The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1465: Struck by the fog

On the southern sea, Xiang Liang's fleet is sailing on the sea. The dense fog enveloped the entire sea, and there was nothing to see or know.

"There seems to be someone? Head." A sentinel said with his ears pricked up.

"Who?" an old sailor asked at this time.

"I don't know." The sentry shook his head.

"There seems to be a sound of a mast shaking." The sentry said at this time.

"Squeak." At this moment, the mast on the warship also began to sway.

"It's your own. Don't be suspicious," the old sailor explained.

"En." The sentry nodded.

"The fog makes nothing clear." The sentry said worriedly. Then use the telescope to check the surroundings, but unfortunately, there is nothing around. It's all white.

"Rumble." At this moment, a dull voice came, as if it was because of too much concentration. The sentry on the ship could not tell which direction the sound came from.

"Swish." Just when the sentry raised his ears and re-judged the direction of the rumble. The peculiar whistling sound of the cannonball approached quickly.

"Boom." A huge explosion exploded on the battleship, blasting a big hole in a corner of the superstructure. The fireballs flying out and the sawdust rushing out were flying everywhere.

"Assault. Assault." The sailors on the battleship shouted loudly at this time.

"Rumble." At this moment, the rumble of cannons rang again. This time the sound is much clearer than the first time.

"Swish." The cannonball roared.

"Port side. Port side was attacked." The sailor on the battleship shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom. Boom." A series of explosions hit the warship. Some shells entered the sailor and blew up the water column.

"Quickly. Enter the gun position. Enter the gun position." A bearded veteran shouted loudly.

Everyone on the deck is busy.

"What's the situation?" the captain asked from the cabin.

"We were attacked. Because of the fog, we couldn't see who launched the attack." The first officer covered his wound and said. He was hit by flying sawdust and pierced his arm.

"En." The captain nodded.

"Is your injury okay?" The captain looked at the first officer and said.

"It's okay," the chief mate said.

"En." The captain nodded.

"We still don't know what the enemy's situation is?" The captain said while holding up his telescope at this time.

"They must be on our port side." The captain said at this time.

"It's just that the fog makes us unable to see the situation of the other party, and we don't know the situation of the other party at all." The captain said anxiously.

"Let our sentry use our ears to judge the situation of the other party. Hurry up." The captain shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir." This time. The first officer replied loudly.

Just at this time. The entire battle fleet began to slowly lower its speed, and they began to gather together slowly.

"What's the situation?" the sailor on the other medium-sized warship asked loudly.

"Assault. The enemy attacked us. I don't know where the enemy is?" a sailor heard it. Replied loudly.

Then the ship on the opposite side began to strengthen its guard. At the same time pass this message out.

Xiang Liang’s warship.

"General, an unknown ship attacked our ship. One of our warship was lost." The captain of the warship reported.

"En." Xiang Liang listened with an ugly expression.

"Did you figure out who it is?" Xiang Liang asked at this time.

"It's not clear yet. The other party's attack was launched in heavy fog. We don't know what the situation is?" the captain explained.

"En. Find out the situation as soon as possible." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Yes. General." Xiang Liang said at this time.

The deck of the warship that was attacked was busy at this time, and the fire was extinguished at the position during the artillery attack. The movement of people is noisier, which makes it impossible for the sentries to use their ears to judge the enemy's direction.

"Too messy. Quiet. Too messy." The sentry shouted loudly. But the environment is too noisy anymore. No one paid any attention to the sentry's request.

"Shall we fire?" This time. The first officer asked anxiously.

"No. We don't fire." The captain said.

"Wait and see, firing can only reveal our position, and the opponent's position is not known at all." The captain judged like this. He is also anxiously waiting for the other party's message. The opponent first experimented with a cannonball. Obviously, they hit it with one hit. Then the sound of guns behind. Almost all fired. Judging from the number of shells attacked, the opponent had at least ten artillery pieces. Because there were five guns in total. Three of them hit. Another shot hit the stern and fell into the sea. The captain anxiously waited for the opponent to fire again. Then fight back.

"Rumble." At this moment. The sound of the cannon came again.

"There is a cannon." The captain shouted loudly as soon as he heard the rumble of the cannon.

"Boom. Boom." At this moment, the artillery shells had already hit the gathered Chu State navy ships.

"Ah." Some of the Chu State Navy soldiers who were hit shouted loudly.

"Boom." Sawdust, debris, and a soldier were blown up everywhere, and then fell into the sea.

"God's evil. They are behind us." The first officer called out loudly at this time.

"Boom." The captain punched the boat gang with a heavy punch.

"Fox." The captain cursed with a heavy punch.

The artillery attack injured more ships.

"The tail gun fired quickly." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Hurry up," the captain yelled.

"Prepare. Aim." The tail gunner shouted loudly. No matter what happens, once you enter the fighting state, all people must enter the fighting position. The same is true for tail guns. Once a battle occurs, they must enter their combat positions. Only in this way can they ensure the safety of their ships.

"Boom." There was a sound of a cannon, and the cannon quickly fired a cannonball at this time.

"Swish." The cannonball whizzed out.

"Boom." The shell exploded in the distance, but because of the heavy fog, they couldn't see anything. They didn't know whether the shell hit the target. The captain used his binoculars to check the situation vigorously, but he just couldn't see anything.

"God's evil." The captain cursed loudly at this time. This is the worst news for him. He still can't judge the specific position of the other party.

Unable to judge the enemy's position will make him fall into an extreme passive situation, which is very unfavorable for him.

"Boom." At this moment, the tail guns of other warships were also firing their own shells.

But the situation is the same for all ships, and they cannot determine the exact location of each other. The shooting of the cannonballs was quite blind. It was completely a matter of luck. This is very bad for them.

"The current situation is very unfavorable for us." The first officer said anxiously.

"We must determine the position of the other party." The first officer continued. The captain said nothing.

Looking at the silent chief mate, he couldn't speak anymore at this time.

"Call, let our guns fire on one side. Hurry up. Let the warships approaching all fire. Hurry." At this moment, the captain shouted to the first officer.

"What?" At this time, the first officer looked at the captain in surprise.

"The enemy is approaching. Shoot." The captain glared at his glasses and shouted loudly. And waving a strong arm said.

"Yes." The first officer sent the order in a panic.

Xiang Liang’s warship.

"Let our outermost warship fire quickly. The enemy may hit us in circles." Xiang Liang said.

"Here." A sailor nodded at this time, and then quickly left.

"Fire." The gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom." The rumble of artillery sounded quickly at this time. The gunners don't know where their target is? They couldn't shoot blindly either, but since there was an order, they had no choice but to fire the cannon in the direction where they thought there might be an enemy.

"Rumble" cannons are everywhere. The Chu State Navy's warship at the side quickly opened fire.

A sentry on the outermost warship on the opposite side of the damaged warship held a telescope to check the impact of the shells.

"God's evil, is this kind of shooting useful?" the captain complained.

"There is fire." A sentry reported loudly at this time.

"What?" the captain asked loudly.

"Firelight." The sentry vaguely saw the firelight appearing through the telescope. This can be judged in the fog, which is quite good.

"Swish." A solid shell suddenly hit the captain.

"Puff." When the sentry reported, he saw it with his own eyes. Their captain was hit by a solid shell from the waist, and the captain's body was beaten into two sections.

The sentry touched his eyes vigorously. He thought the fog had blurred his eyes. But the problem is that he did see the situation clearly.

"Oh my God," the sentry called. The captain was indeed hit.

The first officer watched in surprise as his captain was killed. And he just passed by with Death. If he gets a little closer, he will also be hit.

The first officer looked at the captain in surprise. Then look at yourself.

"Boom boom boom." The rumble of artillery continued to sound. This time it was the battleship of Chu State, and the gunners of the battleship fired quickly and desperately. Such shooting speed can be quickly accelerated. Increase their safety, and only in this way can they quickly obtain safety assurance.

Everyone didn't take this into consideration. They shot wildly and blindly. They didn't even know where the enemy was? Why would their enemies appear beside them. What kind of enemy is their enemy. They are not clear.

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