The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1478: Purely violent war

"Swish." The cannonball flew out with a sharp whistling. To the lieutenant colonel's surprise, the artillery shells fell among the Xianbei's leading soldiers.

"Wow." A large group of Xianbei soldiers were knocked to the ground.

"Oh. These **** Xianbei artillery, the shells are actually hitting their own people, let them raise their guns." Qin State Army Lieutenant Colonel shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." The Lieutenant Colonel just finished shouting. The mountain people on the opposite side reacted immediately.

At first they were jealous of the weapons made by the Xianbei people. They didn't know what **** they had invited, and they made a thunderous sound, but then they saw a big ball flying over, killing many Xianbei people. They boiled all at once. They thought that they had the help of the gods, so they ignored the orders. The attack was launched immediately.

In fact, the mountain people don't know how to fight at all. For them, fighting is a gang fight. To start a war is to fight the opponent desperately.

As a result, the mountain people boiled over. They immediately began to attack the Xianbei people.

"The mountain people have attacked." The businessman from Qin State cried out in surprise at this time. This was a big surprise to him, because according to his understanding, those artillery shells should hit the mountain people at this time, causing serious losses to the mountain people, but now, the situation is very unfavorable for him. This was far beyond his expectation.

"What should we do?" The businessman asked anxiously at this time. Because if the Xianbei failed, he would not be able to get enough spoils. Those trophies are his merchandise. Without commodities, there is no profit to talk about. This is too important to him.

"I don't know, these Xianbei people." The lieutenant colonel cursed loudly.

"Hurry up, let the Xianbei raise the muzzle of the artillery, so that the infantry can immediately suppress the opponent with the musket in their hands." The army lieutenant colonel shouted loudly at this time.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) Their shouts were deafening.

"I don't know if these Xianbei people can withstand it." This time. Qin State businessman looked at the lieutenant colonel and said.

"I don't know." The lieutenant colonel was also worried at this time, because it was a very serious matter to morale that the artillery hit his own person. It is impossible for Xianbei people to operate artillery proficiently in a short period of time. This is very clear to the Qin Army Lieutenant Colonel. But it is such a situation.

The artillery of the Xianbei people is being adjusted. The one who killed the leader of the kind, slashed and killed a gunner very irritably. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Then he kicked one down, apparently after the cannonball hit his body. No one wants to see it.

"Bang bang bang bang." The leader was scolding his gunner, and the mountain people had already been at war with the Xianbei at this time.

The first contact was the musketeer of Xianbei. At a certain distance, the musketeer of the Xianbei began to aim at the enemies that were approaching quickly. At this time, the archers of the mountain people had replaced them with stone axes for combat. Both sides will engage in short-sold combat. Obviously the role of the stone axe is far more useful than the bow and arrow.

"Ah. Puff." The bullets flying indiscriminately knocked down the mountain people who were quickly approaching the battle. At this time, the Qin people's training worked slightly. The non-commissioned officers and officers of the Qin Army repeatedly emphasized discipline and told those Xianbei people not to move under any circumstances. Then shoot leisurely. In order to induce those Xianbei people to develop the habit of obeying orders, they also deliberately exchanged some items, such as mirrors, which are the favorite things of Xianbei women, as well as some clothes and salt. Wait, as long as you can follow the orders. Qin Jun’s instructors will give them on the spot. Because Xianbei people value what happened on the spot very much.

"The Xianbei people in the central government are quite familiar." Lieutenant Colonel Qin State Army commented at this time.

"This is a member of the main tribe of the Xianbei people. They have all accepted the Qin Jun's professor. Therefore, they can fight like Qin Jun." At this time, the merchants of Qin State saw the mountain people rushing to the front being knocked down by muskets. On the ground. At this time, my heart began to have a bottom.

"En. Very good." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said at this time.

"However. The fighting on the two wings is really worrying." The lieutenant colonel looked at the Xianbei on the two wings at this time, and their situation was completely in a state of fighting. Soldiers from both sides fought together. In a one-on-one matchup, the two sides reached a stalemate. The Xianbei, who are not dominant in number, have the upper hand in weapons. But the bravery of the two offset each other. The mountain people and the Xianbei people are equally brave, and both are militant peoples.

However, in the center, most of the elite Xianbei troops use muskets. The musket firing of the elite troops took turns. This caused the mountain people to make a very poor breakthrough in the central breakthrough. As long as a small number of people approached each other, the rest did not approach each other. They were still suppressed by the opponent's musket.

"This is not a war at all. The war can be fought like this. This group of barbarians." Lieutenant Colonel Qin Jun felt very disdainful and even annoyed at the fighting between the two sides. The two sides had no tactics to be praised at all, it was completely barbaric. The way people fight in groups.

"Boom." At this moment. The artillery fired again.

After the lieutenant colonel heard the artillery fired again. I was very surprised, because the two-shot soldiers were all mixed together at this time. Looking at the shooting at this time, it was the practice of killing even their own people.

"Oh. Ah." The shell quickly got a response. The cannonball flew a little farther, close to the back team of the mountain people, and the crowded mountain people were knocked down by the flying cannonballs. Then the solid shell flew out. Nothing is accurate.

"Huh." The lieutenant colonel would be frightened by such a battle.

"Boom. Boom." But then there was a continuous sound of rumbling cannons. Obviously, the Xianbei were firing weapons in their hands regardless of everything.

"Wow." Cannonballs kept coming, shooting those who were running fast, they didn't care about it at all.

"Wow." A large group of mountain people was knocked to the ground. Most of them are people in the back team.

"Ooo, ooo." It was at this time. There was a lot of chaos in the back team of the mountain people.

Some people who were scared by the cannon began to leave the battlefield. Some people tried to stop them, but the situation was getting worse and worse.

However, the two militant nations seem to pay little attention to this point. Especially mountain people, they always look forward. They don’t seem to value the people in the back team that way, because the timid and cowardly people are always behind, and the brave and combative warriors are the strongest. .

"Boom." Sporadic gunfire sounded. The Xianbei and the mountainous troops fought against each other in the center. Because of the close combat, the Xianbei rarely fired. It was obviously too late to reload the bullets at this time. The two fighters fought together.

"Huh." Seeing this situation, the lieutenant colonel couldn't stand it anymore.

The brave Xianbei used and wielded a flintlock to knock down a mountain man, while the other mountain threw a stone axe at the opponent, and the axe hit a Xianbei man. And the mountain man who threw the stone axe rushed over to fight with the opponent at this time, and the two sides suddenly formed a chaotic situation.

War is an art, an art of violence, but in such a battle, it is pure violence, and there is no art in it. The soldiers on both sides rely on brute force to fight with their own courage. No, maybe I can't even call a war.

"Boom." At this moment the cannon made a rumble of cannons. The shells continued to fall on the rear team of the mountain people. The mountain people on the rear team were repeatedly hit to the ground. But the attack ahead is still going on. Going stalemately, this is the state of war between the two sides.

The rumble of artillery still rang, and the artillery was still hitting the mountain people's rear team, but the mountain people seemed not afraid, and continued to hit the front line. The two sides are totally in a posture of you coming and me.

The battle fought from morning to afternoon. The lieutenant colonel almost sat on the battlefield after watching the battle,

The final result is that both the Xianbei and the mountain people have suffered a lot. Blood is everywhere on the battlefield, and there are corpses everywhere. The wailing wounded were brutally killed by the weapons in the hands of the Xianbei. Wounded prisoners of war are of no use, and the other side will not have mercy on the other side's wounded.

The Xianbei people took advantage of their firearms to slightly overwhelm the mountain people. Because of the constant shooting, they caused a lot of psychological pressure on the opponent, and the shooting effect of the firearm caused a lot of casualties.

Finally faced with huge casualties and exhausted mountain people finally withdrew from the battle. However, the Xianbei people also paid a certain price, but the war still did not resolve the territorial issue between the two sides.

"This war is pure violence. It doesn't mean anything." This is how the lieutenant colonel commented on the war.

A meaningless war is going on in the north. The South is also undergoing quiet changes.

"Has the goods we want arrived?" The Captain of the Guns on the Dongzhou colony asked anxiously an arms dealer from the State of Chu.

"Come here. It went smoothly. No pirates were encountered along the way. If you encounter pirates, I think the arms will be over." The arms dealer said at this time.

"Oh. Very good." Captain Muskete said anxiously.

"How many cannons are there?" Captain Muskete asked at this time.

"En. There are about twenty doors, but they all need to be assembled. It will take some time. I also invited a retired artillery officer from the State of Qin. He will teach you how to use artillery. He is an artillery expert." Said the businessman.

"En. This is great. We finally have our own cannon." The Musketeer captain said excitedly.

"Quickly unload the ship, we want to see our cannon." This time. Captain Muskete shouted loudly.

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