"Lord, those fortifications are so ingenious. We can't get in at all." A coal mine in Zhaoguo at the western foot of Taihang Mountain. The aristocratic army of the Zhao country launched successive offensives. But they were all beaten back by the fortifications built. The construction of these fortifications is extremely ingenious. They have two bunkers, light and dark. Add some infantry lines. The aristocratic army's offensive was severely frustrated. This greatly hindered the performance of the Zhao army.

"Boom me with a cannon." A nobleman on the chariot put down the telescope in his hand and shouted loudly.

"No way. Lord." The family of the Zhao aristocratic army shook his head with disheveled hair.

"Those cannons can only be fired horizontally. We pushed them up, and before they could fire the cannons, we were repelled by them. Even if the cannons were fired, the cannonballs were blown off by the ground." The expert said truthfully.

Useless, useless waste. "The nobleman on the chariot scolded loudly.

"Kill." At this moment, the miners and Zhao Jun in the mining area launched a counter-attack, and the counter-attack quickly repelled the attack of the Zhao noble army again. The Zhao noble army could not resist it, and they retreated one after another. Come down.

"Hold up, hold on to me. Those who retreat, kill without mercy." The noble yelled. But it is of no use.

The aristocratic troops of the Zhao State kept retreating.

"Master, retreat, we can't stand it anymore." Seeing this situation, the family will actively persuade.

"Retreat quickly." At this moment, the family will take the initiative to give orders, and the guards of the nobles of the Zhao country also cover their retreat. The artillery used for direct shooting by the Zhao's noble army directly fell into the hands of the counterattack Zhao Jun and the miners. And the retreat of the noble army helpless. They simply couldn't beat each other, especially the regular troops of the Zhao Kingdom joined them. It is more difficult to make the Zhao aristocratic army's offensive.

The regular army of the State of Zhao received strict military training, especially some officers. They knew that the infantry was most afraid of artillery. Once artillery was used, it would greatly affect the situation of the war.

The only way to avoid the bombardment of artillery is to dig down the trenches and stand firm. In this way, the artillery of the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom would be useless, but in order to take down these mines as quickly as possible, the noble army madly pushed the artillery to the front line and bombarded the fortification bunkers with flat shots. This kind of bombardment can play a role to some extent, but it can't completely work. This kind of flat-fire weapon cannot play a decisive role, but these rigorously trained Zhao troops are proficient in tactics. When these noble troops rushed to the front, they launched a counterattack and attacked the noble troops from the side. Under the mobile and flexible tactical attack, the noble army defeated and returned.

The defeat of the noble army left a lot of artillery on Zhao Jun and the miners. The supplementation of these artillery pieces is not good for the offensive of the noble army. After the offensive failed, the noble army retreated one after another. They chose some key points, built the fort, and maintained a defensive state.

"The artillery you gave us is of no use at all." After the attack was frustrated, the nobles of the Zhao State issued serious protests to the representatives of Qin State's arms company.

"Sorry, everyone, we have no problem with cannons and weapons. The problem of war lies in people, not weapons." The representative of the arms company replied.

"Your artillery simply can't penetrate the bunker, and the fortifications. The artillery shell flew past, and it flew directly." The nobleman shouted loudly to the arms representative. The representative of the arms company shook his head, not understanding what it meant.

"I don't understand what the adults mean. Our artillery shells can only fly up. In order to further destroy the enemy. It will have a greater destructive effect on the enemy's lethality." The representative of the arms company continued.

"The bomb flies. It also kills people." The nobleman said mockingly to the arms representative.

"You people of Qin will deceive people. I will not give you your artillery. You can figure it out. Rubbish, what you sell to us is rubbish." The nobleman continued to shout loudly. The representatives of the arms company expressed their disdain and anger. Seeing that the situation was so rigid, some doormen and strategists stepped forward to dissuade them, and then pulled the nobles down.

"Below, Guo Qi. It's just a doorman." At this time, a weak scholar and a kind counselor stepped forward and said respectfully.

"My Patriarch has something I can't stand up to, so I hope to take care of it and take care of it." The doorman named Guo Qi bowed his hands and said in a salute.

"Well, we understand." Qin State Arms Company representative said at this time. This representative came from the Li Arms Company of Qin State. They sold about fifty artillery pieces to the nobles of the Zhao country. The nobles hoped that they would be able to quickly take down the mines after these artillery pieces. However, the situation did not improve greatly. Instead, they lost more weapons. This disappointed the nobles.

"I think there is a serious misunderstanding between us, we just want to know how things happened." Qin State Arms Company representative said.

"In addition, war is a complicated science. I think you should understand this. As long as it is science, there will be some problems. If it is not handled properly, it will cause serious mistakes. We don't want this to happen. I don't want such a thing to happen, we are here to solve the problem." Qin State's arms company representative said very practically.

"This, we naturally understand." Guo Qi knew that the people of Qin State always act like this. He still has some good feelings about Qin Guo's attitude, after all, this can actually solve the problem.

"I think that for some specific questions, you should ask the main generals on the front line, as well as some actual situations, and you can understand them by looking at them." Guo Qi said.

"That way, it's better." Qin State Arms Company representative turned around and said.

The forward positions besieged by the nobles. The noble army also learned from those Zhao Jun and the miners. They also began to dig trenches and hold on. To prevent them from further attacking their positions. Zhao Jun and the miners did not launch further offensives to drive them out. The reason is that after all, Zhao Jun has only a small part, and it is difficult for them to form a very powerful force in a short time to train those miners into soldiers. And they are lacking in everything. Weapons and equipment, food and ammunition, many things they cannot satisfy. Even the clean water source smells of coal ballast in this mine. In the eyes of Commander Zhao Jun, if they want to fight a war, it would be difficult to continue to expand their sphere of influence without these. At the same time, their military duties do not allow them to go down the mountain and take the methods of thugs like miners to rob everything. The actions of these soldiers strictly restrained the further harm of violence. But this will also put their situation into an unfavorable state.

"Fire, let's see the situation." The arms representative said.

"Fire a shot." The noble family will order their men to fire.

"Boom." There was a sound of artillery firing.

The cannonball flew out directly. Make a sound of "Woo."

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The shell exploded at a distant place, and the arms representative looked at it at this time. Then I thought it was nothing.

"What do you mean?" Qin State Arms Company representative asked.

"See the excavated soil." Jia Jiang pointed at this time and said.

"Yes, I saw it." The representative said.

"Those **** mobs, they are hiding under the ditch. They didn’t even show their heads. Our shells shot straight through, and they could only hit the excavated dirt. But the heads of those thugs were under the ditch. We The cannons fired by the cannons of China simply can't hit the other side's head." The family will reflect this problem.

"Oh. I see. The cannonball flies directly, rather than jumping over the **** soil. Right?" said the arms representative.

"Yes. That's what it means." Jia Jiang said, waving his arms.

"Those **** soil saved the heads of those thugs. Damn heads." The family will curse in Qin Jun's usual words. They have been in contact with Qin Jun, and this is how Qin Jun cursed. They hope that they can get the favor of the other party in this way.

"We understand. We will then send a technical representative to let them see the specific situation. However, now we need to go back and discuss the specific approach." The arms representative said. Then nodded, indicating that he was leaving. The home general did not say anything.

The artillery Qin exported to Zhao was all field artillery. These artillery had high initial speed, long range, and great power. However, they were all flat-fire artillery, and there were also some howitzers, but the power of howitzers could not be exerted at this time. The power of the howitzer cannot accurately enter the trenches, that is to say, the curve of the artillery is not curved enough. In this way, the shells cannot be allowed to fall in the trenches, but fall outside the fortifications. The fortifications built by Zhao Jun have doubled the artillery attack. The appearance of these trenches largely offset the power of this offensive. This greatly reduced the power of Qin's artillery.

Just when the Qin State Arms Representative was worried about this matter and asked the headquarters to send an arms consultant to investigate this matter, the technical engineer of Wenyang Arms Company was worried about a weapon and equipment.

"What about these mortars?" a technical engineer said.

"Now, there is a shortage of raw materials, and these mortars are placed in the warehouse. They are slowly rusting. And no one comes to buy them. Their caliber is very big. They are also very powerful, that is, they have a short range. I'm afraid these things No one buys them. We might as well return them to the furnace and recast them into field guns and howitzers. This can also save a lot of money.” Another technical engineer said.

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