"Ah. Puff." The bullet immediately flew among the Qi State guerrillas. Many guerrilla members were killed before they knew what had happened.

"Rush." ​​After the shooting was over. The Chu army immediately launched a counterattack. The Qi guerrillas were caught off guard.

"Ah, puff." A Chu army soldier shouted loudly at this time. Then bending over, he was stabbed with a bayonet.

"Kill." The counterattack composed of veterans of the Chu army severely hit the Qi guerrillas. The guerrillas have no resistance. If they can suppress the Chu army for a period of time by shooting, then in hand-to-hand combat, they will not be the opponents of those who have experienced war. They lack some bloodiness. And such bloodliness is extremely important in combat.

The battle was in a one-sided situation. Many Qi guerrillas were either killed or unconscious after being beaten. Then the sturdy one was hit with a knife. Seeing that the situation is not good, he ran away, but he was also shot as a live target. Only very few can escape by chance.

The battle ended quickly in this way. Qi’s guerrillas consisted of specialized elite soldiers at the beginning. Their rich combat experience allowed them to fight the Chu army severely. However, as the war progressed, especially such long-term attrition operations, Replenishment of soldiers began to become difficult, especially for experienced veterans. Fewer and fewer. Very often, the veterans die one by one. The growth rate of recruits is also very slow.

There is no training for the Qi army at all. Many tactics are summed up in actual combat. In other words, the Qi army does not have a military skill or military tactics training center. Such an army relies entirely on veterans to sum up in actual combat. And it is a spontaneous self-summary.

Such an army model, for the Qi army, is quite bad. Because Qi is in constant consumption, it is difficult to replenish it. It's not just Qi Jun. The same is true for Chu Jun. In this way, both armies are constantly being consumed.

But such consumption. It is the consumption of the national strength of the two countries. But now, Qi Guo can't hold it anymore.

"There is no food, no ammunition supplies, transportation is very difficult. Especially now it is winter. It is very difficult for you to transport it in a heavy snowy day." On the Eastern Route. A counselor gave a report to Tian Heng. Tian Heng was silent. The problem of logistical supplies has been plagued Qi Jun. The materials aided by South Korea, as well as the materials purchased by Qi State loans, are hoarded on the South Korean border. However, there is only a few supplies in Qi. This is the fact. This situation is due to the extremely bad road conditions in Qi.

Only a small part of the roads in Qi is made of rammed earth, and most of the remaining roads are made with extremely limited processing. Such a path. If it were in ancient times, it could still pass through. Because at that time, most of them were walking. The combat intensity and supply requirements are still relatively low. They only need to transport more food and the rest to transport other sundries, such as weapons, tents, fuel, and so on. but. With the escalation of the war, especially after the firearms, the war's reliance on logistical supplies is increasing. In addition to a large amount of food supplies, there are also very important supplies of weapons and ammunition, and fuel supplies. These materials have been enough for Qi. Busy now.

The transportation volume has been doubled several times on the original basis. The road conditions are being repeatedly crushed and there is no maintenance, and the traffic conditions quickly become abnormally poor. And this greatly affected Qi's logistics supply situation.

As a result, all kinds of materials are piled up on the borders of South Korea, and South Korea can use rail transportation to transport large amounts of materials. However, there is no such railway in Qi State. In this way. Qi country can only rely on the extremely traditional domestic logistics transportation mode, ox cart transportation, poor road conditions, and fewer and fewer supply vehicles. These are slowly crushing the Qi country.

"I can't do anything." Tian Heng said.

"Really, there is no way for me to solve the big problem of logistics supplies." Tian Heng said.

"Someone reported to me that on the Korean border, the Koreans are full of the materials we need, but we Qi people, Qi people do not have the ability to transport those materials. This is our current situation, we We have to find a way to deliver these supplies. Otherwise, we will fail miserably. We lose this war that Qi cannot lose." Tian Heng said very anxiously.

The counselor just watched at this time, and did not speak. This situation bothers the people of Qi.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Such problems have been known to the South Korean authorities.

"Your Majesty, Qi's current supply situation is very bad." At this time. The security consultant said with a telegram in his hand. This telegram came from the State of Qi. The military observer group of the State of Qi learned that Qi’s domestic material reserves were extremely poor, and that the extremely limited supply of materials could not allow the people of Qi to resist the menacing Chu army.

"The Chu army could not move on the east line, but on the west line, they were already less than fifty miles away from Linzi city. The Chu army was advancing very quickly. They are about to come down the city soon." The security adviser said with a newspaper.

And Han Shu frowned and looked at the security advisor.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked.

"Qi's logistics supply is seriously unable to keep up. Our warehouses on the border are full of various materials, but these materials cannot be delivered to the Qi people. The Qi people's delivery capacity is too poor. Their road conditions are also very poor." The security consultant continued.

"En." Han Shu frowned. Such a situation did not occur to her. This is because the people of Qi are responsible for the transportation within Qi. It doesn't seem to be my responsibility.

"Because of the inadequate logistical supply. The western front of the Qi army is in a state of collapse. Many of their soldiers cannot get enough ammunition. The most terrible thing is food. Many people are not full. I don't know if the Qi people are eating. How do you fight when you are full?" the security advisor said in confusion.

"En." Han Shu thinks that this method is difficult to solve, because this is a problem of Qi people, not a problem of Koreans. South Korea has gathered all the materials it can gather and has successfully transported it to the border. As for Qi, just take it away from the border. but. right now. The people of Qi were not able to get it. What is the problem? This makes Han Shu more and more suspicious of what the Chinese people can do.

"I don't know, what else can the people of Qi do?" Han Shu said.

"This." The security adviser was very surprised by the Queen's statement.

"Tell the people of Qin about this matter, and let the people of Qin solve this matter. We'd better not move." Han Shu said after thinking about it for a while.

"What?" The security advisor looked at the queen in surprise.

"Yes, just do it." Han Shu looked at the other side and said.

"Okay. King." The security consultant said at this time. Immediately, the security adviser left. He didn't know why the queen gave such an order. Before, the queen would never give such a hasty order on his own initiative, because the queen had to discuss and think about what should be done in South Korea. However, it suddenly became like this now. The queen changed her previous attitude and adopted a direct order. There is little time to think. Nor did he fully listen to the opinions of the ministers. This makes the security consultant a little confused.

After the security advisor is gone. Han Shu said to herself.

"I am a late striker. The preemptive strike is done by the people of Qin. I only need to follow in the footsteps of the people of Qin. Korea, there is no need to take the lead." Han Shu said leisurely.

After talking with Shang Wen for a while. Han Shu was very satisfied with Shang Wen's approach, and she also began to think about some of her own practices, for example, when she was doing something, especially when she wanted something, the harder she worked. The less you get. There is a big difference between the results and expectations. The people of Qin will not think about the interests of the Koreans, and Qin will take away the things that the Koreans want without mercy. This is unfair to Korea. If this continues for a long time, South Korea will be very disadvantaged.

However, Shang Wen said that it is late-breaking. Han Shu was very inspired by the fact that he used momentum to control others. South Korea's strength was weaker than that of Qin. At this time, South Korea wants to save itself. It is necessary to let the people of Qin people think that South Korea has use value, and such use value is an important factor of existence.

Only if South Korea survives, can South Korea develop and strengthen itself. In order to strengthen itself, South Korea must continue to show weakness, and follow Qin closely, allowing Qin to be at the forefront. South Korea followed closely behind, so that South Korea’s interests could follow Qin’s interests to grow.

Post-production is not only a show of weakness, but also a clever way of borrowing power. After figuring out these links. Han Shu immediately changed his strategy and told Qin Guo about the situation. It is better for Qin Guo to deal with some things. Because some things cannot be resolved by South Korea.

"The prime minister. This is a telegram from South Korea." An assistant quietly walked in and handed it to Meng Yi.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yi asked.

"The telegram said that the Qi people's material reserves are seriously inadequate, and the Qi people can't support it," the assistant said.

"En." Meng Yi took the telegram and glanced at it at this time.

"Why send it to us. Don't the Koreans solve this matter again?" Meng Yi said at this time.

"I don't know. We don't know the specific reasons." The assistant said at this time.

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