The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1482: Emergency summit

"They seem to be getting closer." At this time, a pioneer said nervously.

"This situation is very unfavorable to us, I think we should come all at once." The Blazers said.

"Okay, let's do it like this." The Trailblazer commander was actually very nervous inside, and they didn't know what kind of situation they were going to face. Although the commander of the Blazers is nominally the commander of the entire Blazers, in fact, he does not have much commanding experience in the battlefield. This situation is already a very big scene for him.

"Shoot, I said shoot. Hurry up and shoot." The Trailblazer commander shouted loudly.

"Bang, bang, bang. Bang. Bang." The gunshots kept ringing. Many pioneers shoot into the depths of the jungle before they can see what their enemy looks like. They continue to shoot regardless of whether the enemy is hit or not.

"Boom." "Boom." The Blazers were also very nervous. They kept shooting. Only by shooting can their inner fear be slightly reduced. They don't know what they are going to face. enemy. Only shooting can solve such problems.

After a random shot. There was a lot of movement deep in the jungle, the neighing of elephants. And the constant noise, but these pioneers have no time to take care of it. They are all loading bullets and shooting lifelessly. They hope that the other side can retreat.

In this way, they persisted for a long time. Until the depths of the jungle, no movement came to the future.

"You said, are they still there?" a trailblazer asked.

"I don't know. What I know is that we can't shoot now. The barrels are hot." said a slightly older trailblazer.

"En. I know." The pioneer said. In this way, a group of pioneers closely watched the situation in the jungle, and they didn't know what happened in the jungle. What they know is that they are safe now. At the very least, no enemies appear.

Qi State Linzi.

"Swish." The roar of shells kept coming. The threat of shells still exists for them.

"Get down, don't move." A veteran Qi army sergeant shouted loudly. Many guards of the Qi army took refuge in the trenches. The artillery shells of the Chu Army came, but their losses were negligible. It was only the civilians who did not hide well and caused certain serious damage.

Under such circumstances, the Qi army can only allow those civilians to escape in their own trenches.

"When will the Chu army launch an attack? Sir." A sergeant covered in dust walked into the shelter and asked.

"I don't know. Their artillery started the day before yesterday. They have been bombarded continuously to this day." At this time, a captain said at this time.

"En." The sergeant nodded. But did not leave here.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked when he saw the worried sergeant.

"Sir, I saw it on the street. Some nobles are moving their belongings. I, I think this will cause a very serious loss to morale, I. I don't know what to do?" said the sergeant.

"En. Those **** nobles." The captain said with a smile.

"Let them go, those betrayers of the Qi country." The captain sat down easily.

"Linzi needs steadfast Qi people to defend. Not those timid nobles." said the captain.

"This matter, we can't control it. Nor can it," the captain said.

"Don't worry. We just have to pay attention to the attacks launched by the enemy in front of us," the captain said.

"Yes. Sir," the sergeant said.

"The artillery stopped." Just after the captain said this. A soldier outside shouted loudly.

"The gun has stopped." A soldier rushed in in a panic.

"Sir, Chu Jun's artillery stopped." At this time. A soldier came in with his rifle and said.

"Go, go and see." The captain had already rushed out quickly with his weapon at this time.

Inside the trenches. The civilians and Qi army soldiers were crowded together because the trenches were just dug, and the trenches were not long or deep. In order to avoid these artillery fires, many civilians were called in temporarily. The civilians filled the trenches full.

"Let these people, get out of here quickly. We are going to fight." The captain said to a soldier.

"Quickly get out of here." The captain yelled at those people.

"Hurry up." The soldiers waved their arms and motioned for them to leave here quickly.

"Hurry up. The enemy is coming up. We are going to fight." some soldiers said loudly. Then urge those civilians to leave.

"I want to stay here." Some young people, as well as some teenage children, took the initiative to stand up and say at this time.

"What?" the soldier said in surprise.

"We are going to stay here, Chu people killed my mother, brother, and sister. I want revenge." A teenage boy said firmly.

"This is a war," the soldier said.

"You can kill Chu people in war," the child said. The soldier looked at the child and didn't know what to do.

"Huh." The soldier looked helplessly at the child whose eyes were full of revenge.

"Hold the bayonet. This is your weapon, you can stay." The soldier drew his bayonet at this time. Passed it to the other party, and then said so.

"En." The child took the bayonet. Said firmly.

"Don't move. Follow the commander's orders. Do you understand?" the soldier said at this time.

"You better follow me." The soldier said while looking at the young man.

"En." The child nodded and said.

"Is there any movement from Chu Jun?" The captain said while looking at Chu Jun's camp with a binoculars.

"No," a soldier replied.

"En." The captain continued to check the situation.

"I hope they will launch the attack as soon as possible." The captain was also very nervous, and waiting was the most stressful thing.

Waiting is a tormenting thing, especially when this kind of attack has not yet attacked.

"Kill." At this moment, the captain heard the call to kill.

"Kill." The cry of killing was deafening, and it came to this side like thunder.

"They attacked." A second-class soldier said nervously at this time.

"Prepare. Everyone prepares." The captain yelled loudly at this time.

"They reach a certain distance and then fire again." The captain shouted loudly.

"Quickly, enter the position, enter the position." A major Qi Jun waved his arm at this time, letting the Qi Army soldiers in the trenches take their weapons and enter their battle positions.

"Enter the battle position, enter the battle position." The major shouted loudly. The soldiers rushed into the fighting position. After many people entered the fighting position, they watched the Qi Army soldiers approaching closer and held their weapons tightly, aiming at the Chu soldiers who were approaching.

"Kill." Chu soldiers rushed forward frantically. They thought this was the last battle, after several days of shelling. The people of Qi should be over. As long as they rush to the other side, they can quickly enter Linzi Palace. With such thoughts, the Chu Army soldiers charged desperately. They didn't notice at all. Qi Jun's preparations.

"Hit." Major Qi Jun shouted loudly, waving his arm vigorously.

"Bang. Bang." The gunshot was loud for a moment, and the bullets that flew out knocked down many Chu Army soldiers at once. Those Chu soldiers were beaten to death before they could escape. Chu Jun was caught off guard.

"Bang. Bang." Chu Jun's rifle was still out of range. And Qi Jun's rifle can easily aim at the opponent and shoot. The Chu Army soldiers who were hit all at once were repeatedly hit and knocked to the ground, and many of them could only passively hide. The Chu army soldier behind did not know what was going on, and was hit to the ground all at once.

"Charge." The Chu Army officer dragged the Chu Army soldiers forward, but the situation seemed very unfavorable to them.

"Woo." The bullets whizzed and flew over.

"Puff." The Chu army officer dragged a Chu army soldier, but a bullet that flew hit his vital point. The Chu army officer fell down suddenly.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Qi Army kept filling their bullets at this time, maintaining their firepower advantage.

"Are we launching a counterattack?" a lieutenant suggested to the major at this time.

"No. We have very few people. Keep our people. Use more bullets." The major said with a glance at the other person.

"However, we don't have too many bullets." The lieutenant said worriedly at this time.

"Hold here. We just have to keep here. There will be ammunition." The major looked at Chu Jun who was beginning to retreat. He patted the other person's shoulder and said.

"Wait patiently. There should be," the major said.

The Qi army will face a severe situation. Their logistics supply line may be cut off at any time, but the saddest situation is that they don't have much ammunition reserves in the city. The food is estimated to be insufficient. Once the Chu army was frustrated in the offensive, it would take measures to besiege. At that time, the entire Linzi city would be surrounded. The major knew that these were more serious conditions than the lack of ammunition. When the time came, it was not only the lack of ammunition. Many things are missing. I don't know how their generals should think about this problem. The major looked at Chu Jun seriously. Then left the front line.

Qin State Xianyang. Meng Yi and King Qin had some discussions on foreign affairs.

"After I have a preliminary understanding of these foreign affairs, I believe that, like the multinational meeting held by Prime Minister Shang Wen before, we should also hold such a meeting to gather all the countries involved in a third-party meeting. Go on, discuss. This will help us resolve all diplomatic issues. I remember Prime Minister Shang Wen, saying, what kind of summit is this." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En. Summit?" King Qin said with interest.

"Yes. Just like last time, Prime Minister Shang Wen convened Zhao, Yan, South Korea. And we, Qin, held a special meeting in Xinzheng to resolve the territorial dispute between Zhao and Yan, and other things. We can also convene a special meeting in Xinzheng to solve the war between Qi and Chu. At the same time, at the meeting, we can put pressure on Zhao and let Zhao start to correctly solve their domestic problems. "Meng Yi continued.

"This idea is very good." King Qin nodded in praise.

"Xie Wang," Meng Yi nodded and said modestly. Meng Yi's character is worthy of everyone's trust. So Shangwen is very happy to let Meng Yi serve as his deputy, because Meng Yi's learning ability and ability to respond to emergencies make Shangwen highly praised.

"When do you plan to implement it?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Back to the king." Meng Yi said respectfully.

"I want to do it as soon as possible. Try to solve this matter as quickly as possible," Meng Yi said at this time.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"When is it?" King Qin asked.

"En. I want to take action in two days. The location is Xinzheng. It is the capital of South Korea, and there is also the experience of holding the conference last time. I think it is more suitable. It’s just a little bit tight, but I think it’s for all parties That said, they are all more appropriate." Meng Yi said.

"En. Qin, South Korea, Zhao, Qi. Are there still four countries?" King Qin asked.

"En. I think it would be best for Yan Guo to participate in it." Meng Yi continued.

"En." King Qin nodded in approval.

"Resolve this matter as soon as possible. Go and prepare to go." King Qin said with his arm waving at this time.

"Yes. King." At this moment, Meng Yi nodded. Then slowly withdrew from the palace.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Your Majesty, an urgent call from the Prime Minister of Qin." An attendant cautiously submitted a telegram.

"Oh. Let me see." Han Shu picked up the telegram at this time and looked.

"They are going to hold a five-nation summit." Han Shu said after reading the telegram.

"En. Korea, Qin, Zhao, Qi, Yan." Han Shu read this time.

"Why is there no Wei State?" Han Shu asked to herself.

"Oh. No need to ask." Han Shu then answered the question on his own. Because of Wei's lack of strength, no one wants to invite people from Wei to come. Because they said nothing. They can't help much.

"This telegram. Send it to the special delegation to let them know about this." Han Shu ordered at this time.

"Here," the attendant agreed.

Han Shu then forwarded the telegram to the Prime Minister's Mansion, so that the Prime Minister's Mansion could make preparations for this matter.

In Handan, Zhao State. Guo Kai of Handan also received such a telegram.

"Qin people held large-scale military exercises in our border areas. Now, what summits we are required to participate in." Guo Kai said worryingly while looking at the telegram. There are more and more protests. Many cities were beaten down by rioting miners. Zhao Jun had to dispatch troops to round up, but his actions were unusually slow. The entire state of Zhao fell into a state of halt. This state has been maintained for a long time. For Guo Kai, it is very unfair.

"What is this?" Guo Kai looked at the telegram and said.

"Tell them that I will leave for Xinzheng, South Korea as soon as possible." Guo Kai said.

Yan Capital of Yan State. Prince Dan of Yan State received a telegram from Qin State.

"Prince, shall we participate in such a meeting?" Prince Dan's assistant asked.

"Participate, why not participate." Prince Dan continued.

"The country of Yan must also rise actively. At this meeting, we will propose a plan to build the country of Yan, hoping to obtain loans from Qin State Bank, so that there will be sufficient interest to attract these loan funds. Yan country also needs to grow "Prince Dan continued.

"So, what we need now is to participate in this meeting and bring out Yan's demands. Let the people of Qin know." Prince Dan said at this time.

"Prince, it's just that this meeting is mainly to discuss the war between Qi and Chu, and Zhao. It seems that the relationship with Yan is not too strong." At this time, the assistant proposed one of his own. view.

"Oh. Really?" Prince Dan asked at this time.

"Yes. Prince." The assistant said while looking at Prince Dan.

"Qin State borders us, Zhao State borders us, Qi State borders us. You said, these are not related to us?" Prince Dan asked at this time.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Prince." The assistant lowered his head and said at this time.

"They have a great relationship with Yan Guo. They need Yan Guo, otherwise they won't invite us to this meeting. Understand?" Prince Dan said confidently.

"Yes, Prince." The assistant said at this time.

The telegram was passed quickly along the telegraph line because Qi was far away. In addition, they do not have a direct telegraph line to reach them, and they will get the news later. Qi Guoren communication is basically done by Koreans. Only they have the telegraph line. The people of Qi were unable to lay them, nor did they have their own telegraph lines. This situation has not improved.

Shangwen and his party finally passed through Wei and entered Qi, but their first stop was to take a rest at a small supply station built by South Korea. There is a telegraph line that goes straight to a place fifty miles north of Hengdaying, Qiguotian. That place was where the Qin State Military Observer Group was located, and it was also the telegraph point closest to Tian Heng in South Korea.

"Sir. Qin Guomengyi's telegram forwarded." The colonel came over and handed Shang Wen a telegram. Shang Wen looked up at the colonel. The colonel looked at the faint fingerprints on Shang Wen's left side meaningfully. Then left with a smile.

Shang Wen saw the other person smiling. Then he smiled back. Mo Li sat opposite Shang Wen and looked at Shang Wen.

"He is smiling at the fingerprints on your face." Mo Li said at this time.

"Oh. Really?" Shang Wen asked.

"Just watch. Anyway, I don't plan to cover it up. They know who did it." Shang Wen looked at Mo Li and said with a smile.

"Look at what the telegram says?" Shang Wen took out the telegram and looked at it at this time.

"Oh, Prime Minister Meng Yi, I want to convene a five-nation summit. The location is Xinzheng, South Korea. They want to focus on solving the war between Qi and Chu, and the issue of Zhao Guo's continued violence." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"What?" Mo Li asked strangely.

"En. It is to convene a meeting of leaders of several countries, they must gather together to solve the problem, so that they can hurry, the people of Qi can not wait." Shang Wen continued.

"When will they be held?" Mo Li asked at this moment.

"Two days later." Shang Wen looked at the telegram and said.

"So fast?" Mo Li said incredulously.

"Yes. That's fast." Shang Wen said.

"Know?" Shang Wen explained.

"You keep asking, what can be known so quickly. This is a telegram. Within the blink of an eye, the things on this paper have already made the South Korean queen of Xinzheng of South Korea, Guo Kai of Zhao Guo Handan, and Yan Prince Dan of the country knew. We knew it a little later, but we still got the content of the telegram within half an hour. Then they would take the train and quickly gather to Xinzheng, South Korea. I believe that it would not take about two. In a few days, they will gather." Shang Wen continued.

"It's too fast." Mo Li said at this time.

"En. This is the convenience brought by technology. You will slowly get used to it so fast." Shang Wen continued.

The station of the Korean New Forces Observer Group, fifty miles north of Tian Heng.

"Sir. A brand new telegram." A South Korean new army communicator said with a telegram.

"Oh. Look, what did it say?" At this time, a South Korean new army lieutenant colonel saw it with a telegram.

"Uh-huh." At this time, the South Korean New Army Lieutenant Colonel read the telegram and said.

"This telegram is just for us to see the content, and we have to pass it to the people of Qi to know. Prepare the horse, I'm going to the Qijun Camp." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"Yes, sir." An order soldier nodded and agreed at this time.

The lieutenant colonel quickly left on horseback. And told all the members of the military observation mission about this matter, knowing that they have the right to know this matter.

"General, this is a telegram from our South Korean Xinzheng. This telegram comes from Qin State Xianyang. The prime minister of Qin State Meng Yi is going to hold a five-nation meeting in Xinzheng, South Korea, and they want to focus on solving matters here. And Zhao Guo So, they want me to forward this telegram and get you to leave as soon as possible. Because they will hold this meeting in two days. Looking at the distance, I hope you can choose a representative as soon as possible. Participate." At this time, the South Korean New Army Lieutenant Colonel said.

"Two days?" Tian Heng asked with a telegram.

"Yes. Two days. Time is tight. Sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded and said at this time.

"Time is not enough." Tian Heng said in surprise, because time is too tight.

"So, I said, our time is very tight, General." At this time, the lieutenant colonel said.

"I think we should start now. I'm afraid. Two days later, we will not be able to counterattack Xinzheng. Time is too tight." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"General, I'm sorry, I want to know who the representative is, I want to take him out of here as soon as possible." The middle and the lower asked at this time.

"The representative is me." Tian Heng said at this time.

"Oh. General." The lieutenant colonel looked at Tian Heng unbelievably at this time.

"I'll arrange it and we will leave as soon as possible." Tian Heng decided in an instant what he represented.

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