Seeing this, the extremely nervous co-pilot gasped.

"Damn Chu people, they even bombarded us with cannons." At this time, the captain shouted loudly.

The Chu people below are also actively aiming at this time.

"Push those three-inch cannons into the pit of the infantry. Or just lift the shell box and aim for me." At this moment, the artillery officer of the Chu Army shouted loudly.

Under the order of the officer, the artillerymen became busy immediately. Some people searched for shell boxes, while others pushed their artillery into the infantry pit and quickly set up their artillery.

"Get busy." The artillery officer shouted loudly.

An airship in the sky.

"Shall we drop the bomb?" a flying sergeant shouted loudly.

The flying sergeant will drop these aerial bombs.

"Wait again. The co-pilot in front replied loudly at this time.

"When are we going to wait?" the first officer asked the captain anxiously.

"Look at the pilot airship in front, only if they drop the bomb, we can drop it." The captain looked at the front and said to the airship at this time.

On the airship ahead, the captain and the co-pilot were having a tense and fierce quarrel.

"We have arrived. It should be possible to drop the bomb." The co-pilot shouted loudly at this time.

"No, the opponent's artillery position has not arrived yet, we have to drop bombs on their heads." The captain replied loudly.

"Oh my God. Please. Throw it down. Those **** Chu people, they will shoot us down with cannons." The co-pilot shouted loudly at this time.

"No." The captain shouted firmly.

"Yes. Please." The first officer was crying and begged the captain, but the captain was not moved at this time.

On the lower Chu Army artillery position, the two-sided three-inch artillery was ready at this time.

"Are you aiming?" the Chu Army artillery officer asked loudly.

"Okay." An old artillery shouted loudly at this time.

"Let it go." The artillery officer shouted loudly at this time, waving his arms.

"Boom. Boom." Two huge running noises.

"Swish. Swish." Two shells went straight out.

The airship in the sky was slowly approaching the artillery position of the Chu Army at this time.

"When will we drop the bomb?" the Qi army flying private on the other airship asked loudly.

"Oh. God." The private screamed loudly at this time.

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