The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1528: The rapidly growing guerrillas

The second brother looked at Shang Wen incredibly, while Shang Wen looked at each other helplessly. There was no way. Who would let Shang Wen follow a devil and wander around the mountain for such a long time. There is no way. The woman has a very sense of direction. Poor, almost lost in the middle, without any map, without any equipment. Shangwen thinks it is a miracle that he can survive to this point.

Coupled with the fact that the other party is a woman, Shang Wen's grooming is very troublesome. Shangwen himself didn't think it was strange to make such a picture.

"Fleeing. It's almost enough to live." Shangwen said in an informal way.

"Hehe." The second senior brother smiled.

"Are you really the prime minister of Qin?" Second Senior Brother asked in a suspicious tone.

"Yes. Really, I am the prime minister of Qin State. If it doesn't work, you can go to Qin State to ask." Shang Wen said.

"Then, it's rude." The second senior brother respectfully said to Shang Wen.

"Oh. You're welcome." Shang Wen also said politely.

"Where is the master? I'm going to see the master. I haven't seen him for a long time." Mo Li said anxiously.

"Leopard head, take my junior sister to see my master." The second senior brother said.

"That's right. Second Senior Brother watch him. Don't let him run away." Mo Li especially asked when she was leaving.

The second brother looked at Shang Wen and thought that Shang Wen could not escape at all. Because Shang Wen looked very weak. There is no way to toss in the mountains for so long.

"I really didn't recognize him, the husband turned out to be the prime minister of Qin," said the second senior brother.

"It doesn't matter." Shang Wen said politely, because he judged it from his tone. Shangwen thinks that the second senior brother is very easy to get along with, because he doesn't have a feeling of arrogance, and he appears to be very approachable.

"My master often praises you, the prime minister." The second senior brother said with a smile.

"Oh." Shang Wen was a little surprised and surprised when he heard this. He really didn't expect the Second Senior Brother to say such a thing.

"Second brother, please speak slowly." Shang Wen said politely, because he really didn't know why the second brother would say such words, and some of his opinions about him. Shang Wen is particularly interested. He didn't know what his opinion was in the Mohist family.

"You don't have to be polite, the prime minister, just call me a cow," said the second senior brother.

"This. Let's call it the second brother." Shangwen felt very strange to this cow. The names of the ancients, especially the names of the Warring States Period, were very strange. Some of them were called very nice, but some of them were called, and I don't know what they mean. . Shang Wen could only call each other by his memorable name. As for some taboos, Shang Wen has no way of knowing.

"Well, the prime minister will call you at will." The second senior brother said with a smile.

"My master said that the prime minister has something special in it. The principles of governing the country are very different from those of Qin's prime ministers. Moreover, Qin is much stronger under the prime minister's governance, but he didn't leave the Hangu Pass. The world is exempt from war and slaughter. The prime minister has done a lot." said the second senior brother.

"Hehe." Shang Wen smiled bitterly.

"If this is the case, I think I can win the Nobel Peace Prize." Shang Wen smiled bitterly.

"What did the prime minister say?" Second Senior Brother asked suspiciously. The second brother didn't understand what Shang Wen said.

"Oh. It's nothing. We have a kind of award, which is specially awarded to people who don't fight for peace," Shang Wen explained.

"Oh. There is such a thing?" The Second Senior Brother said strangely.

"Hehe, nothing strange." Shang Wen explained.

"En." The second senior brother smiled.

"However, the prime minister did not let the tiger and wolf teacher out of the world, and he can indeed be called this title." The second senior brother praised. This is indeed the case. Since Shangwen came to power, Qin Jun has indeed not been out of the world for a long time. On the contrary, the Qin army continuously used troops to the north and west. In this way, the Qin Army would not have the military power to come out of the world. But Qin Jun did not come out of the world, let the six countries of Shandong breathe a sigh of relief. This also gave the six countries a great opportunity to breathe, and the war between the six countries was unexpected by Shangwen. But for these, Shang Wen can only accept helplessly. Because this is not something Shangwen can take into account.

Shang Wen just smiled and said nothing.

"I don't know, where is the second brother going?" Shang Wen asked this question curiously, and Shang Wen himself was not sure about his own merits.

"We are Xiangbei, opening up the guerrilla zone." The second senior said with a smile.

"Open up the guerrilla zone." Shang Wen exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes. There are already large guerrilla areas in the southern area. And the scale is still expanding. In extreme time, it is said that the number of people has already reached tens of thousands. The logistics supply line of the Chu army is basically about to be destroyed. Cut off." The second senior said.

"We saw that there was nothing to use in the south. We ran to a place further north," said the second senior brother.

"What?" Shang Wen exclaimed in surprise.

"Guerrilla area?" Shang Wen exclaimed in surprise. He really didn't expect it. Qi State actually has a guerrilla zone in the south. This surprised Shang Wen, listening to the development trend, very fast. But what surprised Shang Wen even more was that this guerrilla was a vocabulary invented in Qin. The specific tactics were also invented in the Qin State, and the guerrilla zone is probably not simply imitated by the Qi people. This made Shang Wen feel a great shock.

"So, Brother Er, can you talk about the guerrilla area?" Shang Wen was very interested in this guerrilla area.

"Yes." The second brother seemed to be willing to talk about the guerrilla zone.

After that, the second brother introduced Shang Wen about the development of the guerrilla area. It turned out that Yingyu's military expansion plan continued to influence. The influence of the guerrillas is growing. The number of the guerrillas is increasing. Many of the Qi people who have taken refuge quickly joined the guerrillas, because in the mountains, many people will be starved to death, but the guerrillas can intercept the logistics supply line of the Chu army. food. This food is enough to give them a great hope for survival. Not only are there food to survive, but the important thing is that they can beat the Chu army. The anger of revenge has attracted many Qi people to participate. Therefore, the size of the guerrillas is increasing. Under the influence of Yingyu, more and more people joined the guerrillas, and various parts of the country followed suit, and various guerrillas were established one after another. Originally, the Mo family planned to attack the Chu army in the south, but not many people responded, but Yingyu's guerrillas had a great influence. In compliance, the Mo family joined the guerrillas to help expand the guerrilla area. The guerrilla zone in the south developed rapidly because it was close to the logistics supply line of the Chu army. The guerrilla zone expanded very quickly. Therefore, the Mohist chose to develop in the north.

Shangwen only learned what was happening in the outside world at this time.

And in a barracks south of the Chu Army. Several Chu army generals were sad and gloomy.

"What's wrong recently? Our convoy has been ransacked frequently. Even if we took action, we suffered heavy losses. This is very strange." said a general of the Chu army with a wounded arm.

"Yeah. If the loss continues, we will not be able to send these supplies up. We will lose our heads when the time comes." Another general said anxiously. His face was unusually pale.

"No, this matter must be reported as soon as possible, otherwise we are in danger." A general Chu Jun with a thick beard patted his thigh and shouted.

"These Qi people, Yan was defeated by Qi in the past. Now my Chu army is also facing such a situation." The general shouted loudly. Then he slid on the case table quickly and started to edit the book. And several generals, look at me, and I look at you, they obviously haven't realized the danger.

The situation of the Chu army was the same as that of Yan's attack on Qi. Qi was relying on long time consumption and finally defeated Yan's army in one fell swoop. If this development is allowed, Chu Jun will encounter the same situation.

In a quiet little hut in the south of Qi State, Yingyu walked back and forth. She ordered people to inquire about Shang Wen's whereabouts, but unfortunately there was no news. But his staff told him good news. The guerrillas have expanded very quickly, and they have developed great strength. The guerrillas, which originally had only a few hundred people, quickly grew to more than 20,000. As for the other guerrillas, she still doesn't know how many people Yingyu has developed. But when she heard the news, the good news that was originally happy, Yingyu became worried instead.

Because this kind of development speed is too fast. Quickly made Yingyu feel very worried. Yingyu thought of many disadvantages before and after.

If it expands too quickly, the quality of the guerrillas will drop very quickly. This guerrilla is already short of food and clothing. In addition, the expansion speed is very fast, and many people still cannot have good weapons. However, a lot of expansion of personnel in such a short period of time will lead to a serious decline in combat effectiveness. Although there are a large number of people, fighting is not based on numbers, but on combat strength.

There are officers. The quality of officers is also declining. Many people become officers without experiencing many war trials, and they are definitely not enough in command. The most terrible thing is that because there is no formal training for officers, the commanding ability of officers has declined. Most importantly, Yingyu feels that her control is also declining. Guerrilla warfare inherently requires a lot of freedom. Coupled with poor communication, it has aggravated the dispersion of these teams. This way down. Let the guerrillas be in an extremely dispersed state, and such a dispersed state will easily lead to overall command disadvantages. Because the army has expanded a lot, some people began to refuse to obey orders, and they can benefit if they do not obey the orders, because as long as the Chu army's logistics supply line is held, the Chu army has no choice. This is what Yingyu worries about. The guerrillas will soon become a mob. Such a team is not suitable for fighting at all.

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