But the son Zhao Jia did not agree. Obviously, Zhao Jia also had to consider his own interests. Thinking of this, the counselor stopped saying anything. Zhao’s current problem is whether the nobles’ vision is long-term. If Zhao’s nobles have a long-term vision, they will make bold adjustments at this time. The nobility should also be included in the scope of taxation.

Nobles, in the Warring States Period, were the country’s decision-making tier and the backbone of a country, because they held power and wealth. They give priority to all kinds of social resources, but if the development of a country is strong, it has a lot to do with them, and if the nobles have the intention of revitalizing, then the country will rise rapidly.

If the nobles have no intention of revitalizing, then they will not be able to make this country rise quickly. On the contrary, their priority is not the country, but the interests of the individual. This is the difference between long-term and short-term vision.

"Does it still hurt?" Mo Li sat on the carriage and looked at Shang Wen, who was covering her left face. Shang Wen was covering the left half of his face with a towel wrapped in ice cubes.

"It hurts. It hurts terribly." Shang Wen gritted his teeth and said.

"En. That's right." Mo Li said contentedly at this time.

Shang Wen could only cover his left half of his face and think about what happened before. Shang Wen and Mo Li slept all night in a muddle, and didn't know what was wrong. Shang Wen actually hugged Mo Li, waiting for the next morning to wake up. Shang Wen only felt pain on the left half of his face.

Shang Wen was in terrible pain. Later Shang Wen learned. Mo Li was very angry and gave Shang Wen a mouth. There were four fingerprints on the left half of Shang Wen's face. Mo Li used quite a lot of force. Shangwen looked at the fingerprints in the mirror and could only accept all this reluctantly.

"I think this is what I deserve." Shang Wen said with a smile.

"En." Mo Li smiled and looked at Shang Wen.

"Okay. I want to find it myself." Shang Wen said.

"I don't have the face to see people outside." Shang Wen said.

"I can't control these. Didn't you say that I am just your bodyguard?" Mo Li said slyly.

"En. You are very competent." Shang Wen continued.

"When will we reach Qi State?" Mo Li asked at this time.

"I don't know, I think it will be soon. The Koreans have established their own stronghold there, and we can get there. It is very safe," Shang Wen said.

"The cooperation between the Qi and the Koreans is very happy. Both sides have a lot of similarities. We don't have to worry about this. Moreover, we have the protection of the new Korean army. Their combat effectiveness is not average. I think our security is greatly protected "Shang Wen continued.

"We can also see what happened in Qi." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I think those Koreans should understand Qi." Shangwen said at this time.

"The people of Qi can only understand the people of Qi on their own. It is better for you to see some things yourself." Mo Li said at this time.

"Well, I understand." Shang Wen nodded.

"But now like this, how should I see Qi people?" Shang Wen said, covering his left half of his face.

Mo Li just said with a slight smile.

"The current Qin State's diplomacy will handle many things." Meng Yi and King Qin said.

"The first thing we have to deal with is the problem in the direction of Qi." Meng Yi continued.

"To solve the Qi problem, we must follow the South Korean problem." Meng Yi continued.

"The diplomatic relationship is too complicated. I can't cope with it." Meng Yi said frankly at this time.

"En." King Qin did not blame Meng Yi, because Meng Yi still has a lot of things to experience, and then grow up. After all, Meng Yi belongs to the younger generation, and what they need is hardening. Is growth.

"What else?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Qi, Wei, South Korea, Chu. The relationship between these four countries is very delicate. I don't know how to use it." Meng Yi said.

"It's not just these." Meng Yi continued.

"Zhao's situation is also unfavorable. The current economic closeness is very strong. We found that Zhao and Qin are entering an inseparable era." Meng Yi continued.

"Most of our coal comes from Zhao State. The cheap coal in Zhao State allows our economy to develop rapidly, but if the other party stops supplying it, then our economy will be in big trouble." Meng Yi continued.

"It's not just that." Meng Yi continued.

"We are also gradually interfering in Zhao's internal affairs. We must urge them to solve their own internal problems as soon as possible. If they can't be solved, our coal problem cannot be solved. That is to say, Qin and Zhao are close Connect." Meng Yi continued.

"I thought about the relationship between Qin State and Zhao State carefully." Meng Yi then said his thoughts.

"Qin has no way to use force to solve the problem. It's not just that Qin is unable to use force to solve the problem now, but Qin's mobile forces have been transferred away." Meng Yi said.

"Another important point is that if Qin uses force to solve the problem, a serious problem will arise, that is, the problem of coal supply cannot be solved quickly. Qin's coal mines need to be integrated, which takes time. Only integration Only after the completion can the production be increased rapidly." Meng Yi continued.

"En." King Qin just nodded and said nothing. Just let the other person go on to say his own opinion.

"The problems Qin has encountered now are more and more complex than those encountered at any time before. Especially those urgent problems, if they cannot be properly resolved, they will cause very serious internal emergency problems in Qin. "Meng Yi said.

"These were mentioned repeatedly to the widows by the prime minister before." King Qin continued.

"Prime Minister Shang Wen said. The problems we will encounter in the future are much more complicated than our previous planning. The use of force can sometimes make this problem simple, but sometimes it will only Upgrade to a more complex level." King Qin said to Meng Yi.

"This also prevents the State of Qin from using the force in his hands at will." King Qin continued to say to Meng Yi.

"En. It's a pity. Prime Minister Shang Wen is not here. If he is, it can explain some of the connections. Now Qin can't live without Prime Minister Shang Wen. Prime Minister Shang Wen is too important to Qin." Meng Yi continued.

"En. See him as soon as possible. Qin State needs him now." King Qin said at this time.

However, it is still very difficult for Qin State to find Shangwen, because they have no way to start, and they don't know how to trace the Mo family who have come and gone without a trace.

"We can't raise enough military expenses to start war with pirates now." Xiang Liang said worriedly. The Chu State Navy did not have enough funds to purchase their logistical supplies, and Shangzhou should have provided them. However, Shangzhou was very dissatisfied with the performance of Chu's navy, and letting Chu's navy stay here temporarily was already a guarantee to the best of his ability. Regarding the next request of the Chu State Navy, they felt that they could not meet it.

"Without sufficient military expenditure, how can our logistics be solved?" a captain asked anxiously.

"Pirate fighting is difficult. If the firepower of pirates is greater than ours, how should we fight?" another captain asked.

"En. I would know that there are many difficulties in fighting against pirates. But don't forget. If the pirates can't be defeated. Then Chu's navy will never get sufficient military expenditure. Only if the army has sufficient combat power can it be sufficient. Without these, the military expenses of the army are exempt from discussion." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"I have decided to go to war against the pirates." Xiang Liang said after thinking about it.

For Chu's naval forces to grow, they must fight against pirates. The duty of the naval forces is to protect the safety of the waterways. At this time, the existence of pirates severely hindered the safety of the channel. Therefore, Chu's navy went to war with pirates, and it was his duty to fight against pirates.

At the same time, the presence of pirates can exercise the water warfare capabilities of the Chu navy, because the pirates have experienced more battles than the Chu navy. If Chu's navy could not even defeat the opponent, then it would be difficult to deploy much at sea. This is a kind of exercise for the Chu State Navy.

After figuring out this section. Xiang Liang decided to go to war with the pirates. And the battle must be resolved as soon as possible.

The farther coastal line in the south. The pioneers of Chu are facing a severe battle.

"Woo." The elephant's neighing sound came from deep in the jungle.

"Gudong." The pioneers of Chu Kingdom who came to explore here swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The hot climate in the south made their mouths dry.

"We seem to have encountered an elephant. Can our musket kill each other?" a Chu pioneer asked cautiously.

"Yes. All things will be killed as long as they are touched. This thing can kill even the fiercest wolves. There should be no problem." said a Chu pioneer commander.

"Huh." Hearing these words, the Blazers exhaled deeply.

With the beginning of the taxation of Chu's navy, more and more Chu people went south to find a way to survive. The original pioneers began to seldom accept the new ones, and the new ones could only go south to find a new colony. They came to the South with hope and hope for the future. They hope to have their own piece of land and their own home. There is no need to pay heavy taxes, and your next generation can continue to multiply here.

The pioneers who were full of longing for them continued to travel south by boat, and they had reached the vicinity of present-day Vietnam along the coastline. The hot climate here attracts them. They believe that growing rice here will make their offspring have no worries about food and clothing, but they have to solve a problem before that is the offensive of the local barbarian tribes. The barbarians are full of hostility towards these newcomers.

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