"Oh. I don't know what consultant Xiao has concerns?" When Meng Yi was preparing to pass this plan, Xiao He unexpectedly put forward one of his own opinions.

"Sorry, Prime Minister. Forgive me." Xiao He stood up and said. Because this conference involves finance, Xiao He, a financial consultant, was specially invited to participate in the conference.

"Before expressing my concerns, I want to ask the Prime Minister a question?" Xiao He asked seriously.

"En. Please ask questions." Meng Yi said with a smile.

"Prime Minister, do these newly established trading companies also have to go public?" Xiao He asked.

"Yes." Meng Yi nodded.

"But. I don't know. Why did Consultant Xiao use such words?" Xiao He said with a smile.

"Prime Minister, that's right." Xiao He nodded and said. Xiao He was worried for a reason. When Zhao Guojia's company went public, Xiao He was keenly aware that Qin Guo would have a large number of stocks listed in the future, but what actions would happen after these stocks went public. Can Qin's market bear so many stocks? This made Xiao He very worried.

"Our market may not be able to withstand so many stock listings now. Our market capacity is relatively small. In the future, according to this plan, Qin Guo will still have a lot of company stocks listed. Said, the significance of the challenge is too great." Xiao He said worriedly.

"En. This is indeed a big problem." Meng Yi immediately realized the problem at this time. Xiao He's worry is not unreasonable. Qin Guo's policy only rapidly increased the number of stocks, but did not start with funds. As a result, Qin's water will become less and less. And more and more fish. Fish can't survive when there is little water.

"I don't know, what can Consultant Xiao have to increase the power of water?" Meng Yi asked.

"Cutting interest rates and expanding funding sources. There are only these two ways?" Xiao He said.

"If we want to expand funds now, Qin Guo's bank interest will have to be lowered. Lower it to 2%." Xiao He said.

"In other words. There is still room for 0.75." Meng Yi said.

"Yes. However, I suggest that the interest rate cuts of 0.25 and 0.25, we can't cut too much at once. If the interest rate is cut too much, the interests of the bank will be damaged. Obviously Qin Guo’s bank interest will be reduced. Can't be converted. So, we need to cut interest rates. Slowly cut interest rates." Xiao He said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. The people present began to think about this issue.

"I just don't know, how much should we reduce at the beginning?" The Minister of Economy is obviously worried about this issue.

"Twenty-five percent." At this moment, the chairman of the Banking Union sitting in the last row said.

"This range is very appropriate, because as long as the interest rate is cut. Those market-conscious people will understand what is going on?" said the chairman of the Banking Union.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"Then, we will cut interest rates later." Meng Yi decided to cut interest rates.

"However, there is a problem with interest rate cuts." The chairman of the Banking Union said worriedly.

"If we cut interest rates, the funds will flow out. Obviously. These funds have to find places where profits are easy to generate. For example, abroad, we had funds to invest in South Korea to build factories before. We must solve this problem." Chairman of the Banking Union Said.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"And our border states, they will also get the funds they want." Meng Yi added.

"Later, we will strengthen the management and control of this area to make it difficult for funds to flow out." Meng Yi just clicked on this question. But he did not seriously think about the issue of capital outflow. Because the power of capital lies in trends. Rather than policy control.

"As for the opening up, I think we should let the capital of the six countries enter the Qin market. Of course, we must manage and control these capitals. We use a variety of financial products to retain them, so that we have a lot of capital." Meng Yi put forward his own views.

Xiao He didn't speak because he hadn't seen the problem yet.

"There is no problem then. If there is no problem, we will report this plan to Wang." Meng Yi said. Then everyone broke up. When everyone left, Xiao He did not leave, but he felt that there were still problems that had not been resolved. Because finance is a chain reaction. But Xiao He didn't know how to develop when he came back.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yi handed this plan to his assistant. The assistant gave Meng Yi a telegram.

"Korea's telegram?" Meng Yi felt very surprised.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The assistant nodded.

"Very unexpected." Meng Yi said. Then he opened the telegram.

The telegram is from the Queen of South Korea. The queen proposed in the telegram that Meng Yi should come to Qin, or she could send a special envoy to Qin to talk about South Korea's loan from Qin. Obviously, South Korea lacks sufficient funds.

"En. Yes. Reply to them." Meng Yi said after reading the telegram.

"Let them send a special envoy to negotiate, we can give Korea preferential interest rates." Meng Yi said.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The assistant opened his notebook and prepared to record.

"Wait." Meng Yi said after thinking about it.

"Give them electricity. Just say." Meng Yi thought for a while.

"Qin State invites the other party to participate in Qin State's financial market. Korean capital is allowed to enter Qin State's capital market. I hope to reply as soon as possible." Meng Yi said at this time. Because the content of the meeting just now is still in Meng Yi’s head, Qin will still cut interest rates in the future, and the rate cut will be relatively large, so that Qin’s capital will suddenly hit the Qin’s market, and not only that. There are other places. South Korea needs to borrow a lot of capital at this time, so that capital will inevitably flow into the Korean market. This is what Meng Yi suddenly thought of. Meng Yi believes that South Korea should be involved at this time, so that Qin's capital will expand.

The assistant nodded, then recorded and polished the telegram. After reading it, Meng Yi signed it and sent it out.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The Korean market is currently extremely shrinking. Many Korean companies have experienced a product backlog. Some companies have experienced shutdowns to varying degrees. This is not a good phenomenon for South Korea." Han Shu said.

"En." Han Fei nodded on the side.

"So, the widow decided to lend a sum of money to Qin Guo to solve the problems of these enterprises. As long as these enterprise funds are resolved, South Korean enterprises can survive." Han Shu said.

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