The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1457: Fight for women!

In the dark night, on the calm sea, a pirate ship was moving forward.

"Head, we have to find a place to stop, so that we can continue to sail, brothers are not willing." A little pirate leader said.

"En." The pirate captain nodded.

"Where are we going?" the pirate captain asked.

"This, I don't know." The little boss shook his head at this time, indicating that he didn't know.

"Humph." The pirate captain smiled.

"Go ahead and we'll just walk along the coastline," said the pirate captain.

"Head, if we do this, we will be in danger of hitting the rocks." The little pirate leader said worriedly.

"Don't worry." The pirate captain said confidently. There is no reef here at all. I know. I have been here. "The pirate captain said.

"Not only is there no reef here, their weapons and equipment are estimated to be inferior to ours, you know?" The pirate captain said at this time.

"There are still women here, do you miss women?" the pirate captain asked.

"Yunenen." The little boss immediately nodded and agreed. Long-term sailing has made the sailors feel very depressed, and such depression makes them very impatient. Usually finding a woman is the best solution.

Seeing the little boss nodded unceasingly. The pirate captain said with a smile.

"There is a colony there, and there are many women there. They are also beautiful. Anyway, you will like them," said the pirate captain.

"Enjoy." The pirate captain said at this time.

"Okay. We listen to it." The little boss said at this time.

"Tell the good news to my brothers. Make them happy." The pirate captain shouted loudly.

"Okay." The little boss agreed, and then quickly ran to the deck and shouted loudly.

"Women, brothers, there is a colony ahead with many women. Let's go together." The little pirate leader shouted loudly, for them.

"Okay. Great." When the pirates heard such a news, they were all unusually excited. The boring life of sailing makes every pirate feel boring. Hearing that there are women, everyone changes their original frustrated state, and their morale rises suddenly.

"Fight for women!" a pirate pulling a rope shouted loudly.

"Fight for women!" the other pirates responded.

"Hahaha." Seeing that the morale of his men suddenly rose. The pirate captain was even more excited.

Pirate ships are rapidly approaching a colony.

At this time, on this colony, there were still Chu army sentries under martial law.

"Who is there in such a dark night?" A soldier of the Chu Army complained at this time. For him, such weather was not used to stand guard at all. After continuous threatening negotiations and tactics, the Chu army annexed more than a dozen colonies. And this colony is just one piece of it. This colony is relatively large. The location is roughly equivalent to that of Quanzhou today. Because of its special geographical environment, it has become a good port, attracting a large number of businessmen to do business, and the local agriculture is also relatively developed. After Xiang Liang captured this colony. It was officially named "Shangzhou." The business in the name is used to indicate that this place has developed commerce and can bring extremely high taxes. In fact, taxes in this colony, especially business, are indeed very high, but they are only relatively high, one-tenth of the tax, which is reasonable. Basically, the rapid development of the local economy can be maintained.

The coastal area of ​​the colony is a different story. There is no curfew here, and people will have fun in the local restaurants after finishing their daytime work at night. There are abundant Vietnamese women in the local area, all of which can be attributed to the convenience brought by developed commerce. The main trade in Shangzhou is the slave trade. Because there are a large number of Yue tribes gathered here, the Chu people are behind them. They changed roles immediately, and they used merchants to exchange prisoners of war, and quickly obtained a large number of young and middle-aged labor. The price of a man is extremely low, usually as long as a bottle of wine plus five rounds of flintlock bullets can be exchanged for a man, but women are not good, women need a gun to exchange. But these things are nothing to businessmen at all. They are most willing to do this. Because there are women in the colonies that can solve many things. These Chu merchants imported a large amount of cheap flintlocks from Qin, which seemed to the people of Qin to be very backward. Bullets, and gunpowder. At the same time load all kinds of daily necessities, mirrors, clothes, and most importantly wine. With these things, they can exchange things for several ships, and slaves, Qin State has the greatest demand. Therefore, as long as one back and forth, Chu people will make a lot of money. The rich Chu people would look for women for fun when they were fine.

"Hahaha." The joy-seekers laughed loudly, not only the merchants, but also the Chu navy after occupying the local colony. These Chu navy soldiers were constrained in the narrow cabin for a long time, and now they are the locals. The garrison, and the local colorful world, immediately let these soldiers reveal their nature, they immediately looked for all kinds of women to vent their desires.

"You are looking for a woman. But I am standing guard here. It's too unfair." Chu's navy soldier cursed at this time.

"Brother, what are you doing here? Find a woman." A swaying Chu State Navy soldier came to the beach to hangover.

"My guard. When standing guard, you can't do other things." The Chu State Navy soldier standing guard said angrily.

"You idiot." The drunk Chu State sailor cursed.

"You're too honest. Many soldiers actually went to find women when they were standing guard. They came back after the women came back several times, and their legs were weak. Otherwise, they brought the women here and did it. Several times." Said the drunk Chu State sailor.

And the Chu State Navy soldier standing guard said hesitantly at this time.

"I, I don't dare. I was discovered. I will be shot." Chu State Navy said.

"What's not to dare. Tell you, when he was standing guard, he did the same thing. He saw it with his own eyes. He took care of a woman on the beach. This is not enough. He went to play on it. Then come back. . When I came back, I saw that my legs were all soft.” Said the Chu State Navy soldier.

"Ah." Obviously the Chu State Navy soldier standing guard was surprised to hear such a news.

"Let's go." The drunk Chu State sailor soldier immediately pulled the opponent away. In this way, the warning that Chu's naval forces had almost displayed became a fake at this moment.

Pirate ship. The little boss took his binoculars and saw the colony with shining lights.

"Head, I found a colony with a lot of people on it." The little boss reported.

"Here, there are many women here. You can catch them and enjoy them." The pirate captain said at this time.

"I've been here. I've been here with my captain. There are pirates and Musketeers, etc.. But everyone comes here to find women. Moreover, there is a lot of money here, and there is too much gold. . This is both the land of wealth and the land of women." The pirate captain said with excitement.

"En." The little boss heard his saliva almost draining.

"Dab the saliva, we have to get close to them." The pirate captain said.

"Just go straight on like this?" said the little boss who wiped his saliva.

"Close, but don't stop. There can be many boats here. After we get close, we can bomb them with artillery," the pirate captain said.

"Okay. Head." The little boss executed immediately. The pirate ships approached the port of Shangzhou carefully.

After spending some time. The ship finally docked.

"Quickly disembark, disembark." The little boss whispered. One by one, the pirates got off the ship with their weapons.

"Papa, papa." As the pirates jumped off the ship, they immediately heard an exciting sound.

"En." Women groaned from time to time.

"Humph." When a pirate crew heard this, he snorted disdainfully, and then passed along with the voice.

As he approached, he saw a Chu State navy soldier lying on a woman. You can know what to do when you look at this picture. As a result, the pirate went up with a knife.

"Puff." The sound of the bayonet scratching his throat. Blood sprayed the woman all over. Before the woman called out, a big hand had already covered the other's mouth and nose.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, horrified."

"Next time you do something, don't be so anxious. Come, everyone." Another pirate said with a smile.

"Hehe." Both of them smiled slightly.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." The little boss waved his arms and let his men enter the colony as quickly as possible. In fact, the little boss doesn't need to say it by himself, and the pirates themselves will speed up their pace. For women, they will quickly launch an offensive.

"Hearing the gunfire. We opened fire." The pirate captain said to his own man standing on the deck. The pirates on the deck looked anxiously at the situation on the shore. They hoped that the brothers who disembarked could bring a lot of women. Those gunners envied the pirates who disembarked. They could enjoy women for the first time, but they only Can stay on the boat and watch them do these things.

"Bang." A pirate rushed into a private house, and a Chu woman looked at the pirates who rushed in in horror.

"Don't say anything. We are pirates." The pirate looked at the Chu woman.

The Chu woman looked at the other's fierce eyes and felt extremely scared.

"Let's find a woman," the pirate said.

The Chu woman collapsed to the ground helplessly. Then the pirates swarmed. Others saw no results and continued to rush forward.

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