The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1455: Ready to enter the electrical age

"It's definitely not accidental that this happened. It is also a shortcoming of our governance. Fortunately, we still have some time, so we must hurry up to solve the problem." Meng Yi said while looking at several cabinet ministers.

"Otherwise we will have big problems." Meng Yi continued.

"First of all, we have to clarify our thinking and know how this happened? Minister of Economy, you come to make a report. Let everyone understand this matter." Meng Yi continued.

"Okay, Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy said.

"It is well known." The Minister of Economy said, picking up a report.

"Our coal production is provided by small coal mines. The quality of the coal mines provided by Qin Guo is also some medium coal, not rich coal, high-quality coal. Moreover, the technology is backward, the mining cost, and the personnel consumption are very high, although our overall The output can meet our needs, but think about it." The Minister of Economy continued.

"Our coal demand is increasing, and such a small coal production method will not be able to meet our needs for a period of time in the future." The Minister of Economy said.

"If we made adjustments at that time, I think it would be more troublesome. So, we have made adjustments now. We first started with funds, and then made gradual adjustments. It is estimated that the problem lies in the adjustment of funds." The Minister of Economy said.

"The bank and the big coal mine owners acted together, and they cut off the source of funds from the other side. Then they used the bank loan mortgage method to carry out a legal merger." The Minister of Economy said.

"It's not that simple." A deputy minister said at this time.

“We also have some policy imbalances in the aftermath of miners. For example, we did not expect the work of local miners to solve the problem. So, now, what we need to do is to solve the employment problem of these miners.” The deputy minister Said.

"En." Meng Yi heard this. Immediately recorded it with the pen in his hand. He thinks the words of the vice minister are very good. The current situation is mainly to solve the employment problem.

"The prime minister. I don't know what to say?" a tax official said Dongan at this time.

"Well, is there anything I can't say?" Meng Yi then asked.

"I meant to say." The tax official looked at Meng Yi. Then I looked at everyone.

"In fact, I think that before discussing this issue, we have actually anticipated that the problem may occur, and some people have already formulated relevant policies, from us, to various departments, and from various departments to local governments. State government." The tax official said.

"Some very wise officials already know that this kind of thing will happen." The tax official said.

"I am in charge of taxation. When I talked to some local officials. I have already learned. They have high expectations for this matter and have formulated many policies. These policies can completely eliminate such things from happening, but They can't do it. What's the reason?" The tax official said at this time.

Meng Yi stopped the pen in his hand and looked at the tax official.

"The reason is that the local government can't come up with such a sum of money to solve this problem. The money we allocate to them here is too small. They have no money to solve these problems. This leads to these problems directly indefinitely. Procrastination continues, and the consequence of the delay is that their work problems cannot be resolved for a long time, and as a result, something like this happened.” The tax official said at this time. Everyone present looked at the tax official.

"I, I just talk about it casually." The tax official looked at everyone's eyes and felt embarrassed and continued.

"You are not just talking about it, you are solving a very big problem." Meng Yi continued.

"I want to know, what kind of solutions have those local governments come up with to solve this problem?" Meng Yi then asked.

"Well, according to my understanding." The tax official said.

"They plan to conduct some vocational training, teach them some brand new skills, such as the power industry, and plan to introduce various capitals and build brand new projects. Not everyone is concentrated in a single industry." The tax official said.

"Can you be more specific?" Meng Yi asked, looking at the tax official.

"En. They seem to say that they want to establish electric power companies, as well as bright electrical equipment processing companies. The use of steam engines is inefficient. The boiler equipment consumption is also very large. They plan to integrate, and these companies need all kinds of things. There are a lot of staff and less competitive pressure. Therefore, we plan to do this.” The tax official said at this time. Meng Yi listened patiently.

"They have very good ideas. Very good." Meng Yi continued.

"Do you have any special comments?" Meng Yi then asked.

"This." After hearing what the tax official said, the others said nothing.

"En." Meng Yi nodded at this time.

"After listening to your words. I feel very deep." Meng Yi continued.

"I was thinking. I made a mistake. I have to admit my mistakes when I make a mistake. Summarize the mistakes. Only in this way can I gain experience. Obviously, I made a mistake when something like this can happen this time." Meng Yi continued at this time.

"It's because I didn't think well enough and didn't take into account many issues." Meng Yi continued.

"Here, I confess my mistakes to everyone and apologize." Meng Yi then stood up and said salute.

All the ministers present were very surprised at this time. Panic.

"I want to review myself. Just now, I thought of some of the practices of Prime Minister Shang Wen. Prime Minister Shang Wen did a very good job." Meng Yi continued.

"Why did it well? It’s because Prime Minister Shang Wen was able to go deep and understand what happened at the bottom of the people? Instead of just sitting in the office and just reading the report. Sometimes, he also needs to go in-depth to see what happened. It's a matter. How did the people react to this matter?" Meng Yi continued.

"And I, sitting in the office, don't understand the truth of the matter. This is a mistake in my administration. I should admit this mistake and make a review." Meng Yi continued.

No one said anything. For such mistakes, the ministers also feel that they are also responsible.

"Since we know we are wrong. We have to correct them. Now is not the time to think about the mistakes we made in the past. We must solve the current problems as soon as possible." Meng Yi continued.

"According to what I just said." Meng Yi continued.

"There are still many industries like ours, but there are some. I don't think we can make some adjustments yet. The coal industry alone is enough for us to be busy." Meng Yi continued.

"I think at this time, in accordance with our original plan, combined with the impact of this incident." Meng Yi continued.

"Together." Meng Yi continued.

"How to advance together?" the Minister of Economy asked worriedly.

"Our original plan was to target the power industry. Everyone knows that Qin’s power industry is small power plants. The electricity generated by these cautious power plants is also unstable. Moreover, the electricity is mainly used for living lighting, and a small part of it is used for living lighting. It is used in industrial production, and a research result shows that the use of electricity is more the use of electrical equipment. It is more effective than steam engines. I think we should start with electricity." Meng Yi continued.

"Qin State needs more such power equipment, but as far as it is concerned, Qin State's power equipment cannot meet this demand." Meng Yi continued.

"Think about it." Meng Yi continued.

"Why, it is because the power supply is very unstable. This makes Qin State unable to popularize these power equipment and electrical appliances." Meng Yi continued.

What Meng Yi pointed out is indeed a very big fact. There are many small power plants in the fringe areas of every city in Qin State. These power plants are mainly used for urban lighting. Because urban lighting can make money, but in fact, the real money is industrial electricity. Because industrial electricity consumption is very large. But no power plant can support the demand for industrial power generation, especially steel companies, which still use small power plants. However, their power supply is specialized and used for some important production links, but there are still great difficulties in using electricity to generate electricity in all links. Although Qin State has invented many technologies, these technologies are relatively mature when accumulated. But the problem is that these technologies have encountered big problems when they are used in production. Mainly because of power problems. The voltage is low, and the supply market is not long. Because the power supply is extremely unstable. This caused many power equipment to fail to operate normally, which severely affected Qin's production. Some entrepreneurs doubt the use of electrical equipment. All these are caused by the extremely backward power supply of Qin State.

At this time, Qin State is rectifying coal mines. In fact, the next step is to integrate Qin State's electric power enterprises. Because power companies have a lot to do with Qin’s power supply and future development. These are closely related to the future of Qin.

It was with these considerations that Meng Yi decided to start with Qin's power industry. Obviously, the room for power improvement will be very large. But power rectification must rectify coal mines, because Qin requires a large amount of coal for power generation. In the case of increased power generation, Qin's power companies have huge value for improvement. And this is what Meng Yi wants to consider. It can be said that Meng Yi's thinking is correct. It's just that in the process of implementation, it is inevitable that there are some problems that have not been considered. These are the problems that Qin is facing now. Electricity is closely related to the future development of Qin State. Qin State is preparing to enter the electrification era.

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