"The prime minister, take a look at this." The Minister of Economy anxiously stepped forward and handed a telegram to Meng Yi. Meng Yi looked at the Minister of Economy, and then opened the telegram.

Meng Yi looked at the telegram, then handed it to the Minister of Economy.

"What do you think?" Meng Yi asked.

"I think this matter has to start in an all-round way. It can't be delayed any longer. Stop the experiment and immediately let go of border trade. The current market in the six eastern countries is too small. It can no longer meet our needs. We are better off with these border countries. , Tribes start trading. I think this is the only fundamental way to prevent such incidents from happening. There is no one.” The Minister of Economy said solemnly.

"En." Meng Yi just gave a gratitude. Then a person quietly left and sat on his office chair.

"At present, the State of Qin needs to open up more markets. The State of Qin cannot always rely on a single export of arms to support the current situation. The State of Qin needs a huge market to consume so many industrial products that we produce. From food to various weapons and equipment. If necessary, we can also export equipment. Help them build railways and so on. And the scope must be large." The Minister of Economy said.

"The Prime Minister, the current situation no longer allows us to move forward cautiously step by step. Although we cannot predict what is ahead, even Shang Wen cannot predict what will happen. But we have come to such a step. Did not retreat." The Minister of Economy said. The Minister of Finance on the side looked at Meng Yi nervously. And Meng Yi didn't seem to have made greater determination.

"In this telegram, although the king told us that smuggling is rampant at the border, if this continues, the king will definitely take action. If that happens, the expanding territory of the Qin State will inevitably be unstable. Although agriculture and animal husbandry are developing in several border states, Soon, but the actual economic capacity is far less than that of the mainland. The immigrants from the six countries have great expectations of Qin. If we cannot effectively appease, that will cause immeasurable losses to Qin. It is possible. "Economy." The minister looked at Meng Yi at this time.

"Go on." Meng Yi looked at the Minister of Economy.

"Maybe, these border states have the possibility of independence. You must know that they have a large number of militias, these people are immigrants from the six countries." The Minister of Economy said worriedly.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Minister of Finance on the side heard the crisis at this moment. So he also stepped forward to persuade. And Meng Yi frowned. He was thinking about what to do. Without giving him guidance, he can only judge by himself. But Meng Yi still wondered, he didn't know if it was right to do so.

"Qin’s current border states are extremely unitary in economy. Only by opening up trade can these border states prosper. Only when they prosper, can these border states of Qin prosper and stabilize, and Qin’s fiscal taxation can be rapid Otherwise, Qin will not be able to increase taxes improperly. It is possible that the economy of this border state is single and dying, which will lead to rebellion and independence. At that time, Qin will have to send troops to quell the rebellion. If it is at that time, Qin will Send troops, increase financial expenditures, and the financial situation will deteriorate further, and Qin's control ability will quickly shrink to an uncontrollable level." The Minister of Economy said with his worry.

"En." Meng Yi nodded at this time, his frown closer. Meng Yi is very clear that the current situation is already in crisis, and Meng Yi has come to power. What he has done is very limited. This is because Meng Yi still lacks the exercise of his own side. He has a lot of worries. Such worries, if it is Shang Wen’s deputy, can be brought into full play, because Meng Yi thinks a lot. It will also be able to eliminate some hidden dangers and be more comprehensive. However, if he is alone, Meng Yi’s situation will be unfavorable. Because he has many concerns, he will not be able to govern decisively. This also leads to some important issues. On the issue, it is especially related to the trend of Qin's national fortune. Will stagnate. Meng Yi has a clear understanding of this point, and he is also very self-aware, but the problem is that he is already in such a position and must make some strong changes, otherwise it will not help.

"I think about it." Meng Yi said with a wave at this time.

"I think about it." Meng Yi continued. Meng Yi sat in his office chair in thought. The Minister of Economy on the side wanted to say something, but was grabbed by the Minister of Finance.

"Let the prime minister think about it, this kind of grand strategy is not something we can consider." The Minister of Finance said.

"When Prime Minister Shang Wen was here, let us tell, but the Prime Minister himself had already integrated all the circumstances. Under such circumstances, didn't he not say a word?" The Minister of Finance said in a low voice. He knew that at this time, he must give Meng Yi a time to calmly think and judge. It is not so easy to make a decision, and the more this is the time, the more he should calm down.

"Okay." Seeing such a scene. The Minister of Economy nodded. Then the two withdrew carefully.

On the other hand, Meng Yi thought about it carefully. Regarding the current situation, Meng Yi could only dimly realize something. But he didn't know exactly how to do it. At this time, King Qin sent a telegram, very dissatisfied with the smuggling trade on the border of the Western Regions. And this kind of dissatisfaction is likely to take some drastic measures, what do these drastic measures mean? Meng Yi seemed to be very clear, that is, Qin's originally good situation had a bad influence. Shang Wen seemed to be very opposed to such intervention when he was there. But Meng Yi didn't know what to do.

In the mountains of Qi, Shang Wen and Mo Li walked among the mountains.

The two are still trying their best to find the Mohist, but they haven't found it for such a long time. Shang Wen has given up. In addition, Shangwen is very thin recently. However, under Mo Li's pressure, Shang Wen still followed Mo Li.

"Let's rest. I don't know where the Mo family members are? We don't know the situation outside. Here, just like the deaf and blind, this is definitely not a way to go." Shang Wen sat down on the ground and said.

"Get up." Mo Li forced Shang Wen to continue walking at this time.

"Stop and rest. It can't go on like this." Shang Wen said.

"What can you do?" Mo Li obviously felt that this was not a wise choice, so she asked Shangwen.

"I think we should go to the country of Chu and see that the country of Qi has already been in a mess. This war has been fought for many years. The potential of the country of Qi has long been exhausted. The current situation is just barely holding on. But how long can it last? It all depends on foreign aid. I haven't read the newspaper for a long time. I don't know what the newspaper says. But I know that neither Chu nor Qi can support such a situation." Shang Wen Recently, I have been on the road because of constant rushing. Shang Wen always wanted to communicate with Mo Li. But Mo Li seemed to hate Shang Wen and ignored him. Shang Wen went on alone, but Mo Li ignored him. Once Mo Li became irritable, she threatened Shang Wen with the bronze sword in her hand. Shang Wen had no choice but to shut up all the way, because he couldn't beat this fierce woman. Without anyone communicating, Shangwen started thinking wildly. After thinking about the situation outside, Shangwen started to start again based on the information he had. To make some important decisions about Qin's next step, it is a pity that these things are useless. No one bothered, but made him calmer. This kind of mindlessness allows Shang Wen to think seriously and look at many problems that he can't see clearly from a higher level.

"Shut up." Mo Li threatened at this moment.

"Someone is coming." Mo Li said to Shangwen at this time.

I heard someone coming. Shang Wen lay on the ground all of a sudden. Mo Li is a martial artist, and she must be more alert than herself. At this point, Shang Wen believes it incomparably.

"Go further, Dawu Mountain. Even if we have entered the core area of ​​this mountain," a hunter in the mountain said with a flintlock on his back.

"Second Brother." At this moment, Mo Li stood up and shouted loudly. This shouting scared Shang Wen, because he really didn't expect Mo Li to shout out. Because he still doesn't know the origin of the other party. Although he looks like a native of Qi, Shangwen still feels a little repulsive.

"Who." The alert Second Senior Brother glanced at the place where the sound was made, and the hunter also quickly held his flintlock rifle and opened the fire door to fire at any time.

"It's me. Xiaoli." Mo Li suddenly jumped out of the hidden place.

"Ah. It's the Third Junior Sister." Shang Wen only noticed at this time when a man who was about 30 years old with a horoscope moustache shouted. Judging from his clothes, it resembles an ordinary farmer. It is no different from ordinary people. Shang Wen couldn't see that such a person was actually Mo Li's second senior brother. Shangwen had no interest in these, and after realizing that there was no danger, he stepped forward on his own initiative.

"Where is the master?" Mo Li was very happy at this time, after all, she had found her own person.

"Behind, there is a large team of people behind, and the master is leading this team to rush here." The second senior said with a smile. But this time the second brother noticed Shang Wen. Because the hunter looked at Shang Wen alertly.

"This is?" The second senior brother looked at Shang Wen. And Shang Wen looked at two people.

"Qin's prime minister." Mo Li introduced as if she didn't know Shang Wen.

"Qin's prime minister?" The second senior brother looked at Shang Wen in surprise, because at this time Shang Wen's tortured person was neither human nor ghost, and his hair had not been washed for a long time. The hair exploded very badly, and the clothes were ragged and the skin was dark, no different from the ordinary Qi people who fled.

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