The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1512: Chu State Merchant Ship Transporting Cannons

"These mortars are useless. They can only be used for siege, but now they are fighting in the field. Then there are siege operations. Besides, the weapons for siege operations can also be cast and placed here too. It's wasted." Another engineer said.

"However, these things are definitely useful. We have to rebuild them now. If they get rusted, we can remove the rust. But if the product is out of stock, it might affect sales." The first engineer said.

"Besides, once these things are stopped, a production line must be stopped. The molds and machine tools on the production line must be changed. These movements are really too big." The engineer said worriedly.

"We can report to the top and let the top people think of a solution. In short, we can't just go back to the stove. If one day, the demand for mortars expands, our production line will stop again. That kind of loss will be the biggest. "The engineer said.

"That's right." The other workers nodded. This is industrial production, as long as the product is finalized, it can be mass-produced immediately.

Mortar guns can only be used in some special environments because of their product characteristics. When artillery and muskets are popularized, military forces of all countries still like large-scale field battles. They are used for urban fortifications and strong field defenses. Conquer, this aspect has not been encountered by any country, but with the large-scale popularization of firearms and the occurrence of the balancing effect of various weapons, the demand for such mortars has slowly emerged, whether it is the Chu army. When Linzi was besieged, or Zhao Jun attacked these mining areas, he had to face such deep fortifications. The increase in defensive power has reduced the offensive power a lot. As the offensive side, it is bound to break this balance. Only by breaking this balance can they change.

Under Linzi City, representatives of the nobles of Chu finally came to Linzi. For Linzi, such a picture appeared in front of him. This kind of minister of Chu State was still a little surprised.

"How did Linzi become like this?" the minister asked the person next to him.

"War is inevitable," said a general on the side. The minister, Yaoyao head, who was helpless at this time, really made him feel a little bit disappointed by such a scene. After all, Linzi was the most prosperous city among the six eastern countries at the time, but now it is a desolate scene. . The cruelty of the war disappointed the minister.

"My lord, what can stop this battle?" a Chu army general asked in a low voice. The current war is irrelevant. The morale of many soldiers in the Chu army has dropped rapidly, because they feel that if they have captured King Qi, the war should be able to end quickly, and then they can go home quickly.

"This matter is not something you can intervene." The old minister replied coldly. After the general Chu had eaten it, he stopped asking.

Regarding things like negotiations, the old minister himself did not know what to do. This kind of thing happened for the first time in the history of Chu State, and there is no model for reference at all. Many of them are the first time, and the old minister himself has made difficulties.

The night gradually fell. Many bonfires burned on the Chu army's position. So many bonfires are used to guard against surprise attacks by the Qi army.

"Bang. Bang. There is Qi army." The calm night began to lively. The sound of gunshots and shouts began to ring continuously.

"Wow." A group of Chu troops began to gather quickly and ran towards the place where the gunfire happened.

"What happened recently? These Qi troops began to harass us continuously." A Chu Army officer stayed in his trench. Watching the team going to support leave here. Officer Chu felt that the recent situation was abnormal.

"Bang. Bang. Sir, the Chu army is coming up. Let's retreat." A Qi army soldier injured his arm. Then he turned around and shouted loudly to his chief.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." The leader of the Qi Army saw that the Chu Army came to support with a torch, so he had no choice but to give an order to retreat.

"After we go back, we will find another place to break through." The officer said to the others.

"Bang. Bang." Qi Jun kept firing at this time, firing and retreating. Chu Jun didn't dare to come recently, they couldn't figure out what Qi Jun wanted to do recently.

The Qi army defending Linzi City was basically divided into two factions. One faction decided to stay here, while the other faction decided to break out. They decided to look for Tian Heng. Heng, thinking that only in this way can they survive. Most of the breakouts were grass-roots officers. Because of the small number of people, they had to choose to break through at night, but the Chu army had already surrounded this place, and it became difficult to break through, and some breakouts turned into harassment. It greatly made the Chu army's judgment wrong, and the Chu army didn't care about such a breakthrough. Most of the Chu army officers and soldiers already thought that the war was about to end. Fighting hard at this time is not worth it. It is also a very stupid thing.

Qin State’s Beigang Wharf.

"Slow down, slow down." A hoisting worker is commanding a boom and hoisting three artillery on a wooden merchant ship in Chu State.

The customs of Qin State was on the sidelines to check the hoisting situation, because the transport was arms, the customs officials were very rigorous.

A group of Qin State Marine Corps soldiers patrolled back and forth. The arms trade should not cause some accidents on the mainland of Qin. Therefore, the Marine Corps needs to make rigorous patrols.

"Recently, Chu has imported a lot of artillery?" The customs Cheng looked at the recorded data and said.

"How much did you record?" Customs Cheng asked.

"In the last seven days, more than 1,100 artillery pieces have been exported, and there are still more than 1,000 artillery pieces in the customs warehouse in urgent need of declaration for export." said a book official.

"Huh." The customs Cheng just exhaled. In the past month, the number of artillery has soared. Almost every ship is carrying artillery on a large scale. The delivery of these artillery made Qin’s customs officials very worried. These are all powerful weapons. Of course, Qin can earn a lot of money by exporting these weapons and increase government taxes, but such exports make the customs officials. I feel very worried.

In a restaurant close to the port, a slender man with a mustache watched the shipment from the port. He held a telescope and looked at what was on the Chu State merchant ship from time to time.

"What happened to the merchant ships of Chu State recently?" said the lanky Hu man.

"The merchant ships of Chu state before, were all loaded with wine, guns, or some messy things. In the past month, it seemed that they had been negotiated. They were all loaded with cannons. You say that Chu people are also true. It's weird." said the lanky man with eight characters.

On the other tower near the window in the distance, two Korean businessmen looked at me and I looked at you. They were also surprised by such an amazing discovery. The goods shipped by Chu State merchant ships were not in the chaos they used to be. It became neat all at once. This greatly exceeded their expectations.

"Why do you think this is?" one of the two Korean businessmen asked actively.

"Don't say much, eat." The other person said quietly. Then from time to time I looked at the Chu State Merchant Ship outside the window. The other one seemed indifferent, but his eyes were watching from time to time. These two people are South Korean writers and spies. They have to report and record some strange and abnormal things that happened here in Qin, because only in this way can they grasp the dynamics of other countries.

"Sir, the situation is clear." A servant cautiously walked in and said in a drug store opened by a Korean.

"What's the situation?" A man read the book leisurely, eating fried beans.

"The artillery that the merchant ships of Chu recently transported. It seems that they were all sent to the colony. The colony ordered a large number of artillery, ranging from fifty to over a hundred. The quantity of these artillery pieces is very large, and the demand for ammunition is also very large. "The servant said.

"Oh. Didn't they transport it to the Chu noble navy or navy?" The man put down the book in his hand and asked.

"It's clear to the small inquiries that these things are not for the noble navy or navy. They are all delivered to the colonies, and the number of artillery is very large, and many merchant ships have participated." The servant continued. .

"Oh. Strange, what do these Chu colonies need so many artillery for?" The man stood up and said strangely.

"The ammunition is also large?" the man asked next.

"Yes." said the servant.

"En." After the man got the answer, he nodded.

"It seems that there is going to be a big movement in the Chu colony," the man said.

"You go down first, then come over and get the telegram, go to the telegraph office, and send it." the man said.

"Here." The servant nodded, saluted, and left. The man thought about it.

"This Chu colony, what do you need so many artillery for?" The man has been sending people to inquire about the cargo loading of Chu at the port recently. The Koreans regard Chu's merchant ship as their most important overseas opponent. He had to record every move of the Chu State Merchant Ship and the cargo on each ship. By doing so, he could know what his opponent was doing to a greater extent.

"And our colony does not have a cannon yet. Could it be that Chu's colony will expand, and if it expands, it will go deep into the interior. Are there so many people in the colony of Chu people?" the man said to himself The language said.

"It seems necessary to send a telegram to Xinzheng." The man felt very dangerous and decided to send this telegram to attract Xinzheng's attention.

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