The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1524: Expansion of the fort

"The other side has built a lot of fortifications. If it is bombarded with wild artillery, it will be difficult to knock down. The ballistic of the wild artillery is too straight. When it hits it, its power can't be exerted." The gun expert sent by Qin is a nobleman in the Zhao country Check the situation on the front positions of the army.

Although the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom have an absolute advantage in artillery, the quality of their soldiers is not very high, and the application of tactics is very bad. Therefore, they cannot move each other at all. The nobility's attitude towards these rioting miners and tax-resistant people has not changed in the slightest. They still believe that this is a betrayal of the country, and such a betrayal should be suppressed immediately. It must not be delayed too long.

Because the interests of these nobles did suffer serious losses. In the eyes of Zhao's nobles. The greatest threat is not the Qin army, but these domestic rebellion and rioters. They will greatly threaten the vital interests of the nobles, threatening their interests, and threatening the foundation of Zhao Guo. Because the nobility is the foundation of the Zhao country, the aristocracy of the Zhao country has always believed in this way.

"The trajectory of the wild artillery is too straight. Such artillery is very suitable for field battles, but this kind of fortified combat." The gun expert sent by Qin State shook his head. Obviously he was worried about the situation of the Zhao aristocratic army.

Indeed, the trajectory of the field artillery is straight. If two armies are fighting in the field, it is very suitable for the field artillery, because the straight trajectory can directly bombard each other. Caused a lot of damage to infantry. But the current situation is that the two sides are not engaged in a field battle. in contrast. Zhao Jun, or the miners, used their own advantages to excavate fortifications and build some fortification firepower points. But the straight wild artillery shells directly bombarded it with no use at all.

The opponent is in the tunnel, and the shell hits the edge, which will naturally kill the opponent.

"Hurry up and find a way? We need to put down these thugs as soon as possible." An aristocratic family will shout anxiously.

"Don't you have many weapons in the Qin country? The money we paid can kill this group of grandchildren." The family will shout arrogantly from the side.

"What do you think?" Qin's gun expert asked another gun expert on the side at this time. The roar for the home general. Both of them simply ignored it.

"If those fortifications are not clear, it will be difficult for these noble troops to charge up. The worst thing is. Without vitality, they will not be able to eliminate the Zhao mobs in those fortifications. Those Zhao mobs can use the fortifications to resist artillery attacks. , In this way, the power of the artillery will not have much effect.” Then the artillery expert said.

"So how to solve this problem?" the gun expert asked.

"The only way is to fly over with a curved ballistic weapon and explode inside their trenches, killing and injuring each other," the artillery expert said.

"En." The gun expert nodded.

"We will leave here to discuss this matter." Two Qin experts decided to leave here after a field visit. They will submit a report after some discussion.

After some research and discussion, the last two experts believed that if the Zhao State aristocratic army wants to move forward, it must have a brand new weapon.

This weapon is a powerful mortar with a large caliber.

The main purpose of field artillery is to deploy infantry and artillery on a large scale in a field battle. Field artillery with a straight ballistic trajectory can play its role. After all, its combat distance is long. The effect of killing infantry is obvious.

With the renewal of the Qin Army's weapons, countries have successively equipped a large number of field artillery, the caliber of this field artillery ranging from five inches to two inches. There are many kinds of shells. It is very lethal to the infantry of the main equipment of the Central Plains countries. Therefore, many countries are equipped with field artillery. However, the applicable environment of field artillery has not attracted the attention of all countries.

Field artillery is only suitable for the field environment, that is to say, this artillery is suitable for both sides to set up positions and carry out large-scale field operations, but it is not suitable for fortified operations, especially for this kind of trench excavation. The power of wild artillery is greatly reduced.

The mortar is actually a mortar, but the mortar made by Qin is a large-caliber bronze artillery. This type of artillery still uses a simple pouring process because its base is very heavy and it is very inconvenient to carry. In addition, Qin State expanded rapidly and used more wild artillery, so the mortar artillery was never used. But Qin's artillery manufacturing is a system, and equipment is naturally a system.

Wild artillery is suitable for use in large-scale field environments, but if Qin is out of the world and sweeps the six kingdoms, it will inevitably encounter some tough battles, especially those difficult to conquer cities. However, this period includes Qin. , The structure of the city is still a rammed earth structure, and the use of field artillery is sufficient to deal with this kind of rammed earth wall. The mortars used to manufacture equipment have not always been used. Because a large-scale battle has never happened. This is mainly because the architecture of this period is still dominated by rammed earth structures, despite the emergence of reinforced concrete structures. However, such fortifications have not yet been able to achieve large-scale popularization. Therefore, Qin's mortar has never been used.

What happened until now. Finally, Qin's mortar can come in handy.

"Can Mortars solve this problem?" Qin State Arms Company representative asked the two experts suspiciously. Because the two experts agreed that the mortar can be used against their enemies.

"Yes." The two experts said unanimously.

"The mortar can attack the opponent's fortifications on a large scale, but this kind of ballistic weapon has a relatively close combat distance. But it is very powerful." Artillery experts said. He is very optimistic about the mortars, because there are still such a lot of inventory in the Qin State Arms Company warehouse. The production molds for the mortars and the shell production line are still in place. If they are kept in this way, they will rust. Go down.

"We can export a few to try. There is no actual result, we can not make such a judgment." The arms company representative said.

"Try it." The representative whispered.

Just when the Qin State Arms Company planned to provide a batch of mortars to Zhao Jun. The Chu nobles were ecstatic. Because their turret tactics have achieved great results. After hearing such news. The nobles quickly came to the fort in groups, and they had to look at the actual effect of the fort regardless of the danger.

"Master, there is a merchant ship coming over there. We can intercept the other party." A family will whispered. Then he nodded to an officer below.

"Boom. Bang." Then, two artillery fired first. The noble heard the sound of cannons all at once. Really shocked.

"Swish." The cannonball greeted the merchant ship whistling.

"Boom. Boom." The shells fell into the water around the merchant ship, and the water column rose very high.

"Good fight. Keep firing." The Jia Jiang whispered an order to the officer at this time.

"Wow. Wow." The officer received the order. The order was passed on immediately, and a flag bearer standing on a high place waved flags of different colors.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Then the artillery rumbling.

Cannonballs flew out, and more than a hundred artillery pieces on the noble turret roared. Such a roar made the legs of the nobleman of Chu numb.

The artillery of the noble navy was not very accurate. Once their training was not in place, they simply did not master the actual firing skills of some artillery. It was already very reluctant to fire. Secondly, they used smoothbore guns. The accuracy of the smoothbore guns was greatly affected because of the lack of rifling on the inner wall.

But the noble navy has its own tactics. They have a lot of forts, with more than one hundred artillery pieces on them, and these more than one hundred artillery pieces form a huge artillery shooting group. Although the accuracy of their shooting has a big problem. But they can quickly launch the power of more than a hundred artillery pieces in a short period of time, and are not afraid of being inaccurate, so they can run and focus on a certain area. Such bombardment is very terrifying.

The role of the fort is exactly this. In a short period of time, a large amount of firepower was gathered to block the river surface, thus achieving the purpose of taxation by the nobility.

"Swish. Swish." The shells roared. That merchant ship simply couldn't withstand so many artillery attacks.

"Boom boom." There were bursts of explosions in the distance. The cannonball hit the wood with the sound of sawdust. And the merchant ship also kept shining brightly.

"Continue shooting." At this moment, the family will shout loudly. The noble artillery reloaded. But this process is relatively slow. As the gunpowder smoke dissipated. The nobleman checked the situation with a telescope. This look. The noble nodded in satisfaction. The merchant ship on the surface of the river has already ignited a fire, and some people continue to jump into the surface of the river. Some merchant ships that followed up saw this situation and stopped moving forward. They are scared.

"Okay. That's it." The nobleman shouted loudly.

"Lord, if we build a fort on the opposite side, these merchant ships will have to pay taxes. Moreover, no matter how powerful the water pirates are, they can't compete with us." Jia Jiang whispered at this time.

"Really?" the nobleman asked at this time.

"Don't dare to deceive." Jia Jiang said in a low voice.

"En." The corners of the noble's mouth twitched.

"Xiu. Repair the opposite side also on the fort. Master will pay me taxes on all passing ships." The nobleman said with a sweeping wave. After seeing the power of the fort, the nobles behind. They nodded one after another, and they realized something at once.

This fort is much easier to use than naval ships. On the other hand, forts were built on both sides of the strait to build a dense firepower network. No one can get past this river. The nobles thought in their hearts. Moreover, the combat power of the navy is far less powerful than that of the fort. This is what I saw with my own eyes.

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