The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1460: Chu's navy is not as good as a dog

"Don't shoot. Don't shoot at all." A Chu army officer who defended the city shouted loudly.

Watching Qin's navy boat approaching.

"Don't even open fire." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly back and forth. Because many soldiers of the Chu Army raised their rifles, some gunners were operating the artillery at this time, and the muzzle had been aimed at the small boat.

"No fire, no fire," the Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Once the fire is fired, it will be over." The Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Here." The Chu Army soldiers shouted loudly. Then they put away their rifles, the muzzle was re-adjusted, and the artillery was aimed at the Qin warship. The situation of the war gave them a sense of urgency. The boat then slowly docked, and then the naval officers sent by the State of Qin and the State of Chu carried out the coke mission.

"I don't know, did the Qin army come here to occupy our country of Chu?" the nobleman and the local governor asked at this time.

"We are willing to surrender. We are willing to give up this city to the State of Qin, but we are not willing to burn the flames of war on us." The Changsha district governor said at this time.

"Here." The sent naval officer waved his arm in confusion. Looking at the two people in front of me.

"I, we are here to visit the city of Changsha in Chu State. We are visiting for peace, not offensive." The naval officer of Qin State looked at the two main officials in Chu State and felt that his situation was very bad. Because the other party had to say something about surrender inexplicably. And the order he received turned out to be to submit some documents to the other party. Tell the other party the purpose of Qin's navy's trip. The people of Qin were not here for war, but for a peaceful and friendly visit.

"This." Nobles and governors, look at me, I look at you. Obviously, the two people did not expect that the people of Qin would come such a hand.

"Then, then your gunboats with cannons?" the district governor asked at this time.

"Oh." Qin's navy officer said at this time.

"Our warship is only for friendly visits, nothing but exchanges." Qin State navy officer replied.

The nobles and the local governors looked at me again, and I looked at you. Obviously, Qin's naval officer's answer made them feel very uneasy, doubt, dissatisfaction, and fear, and reoccupied the heads of the two people.

Qin's suspicious actions made the two people feel a serious threat.

"My lord, we need your answer." The navy officer looked at the two men and said.

"We need to discuss. We will reply to you later." The governor replied to the navy officer.

"Okay." The navy officer nodded and said at this time.

"I will tell our commander." The navy officer said at this time.

Then the navy officer left. It was passed on to their commander, Chu State Governor.

"The people of the Qin nation are staring at us." The nobleman said at this time when he returned to normal.

"I heard that the artillery of the Qin people’s artillery ships is very large. One shot can punch a big hole in our city wall. If the Qin people launch an offensive, I think our city will not be able to hold it at all. If a cannon comes, we will die. A large area. Such casualties. We can't hold Changsha City at all." The local governor said at this time.

"En." The nobleman said at this time.

"The people of Qin said they didn't attack us, what they said was a peaceful visit. I think if the people of Qin came in peace, they would not use such a cannon and iron ship against us." said the nobleman.

"We must guard, we must guard. Guard against possible offensives launched by the people of Qin. This is very important to us." The nobleman said at this time.

"En. But how do we defend?" the governor asked.

"Use cannons. We have cannons. Those cannons should be able to reach the Qin State artillery boats. We need to use cannons to make them feel threatened and let them leave." The nobleman regained his senses at this time.

"En. Okay." The governor said this.

On board the Qin Navy Endeavour.

"Have you told the people of Chu about our situation?" Captain Endeavour asked at this time.

"That's it. But the Chu people seem to be very suspicious of us. They are very unfriendly to us and haven't given any specific answers." The navy officer replied.

"En." The captain of the Endeavour looked at the opponent, then picked up his binoculars to check the movement of the Chu army.

"There is no movement from Chu people right now." The chief officer who observed the situation reported.

"No. Now there is a change." The captain said at this time.

"Their gates are open," the captain said.

"Oh. Really?" the chief mate said.

"Are they going to welcome us?" the first officer said excitedly.

"No. No," the captain said.

"I saw them push out the cannon. It seems that they are going to defend us." said the captain.

"Their defensive heart towards us is still very strong." The captain put down his telescope and said.

The Chu people arranged all their cannons along the coast, and their guns were all aimed at Qin's warships.

The captain was very upset, because the Chu people obviously did not trust the Qin people.

"How is the situation in Changsha City?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"The latest situation is that the defenses of Changsha City are uniformly aimed at Qin's warships. I saw a lot of artillery launching out of the city. They were arranged along the coast, and there was no one to defend against us. No one is facing us." An officer of the Chu State Water Army replied.

"En." Xiang Yan heard the news. I was very surprised, but then a smile appeared on his face. Because this shows that the defense forces in Changsha City have been greatly mobilized. They put a limited amount of power to defend the warships of the Qin people. At this time, the Qin warship turned out to be a good decoy. The officials of Changsha City believed that the threat from the Qin Army was the most important.

They actually ignored the existence of Chu's navy. Perhaps, the city of Changsha had not noticed the military actions of Chu's navy at all.

"Step up the march, we have to arrive before dark, and take advantage of the night to launch an attack." Xiang Yan looked at the map and said. The city of Changsha is right in front of them.

The existence of the Qin warship attracted the defense force of Changsha City of Chu State, and Changsha City mistakenly placed the defense force along the coast. This leads to extreme emptiness in other directions, or lack of any defensive power, which gives the Chu State navy a chance.

Shangzhou colony.

"Look at what Chu Jun can do?" a congressman asked loudly.

"We pay taxes, and what do they see?" the congressman shouted loudly.

"Even if we raise a dog, those dogs will bark. People who watch our yard and break into our house will still take a bite. But look at those Chu Jun and see what they can do?" The councillor said loudly. Shouted.

"Yes. Chu Jun is not as good as a dog." The other congressmen echoed at this time.

"We should abolish taxes. We should not continue to give money to things that are inferior to these dogs." The congressman said angrily.

"En. Yes. That's too right." At this time, the other congressmen echoed. In their view. The performance of Chu's navy was too disappointing for them.

Originally, they thought that the existence of Chu's navy was very beneficial to them, because the Chu navy could resist rampant pirate attacks, because pirates often harass their merchant ships, and the Chu navy had many warships with artillery. After seeing such a display of military power, the lawmakers believed that giving them a sum of money would ensure that their merchant ships would not be harassed. Good deal.

But now, they think they are very disappointed and feel that the money they have spent has no effect. This is very uneconomical for them. Most of the councillors are businessmen. Businessmen have to consider the money they invested and the return they get. Obviously, they spent a lot of money and got such a result. Many women were lost in the state colonies, and the wives and daughters of some congressmen were taken away by pirates. The loss of property is also more serious. In addition to these, there are many bad things. The fire in the city has not been extinguished, and the merchant ships are almost burned. The losses of the Chu State Navy were also serious, with personnel losses exceeding two-thirds. The Musketeers lost relatively little. But there is also a big loss. This makes parliamentarians very dissatisfied.

"En." The Chu State Water Army officer drooped his arm, and the pirate gave him a bayonet. If it wasn't for this bayonet, he would lose his life. Faced with the angry accusations of lawmakers. The officer had nothing to say.

"I propose that we need to stop taxing the Chu State Navy and instead invest the money in our Musketeers." An old congressman proposed at this time.

"Our gun team needs more equipment, new rifles, and more artillery. If necessary, we also need gunboats equipped with artillery to protect the safety of our merchant ships. For the Chu State Navy, I think we We need to talk again. Unless the Chu State Navy can guarantee our safety. Otherwise, they won't get a penny of our military expenses." The old congressman continued.

"We must put pressure on the Chu State Navy, otherwise our safety will not be guaranteed." The old congressman said.

"Everyone, do you agree with me?" the old congressman asked at this time.

"Agree. Strongly agree." Other MPs shouted.

"Good. Good, very good." The old congressman said at this time.

The officer of the Chu State Water Army heard such a proposal and had nothing to say. This news needs to be conveyed to Xiang Liang's ears. I don't know how Xiang Liang will feel after hearing the news. He would definitely blame the other party for not, because Shangzhou is very important to him, so important that he can have more military expenditures. If he loses this state, then the situation will be very unfavorable for them.

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