The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1443: Rush into the trenches

"This is a late-coming strategy. Qin cannot take the initiative to provoke a war." Shang Wen said like a prophet.

Shangwen is thinking about the strategic situation like the United States before World War II. He gave the initiative to war to others, and delegated the responsibility of launching the war to others. In this way, Qin can maintain the strategic initiative, the people of Qin. It's so combative. The drawback of being belligerent is being too proactive, and now the people of Qin have to stop. Prepare existing strategic ideas.

During this period of time, Shang Wen thought about Qin's current strategic situation with peace of mind, and he thought of the situation before World War II in his country. Although all the situations are favorable to Qin, Qin is confident that he wants to prove that he has done so. Shangwen decided to change such a situation, and the State of Qin should avoid the responsibility of actively launching a war. After Shang Wen decided to go back, he told King Qin about such a strategic pattern, and made a change for King Qin.

"Go forward. Fast forward." On the front line of the Qi state, most of the soldiers from both sides stopped the offensive and went into the trenches to confront each other. However, small-scale battles occurred from time to time. It was not the Qi people who organized the assault team or the Chu people. Organize some personnel to fight back in revenge. The two sides conducted various assault operations, large and small, on the long confrontation line.

"Go forward." A Chu army officer waved his arm and shouted loudly in a large pit. He wanted his soldiers to follow.

"Bang." A Qi army soldier aimed and fired.

"Ah." An advancing Chu Army soldier was hit and fell to the ground.

"Bang Bang." The Chu Army soldiers also began to fight back at this time.

"Cover them over," the officer shouted loudly. They want to break through one of the other's lines of defense. But for now, their actions have been known to the other side. Under such circumstances, it is obviously not very realistic to continue to break through, but the Chu army is still doing this, which is destined to cause very serious casualties.

"Bang. Bang." After the selected soldiers of the Chu army used Qi's trapping rifle, the Chu people quickly discovered that the Qi's rifle fired several times as far as their own rifle. This made the Chu people feel that they were themselves. The weapons used were rubbish, so they discarded their weapons one after another and used the weapons of the people of Qi. Because the Qi people’s weapons are convenient and reliable, the most important thing is that their weapons can hit farther. In the environment of assault operations, the farther and faster rifle is far easier to use than the flintlock gun you use.

"Bang, bang." The soldiers of the Chu Army squatted in the big pit and fired. They want to suppress Qi Jun.

"Don't save bullets, fight." An veteran shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." After a soldier took aim, he shot immediately.

"Chong." The Chu army behind saw such a situation. Immediately rushed up with his rifle.

"Woo." Qi Jun in the trenches. The bullets kept flying around. Under the fierce attack, the soldiers of the Qi army suppressed them and couldn't move.

"Bang." Occasionally a soldier fired shots, but that didn't help much.

"Shooting." A Qi army veteran shouted loudly. But the soldiers did not raise their heads and shoot. The Chu army's firepower was a bit fierce.

"Go ahead." The Chu army soldier quickly moved forward with his rifle in his hand.

The Qi State veteran showed his head slightly at this time and checked the situation. He saw that Chu Jun was not far from their position. Especially they are still a few steps away from the barbed wire fence. This is a very bad thing for them.

"All prepare bombs to kill them." The Qi army veteran said at this time.

Under the suppression of the firepower of the Chu Army, several Chu Army soldiers swiftly squatted down near the barbed wire fences, and they used special shears to cut off the barbed wire fences. With the frequent occurrence of small-scale conflicts between the two sides. The soldiers of the Chu Army also began to understand Qi Army's equipment and some tactical characteristics. Especially when dealing with these barbed wire fences, the effect of cutting with a knife is not great. Sometimes, because of the cutting down, the machete is tied up. After thinking about it, the Chu army soldier invented this kind of big scissors. This kind of big scissors can cut off all the barbed wire. This is the secret weapon of the Chu army against barbed wire.

"Hurry up," the officer urged loudly from behind.

"Head, I think we should throw a few bombs in the past. I also know that the other party has no intention of letting us withdraw and fight." An veteran said to the officer, lying on his stomach.

"Is that distance possible?" At this time, the officer asked.

"A bit far?" the veteran said.

"Let's wait for the barbed wire to be cut off." The officer said at this time.

Inside the trenches of the Qi army. The veteran ignited the explosive bag wrapped in a small piece of linen. The explosive bag was made by himself. The imported grenade worked well, but it was too expensive. For Qijun, this is a luxury. In addition, among their supplies, there are fewer and fewer such grenades. Recently, due to the frequent occurrence of such small-scale warfare with double shots, the consumption of grenades has been extremely serious. They have no grenades to throw. In order to replace the grenade, this homemade grenade has become the best weapon.

"Throw." The veteran said, and threw it out after exhausting all his strength. Several soldiers waved his arms vigorously and threw the bomb out.

"Chichi." The smoking bomb flew out all at once.

"Bomb." The Chu army veteran was the first to see the bomb flying out. Because of the distance, the bomb was still some distance away from them, but the soldier who was breaking the barbed wire in front suffered at this time. They looked up. And the bomb has fallen from the sky.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and several soldiers who had broken the barbed wire were killed all at once.

"Huh." The veteran saw that the soldiers in front of him were gone. They were motionless on the ground.

"Boom. Boom." The bomb was still exploding, and Qi Jun threw a lot of bombs over.

The veteran looked at everything in front of him with trembling hands.

"Prepare bombs." The veteran said to the soldiers behind at this time.

"Suppress them," the officer continued.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers shot, suppressing the opponent.

"Chichi." After lighting the bomb, the veteran rushed out immediately. Not only Qi Jun has homemade bombs, but Chu Jun also has them. The Chu army also learned the important role of bombs from the Qi army, so they began to quickly equip this weapon and use it flexibly, especially in such small-scale operations, where they could use it without restrictions. Because the supply is sufficient.

"Bang Bang." The bullets that Chu Jun suppressed kept flying over.

"Puff." A bullet hit a Qi Army soldier in the arm, and that Qi Army soldier was about to throw the bomb out. The ignited bomb fell into the trench at this time.

"Bomb." After the veteran saw it. Lie on the ground immediately.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion. A serious explosion occurred in the trenches of the Qi army. Some soldiers who did not react were killed.

"Chichi." At this time, the veteran also threw the bomb he had ignited. Then the veteran lay on the ground.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and the bomb exploded in the air because the fuse time was uncontrollable, and the bomb happened to explode in the air.

"Puff. Whoops." Shrapnel flew around. Different from Qi Army bombs, Qi Army bombs use linen cloth to wrap explosives, mainly relying on the shock wave generated by the explosion to stun the opponent. Such damage is very limited. But Chu Jun’s bomb was placed in a chiseled stone, and then explosives were put into it. After such a bomb exploded, it would produce a lot of fragments, which is more powerful. This is a small innovation of Chu Jun. But when used here, it is very deadly.

The bomb that exploded in the air produced a lot of shrapnel, and the shrapnel flew everywhere, and the shrapnel killed many people.

"Rush up. Continue to throw." Seeing the inexplicable explosion in the Qi army position, at the same time, the bomb was thrown in the past and exploded.

The officer thought it would do. So he shouted loudly to let more soldiers rush over and throw the bomb over.

"Wow." Several soldiers rushed out at this moment. They took the bomb in their hands and threw it out. The veteran looked at the dead companion's body at this time. Although a little uncomfortable, he turned their bodies to look for those big scissors. He wants to break those barbed wire fences.

"Bang." A Qi army soldier exposed the trenches and shot the Chu army, but it didn't hit any target.

"Bang Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers immediately fought back at this moment. They don't hesitate to shoot bullets. In order to suppress each other.

Inside the trenches of the Qi army. "Boom." Chu Jun's bombs continued to explode over their heads. Shrapnel flying around killed many people, and many people were shot and fell. The Qi army suffered heavy casualties at a time.

"Can't stand it anymore." A Qi army soldier shouted loudly, and then retreated with his rifle. Fight like this. It can't be resisted at all.

In the trenches, many bodies fell in the trenches. The soldier lowered himself over the corpses. The soldiers of the Qi army retreated spontaneously, thinking that their position could not be maintained.

"Cut it off" a Chu army soldier shouted loudly. They cut off the barbed wire that Qi Jun did not arrange. The Qi army doesn't have many war resources. These barbed wire fences use one section less than one section, and they can only simply arrange some. Therefore, Chu Jun was able to cut their barbed wire defense line quickly.

"Come on." The officer saw that he had broken the barbed wire. He immediately waved his arms and let his men rush over.

"Charge." At the call of the officer, the Chu army soldier quickly picked up his rifle. After rushing over, they rushed directly through the barbed wire channel opened up. Qi Jun's resistance was unusually weak. In other words, there is no resistance.

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