After South Korea established its own colony, it immediately used the abundant forestry resources on Treasure Island. They not only used these forestry resources to build colonial houses and other fortifications. Shipyards were also built immediately. The construction of these shipyards supplemented South Korea with a large number of merchant ships and warships. The addition of these ships greatly expanded the development of South Korea's overseas business.

However, South Korea still lacks an effective outlet to the sea. The demand for this outlet is getting closer and closer to South Korea.

"South Korea needs an exit to the sea. The lease of the land has become an important concession area in South Korea." The South Korean military ghostwriter is discussing some details with representatives of Qi.

"En. So what can Qi Guo get?" Qi Guo's representative asked at this time.

"Materials, a large amount of materials. These materials have been gathered on the border of South Korea. As long as you want. You can use them at any time. With these materials, Qi can win many wars." The South Korean representative said at this time.

"En. But this is not the crux of the problem." Qi Guo's representative said.

"Oh. So what's the point?" the South Korean representative said at this time.

"The key is money. Qi State needs a lot of materials, yes, but it also requires a lot of money. Currently, Qi State materials cannot be delivered. A lot of money is needed to buy more weapons and ammunition and expand more armaments. Only in this way can we fight. However, the current Qi State lacks sufficient funds to support this war." Qi State representative said at this time.

"So, what do you mean?" At this time, the South Korean representative asked.

"I hope that you can buy a piece of land in Qi with money. In this way, we have a good guarantee." Representative Qi said at this time.

"I don't know what you mean?" At this time, the South Korean representative shook his head and said.

"I mean?" Representative Qi Guo said at this time.

"You South Korea, if you want, can spend money to buy a piece of land in Qi, as long as you are willing." At this time, the representative of Qi said.

"No. We have already paid for it. Our loans, military assistance, and all kinds of material assistance, but South Korea has not got what it wants, for example, some port cities, none of these. South Korea. There is too much to pay. South Korea will not be paying a penny. South Korea needs to get actual benefits. Only in this way can loans, funds, and other material assistance be obtained." The South Korean representative said at this time.

"En. But..." Representative Qi Guo waved his arm to interrupt.

"No, no. No, but." The South Korean representative waved his arms to stop the other party from speaking at this time.

"No, but, South Korea needs to get these materials. If they can't get them, then South Korea will consider not investing any more, South Korea will choose Chu, and we are also secretly contacting Chu people. Don't forget. Chu also has coastal areas. , We can buy it there. You know, Chu people will definitely consider these.” The South Korean representative said at this time.

"Do you mean that Koreans will consider Chu?" Representative Qi asked at this time.

"Yes. Isn't it possible?" the South Korean representative said threateningly.

"No. You can, but I think it is more wise to cooperate with us." Representative Qi Guo said at this time.

"So, we need to get specific benefits." The South Korean representative looked at each other and said. Qi has not given Korea the benefits that it should have for a long time. At this point, the Koreans are very anxious, because their surface naval forces are rapidly growing, but they do not have a suitable port of call and stay in Qin’s commercial port. It is obviously not a very good way. They need to change this strategy. However, the people of Qi are constantly reaching out for supplies of this kind, but failing to fulfill their promises. This makes the Koreans feel very annoyed, so the Queen Ordered that if the people of Qi did not abide by their promises, then South Korea would instead sell these materials to the country of Chu, so that the people of Chu would get the necessary weapons and equipment to expand their armaments to attack Qi.

This is a threat, a naked threat, which requires Qi to make the necessary preparations.

"This, we need to discuss some." Representative Qi Guo said at this time.

"En. Yes, but we can't wait." The South Korean representative looked at each other and said.

"En. We will give you a reply in time." Representative Qi Guo said at this time.

Qi will be under great pressure from South Korea. The Koreans are very dissatisfied with Qi's actions. As a last resort, such measures were taken.

"South Korea is aggressive," Tian Heng said.

"We are extremely passive in the negotiation." Tian Heng continued.

"Lord, we must give Korea something substantial. Only in this way can Qi country comfort South Korea. Continue to get the necessary supplies from Korea." said a counselor.

"En." Tian Heng said.

"But. None of these kings have given us power. Not only that, cede land, such a strategy, will have a great impact on us. We must consider this point clearly." Tian Heng said at this time.

"Master, I have a plan." At this time, the counselor said.

"Oh. Come and listen." Tian Heng asked curiously at this time.

"We can cede Langya to the Koreans. Anyway, that place is now occupied by Chu people, and we cannot control that place. If Koreans want to get Langya, they must fight the Chu people. In this way, we will If we can pull the Koreans into the water, we will have a reliable ally. In this way, we can fight against the Chu people." The counselor said at this time.

"It's just that a Langya. It is to cede the land of Qi State, which may be opposed by those noble ministers." Tian Heng said scrupulously.

"No. No. They definitely won't agree." Tian Heng shook his head and said.

"My lord, I will agree. Just say, send Langya to South Korea. In order to get Langya, South Korea will inevitably go to war with the Chu army. In this way, Qi and South Korea can concentrate their forces against the Chu army. My Qi will be saved. The lord must be saved. It is necessary to repeatedly emphasize this point. After the king heard this, perhaps because of this point, he immediately agreed. Therefore, the lord must give the other party such benefits." The counselor said anxiously.

"En. Then give it a try. Give the South Korean representative such a reply immediately, and this matter will definitely come true." Tian Heng listened to the counselor's explanation. This determination was immediately made. Because Tian Heng knew well that Qi army alone could not repel the Chu army’s offensive. Only at this time, when the new South Korean army joins in, can the Qi army be supplemented by a new force. With the supplement of such a new force, can the Qi army be supplemented. Quickly defeated the Chu army.

"Langya, we decided to give it to Langya, South Korea. If necessary, we can set up a Langya County for you." Representative Qi Guo said while looking at the South Korean representative.

"Langya?" the South Korean representative asked at this time.

"Yes. It's Langya." Representative Qi Guo said affirmatively.

"If I remember correctly, you Qi Jun has already lost that place. Why did you give it to us where you lost it. This obviously makes us unhappy." The South Korean representative said frankly.

"To be honest, we have fully considered it. We found that within our current control range, there is no important port city for you. Therefore, we can only send Langya to you. This is our sincerity. "The representative of Qi Guo looked at the representative of South Korea and said.

The South Korean representative twitched his mouth at this time, and he had nothing to say. This is because Qi State’s approach is the same as when Qin State occupied the wild king, South Korea gave this enclave to Zhao State for the same purpose. This approach is nothing more than to make full use of what has been lost. Since he couldn't resist a powerful enemy, he ceded what was about to be lost to another powerful enemy. Fighting between two enemies will allow you to survive.

The South Korean representative saw the other side's strategy at a glance. There is no place in Qi country, why not cede Jimo City to South Korea. Obviously the other party has a purpose. And this purpose is very obvious.

South Korean representatives also hurriedly left. He wants to send such content to South Korea in the form of telegram.

"The people of Qi are trying to drag us into a war." Han Shu scolded very angrily after seeing such a telegram.

"Master." This time. Zhang Liang said from the side.

"This strategy. It's the same as my first king sent to the party in Zhao Guo." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Widow understand. This Qi countryman clearly wants to drag me South Korea into the Qi-Chu war." Han Shu said angrily.

"En. But if South Korea does not take it, it may fall into a lost profit." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"En." Han Shu said angrily.

"My lord, why don't we transport the people of Qi to Langya, let them attack from the sea, and then capture Langya, then we will take Langya from the people of Qi, so that we can get Langya in Korea." The security consultant on the side put forward such a bold idea.

"En. That's a good idea." Han Shu cried out in surprise, because in this way, Koreans don't have to participate in the war. It was Qi people who participated in the war. And he finally got Langya from Qi people. This is obviously very beneficial to South Korea.

"This idea is very good. Very good." Han Shu thought of this and praised it.

"Just, do the people of Qi agree?" Zhang Liang asked.

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