"Aim." "Let." A few shells hit the slow-moving cargo ship. Some noble naval gunners adjusted their muzzle quickly. They wanted to hit the slow-moving cargo ship severely. They found that this cargo ship was very easy to hit, so they also felt light on their faces.

"Boom." A cannon sounded. One artillery fired shells, and the other artillery fired quickly. On the turret, several other artillery also quickly aimed at the slow-moving cargo ship.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Boom." There was a crash. The shell hit the cargo ship.

"Wow." A large amount of ore leaked from the destroyed ship gang.

"Boom." There was another sound of a huge cannonball hit. The cargo ship was shot again.

"Okay. Good job. Just do it." The Chu State Navy general who was watching the results on the turret shouted loudly at this time. He saw that his shell finally landed on the other's cargo ship.

"Boom." Then came the sound of a hitting cargo ship. The cargo ship moved slowly because they were loaded with ore, and their speed was not fast. At this time, other noble naval artillery on the fort had discovered Since this cargo ship is easy to hit, almost half of the artillery is focused on this cargo ship. With such a high density of bombardment, it is easy to hit the cargo ship.

"Huhu." After a few rounds. The wooden structure on the cargo ship began to burn into flames. To make matters worse, several large holes were punched out by several solid shells on the side of the ship. Several holes are being poured into the river.

"Not good. Our cargo ship." The one-eyed little boss on the approaching pirate warship found that their cargo ship had been hit. A fire is burning on the cargo ship. The sails have been ignited.

"Damn, these nobles are flying." The pirate captain was offended. He yelled.

"Get close to me, hit hard." The pirate captain called out loudly. The pirate warship is approaching quickly, and the merchant ship is avoiding the flying shells, but the situation seems to be very favorable to him, because at this time the artillery on the noble naval turret is aiming the direction of the artillery at the slow-moving cargo hold. on. Relatively fewer shells are in his vicinity.

"Wow." The shells still bombarded the cargo ship.

"Not good. A warship is approaching. Hurry up and fire." A noble officer who was a lieutenant shouted loudly. A flag bearer stood on a high place and waved the flag continuously.

"Let it go." The pirate warship approached the distance where they could shoot.

"Bang bang bang bang." There was a salvo of gunfire from the battleship. The shells flew out quickly.

"Boom." The solid shell hit the noble artillery on the turret.

"Ah." Some gunners screamed when they were hit. Flesh and blood flew across the fort. The gunner who was shot and did not die screamed.

"Aim. Aim. Hit me those warships." The aristocratic navy general shouted loudly at this time. At the same time, he drew out his sword and shouted loudly.

"Fire. Hurry up and fire at that warship." The noble navy shouted loudly.

"Quickly. Quickly reload the shells." An aristocratic naval gunner shouted loudly. The noble naval gunners are busy loading shells and adjusting the muzzle. Although they have a lot of artillery, their secondary reloading speed is very slow. After all, they didn't train for a long time, and some artillery units had many mistakes, such as the propellant being loaded. But the shell was not released, and an empty shot was fired. Others were fired. Launch without equipment.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. A cannon on the very edge of the turret fired and exploded. The reason was obvious. It was time for the noble naval gunners to reload and put a few more gun propellants. As a result, the guns exploded. The danger of artillery is here. If a few people don't operate properly, there will be serious things like bombing. Fortunately, the position of the artillery was remote, and the surrounding artillery units suffered heavy losses, which did not affect the normal firing of other artillery on the entire turret.

"No, our cargo ship is about to capsize." A sailor shouted loudly. When the pirate captain heard this, he quickly turned around and saw that he saw that his cargo ship had been severely tilted, and the river water poured into the cargo hold. In addition, the cargo ship had a heavy load and the cargo ship tilted suddenly and quickly. Is about to sink into the river.

"Fucking. Money for the brain." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"I want revenge. This group of noble soldiers, I want to eat their meat." I saw one of my cargo ships being driven into the river by the noble artillery. The pirate captain was on fire all of a sudden.

"Fire, fire, beat Lao Tzu to his mother." The pirate captain commanded loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." The pirate warship fired once again. This time they knocked down a few artillery pieces on a noble turret, and quickly shortened the combat distance. At the same time, the reloading time of the artillery of the pirate warship was much faster than the reloading speed of the noble artillery. Therefore, the pirate warship quickly fired artillery shells to bombard the opponent. The reloading speed of the noble artillery was too slow.

After all, the pirate's gunners have to go through some training. This is their job. They can't help but strengthen their training.

"Fucking. These water thieves." The noble general shouted loudly. A volley of fire knocked out several of his artillery. This kind of combat power makes him feel very tricky. But the nobles still have many turret artillery.

"Boom boom boom." As the cargo ship sank, artillery gathered again at this time. When they saw the approaching warship, they quickly aimed their guns at the approaching warship. The artillery fired one after another.

Compared with shooting cargo ships, cargo ships are shooting from a long distance. Long shots need to accurately measure the distance, and then calculate according to the trajectory, and adjust the position of the muzzle for shooting. These were originally taught when the Qin State provided artillery, but these noble soldiers knew how to fight. They have no interest in how to fight accurately. Ever since, at the time of war. The shells were almost indiscriminately fired. However, after a while, the noble artillery seemed to touch the doorway. Coupled with the large number of them, they even sank a cargo ship under random shooting.

The cargo ship is long-range, which requires the gunner to have an accurate distance estimate. However, the noble artillery has no such great capabilities, and their distance calculation deviations are too great. To make the shells accurately hit the target. The important point is the calculation of distance, and this. The noble artillery did not do very well.

But they quickly adjusted the muzzle and aimed at the pirate warship approaching. In order to maximize the possible aiming and use the power of artillery, the pirate warship decided to move closer to some strike turrets, but the proximity also shortened the combat distance between the two sides. The shortening of the distance means that the accuracy of the shells will be much improved.

Long shots are about distance, which requires accurate measurement of distance, but close shots don’t have to be so troublesome to calculate.

With the sound of the rumbling cannon, the power of the turret finally appeared at this time. The shells flew out quickly. However, many shells did not hit the ship, but flew out indiscriminately. Fortunately, there were many shells, and there were always a few shells that hit the ship.

"Wow." Some sawdust flew up.

"Be careful." The one-eyed little boss suddenly threw the captain down. Because some shells were passed directly over their heads.

"Boom." The warship was hit in many places, and one of the warship's artillery was knocked down in the river water before it fired.

"Hahaha. Hit. Hit." The aristocratic navy general shouted loudly.

Pirate warship.

"Head, retreat, the situation is not good for us." The little boss persuaded him at this time. Because he saw that at least hundreds of artillery were aimed at them and fired at them.

"Retreat?" the pirate captain shouted loudly with red eyes.

"I don't withdraw, damn, these noble soldiers. I want to eat their meat." The captain of the pirate killed his eyes, and one of his cargo ships was knocked down. But the battleship was hit in many places, and such a big loss made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Head, retreat quickly, otherwise the situation will be very unfavorable for us. Hurry up." The little boss shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom." The noble artillery on the turret continued to fire, seeing the warship approaching. The noble artillery all thought that this was a good opportunity. They adjusted the muzzle to shoot directly. For them, such shooting was very easy, because there was no need to measure the distance or anything. It's too easy.

"Boom." At this moment, two solid shells hit the pirate warship heavily, and the pirate warship shook a few times.

"Damn, these noble turrets," the pirate captain shouted loudly. Obviously, the situation is very unfavorable for the pirates, because he has to face the bombardment of hundreds of artillery. Cannonballs continue to fly in.

"It's not good. The water has entered." At this moment, a sailor ran up quickly and shouted loudly.

"Puff." Just when the sailor was about to tell the bad news, his head was knocked off by a flying cannonball, and his headless body lay heavily on the deck.

"Captain, retreat." The little boss said again.

"Retreat." Seeing more and more shells flying over. The pirate captain reluctantly issued the order to retreat.

At this time, there were more and more shells. More artillery has spotted the favorable conditions for pirate warships to be close and easy to shoot. The cannonball greeted him naturally.

As the pirate warship withdrew from the war zone. The noble navy finally won the battle. Their losses are not small. Mainly caused by improper operation, but they wounded a warship, a merchant ship, and sank a cargo ship. Such a record is greater than their initiative to send war ships to attack.

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