The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1456: I want to go out and have a look

"Han Palace is so heavily guarded that it is impossible to enter at all," Yingyu's waitress said at this time.

"En." Yingyu looked at the heavily guarded palace, and knew that his thoughts were correct.

"Then what should we do next? Princess." The waitress asked at this time.

"I don't know." Ying Yu said while looking at the palace.

"Perhaps, we can enter from the front door." Ying Yu said.

"The front door. Don't we want to disturb each other? The guard is so tightly guarded, how do we get in." The waitress asked at this time. Yingyu just looked at the palace.

And not far from Yingyu, a group of people are also paying attention to the movement of the Han Palace.

"Qin's prime minister has been unable to come out. Moreover, the Han Palace is extremely tightly guarded, and the water that is surrounded by the Han Palace is impenetrable. If this continues, it will be difficult for us to enter it and regain control of Qin's prime minister." The Ninth Junior Brother said anxiously. .

"En." At this time, the senior sister sat aside and looked at the Han Palace and nodded in favor.

"It really doesn't work. Let's go to Qi State first. If this continues, we will have to wait too long." Junior Brother Nine said at this time.

"Why are you leaving? Xinzheng is so fun, even more lively than Qin's Xianyang." Linger interrupted at this time.

"Shut up." Senior Sister said angrily at this time.

The people of the Mohist family have already handed down a book, demanding that Prime Minister Qin come to Qi as soon as possible, but the current situation is extremely unfavorable for them, and they finally know. It was the Queen of South Korea who saved Shangwen. In order to protect Shang Wen, the Queen specially strengthened the guards of the Han Palace. Thus. No one can approach the Han Palace.

"I'm really not used to this kind of palace life. I think I should go for a walk." Shang Wen said to Han Shu.

"Are you leaving here?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Yes." Shang Wen replied.

"Where are you going? Back to Qin State?" Han Shu said at this time.

"I don't know. I think I should go to Qi State." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I want to go out and have a look. This world, I have not yet fully contacted, and I have never been to many places. I am very curious about this world." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What?" Han Shu said in surprise.

"This world is too foreign to me. Full of curiosity, I just want to go out and have a look." Shang Wen said.

"King Qin suppressed my travel, but with my legs on my body, I can go there if I want." Shang Wen said.

"Maybe I am such a person, such things, in my mind, have already been engraved in my mind." Shang Wen said.

"Can you not travel?" Han Shu pleaded.

"Your body has not recovered well, and the outside is very chaotic, especially in Qi, where there are wars everywhere, and many dead. People are dying every day. Don't go out. Okay?" Han Shu said.

"En." Shang Wenen said, but still shook his head. Obviously, he still refused the other party's request.

"Can it be for me. Okay?" Han Shu pleaded.

"I, I'm the kind of person who is used to being free." Shang Wen said at this time.

"You know". Shang Wen waved his arm and said unnaturally.

"I, I don't want to be restrained." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu nodded a little disappointed at this time.

"I know. Your character has always been such a person, no one can keep you, very few people can keep you." Han Shu said at this time.

Shang Wen wanted to say something. But I don't know what to say.

Han Shu just bowed his head in silence.

The two people did not speak for a while. The two did not know how to break this silence.

"You, when will you go to Qi State?" Han Shu asked at this time. She thinks it is better for herself to take the initiative to open the silent deadlock.

"En. Maybe soon. Maybe just these few days. I don't want to stay like this. The Qi State affairs make me want to see. After all, I have never been to those places. I have only been to a few countries. . I have never been to many places. I just want to see. See how the world changes." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu said.

"Well, we in South Korea are going to send some delegations to Qi. Maybe, we can, we can go together. It is safer to do that," Han Shu said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Well, that's great. I'm still worried about how to go? You know, that place, I don't know anything. If I go out, I don't know if I will be sold." Shang Wen said.

"Haha." Han Shu heard Shang Wen's thoughts. Can't help but laugh.

"I'm just such a person." Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

King Qin is listening to a report in Xianyang of Qin State.

"This protest has subsided in this way." Feng Quji reported.

"En." King Qin nodded and said.

"This matter is not very big, but it is not small. Qin hasn't happened yet, and it's not accidental that this happened." King Qin said.

"What the king said." Feng Quji said.

"Meng Yi will have a solution. Since it can be calmed down so quickly, there must be a solution." Qin Wang said.

"We don't need to worry about this." King Qin changed the subject.

"How is the matter of Qi State going?" King Qin asked at this time.

"We are in contact with the special envoy of Qi, and Qi is very willing to agree to all the conditions we put forward in exchange for our assistance, but how do we explain it externally?" Feng Quji asked.

"En. Humane." King Qin said at this time.

"Remember what Prime Minister Shang Wen said?" King Qin asked Feng Quji at this time.

"Shangwen said, humanity. To send troops for humanity. It is God's will." King Qin said.

"Now, Qin can play such a banner. Fight for humanity." King Qin said.

"Shangwen, this person. He has a strange idea, but sometimes. Such a strange idea is very useful." King Qin continued.

"For such ideas, we should use more, and Qin State uses this banner." King Qin said.

"Here." Feng Quji nodded in salute at this time. Expressed acceptance of such a statement.

In fact, Shangwen proposed humanity in order to change the image of the former tiger and wolf teacher in Qin. According to Shangwen's review of the history of Qin. Before the Unification War, the Qin State had severely damaged the six-nation armies, and the number of casualties had exceeded Shang Wen's imagination. There are too many people. In the history books, there are only a few, but in fact. Shang Wen is very clear about the number of bones piled up by these figures. More than a mountain.

Imagining that huge number, Shang Wen felt his scalp numb.

Qin State killed too many people. This resulted in Qin’s poor external image. Shangwen decided to reorganize and reshape the image of Qin. The State of Qin did not rely on murder to unify the country, but was formed by strong cohesion. Such a country will be exceptionally strong, and Qin will attract the advantages and disadvantages of the six countries with a development and free attitude, forming a diverse country. The unification of the Qin State was not achieved by killing countless people. That kind of unity, comes fast, and goes fast. History has proven it. Reunification is not accomplished by war. True unity is the cohesion within this country. In Shang Wen's view, in the late Warring States period, although the trend of unification had taken shape, the country's internal cohesion was extremely lacking. The later history proved this point, and this was the point of the long-term war. The cohesion is not strong, resulting in a country with strong individuals, but it is unable to form a huge advantage as a whole. This is the sorrow of a nation and the sorrow of the unity of a country.

Although the great unification can be unified on the land, it cannot be unified on the internal strength of the country. This has to be said, this is a kind of sadness.

"Slow down. Slow down." A Chu State Navy soldier shouted loudly. On the transport ship of the State of Qin, dozens of Chu Army navy soldiers were shirtless and grabbed the hemp rope with the same thickness of their arms. They were carefully hoisting their artillery off the transport ship.

"Be careful. Be careful." the soldier shouted loudly. A large number of Chu State Navy soldiers were climbing onto the boat one by one through the rope ladder, and then landed via the boat.

On the entire surface of the river, there are small boats and big ships everywhere. People, weapons and equipment are everywhere.

"Assemble. Assemble." There was no idleness on the shore. The Chu army who came ashore immediately rectified the team, temporarily rested, and some troops received orders. Open quickly, they will quickly head towards Changsha City. There can be no mistakes.

"There are really enough Chu army. So many people. When can I finish it?" said an officer on board the Endeavour.

"I don't know. They are crowded, and they are all naval forces, but they are equipped with army weapons. I heard that they are going to fight Changsha City. I don't know how they fight?" said a Qin State Navy captain.

"En. Are we going to fight?" the trainee officer asked.

"I don't know. I heard that we don't participate in the war. We are the warship of the Qin State, not the Chu State navy. We are also going to Changsha." The captain said.

"Oh. We finally came out and didn't participate in the battle. This is simply unreasonable." The trainee officer said at this time.

"Right. I think it is. Our commander seems to say that. I also listened to the above. Many people are willing to participate in the war, but the captain disagrees. Not only that, but also the meaning of the above. . Don't know what is going on?" said the captain of the navy.

"It's a pity. I thought we would be able to fight when we came out this time. I didn't expect that we would not be able to do anything." The trainee officer said disappointedly.

"I knew it, I went to the army. I won't join any navy. Although the navy has a high salary, what's the point of not fighting?" the trainee officer complained.

"Yes." The captain said, looking at the Chu State Navy on the surface of the river.

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