The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1459: Surrender to the State of Qin

"Push. Push hard." A Chu State navy soldier pushed the heavy cannon hard, and the wheels of the cannon plunged into a big pit.

"Quick, push hard." A Chu State navy gunner shouted loudly.

"Come and help?" A Chu State Navy officer waved his arm. Soldiers advancing along the way, at this time, stepped forward to help push them.

"Push hard." Under the command of the officer. The cannon moved slowly, but it still didn't come out, and the heavy vehicles and cannons that were advancing behind stopped.

"One, two, three." Under the officer's rhythmic shout, the cannon finally pushed out.

"Fill this out. Everyone keep going." The officer ordered.

"Crunch." The cannon began to advance slowly. The entire convoy began to advance slowly. The Chu State Navy is advancing towards Changsha City. They must advance at the fastest speed.

On the surface of the river, Qin's large ships are also advancing, this is their speed began to slow down two, because they are not far from Changsha City. And can see the walls of Changsha City.

"Sir, we can already see Changsha City." A Qin State sailor reported from the deck to the captain who was using a telescope to observe the situation.

"En." The captain nodded.

"Very good. After we arrive, we will send a delegation to explain our intentions this time, so that the Chu people don't worry." The captain said.

The officer behind nodded.

In the city of Changsha. It is still very lively.

"It's not good. It's not good." A small official in the government office in Changsha City of Chu State ran in in a panic.

"My lord, my lord is okay." The little official shouted nervously.

"Why are you so flustered?" The governor of Changsha City was very dissatisfied with the small officials' panic. This is easy to panic.

The governor of Changsha City looked at each other solemnly. And behind him stood a young woman. Such a woman makes them feel very shy. Because the governor of Changsha City just played with her.

"Big, sir. It's not good. Qin State warship. Qin State's iron hull ship suddenly appeared on the river outside Changsha City." The little official nervously reported the news to the Changsha City Chief.

"What?" The governor heard such a news. I was very surprised.

"You. You. You say you again." The governor immediately asked in a panic at this moment.

"Qin, Qin's warship has reached the surface of the river outside Changsha City, and the artillery is directed at Changsha City. They seem to be attacking the city." The little official shouted loudly at this time.

"This. This. This, how is this good?" The Changsha City Governor shouted loudly at this time. The news is too shocking. The people of Qin were like falling from the sky, which surprised the governor very much.

According to the truth, Changsha City is located in the hinterland of the Yangtze River in Chu State, if the Qin Army descends along the river south. It should attack other places. There should be a lot of movement, but this time it didn't. This really makes Changsha City feel very terrible.

"No. No. Immediately close the city gate and place the cannon on the wall to prevent the Qin people from attacking the city. All the horses must be mobilized and all prepared." The Changsha City Governor shouted. Then he ran away, he was going to discuss with his lord, the local nobleman in Changsha City.

"Quickly. Quickly. Beat the drums to get everyone on the wall. There is a war." The little official shouted loudly.

Immediately, emergency drums began to be heard in the government office.

"Boom boom boom boom boom." The rapid drum sound pierced the bustling street market.

"Not good. There is going to be a war." A local Chu countryman heard the news. Shouted immediately.

"Run." The Chu people heard the drums and began to run in a panic.

"Run." The Chu people ran away desperately, and they didn't expect it at all. Such things will happen. Everyone seemed a little flustered.

The city wall. The Chu State Army guarding Changsha City was busy pushing out the cannon and erecting it on the city wall at this time. Some soldiers hurriedly put the equipment away. The soldiers are extremely busy.

On the street, the government officials are convening to recruit more young people on the battlefield.

"Spare. There are young and old in my house." A middle-aged man spared his life.

"Changsha is no longer guaranteed. What do you want the youngest to do?" a government servant grabbed the other's collar and cursed.

"Follow me." Ya Ya grabbed the opponent. Then the servants at the back hung the rope around the opponent's neck, and there were many people like him behind him, once a war broke out. Many places need people, and the city walls need to be repaired. The gates need to be defended.

"Let's go in, let's go in." Outside the city gate, a large group of local Chu people knocked on the city gate.

"Don't knock. Knock again. I will shoot you. The war is about to come. You leave at a constant speed." An officer shouted loudly from the wall. Once a war breaks out, people will try to escape in the city as much as possible, but in fact, once the city falls, they will collapse.

The city is actually not a good place to escape from the chaos of war. Because war can hurt the innocent the most. Especially in the age of firearms. A shell in an open place may not cause a lot of casualties, but in densely concentrated places, especially in traditional dense cities like Changsha City, the scale of the city is not very large. Caused great casualties because of the rapid increase in population density. Especially when war starts.

"The young man takes the weapon and goes up to the tower. Hurry up." An officer handed out weapons. The weapons they issued included flintlocks and old-fashioned cold weapons. Those cold weapons have all entered the arsenal, but now that the war is going on, no one can care whether they can function.

The people who got the flintlock gun were very excited, but also very disappointed, but they were more at a loss. The reason was that many of them had never touched a gun. This was the first time they had come into contact with such a weapon. The sense of strangeness, coupled with the loss of war, made these people even more confused.

"Don't stay here. Go up to the tower." Chu State officer shouted loudly. In order to strengthen the defense of the city of Changsha, the Chu people had to recruit more manpower to defend their city. Therefore, all the young and middle-aged laborers in the city were recruited for the main defensive operations.

"Wow!" A group of Chu army was temporarily mobilized. There are generally garrisons in the city. Once a war starts, they must immediately defend their city.

On the Qin warship. Captain Endeavour looked at the city of Changsha in Chu State.

"It seems that the Chu people have not heard from us," the captain said.

"Yes, sir, they all closed the city gate tightly, and many people went up to the city gate. There are more flags than before. It seems that there are many people in the city?" the first officer said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded.

"Are these useful? The artillery sounded. All the city walls were blasted down. All the wars have shown this. It seems that the people of Chu have not fought a war for a long time. I don't know that the war has undergone serious changes. "The captain said.

"En. It's a pity that our high-level officials don't know this. If we launch a fierce attack, it is estimated that we will be able to quickly destroy the Kingdom of Chu and unify the world. It is only a matter of time." The first officer said at this time.

"Perhaps there are some factors that we haven't considered. That is, people like Xiang Yan, there are people like this in Chu State, and they are also following us as soon as possible. They learn from us. It won't take long, I think they It will be the same as us," the captain said.

"So, before they change, we should do it. I really don't know what our seniors think." The chief officer said.

"What the top thinks, we don't know, nor is it our worry. Now, we have to send an officer ashore to explain our situation. Let them be prepared. Tell them that we are not here to fight. We still I don't want to go to war with Chu people," the captain said.

"Yes. Captain," the chief officer said.

Immediately, a small boat of Qin Guo Endeavour was put down. Two sailors and an officer were slowly approaching Changsha City.

"There is a situation. There is a situation." A Chu Army soldier on the wall shouted loudly.

"Let me see." A Chu army officer immediately checked the situation with a single-scope.

"There are three people from Qin Jun, all wearing white clothes." Chu Jun officer said at this time.

"Yes." The other soldiers looked at the situation on the river.

"Are we going to kill them all?" a Chu army soldier asked nervously.

"Don't mess around. They may have come to seek peace." The Chu army officers had experienced wars and knew that before the war started, there would inevitably be some procedures to go. For such a process. He is very clear.

The noble house in the city. The local nobles are very anxious.

"This, how is this good. This, this Qin army, why did the Tiger Wolf Qin army suddenly beat us?" The nobleman looked at the Changsha governor in great pain and regretted it.

"Lord, what should we do now?" the governor asked.

"Gong, do you have a plan?" the governor asked the nobleman, and the nobleman could not ask the other party instead.

"En." The governor shook his head at this time. He has no way.

"Lord, for the present plan, we can only surrender to Qin." The governor thought about it. Tell the other party the news.

"Surrender to Qin?" the nobleman asked at this time.

"Yes. That's the only way. Lord." said the governor.

"En. Okay. Just surrender to the State of Qin." The nobleman thought for a while. I also feel very reasonable to say so.

Resistance, simply can't resist the people of Qin, there will only be more killings. Moreover, his status and property cannot be guaranteed. If you surrender, you can guarantee your wealth and status for a long time. The nobles should consider their own interests, not the national interests of Chu.

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