The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1467: Counterattack guerrillas

"Such an attack is simply an insult to us." Xiang Liang looked at several generals and the captain.

The heavy fog attack caused some losses to the Chu State Navy. Such a loss made Chu's navy face disgraced.

Most of the few warships of the navy were damaged to varying degrees. And a lot of shells were wasted. Casualties are also relatively high.

The Chu State Navy killed a captain in the battle. Multiple officers. And dozens of sailors. And how much loss caused by the other party. Chu's navy didn't know it himself. Because when they were shooting indiscriminately, they didn't know the origin of the opponent, especially, he didn't know what the opponent looked like.

After the fog gradually dissipated. At this time, the Chu State Navy knew that their opponent had already left. Such a situation is simply a shame and shame to the Chu State Navy.

"You talk about it." Xiang Liang said at this time.

Several generals and the captain did not speak, for the situation that happened today, for them. It is a kind of torture. They don't know what the enemy is. And the other side is shooting continuously. Especially relying on the cover of the fog to continuously launch the offensive. This made Chu's navy generals very worried. Because it can take advantage of the fog and can seize the favorable opportunity to launch an attack. Obviously the opponent has certain combat experience, and such combat experience is very mature. And judge from this point. There is only one type of person who can have such rich experience in combat capability, and that is pirates. But why did the pirates attack? This leaves them unknown.

"General. I think it may be the pirates launching an offensive against us. Judging from today's performance, it should be very similar." A young general stood up at this time and said some of his own opinions.

"Oh." Xiang Liang was obviously surprised by such an analysis, because in his opinion, pirates were not enough to pose such a threat to them.

"Judging from the density of our fire, we should have had a few shells hit. But we saw very few targets hit. From this point of view, it is very likely that the opponent has only one ship, and from the fire In terms of density, the opponent may only look like five to ten artillery pieces." The young general then analyzed.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded at this time.

"At present, there are armed forces besides armed merchant ships. They are pirates. Armed merchant ships have very few artillery pieces. They only have two small-caliber artillery pieces. Their range and power are not as good as what we have encountered today. Obviously, the other side Its firepower is faster than that of armed merchant ships, and armed merchant ships will not take the initiative to launch an offensive.” The young officer said at this time.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded. Agree with this statement.

"Then there is only one result. That is, we encountered pirates." The young general said.

"En. You are right." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"It's just that we haven't caught them yet. If we catch them, I must peel off their skins. I want to see these pirates. How courageous they are to attack us." Xiang Liang was very angry. Said.

"General, our army should rest for a while. The ship has suffered a lot of damage. Almost all the ships have been damaged. We need to dock, repair our ships, and at the same time, replenish our supplies. This is for us next. Planning is very important." The young general said at this time.

"En. Are we closest to that colony?" Xiang Liang considered. The army has been attacking continuously for a long time. It's time to take a break too. Then return to the home port in the country for rest. After a period of rest. Then quickly expand the armaments.

"Shangzhou." The young general said at this time.

"Then go to Shangzhou." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"In addition, we also need to levy some taxes. Replenish our armaments." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Transfer to Shangzhou." Xiang Liang ordered at this time.

Immediately, the warships of the Chu State navy turned into the route of Shangzhou.

"Don't take our food, this is our only little food." A Chu army soldier snatched a little food from an old woman. This ration is the last bit of food for the old woman in the most recent period.

"Please, please, how should I live." The old woman lay on the ground and hit the ground hard. There is snow all over.

"Please," the old woman cried in pain. But after the soldiers of Chu State took the food, they left without looking back.

"You robbers. Robbers." The old woman cursed loudly. All the Chu soldiers who passed by looked at them and moved on.

The rations of Chu soldiers are getting less and less. Many soldiers marched hungry. In order to fill their stomachs, there were more violations of laws and disciplines. Many Chu soldiers would break into places with people and take everything. Something to eat. The cattle and sheep of the Qi people were robbed by the troops in the forefront. The troops following will also take away and kill the only dog ​​in the opponent's home. However, the troops at the back were unable to grab anything, and then they would light up the Qi people's house. Or kill some people to vent their inner dissatisfaction.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. A Chu soldier who followed behind shot the opponent from behind the old woman.

"Woo." The old woman was hit to the point, but she didn't completely die.

"Give her a good time." An veteran said as he unloaded his rifle, and then stabbed the old woman.

"Puff." The sound of the bayonet piercing the flesh came.

The old woman died in pain.

"Let's go." The Chu veteran took a look. Say so.

Veterans see a lot of things like this. Along the way, many Qi people died of starvation or freezing. Many people are dead. They didn't say anything anymore.

People are dying every day. Many people died, many people died. There is nothing terrible. The Chu soldiers were not worried about the dead. What they worry about is their own logistics supplies.

Chu State sent an army of 200,000 people. With the lengthening of the battle front and the prolonged fighting time, Chu's logistics supply line became increasingly ineffective. The current rations of Chu soldiers can no longer meet their daily consumption. The battle line is getting longer and longer, which is difficult for them to maintain.

The incidents of Chu soldiers robbing Qi people's property occurred frequently. And this kind of thing can't solve the fact that Chu's logistics supply is inadequate.

"These Chu dogs. Not even the old women let go." A member of the Qi State guerrilla team lying in the snow scolded fiercely after watching the tragedy happen.

A middle-aged man on the side immediately covered the other's mouth.

"You are going to kill us." The middle-aged man whispered to each other at this time.

And the Chu soldiers continued to advance, obviously for what happened like this. They did not notice.

The Chu soldiers marched numbly. They have experienced many things along the way. In the guerrilla attack, more explosives were detonated regularly. These are not bad. They have to endure that there is no food to eat, and the cold night can freeze them to death. This is unbearable for them. All kinds of disasters are afflicting them. But they have to keep walking forward. Move forward.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded.

Several Chu army soldiers were killed in the explosion, and they lay on the side of the road. After other Chu Army soldiers heard the explosion, they immediately hid among the roads. The carriage and ox cart in the middle also began to stop.

"Be careful of Qi people. Don't show your head." A Chu army veteran shouted loudly. After repeated guerrilla attacks. Chu Jun was used to it. They began to protect themselves effectively, and they quickly avoided. And Qi Jun will give the opponent the most fierce firepower at this time.

"Boom. Boom." Sure enough. After the Chu Army soldiers took shelter. The Qi Jun guerrillas used their firepower advantage.

The bullet crackled on the mound. The casualties of the Chu Army soldiers were very small and minimal. Because they all hid.

"These **** Qi people, catch them, I must put them in a cauldron and cook them, I want to eat their meat." The Chu veteran cursed loudly at this time.

"Okay. We attacked them from the flanks. Only in this way can we catch them. Call a few people. Go together." As he said, another veteran said, pulling the veteran.

The veterans unloaded their backpacks and called a few soldiers. Follow yourself. They slowly crawled through the trench. Then launch an attack from the flank. At this time, the Qi Army guerrillas were still suppressing the Chu Army soldiers. Such suppression is for them. Is catastrophic.

"Should we retreat?" A Qi guerrilla team said worriedly at this time.

"What are you afraid of? Have you seen those Chu people? They can't fight back on the ground. Our rifle has a longer range than them. We are not afraid of them." A young guerrilla squad shouted loudly. The member of the Qi State guerrillas stood up at this time, raising the trap in his hand and shooting quickly.

"Bang." The bullet flew out. The Chu Jun was suppressed in the trench and could not move.

But the danger is approaching the guerrillas. The elites of Chu veterans on the flanks were slowly approaching, getting closer and closer, and their rifle range had reached. The Qi guerrillas are still shooting.

"All aim." The veteran crawled on the ground at this time, squeezed the fire door, and then told the others.

Others were also pulling the fire door at this time, aiming and shooting.

"Listen to my orders." The veteran said at this time.

"Aim. Shoot." The veteran shouted at this time.

"Bang, bang, bang." The musket made a fierce gunfire. The bullet flew towards the Qi guerrillas.

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