"Kill." A Chu Army soldier quickly jumped into the trenches of Qi Army. In the trenches of the Qi army, there was no resistance from the Qi army. This made the Chu Army soldiers feel very nervous.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Chu Army shot randomly when they saw movement. But no one.

"Wow." At this moment, another Chu Army soldier jumped in, and the Chu Army soldier who entered forward was shocked.

"Huh." After seeing his own person. He was relieved.

"See if there are any other Qi people. Prepare to rush." ​​The soldier who came in shouted loudly. Then raise his gun and move forward. The soldiers from the Chu army were advancing. At this time, they reloaded the bullets and followed them with the bayonet.

"Kill." Chu Army soldiers shouted killing.

"Puff." A wounded Qi Army soldier was assassinated by a Chu Army soldier with a bayonet.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Chu army shot when they saw a little movement. The other Qi army soldiers had already retreated at this time. Because the bomb attack is too powerful.

"The Chu Army will follow." An veteran said to a lieutenant of the Qi Army.

"We will retreat first." The Qi Jun lieutenant said at this time.

"Retreat." Lieutenant Qi Jun said impatiently. Then retreat back along the trenches.

At this time, the Chu army was searching for the Qi army and occupying the trenches and battlefields of the Qi army.

"Throw." A veteran of the Chu Army shouted loudly while holding up his rifle. He suspected that there were Qi troops in the cave in front, but they were not easy to enter, but when they entered the trenches, they found that the weapons in their hands began to be difficult to use, because at this time the rifle was very long and the trenches were generally It is very narrow and it is very inconvenient to turn. If the bayonet is added at this time, it will be difficult to turn this length in the trench. The Chu army discovered such a problem in continuous small-scale battles, but they did not have a good solution. These guns were all standard rifles and could not be customized at all. And the rifle they used in their hands was from Qi.

"Chichi." This bomb with green smoke was thrown into the cave at once.

"Boom." There was a huge explosion, and some debris flew out.

"Bang. Bang." Before the smoke dissipated, the Chu Army soldiers shot, and then rushed in with their bayonet-mounted rifle.

"Kill." Chu Jun shouted loudly and rushed in.

In this way, the Chu army's detachment occupied the opponent's position.

"Quickly. Wave the flag. Let our reinforcements rush over. Quickly." At this moment, a Chu Army officer shouted to his men. The purpose of their small team is to occupy the opponent's position, and then win unnecessary casualties for the arrival of the large forces. Almost all aggressive troops have chosen such a tactic, using small units assault operations. After the assault units occupy their positions, they quickly send large troops to rush forward. Occupy the position.

"Not good. Sir." In a front-line command post of the Qi army, a sentry found the situation.

"Then a soldier of the Chu Army waved the flag, and our position was lost." The sentry reported urgently.

"What?" a major shouted in surprise at this time.

"Look." The sentry pointed to the front position and said.

"Damn it." Major Qi Jun cursed loudly.

"Our commando, where is the commando?" the major shouted.

"Sir. Our commando team has been sent out." The captain on the side said at this time.

"When will they arrive?" the major asked loudly at this time.

"Presumably soon," the captain said, looking at the major.

"But, sir," the captain said, looking at the major.

"Before this, we must resolve the possible reinforcement attacks that the enemy may launch as soon as possible. Those reinforcements that are advanced later will pose a great threat to us. Our commandos simply cannot disintegrate the opponent's attack." The captain was worried. Said.

"Artillery. Let the artillery bombard their attack immediately." said the major.

"Go and tell the artillery to fire." The major shouted.

Just when the major ordered the communicator. The Chu army's infantry support attack began.

"Come on." The Chu Army soldiers saw the signal. Under the officer's waving arm, he quickly stepped forward to launch an attack.

"Charge." The Chu army soldier rushed towards the Qi army's position with the bayonet mounted flintlock rifle.

On the Qi army's position, the Chu army squadron who occupied the Qi army's position cried out with excitement when they saw their men rushing over.

"They rushed over. They rushed over." A soldier shouted so loudly.

"Okay." The officer glanced at the Chu Army troops that appeared, and cried out slightly calmly.

"Don't retreat." The Qi army assault troops who came to support pointed at the Qi army garrison with their pistols.

"All go back." The captain in the front gestured with a pistol in his hand.

"Okay. Let's all go back." A retreating Lieutenant Qi Jun looked at the opponent's pistol and said.

"You follow us. Come on," the commando captain ordered. Then the captain took his pistol and walked forward. The commandos from behind followed closely behind. They want to launch a new attack.

"What shall we do?" At this time, a second-class soldier of the Qi army asked the ensign.

"Follow them," the second lieutenant said, looking at each other.

"Yes. Sir," the second class soldier said. Then he followed the ensign with his rifle.

"Qi people. Bang." A Chu army soldier in the trenches shouted after seeing the Qi assault team at this time. And shoot.

"Bang." The captain walked in the forefront. After seeing Chu Jun, he quickly dodged aside. He used a pistol, which was flexible and compact. Very suitable for use in a narrow environment like trenches. After Chu Jun shot, he was able to hide quickly. On the contrary, the soldiers of the Chu Army were much clumsy at this time.

Because the rifle used by the Chu army was too long. In the trenches, the soldiers of the Chu Army also had bayonets. In this way, after shooting, he needs to lift the gun. To avoid it. On the battlefield, winning or losing can be decided in an instant.

The captain who glanced at it decided to take immediate action. He immediately flashed out again. At this time, the soldiers of the Chu Army raised their rifles and prepared to dodge and reload the bullets.

"Boom. Boom." A burst and a burst.

"Puff." The bullet hit the point. The Chu army soldier fell down at the sound.

When the Chu Army soldier fell, another Chu Army soldier appeared. He was holding his own rifle ready to aim and shoot. Because the gun is too long. He can only hold the rifle, then raise it horizontally, aim again, pull the trigger and shoot.

"Bang Bang." The captain took two more shots.

"Puff." A cloud of blood mist appeared. The Chu Army soldier fell down and couldn't get up at this moment.

"Go ahead," the captain motioned. Then he held the gun, bent over, and moved forward slowly while changing the magazine.

The commandos behind also followed with their pistols.

"Bang. Bang." Suddenly a Chu army soldier appeared. The Chu army soldier planned to shoot the opponent, but was shot and killed by the Qi army commando before he was ready.

"Bang." The commando kept advancing like this. Shoot anyone they can see.

"Kill." When the commando slowly entered a fork in the trench, suddenly a Chu army soldier rushed over with a bayonet rifle.

"Puff." A commando was caught off guard, and was suddenly nailed to the trench with a bayonet.

"Kill." The Chu Army soldier yelled.

"Bang bang bang." The Qi army commando fired several shots into the opponent's abdomen.

The soldiers of the Chu army hurt. Then fall down.

"Take care of it," the captain looked at and shouted loudly. The soldier who followed quickly pulled out the bayonet. The Qi army commando fell in pain. The people behind lifted the opponent down.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu army soldiers who appeared constantly were shot and killed by pistols. In the narrow trench combat environment, the rifle is difficult to deploy. The pistol has become a weapon for counterattack in the trenches because of its dexterity. With such a weapon, Qi Jun frequently launched counterattacks and drove the Chu Army out of his trenches.

"Bang, bang, bang." After hearing the gunshots, the Chu Army also fired back. Their rifles caused a great delay to the advance of the Alignment Army commando.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." The Qi army assault team was suppressed at the other end of the trench.

"Give them a grenade," a commando lieutenant shouted. He was responsible for attacking the Chu army from the flank. After letting the Chu army feel the pressure, he quickly contracted his troops, and then flanked the opponent's main force.

"Chichi." The commando took out a grenade and rang. Then quickly threw it over.

"Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Chu Army gathered continuously, and they could only rely on their numbers to maintain firepower suppression.

"Boom boom boom." The thrown grenade exploded in the crowd of Chu army. Many soldiers of the Chu army were killed and injured.

"Bang, bang, bang." The gunfire sounded like popping beans. Qi army soldiers rushed over quickly. They stepped on the bodies of Chu soldiers and rushed over.

The artillery position of the Qi army.

"Use the maximum range possible. Shoot at the fastest speed." The gun commander gave the order.

"Azimuth adjustment is complete. Release." The gunner shouted loudly. The gunner gave a free firing order. And it is a rapid fire command. Such an order usually means that the artillery can shoot wildly within a certain artillery coverage area according to their own situation. As long as their cannon allows.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery fired immediately.

"Boom boom boom." The shells roared out. The Qi army called the only artillery unit. Because they found that the Chu army was launching a partial attack towards their position. Qi Jun can only keep his position intact if he repulses the opponent.

"Boom." The artillery shell exploded among the Chu army's offensive support team.

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