"Bonds. The Qin government will sell new bonds." Meng Yi replied at this time.

"Then, may I ask the Prime Minister, how many bonds will be sold this time?" the reporter then asked.

"This is still a secret for the time being. In short, if the Qin government wants to implement such a plan, it must work harder financially." Meng Yi said at this time.

"The current market is very good, and there are enough financial markets in Qin State that can accommodate Qin State's bonds. The prospects are very promising. I suggest that you should also buy some." Meng Yi said playfully at this time.

"En. Okay. Prime Minister." Replied remembering this time.

The topics that followed were somewhat relaxed. People know the plan of the Qin government. The government will make great moves, which will be very beneficial to the development of the Qin State.

In Xinzheng, South Korea. Shang Wen and the South Korean delegation boarded the train to go to Qi. Shang Wen knew no one. However, South Korea sent heavy troops to protect him.

"Be careful on the road. If you can, send a telegram. Tell me you are safe." Han Shu exhorted Shangwen like a wife.

"I see." Shang Wen said embarrassingly.

"You always don't pay attention to yourself. I hope you can pay attention." Han Shu said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Oh." At this time the train whistle made a humming sound.

"I think I should go." Shang Wen said at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded very heavily.

"I got on the train." Shang Wen said lightly. For parting. Shangwen won't say anything.

"That's right." Shang Wen, who was about to leave, thought of something at this time and said.

"Pay attention to yourself. I found you. You are in a bad mood. If you are in a bad mood, you can look at jokes. People should be happier. I often see you. I see your serious expression. To be honest, I think, you. You still look good with a smile. Very charming." Shang Wen said with his arms unnaturally at this time.

"What?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen with some surprise.

"You. It’s nice to smile. Really. I think sometimes you shouldn’t be serious. You should face everything with a smile, I think, your mood is not very good. Be optimistic. Smiling face To life." Shang Wen said with a smile at this time.

"Just like me. Only in this way can it be easy. Do you understand what I mean?" Shang Wen said with his arm waving at this time.

"En. I understand." Han Shu looked at Shang Wen and said.

"That's good. Laugh." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"Haha." Han Shu smiled stiffly.

"Be natural." Shang Wen waved his arm and motioned.

"Haha." Han Shu let go a little, and smiled naturally.

"It looks good. Really." Shang Wen said.

"Woo." At this time, the train honked a huge whistle. This seems to urge people to get in the car quickly. leave here.

"I'm going to get in the car. At the end, I want to see you smiling." Shang Wen said while looking at Han Shu.

"From now on. Smile." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"I'm leaving." Shang Wen turned into the car at this time, and then waved his arms in the car.

Han Shu also waved his arms reluctantly.

"Goodbye." Shang Wen shouted loudly. And Han Shu's eyes couldn't help getting wet.

She said nothing. She suppressed the tears she was about to shed and smiled desperately.

Shang Wen waved his arms. The train moved slowly. Han Shu stood still.

Shang Wen waved his arms. The train speeded up slowly, and then left here slowly. Han Shu remained still. Desperately suppressed his tears.

After the train leaves and disappears from people's sight. Han Shu quickly left the station and ran to her car, her tears could no longer be controlled.

Shangwen casually found a place to sit down. Looking at the scenery outside the window. Thinking about the history that has changed beyond recognition. Move the whole body by pulling a hair. And now the changes in history have far exceeded the limits defined by Shangwen. This is not the Warring States anymore. This is even more exciting than the development of the world situation. Shang Wen felt more and more that he was facing the wheel of history, the feeling of powerlessness. Shangwen could control it at first, but now. It's out of control. Many things are not within Shangwen's control.

Shang Wen lowered his head and smiled.

"Perhaps, originally. History is not controlled by humans. Humans influence history. You can change history. But. After all, you can't escape history." Shang Wen said as he looked at the scenery flying by outside the window.

Shang Wen sat on the train, feeling like he was sitting on a time machine. Maybe it's because of the feeling of being too tired. Shang Wen fell asleep lying on it.

Inside the Wei Palace. The special envoy of South Korea and Qin came together. Their purpose this time is to report a situation, that is, the two countries of Qin and South Korea want to repair the railway to the beam. Then set off from Daliang to Linzi.

"We, the Prime Minister of the State of Qin, submitted a letter of credence to the king of Wei. The content is to build a four-nation railway. The railway will depart from Xianyang in the State of Qin, pass through Xinzheng in South Korea, the beams of the State of Wei in South Korea, and go directly to Linzi in the State of Qi." A copy of the credential was handed over to an attendant of Wei Guo.

"What?" Wei Wang asked tremblingly.

Upon hearing that the State of Qin was starting from Xianyang, the State of Wei thought that the State of Qin was going to send troops to fight against State of Wei. So, very excited.

"Qin is only building railways to do business. It does not pose any important threat to Wei." Qin's special envoy was very disdainful in his heart when he saw Wei Wang's appearance, and extremely disdainful to Wei Wang.

"This". I heard this answer from Qin's special envoy. Wang Wei became even more disturbed.

"Qin has no intention of sending troops. Please rest assured Wang Wei on this point. Qin will not launch an offensive for no reason." The special envoy of Qin said at this time. Then he said that his client has left.

The special envoy of South Korea is headed by the special envoy of Qin. Because everyone is the same thing, the same thing, let the people of Qin finish talking about it. The South Korean envoy also left immediately.

After the two envoys left. Wei's ministers felt extremely humiliated. They talked about it one after another. Speaking of the great disrespect of the special envoy of Qin and South Korea.

"This is disrespect to my king. Disrespect." An old minister said excitedly.

"Even the etiquette is not as good as that. This is simply rude to my king." A minister said.

At this time, King Wei looked at the ministers with a flushed face.

The ministers were chatting in the hall. Wang Wei felt very boring looking at these ministers who were of no use.

"Shut up. Shut up." Wei Wang suddenly went crazy.

"Wow." Wang Wei angrily threw down all the things he had left.

"Trash, it's all a bunch of trash. Get out of the widow. Get out." Wei Wang scolded hysterically.

"Huh." Then he stood up, waved his sleeves and left. And ministers, look at me. I look at you. They don't know what to do.

"Doctor." At this time, a young general took the initiative to stand up and said.

"Oh. General Zuo." The old doctor said respectfully.

"The Qin State Railway must not be repaired. I heard that the Qin State Railway can use that iron bull to pull more than 3,000 tigers and wolves at one time. If there are more iron bulls behind, I am afraid I will not be able to protect it. "The general said worriedly.

"This. The old man also knows this truth, but Qin is a big country. And South Korea is close behind. I am afraid that this has already happened. I can't stop it." The doctor said, shaking his head worriedly.

"Oh." The young General Left nodded.

After hearing such a judgment, the young general seemed very weak.

Wei is the weakest country in the Warring States Period. Especially in this era of faster and faster changes, Wei has been far behind. Whether it is from weapons and equipment, or the country's way of thinking, etc. All these caused Wei Guo to be thrown far behind. The price of backwardness is to make the strength far inferior to the other countries. Diplomacy relies on strength to speak, and the lack of such strength in Wei State naturally lacks the right to speak in diplomacy. This is a very unfortunate thing for Chu State.

Such news soon spread among the leaders of Wei State.

"I heard that Qin State is going to repair the railway here." A small official said at this time.

"What?" At this time, a young farmer asked.

"Railway. How much iron is needed for this iron road. How many hoes can be made with this iron." The farmer said without knowing why.

"What do you know?" The little official said to the other party disdainfully.

"This is a kind of fast passage made by the State of Qin. There is a big smoking iron cow running on it. That iron cow can transport tens of thousands of stones of grain at a time. And thousands of good people." The little official waved at this time. The arm gestures.

"Wow." The surrounding people made a surprised voice.

"How much land can be cultivated by such a vigorous iron cow?" a farmer cried out in surprise.

"Hey. This big iron cow can transport so many things, so it has to eat a lot of fodder. I am afraid I have such a cow and can't afford it." At this time, another farmer said loudly.

"That's right. That's right. Such a big iron cow has to eat a lot of things." A woman said worriedly.

"No. You are wrong. You are all wrong. This big iron cow eats nothing but a **** stone. With that thing, this big iron cow can send out hundreds of cows. Strength." The little official said braggingly.

"Really." Onlookers, look at me. I look at you, they obviously didn't think about it. There really is such a thing in this world.

"Then I have to see this big iron cow. Where did the people of Qin catch these iron cows. They are so powerful. If only I had one." The farmers nodded and said. They are very curious about the big iron cow.

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