The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1585: Exotic treasures

"Wang. Telegram." Just when Han Shu told Han Fei his thoughts, Xiao He quickly stepped forward.

Han Shu was a little unhappy.

"Qin Guo's telegram?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes. King." Xiaohe replied.

"En. Go down." Han Shu took the telegram. Xiaohe retreated. Han Shu opened the telegram and looked.

Han Shu was relatively happy at first, after all, Qin Guo agreed to borrow a loan from South Korea, but later asked South Korea to send a special envoy to discuss participation in the financial market. Han Shu preconceived that Qin’s financial market was cheating money. This is equivalent to Qin easily agreeing to give South Korea a sum of money, but then Qin cheated the money back from South Korea. For South Korea, this is playing a game of itself. When Han Shu thought of this, he was naturally unhappy.

"Tiger and wolf Qin, borrowing money is like a tiger and wolf." Han Shu scolded angrily.

"Wang, Wang, Wang..." Han Fei stammered aside.

"Okay. Brother. Look for yourself." Han Shu said a little annoyed.

Han Fei took the telegram and looked like.

Han Shu was angry at Qin Guo's actions, but now she can't think of a good way.

"The King." At this moment, Xiao He stepped forward softly.

"Telegram." Xiao He whispered. In the previous telegram, Xiaohe sensed the queen's displeasure. So be more careful.

"Come here." Han Shu still suppressed his temper.

"What is this? Why is it so long?" Han Shu was surprised. Generally, the telegram is not too long. Because South Korea rents the telegraph line of Qin State, although it is rented, the telegraph will cost a lot of money after all. Although the money is more cost-effective than building an inn or something. But this pen is still very big. Therefore, Korean telegrams are usually reduced. This is not like Qin, because Qin laid the telegraph line by himself. The cost is inherently low, and there are special military cables in some places. So Qin can send a telegram regardless of cost, and that kind of very long telegram can naturally be sent out. This is why Qin can send telegrams in the form of reports, but South Korea cannot.

"Say, say..." Han Fei obviously didn't pay attention to these, he was concerned about the content of the telegram.

"Oh. I see." Han Shu said impatiently. Then picked up the telegram and looked. Han Shu glanced at it quickly.

"Oh my God, we are going to make a fortune in South Korea." Han Shu said after reading it. Han Fei on the side looked at Han Shu in confusion.

"Let's take a look." Han Shu handed the telegram to Han Fei.

This telegram came from the south of Qin State, but it was a South Korean businessman. In the telegram, they mentioned various miracles recently encountered by Korean merchant ships. But there are some things mentioned in the telegram.

For example, the discovery of fragrant wood, various precious woods, sulfur mines, and various resources still on the coast. These resources are not available in the Central Plains region. At the end of the telegram, they suggested that South Korea increase its control of these places, and then make every effort to build the area and extract local resources.

"Unexpectedly, there are still such things overseas. We in South Korea can't think about it if we don't make a fortune." Han Shu said happily.

"Huh. Don't you Qin Guo want to lend me money?" Han Shu said at this time.

"Then borrow. I will borrow as much as I have." Obviously, Han Shu has planned to increase efforts to develop these overseas areas. Obviously, these places have endless resources.

The frightened Han Fei had fallen into contemplation, and it was obvious that such a telegram had brought a huge shock. It takes a process for Han Fei to accept it.

And overseas, some rare and exotic treasures were quickly discovered.

"This thing is very expensive," said a sailor. This is a South Korean merchant ship docked on the coast. To be precise, the merchant ship ran aground. Because of the storm, they had to run aground on the shore, but soon the sailors discovered the unusualness of the island.

"Yes, this is the first time I have opened my eyes for such a big pearl." The chief mate on the side said.

"Yes." The captain also looked at in surprise.

"Look. Captain, what did I find?" At this moment a sailor ran over excitedly.

"Hey, here's another one, but this is a white pearl, and I am a black pearl." As he said, the sailor brought a black pearl over for everyone to see.

"Black. Black Pearl." Everyone looked at the sailor in surprise.

"Yes. Black Pearl, I haven't seen it before, I've seen it for the first time," the sailor said proudly.

"Oh my God. What happened today. This wealth is too big." The captain exclaimed in surprise.

"Look, everyone, if there is such a thing around. It won't work if you don't want to make a fortune today," the captain said. Because of the stranding, they cannot leave here all at once, unless high tide or a storm lifts their ship. Otherwise, you can't leave here at all, because the ship is too sinking. For things like stranding, there is no way that everyone thinks. Maybe it is this kind of no way, so everyone feels that it is good to find some food in this place and eat some seafood.

But when these people were searching for seafood, they had unexpected gains, perhaps because of the storm, or perhaps because of other reasons, they found so many pearls on the beach. These pearls are not only larger than those in the Central Plains, but the varieties are also extremely strange. The strange place is the black pearl. This is something that has never been seen in the Central Plains. With such a rare thing, it is easy to get rich.

"Hey, look, what did I see?" a sailor said with his finger. That thing is colorful.

"Here. What is this?" Others rushed to see curiously.

"Let me see." A man went up boldly.

"I'll take a look too." Apparently everyone thought this thing was a good thing, so they stepped forward.

"This is mine, this is mine." Everyone rushed up to **** it. As a result, the thing was looted to pieces. Everyone got a small piece.

"You are really a prodigal." At this moment, the businessman who rushed over slapped his thigh and shouted.

"Such a good coral, you guys. You broke it." The businessman yelled anxiously.

"Prodigal, prodigal, really prodigal." The businessman knows a lot and naturally knows what it is. Ordinary people don't have such a thing, this thing only has nobles. He has only seen it once. Just this time let you know that this thing is of great value.

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