"Qin's cannon looks longer than ours, much bigger. Can a gun like ours ever hit someone else?" A gunner asked the gunner on the side with a telescope.

"I don't know. Wait and see." The artillery commander also felt very scared in his heart. For him, it is best not to fight a war, because if it is fought, it will be wiped out by the Qin army. Seeing Qin's large-caliber artillery, such a thick barrel. The gunner was involuntarily frightened in his heart.

"Hurry up, hurry up, all go up to the city wall. Hurry up." A small Chu army officer who was defending Changsha City shouted loudly, waving his arms. Many young and middle-aged people recruited after distributing weapons. Sent to the wall. Because of defense. Some of the main forces of the Chu army were sent to guard their beachhead positions along the coast. The nobles decided to inflict severe damage the moment the people of Qin landed on the river bank.

The protection of the city wall was left to those young and middle-aged people who had no experience or much combat capability. This arrangement is very dangerous. Because if the Qin army bombarded the beach, it would be easy to wipe out the main force of the Chu army.

However, there are not many nobles who have actual combat experience in firearms and still arrange them according to the traditional thinking of cold weapons. Elite troops usually fight in front, and they gather to fight. This method of combat is very unsuitable for hot weapons.

Night falls. Today is not fifteen, but there are still enough moonlight to pull people to see something clearly.

"Head, there is no Changsha defender in front. Those people don't know where they are?" A Chu State navy scout came back and reported.

"No?" a Chu State Navy officer asked suspiciously.

"Yes. No." The scout confirmed the report.

"En. Check again." The officer ordered again at this time.

"Here." Although the scout was unwilling to go, he still had to accept the order.

And the officer was very worried at this time, because there was no enemy, he didn't know what to do. If there is an enemy, maybe he can take some actions to make him more courageous to rush into Changsha City and be able to fight anyway, but this kind of combat method is too surprising, and this kind of surprise is disturbing. It's frightening.

"General, the situation is too weird. The Changsha defenders didn't even have any defense. Did they find out about us?" A general worried about Xiang Yan.

"Is the situation clear?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"Clear. But in order to be sure, I ordered someone to investigate again and send more people to prepare." The general replied at this time.

"En. Very good. Where's our artillery?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"They are still behind. The road is very difficult. The artillery can't move. Moreover, it seems to have rained and snowed here a few days ago. This makes it more difficult for our artillery to move forward. Without artillery, our infantry cannot attack. At the very least, those city walls won't open." The general said very worried.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"So, when will our cannon be delivered?" Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"More artillery, I am afraid it will take some time. We currently have only a few artillery, these are some light artillery, not powerful enough." The general replied at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded at this time.

"Can these artillery blast open the city gate?" Xiang Yan then asked.

"Definitely. As long as it is made of wood. Even the bronze can be penetrated at a certain distance. We can hit the door. In this case, the door will loosen. As long as we push hard, we can Open," the general replied.

"Use these cannons to attack the west gate, we have to enter from there. The main force rushes in from here. I plan to split the troops in two ways." Xiang Yan gestured on the map at this time. This is just one way. On the other way, we have to enter from the south gate. There cannot be too many people, only a few hundred people. There is no cannon support either. I think, is there any way you can enter? "Xiang Yan asked at this time.

"Yes. General. We can order people to sneak in quietly, so that we have the opportunity to enter it, and then open the city gate to join the main force of the road." The general said at this time.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded.

"That's it. When the day breaks, we will start. It's about." At this time, Xiang Yan raised her wrist and looked at the watch and said. This watch was given to the other party by Qin State Bank. Xiang Yan thought this thing was useless at first, but after slowly getting in touch with it, Xiang Yan finally knew the purpose of this thing. Compared to traditional timing methods. That kind of time is very vague. The army cannot be mobilized more precisely. But Qin's clocks helped him a lot. The reason is that Qin's clocks are more detailed. And the time is made smaller and more exquisite through the clock, and then worn on the wrist, you can check the time at any time. This is very convenient and accurate. After knowing these. Xiang Yan was the first person to use such a watch. Moreover, Qin State Bank was ordered to import a lot of watches from Qin State and distribute them to the people below. The clock is very precise. It's also very useful.

For a time, Chu's navy army used their wrists to determine the size of their officers. Small officers are not qualified to wear them, and mid- to high-ranking officers are distinguished by the quality of their watches. As for those little officers, the soldiers thought. Wearing a watch is an amazing thing.

"The time is set at 4:30. Let the soldiers take the time to rest, and after a full meal, they quickly attack. They must arrive at the designated place at 4:30," Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Understood." The general replied.

Immediately, Chu's navy began to prepare.

"These Chu people are simply incomprehensible. They wanted to surrender to us at the beginning, and now they have mobilized the main force to us. There are so many artillery pieces in front of us. What are they going to do?" Chang said angrily.

"Sir, I think the people of Chu are like this." The chief mate on the side said at this time.

The captain did not speak.

"Sir, do we launch an offensive? The Chu people gathered a large number of troops and artillery on the shore. As long as our artillery fires quickly, we can defeat the opponent." The gunner said at this time.

"Such a target is difficult to find. Sir. I asked to fire a shot and give them a shot. I think Chu people will not be like this." The gunner said at this time.

"Well, no." The captain said at this time.

"This is an undesirable thing for us." The captain said at this time.

"We did not order us to attack. And the Chu people did not attack us. This confrontation is only temporary. We are not here to fight. There is no order for us to come here to fight." The captain looked at the map. Said.

"You can't have such an idea. Unless the Chu people fired the cannon first, we definitely can't fire the cannon." The captain said at this time.

"En. Okay." The gunner nodded helplessly at this time.

"So, sir, what should we do?" the first officer asked at this time.

"We can only send someone over. Explain our intention. Otherwise, we won't be able to dock." The captain said at this time.

"But, sir, the purpose of our visit this time is not to watch the Chu people defend us, but to help the Chu naval forces. Right now, the Chu naval forces are probably launching an offensive through land. I think they should have arrived at this time. Plan, they may be able to launch an attack tomorrow or the day after tomorrow." The first officer said at this time.

"En." The captain nodded.

"Watch closely and don't start any incidents at will." The captain said at this time.

"Yes, sir." The other officers nodded one after another.

In the city of Changsha. The nobles and the governor walked back and forth very nervously.

"Is this really okay?" the nobleman asked the governor at this time.

"I don't know." The governor replied.

Because he also felt very upset. According to the truth, they can't defend such a city at all, because such a city cannot be defended. This is not important. The important thing is that once the city is breached, their status and wealth will disappear. This is what they care about most.

Putting on such a posture is actually a manifestation of the inner fear of the nobles. He wanted to scare the people of Qin, after seeing them, they would leave. However, he forgot. The Qin people didn't scare away. This is something they did not expect.

After seeing the Qin warship staying in place. They all feel very upset. This makes them feel very sensitive.

"Report." At this time, a soldier ran in in a panic.

"What's the matter?" The nobleman was scared to death. Courageously questioned loudly. He was dying of fear in his heart.

"Report. According to a soldier's report. Said it was in the west of the city. Chu army was found." A soldier reported at this time.

"There is a Chu army?" After hearing the news, the nobleman looked at each other in surprise.

"Are you sure?" the governor then asked.

"This, this is not very clear." The soldier lowered his head and said at this time.

"Find out. You must find out this matter." The nobleman said loudly at this time.

"Hurry up." The noble stomped and urged.

"Here." The soldier fired at this moment.

The defender came back because an escaped Chu State soldier saw the Chu State navy in the west of the city, thinking that reinforcements arrived, and he could not return home. He told several people about the news, and soon the "exciting" news spread. So the soldier reported the incident. All of them thought that when their reinforcements arrived, the people of Qin would retreat quickly after seeing the reinforcements.

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