The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1479: Qin Guoren's tax case

The militiamen of the colony received a generous sum of money from the parliament to purchase armaments in order to enhance the security of the colony. The threat of the colony was not only from the Vietnamese offensive on the land, but also to prevent pirates from attacking from the sea. The latter threat has become more and more serious.

Because the pirates are equipped with a large number of artillery, the existence of these artillery has created a serious threat to the colony. This threat has always existed. The colony has no choice but to choose measures to safeguard its own security. This is an important reason why they bought the artillery.

This is the function of the arms race. What promotes this arms race is Qin’s developed military production. Qin’s arsenal does not produce advanced artillery, machine guns, and rifles, but a large number of cheap flintlocks, firing guns, or trap rifles and artillery. It is also an old-fashioned bronze artillery. The export volume of steel cannons is very small. Although his accuracy is very high, with six left-handed rifling on the inner wall, the price is too expensive for the pirates and the Chu State navy. They simply can't afford it, what they want is. Inexpensive, large number of smoothbore guns. These artillery need to form an overwhelming advantage in terms of quantity, and at this time, neither party has much money, and the purchaser's purchasing power is very limited. With limited purchasing power, Qin's arsenal can only produce these cheap artillery and export weapons.

Insufficient purchasing power is the reason why many armies are still equipped with flintlock and smoothbore guns during this period. The purchasing power of the Warring States at this period is still in an era of backward and low production and an important turning point in an era of great change. . At the intersection of such an era, where to go has become an important choice. In this era, only by following the trend of history can a country rise rapidly.

In Changsha City, Xiang Yan is quickly operating Changsha City with the help of Qin State Bank.

"What does this announcement say?" a farmer in Changsha asked at this time.

"Oh. The above said, what reforms are going to be made in Changsha City." A person who knows Chinese characters said. However, he himself couldn't figure out the specific reforms.

"Reform? What to change?" the farmer asked very concerned.

"I don't know what to change, what to say, to reform the tolls of merchant ships, this toll will have to gather a lot of merchants to negotiate. However, there is one above that is beneficial to you." The person who knows the word said.

"What's the advantage?" the farmer asked very caringly at this time.

"You don't seem to have to pay taxes anymore," said the literate man.

"What?" the farmer cried out in surprise.

"Yeah. That's what it says above. You don't have to pay taxes, but those who have a lot of land must pay taxes." The person who knew the word said at this time.

"That's great. I can feed my children without paying taxes." The farmer left happily.

The literate person looked at the announcement on the wall in a puzzled way.

After the Chu State Navy occupied Changsha City, it quickly took over the entire Changsha City, but the actual control of Changsha was still in the hands of the local nobles. Although the main nobles were dealt with by Xiang Yan. However, other local nobles still exist, and these nobles do not have to pay taxes. Xiang Yan's toll alone is obviously not enough.

Qin State Bank is also very worried about this. In order to raise the funds they released as soon as possible, they can only let the Chu State navy army take tax-targeted actions against the local nobles in Changsha.

According to the truth, the concentration of land and commercial operation is a very correct thing. Because the future trend is like this, however, the local nobles in Changsha have a lot of land in their hands. Their operations on the land are almost similar to those of Qin's farms. They are all commercial crops, such as hemp, mulberry, and so on. And food, except for rice, is rarely produced. As a result, there will be problems with Chu's food supply. Especially the army, the army’s demand for food is very large. At this time, the local area does not grow food, which cannot effectively guarantee the supply of military rations.

Not only that. High concentration of land. This has caused a lot of social problems. Many people have no land or even any source of income. This is equivalent to a long-term wandering and unemployed state of many people who do not work. This is a serious social resource. Waste, if these people have jobs and sources, it will generate a lot of fiscal and tax revenue. Qin Guo Bank has a clear understanding of this, but the question is how to get these people to work.

Qin State Bank has conducted in-depth research on the issue of Chu State, and they have to do in-depth research. Because their loan target is Chu's navy, the Chu navy has no source, and they have to follow no income.

"Chu's tax revenue comes from only a small group of people. It is a miracle that such a large country and such a dense population rely on only a small number of people to pay taxes for maintenance." Qin State Bank investigated Chu. After the situation in the country, I sighed.

This is the actual situation in the Chu country. This country is very loose and loose. The gathering of power was very slow. This is why the State of Chu was defeated by the State of Qin, and after the reunification of the State of Qin, the State of Chu was so fast in destroying Qin. This may be the important reason.

The country of Chu is very large. The power seems to be great, but the part used for war is very small, and the support for the operation of this country is only dependent on some people, because this country has a huge noble system, these nobles are complicated and intertwined with each other. . The new aristocracy and the old aristocracy collude, and after the two parties collude, they will have new goals. They mainly squeeze the state power of the Chu state. They can obtain a considerable fief from the Chu state, and the taxes in these fiefdoms, except for part of the taxes Except for the country, everything else is its own. In other words, the country of Chu is equivalent to the union of many independent small countries. On the surface, they are a country, but in fact, in terms of taxation, they are quite independent. . Because most of the taxes went into the pockets of these nobles, and those groups who paid taxes had to pay not only the state but also the nobles. This resulted in double taxation and repeated taxation, which led to the Chu people. Poverty and weakness occur. The people of Chu did not have much affection for the country, the reason was that they levied taxes too hard.

This can be demonstrated in terms of combat effectiveness. The people of Chu are brave in combat, but because the state is taxing too much, naturally there will be no hope for the country.

This is the reason why the Chu State is not strong in combat power. At present, Chu State has to levy taxes, especially these taxes to a large extent, to repay Qin State's debts as soon as possible. The people of Qin State believe that it is obviously very unreasonable to levy taxes on those weak taxing groups. Because those people are likely to cause turbulent social problems. This issue will further destroy the economic entities of Chu State. Therefore, after some research, the people of Qin State decided to change the tax target to the richest and most wealthy Chu aristocrats.

The nobles of the Chu Kingdom own a lot of land and various mineral resources. They have a lot of wealth in their hands, which comes from the income of their fiefdoms.

Not only these, they did not have to pay taxes in previous national taxes, and this alone will leave them with a large amount of expenditure. Moreover, nobles enjoyed various privileges. Such rights naturally make them rich, and the people become poorer and poorer as a result.

In the face of such a state of Chu, the people of Qin State formulated a taxation plan, first of which was to levy taxes on the wealthiest nobles and levy them in accordance with the strictest tax standards.

Qin Guoren decided to adopt the method of accumulative taxation and asked the other party to declare his property in this way. According to the amount of property, some stalls are prescribed, and after a certain stall is exceeded, taxes will be levied based on the next stall. In this way, the nobles with more wealth will pay more taxes, which is almost squeezing the other's wealth.

This is the nobility, for merchants, especially those merchant ships that rely on merchant ships to sail. Qin State Bank believes that it should be as lenient as possible for them, and a five-point tax is enough for them. This can greatly stimulate them to sail, but before that, they have to register and register past merchant ships. This is not only convenient for paying taxes, but more importantly. Also conducive to management. Especially to guard against the past of pirate ships, the people of Qin found that most of Chu's ships did not have names. As a result, it was easy to have double taxation in the payment of taxes. Registration can prevent this from happening. Moreover, it is convenient for the management of Chu State merchant ships, after all, this is within the jurisdiction of Chu State navy management.

Merchants are a special group, and those farmers, or manual workers, their ability is relatively weak. Repeated taxation and heavy taxation have seriously harmed the interests of these people.

In this regard, the Qin people believe that they should be protected and let them recover first. Only in this way can they expand a greater taxation space. In this regard, in the tax bill formulated by the Qin people, this person is included in the scope of not paying taxes. , In this way, their burden is much easier. In order to allow them to recover more quickly, and then increase their purchasing power, this is of great benefit to Qin's commodity market development.

This tax case is good for most of the people, but it is bad news for the nobles. They who did not have to pay taxes are now required to pay quite heavy taxes. This is not good news. They are going to pay taxes. Never before.

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