"Many of the noble naval forces are not coming out anymore." The second officer of the Korean Warship Kuanu said dissatisfiedly.

"Now, even those merchants have begun to organize firepower to attack the noble taxation ships, and noble taxation ships, they dare not act alone. I think they are scared." The second officer continued.

The captain didn't make any comments or say anything. He walked back and forth, thinking about what happened just now.

After a series of continuous blows, most of the navy forces of the nobles of the Chu Kingdom didn't dare to take the initiative to attack, but they all stood by the water wall and couldn't come out. With the intervention of water thieves and merchants' armed forces, the noble naval forces were severely hit. Their taxation vessels were hit hard, many taxation vessels were attacked, a large amount of taxes were looted, and many people were killed. Especially the armies of the merchants, they had no good impressions of these noble naval forces. Naturally, they retaliated cruelly.

As for the noble navy, those are all gangsters on the street, an army composed of mobs, everybody feels danger by their side when they hear that their comrades have been hit like this. Therefore, many noble naval forces refused to fight. In this way, the noble navy was huddled in the water village.

The noble water village is tightly guarded. In particular, after some large warships retreat and enter the water village, it is difficult to attack each other. The noble navy is for their own safety. They began to build their water villages to be exceptionally strong. At some high places, they removed the artillery from the warship and arranged some turrets.

Although these forts could not be attacked, they also prevented some merchant ships from approaching. The emergence of these forts of the nobility. The captain of the "Quick Crossbow" believes that this is a threat, because once these turrets are built and expanded, the noble navy can use these turrets to become offensive weapons. At present, the Korean surface armed forces are basically shipbuilding in the State of Qin. Produced by the factory. If the South Korean surface armed forces want to go out into the sea, they must pass through the forts of these noble naval forces.

The Chu aristocratic navy can use the turrets, which can intercept passing ships, and once turrets are built on both sides of the strait. I dare not imagine the consequences. It is precisely because of this. The captain of the "Quick Crossbow" asked his subordinates to think of a way to contain the practice of the Chu aristocratic navy. But his men did not put forward any constructive suggestions at all.

"The current Chu aristocratic naval forces are simply not capable of attacking us, so we don't have to worry about anything at all?" The chief officer said from the reconnaissance report he collected.

"The aristocratic navy has been frightened. From here to the front line of Changsha. The aristocratic navy began to shrink across the board. Their forces are all huddled in the water village. I think we can go directly to the sea to fight. There is no need to worry about this. The noble navy's interception." The chief officer said excitedly.

The captain heard his first officer say this at this time. Feeling very disappointed, he shook his head helplessly, and then walked back and forth.

"Captain, what do you think?" a trainee officer asked actively at this time.

"What do I think?" The captain looked at the others, and everyone in the room looked at the captain.

"The situation is not good," the captain said.

"What?" All the people looked at the captain in surprise, and then they were at a loss. You look at me and I look at you. They really don't understand why the captain said such words.

"This situation is really bad," the captain said.

"If I belonged to the aristocratic navy of Chu, I would never give up such a big advantage." The captain stopped and said while standing at the conference table.

"Think about it. How many ships are there in the Yangtze River today? How big is Qin's demand. Many people can earn a lot of gold from Qin." The captain analyzed.

"People have already seen that the Yangtze River will be a golden waterway." The captain said.

"The state of Chu nowadays is more and more involved in overseas trade. They earn a hundredfold profit from overseas trade. What will be the taxes in the past." The captain said.

"If I were a noble navy army, I would not give up this largest tax. This is also the reason why the noble navy army expanded so much at once." said the captain. What the captain said was not wrong. Because of this, the nobles set up their own navy forces, set up checkpoints on the Yangtze River, intercepted passing ships, and imposed high taxes. These taxes have benefited the nobles a lot. The jealous nobles have followed suit and established their own navy forces on the edge of the Yangtze River. They set up various water villages and checkpoints of various sizes, and repeatedly levied high taxes. These have seriously hindered the development of maritime trade.

However, the development of the noble navy was very scattered. Because they belong to different aristocratic families, and these aristocratic families have different factions, not only that, the nobles and the nobles have different territories. These factors lead to the fact that the noble navy is a big general reference. In fact, the power of the noble navy is scattered, and it is difficult to gather a very powerful force. But this power cannot be underestimated.

"The aristocratic navy has grown very powerfully. At present, although they are shrinking in the water village, we still need to see some unfavorable developments." The captain pointed out this potential threat at this time.

"The construction of these noble naval turrets poses a great threat to us. Our ships must pass through here. The noble naval forces only need to intercept us. Their ships do not need to go out of the water village to meet the enemy. But we have to go out of the Yangtze River, into the sea, and then come back from the sea. Once the fortresses of the noble navy are built along the banks of the Yangtze River, the range of the artillery will cover the entire waterway. This is tantamount to someone getting stuck in our necks. , At that time we want to pant, but also look at the noble navy, this is the real key." The captain said worriedly.

Speaking of this, everyone was stunned, they didn't even think of it. The people present, you look at me, I look at you, this time they really have no idea.

"What should we do? Think about it, everyone." The captain said this and went out. Because he can't help it.

And the nobles at this time are also having a headache for this matter.

"This. This, this, what is this?" The nobles in a fief in the Yangtze River of Chu State received such a letter at their mansion. The letter described in detail the process of their taxation vessel being attacked and their current situation. Situation.

"Trash, it's all trash, a bunch of trash. A trash not as good as a dog." Aristocratic cursed.

The attendants on the side stood tremblingly. At this time, a thin strategist stepped forward lightly, picked up the bamboo slips and looked.

"These wastes, I spent money to feed a bunch of wastes, and I can't even collect the money. This money, I am **** **** it." The nobleman scolded in anger. Such news is a good news for him. The bad news is that he was expecting to build the navy by himself and get some benefits from it, but what he didn't expect was that the navy that had just been established would not be able to get out of the nest. In order to build their own navy, the nobles borrowed money from other nobles. All these money require high interest payments. it's good now. He didn't even receive a penny and was beaten by someone else. This made the nobles very annoyed.

"En." The skinny counselor finished reading the bamboo slips at this time. After thinking about it, he had a plan. But he saw the attendants around him. Their trembling looks will only make people look very angry.

"You all go down." The counselor said at this time.

"This." The attendants looked at the nobleman worriedly.

"Wow." The nobleman waved his hand angrily, and he felt very tired.

When the attendants saw the nobleman waving, they nodded and quietly retreated. At this time, the skinny counselor stepped forward and said.

"Lord, don't be angry, there is a plan to solve the lord's worries." said the counselor.

"Oh. Come, sir." Hearing such words from the counselor, the nobleman asked immediately.

"Lord, just now, I looked at the bamboo slip, and the bamboo slip said that our army retreated to the water village. This water thief attacked fiercely. But he didn't dare to make progress." The counselor said at this time.

"Mr. Hurry up," the nobleman asked eagerly at this time.

"En. Lord, don't worry, don't worry." The counselor said with a smile.

"Sir, let's talk." The nobleman said anxiously.

"My lord, our army has just been established. This naval force has not yet achieved combat power, and those water thieves, who have been in the water all the year round, are naturally much stronger than the naval force I just established." said the counselor.

"Oh." The nobleman said at this time.

"Master, at present, you can dismantle the cannons on the warships and build forts on both sides of the Yangtze River. As long as these forts have a range of fire, they can block the entire Yangtze River. As long as our army blockades the waterways, those merchant ships will be very resistant to me."

"But what if those water thieves attack?" the nobleman asked worriedly at this time.

"Can those boats withstand the bombardment of artillery?" The counselor asked the nobleman instead.

"This." The noble thought for a while.

Then the noble shook his head.

"In this way, the lord can have no worries," said the counselor.

"Ah, hahahaha." The nobleman laughed loudly when he heard this.

"Sir. See you. Sir." The nobleman said loudly at this time.

"So, hahaha." The nobleman laughed constantly.

"My lord, it's just that the construction cost of this fort is very high, and some solid forts need to be built. To prevent the water pirates from forcing it." The counselor said at this time.

"Don't worry. Don't worry, those water thieves can't have such courage." The nobleman said excitedly at this time. Regarding the counselor's worry, he didn't mind at all. Because there is no need to worry at all.

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