"Qi people are hateful." Han Shu was very dissatisfied with Qiguo's actions. In doing this, Qi is to drag South Korea into the war, but South Korea cannot be involved in it at this time. South Korea can lease its warships to the other side, but it will never drag itself into the war.

"This idea is very good, but can Qi state send forces to fight. Qi state is already very dangerous at this time." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Qi is exhausted. If at this time, let Qi send troops to attack and fight, I am afraid it will be very difficult." Zhang Liang rationally analyzed.

"As a result, Qi will be unable to send troops to take down Langya?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang said affirmatively. Han Shu frowned after listening.

"What should I do about this?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"Chen believes that one word is understandable." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Oh. What's the word?" Han Shu asked.

"Drag." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"We can wait until the people of Qi have regained Langya, and then ask for Langya, but we have to sign the contract as soon as possible. After signing the contract, it is our business to accept, and we can give the material replenishment, but the follow-up assistance, we all To stop, it is necessary for the people of Qi to figure it out." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded in satisfaction. Obviously, she herself is very satisfied with such a strategy.

"In this way, South Korea will take the initiative, South Korea can assist, but must accept the post of Langya. And Qi, it is impossible to bear the recovery of Langya to get the supplies. That's it." Han Shu analyzed it again. Said.

Everyone nodded.

Qin State Xianyang.

"There are many things now. This makes us feel very pressured. The country is undergoing rectification, and Zhao is in riots. And there is no way to improve. The war in Qi has dragged the two countries of Qi and Chu into the country. During the war, the consumption of the two countries is getting more and more serious." Meng Yi's assistant explained to him.

"We are still busy with our own affairs. There are still a lot of things in Qi State. The construction of railways and roads are enough to bother us. Moreover, the problem is this. Who is the right to benefit from this railway and highway? All. These are all diplomatic issues. We can't just build this railway and highway, and whoever owns the right to make money behind." Meng Yi said worriedly.

Meng Yi accurately pointed out the crux of the problem. There is no problem with building a railway. However, after the construction of this railway, how to deal with the right of income of the railway and the highway is the most important thing. Because there is a cost to repair the railway. This time the railway construction is to use the capital of the enterprise to participate in it. If the capital cannot be recovered at the cost, or there is no safety at all, presumably, even if the people of Qin want to build it, I am afraid it will be difficult to build successfully. Without funds, it is difficult to start.

"We can talk to South Korea, Wei Guo. Try to let the people of Qi also participate in it." The assistant suggested at this time.

"En. I think it should be okay." Meng Yi nodded at this moment.

"I'm going to the palace. I'm going to report this matter to the king." Meng Yi continued.

"There should be nothing wrong?" Meng Yi asked next.

"En. The Chu State Navy recently occupied Changsha City. I don't know what the Chu State Council is doing. Moreover, our special envoy seems to be coming soon." Meng Yi's assistant continued.

"These are not major events for the time being," Meng Yi said.

Meng Yi's office car immediately entered the dedicated parking lot outside the gate of Xianyang Palace. Then get out of the car to meet King Qin.

In Chu State, the nobles of Chu State are nervously discussing the outcome of the war on the front line.

"Chu Army's progress is extremely slow." An old nobleman said as if nothing had happened while sitting there.

"En." Another nobleman nodded and said.

"You are talking. This war has consumed a lot of money and food. There is still no sign of ending." A middle-aged nobleman stood up anxiously and said.

"How to fight, the people of Qi are fixed on where they live, and they won't move at all." The old nobleman knew in his heart that it would cost a lot for Chu to win such a war. So he was thinking about how to withdraw from this war honourably. He didn't want to fight anymore. Because the money spent does not get the capital at all.

"Linzi, as long as we take Linzi. Cut off the main logistics supply line of the Qi army on the east front, we can get Qi State. At that time, Qi State didn't need to fight, we could take it down by ourselves." The middle-aged nobleman waved his arm. Shouted loudly.

"Where does the money and food come from?" At this time, the old nobleman asked softly. Although it was soft, it was enough to make everyone feel the pressure.

"This." The middle-aged nobleman heard such a question. Completely speechless.

After some silence. A nobleman put forward this view.

"Taxed from the private sector. Taxes are not very high now. We should raise taxes and there should be no problem, or set up checkpoints in the Yangtze River area. In this way, we can get more taxes to support the war between China and China." The nobleman suggested.

"Not bad." The middle-aged nobleman said at this time.

The old nobleman said nothing at this time. It seems to have acquiesced to do so. In fact, the nobles were unwilling to take out their property to fight this war. In the beginning, everyone just went for the gold of Qi. But now, no one has seen the gold recovered. Therefore, everyone did not pay any more. Instead, they gave the war to the country and let the country clean up the mess. They don’t want to pay a penny to support this war. The current expenditure of this war needs the support of the state. This battle is fought.

This is the situation facing Chu State. The war has shown a state of war of attrition. The nobles have realized this, this war will consume a lot of money. The money will quickly reduce Chu's disposable fiscal expenditure. In this situation. The Chu State can only raise taxes to support this war, which will undoubtedly cause serious disasters to Chu State.

However, in this period, the Chu country was a little calmer.

With the rapid expansion of Qin's trade with Chu, the import of some important agricultural raw materials made Chu quickly prosperous.

Because there is no cotton at this time. The discovery of cotton can only be found on the Indian peninsula. At this time, people used blended fabrics. That is, a blend of plush and linen. Most people in Qin are like this, but with the rapid improvement of Qin's living standards, people have begun to choose expensive silk for blending or the use of a single fabric. It's not just the State of Qin. The same is true in South Korea, with increasing private demand. The output of silk cannot keep up with demand. The price of silk rose rapidly. Qin Guo Futures Market is considering whether to include silk in futures trading, because only in this way can the price of silk stabilize.

The huge demand for silk greatly stimulated the production of Chu people. The people of Chu began to expand the production of silk with hope. Some agricultural areas have given up growing food on a large scale. Turned to raising silkworms.

In addition to the demand for silk. The demand for tea is also huge. People's demand for drinks is getting higher and higher quality. Especially the demand for tea. Before, tea drinking was a necessity for the nobility and the upper class, but after the improvement of people's quality of life. People's demand for tea has also expanded rapidly, but the tea in this period has not been quickly popularized, and the output of tea is also very limited. The limited supply has stimulated the rapid rise of tea prices. The trade between Qin State and Chu State began to balance gradually at this time.

Qin's exports are industrial products. Mainly in mechanical aspects, such as steam engines, boiler equipment, etc. There is munitions. South Korea exports a large amount of light industrial products, ready-made clothing, hardware, and furniture. The two countries continue to trade with Chu. The people of Qin Kingdom began to use gold coins in foreign trade, because gold coins could be traded quickly. Although it is very troublesome, it can be quickly started in the transaction.

South Korea is also actively launching transactions, but most of them are large-scale transactions. They support locals, find agents, and then achieve business in this way. The main trade species of Chu people is slaves. Rice, silk, tea, and various primitive mines. However, in these trades, the Chu people gradually began to gain the upper hand, especially in the agricultural field. Because of the unique climate and geographical factors, the Chu people had a monopoly on some special varieties.

In addition to these monopoly factors, there is also the monopolistic operation of the nobles. Almost all commercial projects that can generate significant benefits, the nobles of Chu have a monopoly. They monopolize the mining of minerals, and they contract the entire mine. . No one can mine.

The nobles also gathered a large amount of land, and the concentration of these land was getting higher and higher. The nobles saw that commercial varieties could make a lot of money, so they quickly expanded the scale of production on these lands.

In contrast, few people have the ability to carry out such a large production. To a certain extent, the monopoly production of the aristocracy meets this demand, and the monopoly production of the aristocracy also solves the employment problem of some people, but relatively speaking, the monopoly production of the aristocracy does not make much contribution. On the contrary, his existence, It has already caused more unemployment in Chu State. If it were not for the rapid development of the maritime industry, there would have been a larger-scale riot in Chu State.

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