The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1485: Start with funds

"First of all, the interests of Qin and South Korea are the same." Han Shu said first.

"Qin wants to influence Qi, and South Korea also wants to. Not only politically, but also economically." Han Shu said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi became keenly interested in Han Shu's views.

"At present, the products produced in South Korea are largely sold to Chu and Qi. In contrast, Chu’s market is relatively large. It seems that we should not participate in the Qi’s war. Among them, especially the Qi country as an ally to help." Han Shu continued.

"But when you think about it, it doesn't seem to be the case." Han Shu said.

"Whether it is Qi State, Chu State, even Wei State next to South Korea, I think there is no difference in the existence of these countries." Han Shu said.

"The taxation systems of these countries are very backward. South Korea followed suit with reforms. South Korea's economy has been able to develop rapidly. But these countries, even Zhao Guo, are like this." Han Shu continued.

"Zhao Guo?" Meng Yi asked strangely at this time.

"Yes. Zhao Guo." Han Shu said.

"Actually, the taxes in these countries have not been reformed. Their taxes are very unfair. They only levy taxes on the common people. However, they never levy taxes on the nobles. As a result, the nobles are getting richer and richer. , While the common people are getting poorer and poorer. But the merchant class has to pay heavy taxes, which makes it less meaningful to the country. They want to expand production, and it is much more difficult for them to carry out some industrial expansion." Han Shu said.

"Not only merchants, but also purchasing power. We produce a large number of commodities. In fact, most of them go to the hands of the nobles, and only a few cheap products can circulate in the hands of the civilians. The civilians do not have much money to buy. These things. Low purchasing power is the issue we should be most concerned about at the moment." Han Shu said worriedly.

"Low purchasing power?" Meng Yi said at this time. Meng Yi is actually no stranger to this vocabulary. In Qin, someone has proposed this vocabulary more than once. However, Qin's senior officials didn't seem to pay much attention to this point. Even Shang Wen didn't pay much attention to it. But Han Shu noticed this, because the situation in South Korea is different from that in Qin.

The Qin State is equivalent to a light industry that meets domestic demand, while the rest are luxury goods, aimed at the aristocratic needs of the six countries, because of the high prices and low production costs. Therefore, Qin State is willing to accept such a list. In other words, the people of the Qin country support themselves in the light industry of the Qin country. They didn't pay much attention to this in their external expansion.

Qin's main export commodity is arms, and Qin's arms trade has risen rapidly to become the largest type of trade item. This has a lot to do with the continuous development of Chu's overseas business. A large number of artillery exports have met the requirements of these countries for arms, especially Chu's gold quickly flowed to Qin. This gave Qin State an unprecedented wealth.

It can be said that Qin currently relies on the arms trade, not only the arms trade, but also in construction materials. Especially in steel exports, Qin has an absolute advantage, because no country has such a technology.

South Korea is different. South Korea is a country that relies on light industry to develop. They rely on the trade of merchants and the export of various commodities. The market they target is civilians. In other words, cheap, popular commodities are their main market. Export fist in exchange for profit.

If the market does not expand, or if the purchasing power of other countries is insufficient, it will be difficult for South Korea to continue to develop. South Korea’s requirement is to be able to produce more goods and export them to these countries in exchange for a large amount of gold. .

It can be said that to a certain extent, Qin and South Korea both support the economic development of their countries by exporting commodities in exchange for gold. Both have very clear intentions on this point.

If countries' purchasing power is severely insufficient, then their products will also be difficult to produce.

After careful consideration, Meng Yi thought that what Han Shu said was reasonable. Qin State had many technically superior things, but these things could not be converted into gold in time. The reason was the purchasing power, especially the six countries. The purchasing power of civilians is too low. They cannot pay for such expensive things.

"In the case of Zhao Guo, I studied the situation in Zhao Guo. Why did Zhao Guo break out such a big riot. The reason is that because of taxes, the burden on the people is already very heavy. But they have to bear the taxes of the nobility. Very unfair." Han Shu said.

"The nobles did not pay taxes. Instead, they put the heavy duty of taxation on the common people. This is very unfair. This leads to the inability of these Zhao people to buy our goods because they have heavy taxes." Han Shu attributed the reason to the heavy taxation. In fact, she was very wise to point out the crux of the problem.

"Qin is different from South Korea. Taxes in Qin and South Korea have been lowered a lot, at the lowest level in history, and tax reforms have been carried out. Not only civilians pay taxes, but even the nobles also pay taxes, military, state officials, etc. And so on. They are all paying taxes. But Zhao, Qi, and Chu don’t have to pay taxes.” Han Shu said at this time.

"Society needs fairness in order to have strong cohesion, but now, high taxes have loosened this cohesion. At the same time, it also reduces the purchasing power of the people. We need them to reform, reduce taxes, and let the nobles pay taxes. , To enhance the purchasing power of the people." Han Shu said at this time.

"En. The Queen is right. I will seriously consider this issue." Meng Yi nodded at this time.

"So, for helping Qi State. I don't know what to do?" Meng Yi said at this time.

"To assist Qi, we must first build railways and highways. This is necessary, and the road conditions in Qi are also very poor. I hope Qin can participate in it." Han Shu said.

"Why are we?" Meng Yi asked strangely.

"Because of Qin State's strength." Han Shu said.

"Well, Qin has conditions. The people of Qin cannot do this. Because there is no money to pay us so much money, we can't act without this." Meng Yi said embarrassedly.

"Furthermore, our Qin State is only out of humanitarian considerations. It is only to help Qi State a little material. As for other things, we think there is not much necessary. You know, Qi State has nothing that Qin State can seize." Meng Yi from an economic point of view Thinking about the problem.

"En. This is undeniable." Han Shu said.

"But South Korea has already supported a lot of loans, but Qi Guo is a mess, which makes us suffer." Han Shu said.

"I just hope that Qin can also participate in it, so that we can get out of South Korea's predicament." Han Shu said.

"Qin Guo's participation can change a lot of things." Han Shu continued.

"En." Meng Yi just frowned. He still couldn't understand South Korea's intentions and what benefits would Qin State bring to Qi State. For him, these things are too unclear. Under such circumstances, Meng Yi can only shelve the issue, and only shelve it and clarify the issue is the issue he is most concerned about.

After discussing a lot of questions, Meng Yi came out of the Han Palace, but he still didn't understand South Korea's intentions, especially the benefits to Qin. He didn't understand at all. What kind of benefits can Qin State get from these countries? He didn't know what kind of help Qin's specific situation had.

"How is it?" Qin's Minister of Economy asked Meng Yi.

"Not so good?" Meng Yi said calmly.

"I don't know what the Korean intention is?" Meng Yi said.

"I don't know, what is our purpose here?" Meng Yi shook his head at this time.

"In the beginning, we wanted to solve the problem of the war between Qi and Chu, as well as the problem of Zhao, but now we see that Zhao’s problem is closely related to Qin, and we must deal with coal as soon as possible. Transported to Qin State." Meng Yi continued.

"But why did Qin people intervene in Qi? Is it just because of humanitarianism?" Meng Yi asked rhetorically.

"To be honest, I don't believe this reason." Meng Yi shook his head and said.

"You don't believe it, and I don't believe it myself." The Minister of Economy also shook his head at this time.

"The purpose of our coming here is not clear." The Minister of Economy said.

"However, there may be an industry report that you can understand a little bit." The Minister of Economy said with a report waving his hand at this time.

"Oh. What?" Meng Yi asked.

"About the bank. There is a large amount of gold in Qin State Bank, and they have sufficient funds to ensure that they can lend money to everyone, but the problem is that there are too few people in Qin State who can borrow this money. I think , We can lend to people from the six countries. Let them develop so that our banking industry can develop rapidly." The Minister of Economy said.

"A large amount of gold enters the State of Qin. This gold enters the hands of the bank through various methods, and the bank has sufficient capital. This gold has allowed Qin's stock market to develop. It also made Qin's economy prosperous." Said.

"At the same time, I think this gold will enable the six countries to develop, but they have to borrow money from us, and we release the money." The Minister of Economy said.

"This is what the bank minister gave you?" Meng Yi asked when looking at the report.

"Yes." The Minister of Economy said.

"We have to start with the funds." The Minister of Economy said.

"You are right, maybe I have some inspiration." Meng Yi said at this time.

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