"Time is too tight," the lieutenant colonel said at this time.

The meeting that Qin is about to convene is too sudden for all countries.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The meeting held this time mainly discussed the war between Qi and Chu, as well as the continuous turbulence in Zhao's country. Zhao's problem does not have much to do with us, but Qi and Chu The issue of war between nations is very much related to us. We must know that the construction of railways and roads must pass through our Xinzheng, South Korea. If the people of Qin want to interfere in the affairs of Qi, they must cross our South Korea. Therefore, we South Korea. You can participate in it and get the benefits you deserve. In this meeting, South Korea should do everything possible for its own benefit. To reach a reasonable content of the contract." South Korea’s Minister of Economy said confidently.

In response to the sudden arrival of the summit convened by the State of Qin, Han Shu convened the cabinet members to discuss. However, she was very dissatisfied with the results of the current discussion, because they did not know Qin’s intentions and carried out effective measures. Conjecture, instead of discussing according to her subjective will, this situation makes her feel very disgusted.

"Enough." Han Shu became more disgusted as he listened, and shouted loudly to the cabinet ministers present at this time.

"It's useless to discuss casually like this." Han Shu said at this time.

"We don't know Qin's intentions at all. Instead of spending time, we should spend a little time on Qin's intentions." Han Shu reproached.

"Huh." After saying this. Han Shu exhaled at this moment and said.

"Oh. Sorry, I, I just don't think it makes any sense to continue this discussion. Let's end the meeting. Everyone is busy." Han Shu said at this time.

The cabinet ministers present all looked at Han Shu in surprise, because Han Shu had never done this before, and when he spoke, they did not use the word "widow." This surprised the members of the cabinet.

Han Shu disapproved and left on her own. She believed that the meeting held by Qin State might be very important, otherwise Qin State would not convene such a meeting in such a short time. Therefore, Han Shu concluded that Qin State would negotiate. There are a lot of questions. Moreover, many things are closely related to South Korea, and the geographical location alone can determine how important things are to be discussed.

Han Shu feels very important, so she hopes that the cabinet can come up with a very good plan. However, the current situation is that the cabinet has disappointed her a bit. In this situation. There is a reasonable explanation for Han Shu to be able to make such a move.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The Prime Minister, do we need to bring these relevant technical documents?" the assistant asked Meng Yi at this time.

"En." Meng Yi thought for a while.

"I think we need." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Okay. Hurry up and prepare all the materials we should bring. I will give you three hours of preparation time. We will go to South Korea later." Meng Yi said at this time. He is discussing the list of some travellers, because there are many things to discuss this time, and they are very urgent. So, everyone is not ready. Meng Yi tried his best to do things well.

Night falls. The Chu army attacked Linzi’s troops,

"The attack during the day has frustrated our attack," a Chu army officer said at this time.

"The Qi army still has a certain degree of defensive capability, and our personnel are too few. It is impossible to occupy Linzi all at once. Linzi is a big city after all." The Chu army officer said.

"What should we do?" General Chu Jun asked at this time.

"I think we should wait for reinforcements. We will send out people to temporarily surround Linzi City. The artillery will continue to fire, and continuous fire and fire can defeat the opponent." The Chu Army officer said.

"That's it." General Chu said helplessly. It was obviously impossible for Chu Jun to resolve the battle quickly. The Qi army still has a strong resistance, and the Chu army cannot gain an advantage in infantry combat. It can only launch a siege in this way, wait for the arrival of the follow-up troops, and then surround Linzi, making further plans.

Chu Jun was temporarily in a difficult situation, but serious psychological changes occurred within the Qi people.

"Wow." A team of bullock carts and carriages drove out of the only remaining intact mansion.

"Disperse, disperse." The Chu aristocratic private soldier who walked in the front to clear the way shouted loudly. They are making a way for their lord. In fact, no one wants to stop them. Many Qi people looked at the vehicles full of belongings of the nobles. They are very clear. What do these nobles want.

"These noble lords will start running as soon as they fight. Look at them, now they don't know where they are running." An old man said, watching the other party's behavior.

"They are not Qi people. It is the shame of Qi people." A wounded soldier reluctantly stood up and cursed.

"Stone them to death." Several children picked up the stone and threw it at each other.

"Wow." The stone crashed on the vehicle.

"Who threw it." At this time, the private soldiers of the nobles brandished their rifles and looked at the children. The children ran away after seeing this situation.

Other Qi people watched the nobles escape.

The escape of the nobility. Let the civilian class look down on these nobles more and more. The behavior of the nobles has completely shattered the little hope that the civilians have left. They thought that the nobles could lead them to persevere, but now the nobles all fled. The hatred of the civilians against the nobles increased. This is an internal antagonism.

The escape behavior of the nobles of Qi will seriously affect the defense of Qi. And these nobles actually didn't care about anything. This is a very serious matter for the country.

"Qi's situation is very bad. Sir." A South Korean new army major introduced.

"What are the specifics?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Specifically, there is a serious loss of people in Qi, and many villages are now empty. Their materials are also very scarce, and there is simply not enough food for them to survive the whole winter." The major said.

"Furthermore, they are still fighting now. Such a war has made the situation in Qi even more serious." The major introduced.

"En." Shang Wen stood on a high spot outside a dilapidated village. The whole village is very quiet, no one can be seen.

"Qi's situation is more serious than I thought." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I think there may be some people in Qi State, or they still have some materials to support them, but now it seems that there is nothing. People in Qi State lack everything." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Yes, sir," the major replied from the side.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled deeply, he really didn't know how to solve Qi Guo's affairs.

"Isn't this right?" Mo Li walked over and said at this time.

"You, Qin, can easily take over Qi. Do you have a meeting, do you organize some coalition, and the Allied forces will work against Qi?" Mo Li said at this time.

"No. No. What they want to solve is the problem of Qi, not attacking Qi. If there is to go to war, the entire six countries will not be Qin's opponents. But the problem is that after the reunification of Qin, the problem will be even greater, and that At that time, the State of Qin lost the balance of development because there were no checks and balances." Shang Wen said.

"Do you know King Qin?" Shang Wen suddenly asked this question at this time.

"Why are you asking this question?" Mo Li asked strangely at this time.

"Because King Qin is the root of a very critical problem. I know you don't know him too well, but I know. I think you know some of King Qin." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Wang Qin doesn't know what happened? In short, this person is very inferior. This can be seen from his silent character. Moreover, he never shows his weak side, that is, he is on the surface. There is no family affection." Shang Wen said.

"Such an approach is abnormal and out of balance." Shang Wen continued.

"Inferiority can allow King Qin to handle some things calmly and do well. However, once something succeeds, his inferiority will gradually swell, swelling beyond the scope of self-confidence, and become a kind of arrogance. I think I can do everything. In that case, this kind of imbalance will become another kind of imbalance." Shang Wen said.

"I don't want such a thing to happen to King Qin, I just hope that he can maintain such a sense of inferiority balance. For now, everything is fine." Shang Wen continued.

"What do you mean?" Mo Li asked Shangwen strangely at this time.

"It means that King Qin has a psychological problem, and he can still maintain a sense of balance. However, if the whole country is unified, or if there is nothing to check and balance him, he will be psychologically unbalanced. It is the current politics of Qin. From the perspective of the system, such a system will only benefit King Qin, not me, and more people in the world." Shang Wen said.

"No one knows, after conquering the entire world. What will King Qin do?" Shang Wen said.

"The heart of the emperor is hard to guess. They will do their best to do their best. They are wise kings, but in the future development, their self-confidence is excessively swollen, which affects future development. That is, I don’t The reason why King Qin was willing to reunite sooner was not just that he did not want to be unified by force, but also that he lost his balance." Shang Wen said.

"His decision is too important. And it has a great influence. A slight imbalance is a catastrophic consequence." Shang Wen said.

"Only with balance. Many constraints exist to keep him sensible, the sensibility that a high-level person should have." Shang Wen said.

"It seems that you know King Qin very well." Mo Li said at this time.

"En." Shang Wen said.

"This is a very complicated person, you know?" Shang Wen said.

"An optimistic and cheerful person. It can bring positive meaning. However, King Qin is a silent person, and silence means shutting up his heart." Shang Wen said.

"Just because they locked themselves up, you don't even know, what are they thinking?" Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"Sometimes I am also thinking about King Qin," Shang Wen said.

"However, you can rarely tell what kind of person he is from words and deeds? Why, because the other party is too silent." Shang Wen said.

"It's so silent, you don't know anything." Shang Wen said.

"En." Mo Li nodded at this time.

"You are right." Mo Li nodded at this moment.

"It seems that you have thought about a lot of things." Mo Li praised.

"En. I am doing what I should do myself." Shang Wen said.

"I hope that this country can be peacefully reunified, not war. Such wars are too cruel." Shang Wen said.

"I don't want them to go on like this." Shang Wen continued.

"If this goes on, it will not be good for anyone." Shang Wen continued.

"You know?" Shang Wen said while looking at Mo Li.

"Sometimes, I feel as if I'm fighting alone. I'm fighting alone. The situations I face exceed my expectations. Many times, I have to face what happened alone. These situations make me I feel very weak." Shang Wen continued.

"I don't know how to face it." Shang Wen said.

"So, I hope someone can come to my side. I hope you Mohists can make some changes. Follow the trend of this era." Shang Wen said sincerely.

"I don't know what you said?" Mo Li refused.

"These words, I hope you can tell our elders. He will handle this matter." Mo Li said at this time.

"En. Well, I have a chance, I will talk about it. I hope he can seriously think about this matter." Shang Wen said with his head down.

Severe pirate attacks are spreading rapidly on the coastal waterways in the south.

"Aim," a pirate gunner shouted loudly.

"Let it go." The pirate gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The two artillery guns juxtaposed with dazzling gunpowder light.

"Wow." "Ah." The upper deck of a merchant ship on the opposite side flew all of a sudden. One of them flew out when he was bombarded by a solid shell and fell off his upper body. The sea water was full of blood and sawdust.

"Hit me, hit hard." A one-eyed captain shouted loudly, waving his dagger in his hand. He is a pirate captain, and his eyes were hit by a bullet from the opponent during a battle. His eyes were knocked out on the spot. He died in pain. A lot of blood was shed. Fortunately, he came alive. After struggling for many days. After finally surviving, his men thought that their captain would die. But did not expect. He was alive.

"Let it go." The pirate captain's gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery continued to come, flying artillery shells and shrapnel hitting the opponent's merchant ship. And the other side's merchant ship was in a mess.

"Such fierce shelling is very detrimental to us." The second officer said to the captain at this time. The first officer was already dead at this time. His body was beaten into a sieve, a shot came over, and many shrapnel hit him. Many sailors died together.

"I, we". Shouted the second officer.

"We should think of a way." The second officer shouted loudly.

"What can I do?" The captain said while looking at the corpse on the deck.

"The pirates have a lot more artillery than us. Their firepower is very fierce. We are only merchant ships. Surrender. Only by surrendering can we keep our ships. There is also cargo, surrender. I just hope to lose some money. If we take the boat, we will be completely finished." The captain said at this time.

"But Captain, if we surrender, we may not be able to preserve our cargo. You must know that the other party is a pirate and there is no honesty to speak of." The second officer said at this time.

"Everyone is still alive." The captain said at this time.

"Let's surrender." The captain gave an order at this time.

"Okay." The second officer knew he couldn't persuade. That's all there is to it.

"Surrender. Quickly raise the white flag and we surrender." The second officer shouted loudly.

On the opposite pirate ship.

"Let it go." The pirate gunners used their largest possible artillery for bombardment, and both the bow and stern artillery were used.

"Boom." The artillery in the bow of the ship fired.

At this time, the one-eyed pirate captain raised his binoculars and looked at the situation of the opposite merchant ship. After the opposite merchant ship approached, he resisted to the end, and the pirate asked the other party to stop the ship without any answer. So the one-eyed pirate captain ordered an attack. The artillery fired immediately. The opponent was a merchant ship with a slow speed, which was soon overtaken by the opponent and fired to suppress the opponent.

"We surrender." A sailor on the opposite side waved his hand, and kept waving the white flag in his hand.

"Stop." The one-eyed captain shouted loudly when he saw the white flag.

"Boom." But the artillery was still firing.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The one-eyed pirate captain shouted loudly.

Only then did the gunner who fired heard it. The shooting stopped immediately.

"Tell me about your conditions?" the one-eyed pirate captain asked. The merchant ship on the opposite side was after the pirates stopped shooting. The second officer was sent to negotiate. They believed that only in this way could their lives be well protected.

"We have some goods on the cargo ship. You take some of these goods to ensure our lives and let us go." The second officer said.

"No, it's too late. We want everything." The one-eyed pirate captain rejected the other party's request at this time.

"You." The second officer looked at each other angrily.

"What?" The one-eyed pirate captain looked at each other.

"We can fire bombardment and sink them to the bottom of the sea. If we want, we can do without cargo. There are a lot of such cargo. The ocean is full of merchant ships." The one-eyed pirate captain looked at each other at this time.

The second officer bit his lips and looked at each other and said.

"If you abandon the merchant ship at this time, I will give you some ships, as well as water and food, and let you leave here to guarantee your life. If you don't do this, I will drive you and your merchant ship into the bottom of the sea. "The pirate captain said.

"You guys, do you still have the qualifications to talk to me? Go ahead and tell your captain what I have to say. I will give you fifteen minutes to discuss." The pirate captain raised his wrist and said at this time.

"Okay." The second officer nodded and said at this time.

"I will tell us the captain of this news." The second officer said unconvinced.

The one-eyed pirate captain looked at each other.

"Captain, if we do this, we will lose a lot, which is very unfair to us. We can't go on like this." The second officer said unbalanced at this time.

"En." The captain listened distraughtly as the second mate conveyed the other party's meaning.

"I understand, but our lives are safer. The ship is gone, we can buy it again. The goods are also gone, but our lives are gone. Everything is over." The captain said at this time.

"Understand?" The captain said while looking at each other.

"So, we surrender now, accept the other party's request, and we surrender." The captain said at this time.

"Captain, our ship will be occupied by the other party." The second officer said anxiously.

"Our lives will be saved." The captain said at this time.

"Tell me what I mean, we are ready to prepare. Get out of here." The captain ordered at this time. Faced with the ever-increasing casualties, the captain believes and has the right to protect their lives. Therefore, he decided that it would be acceptable to surrender or abandon the ship to leave here.

"Very happy, you have chosen the wise answer." The one-eyed pirate captain himself was the first to board the merchant ship.

The captain's mouth twitched.

"I just hope that my subordinates can guarantee the safety of life. They are not combat personnel, but sailors. We came to survive and don't want to be fed fish like this. Risks are everywhere. We want to live better, but we are more. Willing to save my life." The captain said.

"You are right." The one-eyed pirate captain said with a smile at this time.

"The same is true for us, and we don't want to work hard. This is too uncomfortable. We just want to live well. Since everyone's purpose is the same, then we won't bother you to keep your lives. Those boats are for you. Prepared, let's get on the ship." The one-eyed pirate captain said friendly.

"Thank you." The captain nodded at this time.

Then leave here.

"Give them some water and food. They have to wander for a while. Enough." The one-eyed pirate captain said while looking at the captain's back.

"Yes, head," a pirate agreed. Then the captain took his own people and left here in four small boats.

"Boys, accept this ship." The one-eyed pirate captain said excitedly. They have a ship and a lot of cargo, and they have made a fortune. The pirate captain danced with excitement. Then everyone went crazy. They began to search the entire ship, drinking, eating, wearing, and all kinds of goods, all became their trophies, all the pirates were ecstatic, they didn't have to fight to get these.

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