The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1484: Learn from Prime Minister Shang Wen

"The Supreme Chief is not here. How can we solve this? North Korea's power is growing. They are equipped with muskets. Although they can't fight us as a whole, but think about it, they have a geographical advantage. By relying on these, they will It grows quickly." A staff officer of the Colonel in the Northern Military Region of Qin State said with an intelligence report at this time.

According to the latest intelligence. North Korea in the southeast of Qin's Northern Military Region is rapidly rising, and they are equipped with more advanced muskets. Although there is no further evidence to prove that they are equipped with artillery. However, according to some people's dictation, they were attacked by artillery, so that mercenaries would encounter great trouble in combat. In this situation. The staff of the Northern Military Region of the Qin Army began to worry about the surrounding situation, especially the abnormal changes of a few surrounding ethnic groups.

The military pressure of the Northern Military Region of Qin State is very heavy. First, they will form military pressure on the Yunzhong area of ​​Zhao State to their south, and then State Yan. These areas must maintain a certain military presence. In the north, what they have to face is the offensive of the Huns. Similarly, they must maintain a strong military presence, and because the military strength of the Qin army has crossed the desert, there is a certain possibility that the military pressure of the Qin State will be weak.

In addition to these, there are the Xianbei in the east, the mountain people, and the Koreans in the southeast. Although Yan maintains a certain military advantage in North Korea, after all, Qin has its own military presence in that area. To maintain such a military presence, you will not wait and be unprepared.

It can be said that the entire Northern Military Region bears this considerable pressure, but the Northern Military Region only has the strength of two infantry divisions. The total strength unexpectedly exceeded 40,000. The 40,000 troops have to defend a large area of ​​land, which is unique in the Qin State.

Therefore, the pressure on the entire Northern Military Region is unprecedented. On the surface, the Northern Military District has more troops and a complete range of arms. However, the Northern Military District has an unusually large defense area. This has led to the huge defense that the Northern Military Region bears that the staff officers have to pay attention to small movements at all times. Even if the other party changes the leader, they must take it to heart to solve the problem at the most fundamental level and save the big deal. Trouble with the use of military power on a large scale, because the Northern Military District cannot deploy sufficient forces. Many cities and towns do not have garrisons. The main force of the Qin State rarely has defensive missions. They must maintain a high degree of mobility. The local defense is basically handed over to the militia, and they do not defend. This is the status quo of Qin's northern defense.

The militia forces rose under such circumstances. Without these militias, Qin’s defenses could not be constructed at all. This is also an important reason for Qin’s vigorous support for the growth of the militias. The reason for the further expansion of Qin’s guns is that the empire is getting bigger and bigger. The limited mobile force is becoming less and less, and the empire must maintain a high degree of mobile force advantage. Therefore, defense tasks in many places are entrusted to the militia. Since the militia has a sense of local defense, their will to fight has a great advantage.

"En. The chief officer is not there, and the second officer will not take any specific actions. Besides, the matter hasn't gotten serious yet." The major general on duty looked at the colonel and said.

"I think. Now is not the time to worry. There are many such things. You know?" The major general said while looking at the colonel at this time.

"Yesterday, I received a telegram. From the border guards, they reported that the Huns were close to the outskirts of their defense zone, and the number of them exceeded 1,000. In other words, they had thousands of cavalry units. According to estimates, They should have more than ten thousand cavalry forces, and the existence of such a force still poses a threat to us." The major general said while looking at the colonel.

"One of our border guards may be attacked by the opponent at any time." The major general continued.

"But." the major general continued.

"We didn't do anything. We knew what to do, but we just couldn't." The major general said while looking at each other.

"This is the status quo of Qin State, we can only maintain this status quo, Qin State does not have so many troops to fight." said the major general.

"Even the mobile force for attacking the six countries in Shandong cannot be mobilized. Can you imagine what else we can do?" the major general said, looking at the colonel.

"You should understand. Before the Qin State had never had such a large land for defense as a whole. But now, Qin State has so many lands. The most serious thing is that Qin’s beef, mutton, milk, all kinds of All the food comes from here, it is unbelievable. We are defending Qin's food." The major general said while looking at the colonel.

"This is the burden of Qin State. Qin State has never had it before. You know?" The major general said while looking at the other party.

"En. I understand. Sir." The colonel nodded at the other side and said.

The major general was talking about the status quo of the Qin State. Despite the rapid expansion of Qin's territory, it had reached the limit of defense. Moreover, Qin State is also struggling to support this limit. The State of Qin was unable to attack the current situation of the six states of Guandong. If the State of Qin expands its armaments to prepare for war, it will also be detrimental to the State of Qin, because after the rapid expansion of the State of Qin, it will face serious governance problems. This problem has been pointed out by Shangwen. Occupation is one thing, real governance is real unity. Faced with the issue of governance, King Qin was also very troubled. He even said that he did not have the confidence to unify the six countries. Although the territory of the six countries is not as large as the northern grassland, the population density far exceeds that of the grassland. Population management is the biggest problem. This made King Qin exhausted his mind.

Xinzheng Railway Station, South Korea.

"My Majesty Prime Minister, although a little tired, our lord, we still hope to have a private conversation with the Prime Minister. After all, many of the contents of this meeting have a lot to do with South Korea. I'm sorry. Prime Minister." Korea The Minister of Economy said to Meng Yi, who had just got off the train.

"En." Meng Yi thought for a moment.

"Okay. I also have this intention. There are many things that need to be sorted out. When I came, I was also thinking about this question. Perhaps at this time, it would be better to talk to the queen. It is a very good thing to be able to communicate. Good idea." Meng Yi nodded and said.

"Then enter the palace!" Meng Yi continued.

Inside the Palace of the King of Han.

"I'm sorry, Meng Yicheng should be very tired at this time. But." Han Shu said apologetically at this time.

"Don't dare, don't dare. The queen doesn't need to blame herself too much. I also happen to have a lot of questions to explain." Meng Yi continued.

"En. Then sit down and talk. How about a taste of the latest tea?" Han Shu said with a smile at this time.

"Thank you Queen." Meng Yi nodded, and then sat on a chair.

"In fact, Shang Wen had also held such a small meeting before the formal meeting. He had talked with representatives of many countries individually." Han Shu said at this time.

"Oh. Really?" Meng Yi looked at Han Shu curiously. It seems to be asking, is it true?

"Well, yes, and he generally only records, and rarely talks about this issue proactively, and then he will record it in his head, and in subsequent meetings, he will sit quietly in the corner. Say nothing, nothing. Don't do it, take a notebook and write down what you think is the key. Because the content of the first few meetings will be very intense, and the opinions of all parties will be very different." Han Shu said.

"And he himself was sitting there quietly. At that meeting, many people were talking about it. The people in the whole meeting wanted to leave or beat the other party to death. However, I saw him very calm. When the meeting is irreconcilable, he usually stops the meeting, or it just shifts to another topic." Han Shu continued.

"En. It seems that our prime minister is very smart." Meng Yi nodded excitedly at this time. Meng Yi believes that Shangwen's approach is very wise, because he took the initiative to talk with other representatives, in fact, he was trying to figure out the other party's ideas on issues of interest. In the first few days of the meeting, I didn’t say anything. In fact, I asked the other party to say what I thought. This situation is very beneficial to the State of Qin. In fact, the people of the State of Qin are equivalent to supporting this meeting. The reason why the State of Qin was able to hold the summit at once, many countries came to participate, in fact recognized Qin's current status. And strength.

Shangwen’s approach, in fact, is like this. Shangwen sums up all the contradictions of various countries, and then finds the balance point of all parties, and proposes a everyone, or a coordinated plan for discussion. Normally, all parties It was deemed appropriate, and then, through some covenants, the goal of benefiting Qin was achieved. Shangwen's approach was very wise, because Qin's foreign affairs capabilities expanded rapidly, that is, Qin's influence was great. The State of Qin needs to maintain this kind of influence, and only with this kind of influence can the State of Qin be quickly in an undefeated position.

"Prime Minister Shang Wen has a good idea." Meng Yi continued.

"And very wise. As expected of Qin's prime minister." Meng Yi praised.

"En. I think so too." Han Shu nodded.

"Shangwen's idea is very special." Han Shu said.

"But it can always meet the requirements of all parties. This makes us trust him. His personal ability and personal charm can conquer everyone." Han Shu said with a smile. Han Shu looked like she was complimenting her husband.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"I want to learn too. Learn from Prime Minister Shang Wen's practice." Meng Yi continued.

"En. Then let's talk about the affairs between South Korea and Qin." Han Shu shifted to the formal topic at this time.

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