"My lord, this palace is abandoned, I don't know my lord..." a minister said worriedly.

"The widow has already thought about it. The military camp outside the city is where the widow goes." Han Shu said confidently. Abandoning such a palace, Han Shu does not feel distressed at all. In fact, she has long hated the palace of Han. Living in one place for a long time will make you feel bored. In addition to this reason, the palace is too big. Too big, the space is big, you can naturally feel the king's spirit during the day, but after the night is quiet, it will appear lonely in the world. Han Shu spends this way every night, which makes her feel very depressed, so she wants to take this opportunity to move out.

The minister saluteed and said nothing. Han Shu's approach has been supported by most people. After all, few people can invest so much in education. This is the first time in Korean history.

The investment in civilian education has officially marked that South Korea’s policy is more pro-popular. This is an important sign of South Korea’s New Deal.

Chu State is on the Yangtze River. Three medium-sized ships are moving slowly upstream, and their destination is Qin's Beigang. Of the three medium ships, one is a gunboat with twenty-five cannons on it. The other two ships, one was a merchant ship, and the slave trade ship from overseas had a large number of slaves imprisoned on it. The third is a cargo ship, covered with canvas, and the waterline is very deep. The action is unusually slow. All three ships moved slowly at the speed of the last ship.

Obviously, the speed of the three ships is different, and the speed of the gunboat is the fastest. The speed of the last cargo ship was the slowest, and the three ships moved slowly. Formed a fleet.

"Too slow. Head." A little boss said anxiously.

"Yes, head. Too slow." A one-eyed little boss also urged anxiously.

"I know it's slow." On the gunboat, the pirate captain with only one right arm was holding a telescope to check the surroundings, because the waters of the Yangtze River here suddenly became narrow, and such a narrow area could easily be ambushed. do not worry.

"That's a cargo ship, all on it is ore, ore, you know? That thing, loaded on the ship, can it be fast? We are going upstream. It is not fast at all." The pirate captain said. The pirate captain originally had his own livelihood at sea, but there was no way. He heard that there were noble taxation captains on the Yangtze River to grab, so he got involved. But unexpectedly, he came late. The gust of wind has passed. In desperation, he had no choice but to use his initiative. He snatched a merchant ship, a noble cargo ship, and the cargo ship had only ore. Everyone on the boat dived and ran away. He didn't know what the ore was. It was too heavy and only merchants wanted to ask for it, but merchants were unwilling to do business with pirates. They were too cruel. In desperation, he had to **** these two ships to the State of Qin. Perhaps only in this way could he make some money back from the business he came out this time. Going to sea also has a cost. I came out, there was nothing, it was unreasonable. The pirates had no choice but to take a trip to Qin.

"Boom boom boom. Boom boom boom." At this moment, the rapid sound of war drums resounded across the river.

"Not good. There is an ambush." ​​The pirate captain lowered his body at this time, and then quickly checked the surroundings.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu." Immediately after the sound of the horn, this is the unique assembly method of the army.

"Fucking. Head, we met Chu Jun." The one-eyed little boss shouted.

"Well. Check it out." The captain lowered his body and said carefully.

"See if it's an army of nobles. They don't want to fight." The captain said with luck. Because the pirate captain knows very well that those noble naval forces are just a bunch of rubbish. Can **** fight war? This is questionable.

And it was the noble navy who blew the horn and the drum.

"Hurry up, hurry up. Move fast." On a turret with a rammed earth structure. The artillery soldiers of the noble navy swiftly ran into their battle positions.

"Hurry up." An aristocratic navy officer shouted loudly.

The gunners of the noble navy swiftly ran up to the turret. Some soldiers hurriedly took off the gun jackets, then loaded the shells and adjusted the angle. The gunners are busy nervously.

"Did you see the noble warship?" the pirate captain asked the one-eyed little boss beside him worriedly.

"No, head." The little one-eyed boss looked around with a telescope. The pirate captain did not know that the noble navy had built a large number of forts on the shore. For the pirate captain, the greatest threat is not the fortresses he doesn't know about. What he is worried about is the warship of the noble navy, because he is still towing a slow-moving cargo ship, which is moving slowly. It's easy to be caught up by the opponent, and he can run away, but he doesn't have the money in his hand.

This is what the pirate is thinking at this time, and he still doesn't know the danger is coming quietly.

"General, the three ships on the river are moving slowly. Our shells can accurately hit them." A gunner ran over to ask for instructions.

"Well, quickly fire the cannon and intercept it for me. If they escape, they will be beaten to death, maybe they are all sunk." The aristocratic navy general waved his arm and shouted loudly. He saw three slow-moving ships in the river, one of which was obviously a warship. Because the muzzle is exposed outside.

"Fuck," the noble sailor general said unconvinced. Since the establishment of the navy, they have been crushed by some merchant ships and water thieves without tax collection, and they have not been able to get out at all. They can only curl up in the harbor and cannot play.

"Aim." The Chu aristocratic navy artillery on the turret had already loaded the artillery shells. A gunner already shouted loudly.

"Let it go," the gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." The muzzle quickly ejected a dazzling light, and a black marble flew out all at once.

"Wow." The cannonball flew towards the pirate ship whizzing.

"Boom." There was a sound of a cannonball falling into the water.

"Fuck, where is it?" The pirate captain worriedly watched whether there were ships of noble naval forces on both sides of the strait. They believed that the biggest threat was the opponent's warship, so they didn't pay much attention to the flying shells.

"Swish." A shell flew over immediately.

"Boom." This time the shell exploded a water column in front of the warship. At this moment, the pirate captain finally felt that something was wrong.

"Be careful, watch the ship." The pirate looked around alertly.

"Bang bang bang." On the far shore, light was constantly shining. After the artillery fired, the smoke showed that the artillery shells were shot from there.

"Head, on the shore, on the shore." The little one-eyed boss was lying on the deck at this time, carefully instructing the pirate captain.

"What?" The pirate captain cried out in surprise at this time.

"Captain, ashore, just ashore," the little one-eyed boss reminded.

"What?" the pirate captain asked incredulously.

"The artillery came from the shore, and I didn't see the shadow of the warship." The little boss shouted loudly. Unbelievably, the captain picked up his telescope and stood up to see.

He did see through the telescope that a large number of artillery fired from the shore. Cannonballs continue to fall into the water, but the training level of these noble naval forces is too low. At such a distance, they didn't even get their boat right.

"His mother, no matter how the gun was fired, I didn't see a shell hitting the ship." The aristocratic navy general stood on the high part of the fort and saw it with a binoculars. There were a lot of cannonballs. They gathered more than a hundred cannons on the battleship and set them on the fort, but to his disappointment, almost all the artillery fired. Not a single shell hit the opponent. This made the general very angry.

"Re-fire, no shells were hit. All were shot." The general shouted loudly at the artillery on the turret. The noble naval artillery in the fort was seriously under-trained. They just understand the basic launch procedures. For aiming and shooting, hitting the cannonball is just like the heavenly book. Therefore, as soon as the war started, their shells were very outrageous. More than a hundred shells have been fired. Not a single shell hit the ship. What's even more annoying was that there was still another shell because it was insufficiently loaded with gunpowder. The cannonball rushed out directly, rolled down into the river, and saw such artillery. The aristocratic navy commander scolded his mother.

The noble navy itself is not a new army, and their combat effectiveness is very low. And among them, serving as a soldier is just a messenger. I don't think that there is a real war. The result was a real fight and a problem came up.

"Trash. Trash. Completely trash." The aristocratic navy general anxiously shouted loudly. But there is no alternative.

Pirate warship.

"Head. Let's retreat. Look at the erection, and we are aiming at many cannons." The one-eyed little boss saw that the situation was not right. Persuaded immediately.

"The falling shells are like rain. Let's retreat as soon as possible." The little boss continued.

"Withdraw, I didn't see it. Didn't one of those shells hit us?" The captain said without scruples, standing and holding a binoculars looking at the fort in the distance.

"These noble soldiers are just a bunch of rubbish. They have almost 70 or 80 shells. They didn't hit Lao Tzu with a single shot. It's really a bunch of rubbish." The captain said with a sneer.

"Order our ship. Go up and fire a few shots at those forts, and let the noble soldiers learn to learn what is to fire." The pirate captain shouted.

"This." The little boss was still worried.

"What are you afraid of? Go up and get a beating." The pirate captain ordered loudly.

"Swish." At this moment, a cannonball struck.

"Boom." The shell hit the slow cargo ship. The gang of the cargo ship was knocked down a lot.

"Wow." The ore continued to make noises and fell into the river.

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