The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1463: This is not a small number

"Put down the gun, hurry up. Put down the gun." The Chu State Navy soldiers looked at the Changsha defenders fiercely with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

The Changsha defenders watched these Chu State Navy soldiers warily. They didn't know why they would hold their bayonet rifles at them. They don't know what to do.

"Don't die." An veteran pushed a Changsha garrison soldier at this time, and the soldier was slowly raising his rifle to take aim. The veteran went up and knocked out the rifle in his hand. Then he shouted at the other party.

"Wow." The veteran snatched the opponent's flintlock. Throw it on the ground.

"We surrender. Don't shoot, we surrender." The veteran turned around and motioned to others to throw away their weapons.

"Raise your hands. Those who throw away their weapons raise their hands." The Chu State Navy soldier shouted loudly.

"Wow!" The Changsha defenders who defended the river bank threw away their weapons one after another.

Soon, more and more defenders became prisoners of war. They instantly lost their will to resist. The reason was simple. They didn't understand what they were going to do. There were Qin warships in front and Chu naval forces in the back. They didn't know what to do.

Since I didn't know, I had to surrender. They don't care about the safety of Changsha City, they just want to hold their own lives, and they won't take care of the rest.

With the surrender of the main force of the Changsha defenders, the Chu State navy officially took the city of Changsha. The whole process turned out to be very smooth, which greatly exceeded Xiang Yan's expectation.

the next morning. It just broke. The sentinel observing the situation on the shore reported the news to their officer on duty.

"Sir, in Changsha City, the banner of Chu State Water Army has been replaced." A sentry reported to the officer on duty.

"What?" The officer on duty heard such a news. He immediately picked up the binoculars to check the situation, and sure enough, what he saw was that the banner of the Chu State Navy had been replaced on Changsha City. The officer on duty was quite surprised. Because this speed is too fast.

"Yesterday, Changsha was still the banner of the defending army. Why did it become the banner of the Chu State Navy in the morning? This is too fast," the officer on duty said.

"In short, I want to report this news to the captain." The officer on duty said at this time.

The officer on duty immediately reported the news to the captain. After the captain heard the news, he was surprised at first, because Chu's naval forces moved very quickly. But after thinking about it, there is nothing left. The Qin warship contained a large number of the opponent's main force. At this time, Chu's navy just launched an offensive from the land, and came from behind, which dealt a fatal blow to the already weak Changsha city. Chu State's naval forces moved quickly, and they weren't that magical.

"Telegram to the base, just say that things here can be put aside." The captain said to the officer on duty at this time.

Qin State Xianyang. After an intense cabinet discussion meeting, Meng Yi of Xianyang began to hold a special press conference at this time. He decided to explain his intentions in such a way.

"I think everyone learned about it through the newspaper before." Meng Yi said at this time.

"A wave of protests came out in front of the Prime Minister's Mansion. The main content of their protest was that they were asked to give them a job. They could not survive." Meng Yi said at this time, looking at his speech.

"Kachakawi." The reporters raised their cameras to record this moment.

"For this kind of thing, first of all I have to apologize. This is my negligence. It is also my failure to do a good job." Meng Yi admitted his mistakes frankly.

"I am particularly sorry for those who have been hurt here." Meng Yi put down his speech immediately and gave a salute.

"Wow!" More and more reporters took pictures at this time. This is not the first time such a thing has happened. But Qin's prime ministers won the trust of Qin people with a responsible attitude. They are very satisfied with such a prime minister. Qin's prime minister was able to frankly admit his mistakes and make corrections. In this regard, people will always involuntarily compare with Shangwen. Because Shangwen was the first to admit his mistakes frankly in his administration. At this point, people are very satisfied.

"I think it's not accidental that this happened." Meng Yi continued.

"Our country of Qin is in an important period of change. A lot of technology and equipment need to be updated, and many new things need to enter the field of production. Qin’s production scale is rapidly expanding. Many things are from our country for hundreds of years. Never encountered before." Meng Yi said solemnly.

"Once, Prime Minister Shang Wen told me. He said that our generation has more responsibility on our shoulders than ever." Meng Yi said.

"Because the current development speed of our Qin State is equivalent to the speed of Qin State in the past 20 years, and even in certain fields, Qin State is even faster. Many things are new, and the development speed is too fast, although it is very fast. However, it is inevitable for people to make mistakes, inherent thinking patterns, ways of thinking, the ability to accept new things, etc. These are all testing us, we are human, and we must make mistakes if we are human." Meng Yi said.

"For this kind of words, I am deeply moved, because it is very important to us." Meng Yi continued.

"In the process of such governance, I will inevitably make mistakes. Therefore, I hope everyone will be considerate. And be able to point out correctly and make timely corrections. This is very important to us. Every step of Qin's future will be very important. Important." Meng Yi continued.

The reporters present recorded this passage one after another.

"Next, I will talk about my corrective plan. My suggestion is to closely unite Qin's power reform with Qin's jobs." Meng Yi said.

"Qin's electricity supply is only supplied to ordinary residents. In our factory, steam engines are still used. Only a few companies use electricity, but the time and intensity of use are still far from enough. Our electrical appliances Equipment production has not kept up. Our machine tools still consume coal." Meng Yi said.

"However, Qin's coal production and mining are extremely unreasonable. There are only a few places in Qin that have high-quality coal. A large amount of high-quality coal is in Zhao, and there are only a few places in Qin." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Only through its own technological improvement can Qin guarantee sufficient high-quality coal supply. This is due to Qin's own internal development needs." Meng Yi explained.

“Qin’s current coal mining needs this kind of development, and that kind of robust development has no meaning to Qin’s increase in coal production and the rational use of coal. Qin itself must make some improvements. Otherwise, the times will eventually end. Abandon us." Meng Yi said.

"We Qin must keep up with the pace of the times." Meng Yi said, waving his arm.

"For us now, it is very critical." Meng Yi continued.

"Qin's coal mining is in a stagnant state, and Zhao's coal cannot continue to be effectively and continuously supplied due to some political reasons, and Qin's coal reserves are being rapidly consumed." Meng Yi continued.

"So, Qin needs to make some improvements. I decided to set up a temporary coal team to restore coal production and supply as soon as possible and increase supply demand." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Then Qin will urge Zhao to resolve political issues as soon as possible. After the political issues are resolved, Zhao can quickly resume production. Qin needs a large amount of coal supply. This is very beneficial to Qin." Meng Yi at this time Said.

"After these stabilizations, Qin will carry out a series of coal power reforms. Qin will establish high-voltage wire transmission experiments in the main coal-producing areas. In the future, Qin's electricity will no longer be supplied by small power plants. Qin's Electricity will have coal-producing areas exclusively for production and power generation. High-voltage electricity can reduce the strain on railway transportation in Qin. In such reforms, coal will lose approximately more than 150,000 jobs. However, power companies The development of China will create about 300,000 jobs. The gap is still very large. Qin wants to establish various training schools in various places, which will be jointly handled by the government and enterprises for free training. Then guide them and introduce them to work. , In order to fully solve their employment problems." Meng Yi said.

"Crack, click." Many reporters raised the camera in their hands to record this moment at this time. This is generous. This kind of large-scale work is faster than when Shangwen reformed. This allowed the reporter to see a new leader in Qin's political arena.

"Such reforms will continue. Qin State still needs to do so in many aspects. Railways, steel production, and the production of a large number of electrical equipment are all important to Qin State." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Then, Prime Minister." At this moment, a reporter from the Caijing Daily interrupted Meng Yi's speech.

"Please speak." Meng Yi did not show any displeasure. This kind of thing is normal, because when Shangwen, reporters often did it, and Shangwen's response is that he would usually understand and then make some answers. For some unconcerned issues, Shangwen would take out his notebooks and record them on the spot, ignoring the attention of the reporters present. Sometimes, when he thought the news was good, he would thank the reporter. This shocked many Qin Guo reporters.

"Where did the Qin government get such a fund. You must know that the employment training for 300,000 people is not a small number." The reporter said at this time.

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