The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1921: Sold to the Huns

It is foreseeable that whoever can grasp the demographic advantage in the future will be able to take the initiative in the future competition among major powers. Qin Guo had already noticed this for the first time. South Korea also noticed this after Qin, but how to solve the population problem became very tricky.

South Korea does not have the huge economic advantage of Qin State. This economic advantage can bring great demographic dividend. In order to survive, these people are very willing to work in Qin State, because the salary is high and the various benefits are more than The level given by the six countries is much higher, and it is precisely this kind of treatment that led to the flow of people from all countries to Qin. This makes Qin's population continue to increase. South Korea and several other countries are in a state of population outflow. In the face of the population problem, all countries are in a passive and disadvantaged state. This is also the situation that Shang Wen hopes to see.

"My lord, if we want to change this situation, in addition to encouraging childbirth, we must also attract immigrants." Zhang Liang then suggested.

"Immigration is not so easy to handle." Han Shu said.

"Immigration, first of all, your economy must be better than Qin's development, but for the moment, Qin has such advantages. Although we have certain advantages in South Korea, it is compared with Qin, especially ours and Qin. With such a short distance between China and convenient transportation, South Korea will definitely not become the first choice. Immigration is not so easy." Han Shu said.

"En." Zhang Liang nodded. Agree with this view.

"If you want to increase the population, you can only encourage childbirth. However, the current childbirth requires a lot of resources. South Korea's economic aggregate can't do it. If you want it, you have to have a large number of women." Han Shu thought for a while. Speaking of.

"My lord, the minister heard that the State of Qin robbed the women of the Western Regions in the Western Regions and publicly auctioned off the women of the Western Regions. I think. South Korea can also buy from this aspect and explicitly encourage them to have children." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"Let's do it!" Han Shu said at this time.

"We introduced these Western Regions women from the Qin State. In addition to the Western Regions, other places are also possible. Anyway, as long as we can provide a sufficient number of women, we can increase our fertility rate. As for health conditions, find a way to solve it through education." Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord, I will discuss this matter with the Minister of Health." Zhang Liang replied.

"That's it." Han Shu decided. To solve the population problem, Han Shu can only do this. After all, population growth has a lot to do with economic strength.

Zhao State of Handan.

"According to the words of the people of Qin and the prime minister's mansion, this is just a mortgage. In other words, our mortgaged property, real estate, real estate, and gold in our hands can still be redeemed in the future." An elderly man The nobleman said after reading the newspaper.

"Yes, grandpa, as long as we mortgage the gold in our hands into Qin State banknotes, and then buy shares of royal steel, we can get a stable income in the future. Such income is more than that obtained from rent collection. Many." A teenager persuaded from the lower position.

"The income from the land is really too small. Qin can grow grain on a large scale, and the grain output is scary. Even if we don’t grow grain for five years, we may not be able to eat the grain produced by Qin, except for this grain. , There are plenty of meat and dairy products. These things are canned and kept for a long time. Food is too cheap. If we continue to grow food and rely on land in exchange for income, our current situation is difficult to maintain "The boy persuaded.

"En. You have been to Qin State, did all this happen in Qin State?" the elderly nobleman asked.

"Yes, grandpa," the boy replied.

"The Qin Kingdom has changed a lot. Their city has no walls and has a large population. Xianyang is very large, and there is also the Chang'an District of Xianyang City. The tall buildings there are very high, as high as 30 stories. There are 100 in Xianyang City. There are more than 10,000 people, and there are three or four in Qin in such a city. Qin's factories are one after another, there are countless trains, and many railroad tracks juxtaposed." The boy continued.

"En. In that case, does Qin need a lot of steel?" the elderly nobleman asked.

"Yes. Cement also needs a lot. Building a big city like Xianyang in Qin State, especially a new city like Chang'an District, requires a lot of cement." The boy said.

"The amount of steel used is also very large. Because Qin uses a reinforced concrete construction method, the demand for steel is very huge." The boy went on to say with gestures. The elderly noble nodded at this time.

"Go," the old nobleman said.

"To send a message to your father, say, mortgage gold, all mortgaged to the bank of the State of Qin, to buy shares of royal steel." The elderly nobleman said to the boy at this time. When the young man heard such words, he couldn't believe it all.

"Go, go quickly. This thing is definitely of great use." The elderly nobleman waved his arm at this time.

"This, grandpa." The boy looked at the elderly grandpa.

"Go," the old nobleman waved again and said. The boy nodded and left in a hurry.

Li Mu's mansion.

"Prime Minister, good news." Li Zuoche rushed in excitedly and reported.

"Is there any good news?" Li Mu asked Li Zuoche.

"I just heard that Anhou has pledged all the gold in his hands, mortgaged all of it to Qin State Bank, and was the first to purchase shares of Royal Steel, which immediately solved the funding gap of about 110,000." Li Zuoche reported excitedly.

"Oh." Li Mu said calmly.

"In this way, the funding problem can be solved. The people of Qin are transporting some technology and equipment to Handan, Zhao State. It will probably not take long. Handan will develop into a big city." Li Mu said.

"En. Yes, Prime Minister. And as soon as Qin people announced the recruitment of workers, many people around Handan came. Even Julu, some people from the land also came." Li Zuoche said.

"Is there a lack of people?" Li Mu asked.

"There is no shortage for the time being, but looking at such a posture, I am afraid that a lot of people are still needed." Li Zuoche reported.

"En." Li Mu nodded.

"It is estimated that the people near Handan can still meet the needs of the people of Qin." Li Zuoche said.

"As long as the funds are in place and they are given a certain salary, people have never been a problem." Li Zuoche continued.

"En. Pay attention to those who are studious and interested, and select them all. These are talents. With these talents, the production of steel companies can continue to continue. This is also the talent of Zhao Guo. "Li Mu entrusted it.

"Yes, Prime Minister. I will pay attention." Li Zuoche nodded.

Qin State Xianyang, on a square in Chang'an District.

"Recently, many people have written to me asking me about the specific meaning of the two words of tolerance and openness?" Shang Wen said on stage.

"I thought about it. I feel that tolerance and openness are related to each other. If we want to be open, we need tolerance, because foreign cultures have many conflicts with our traditional concepts, and for these conflicts. , What should we do?" Shang Wen asked.

"We may choose radical measures, such as excluding all these foreign cultures, but in this case, we ourselves will not be able to learn what foreign cultures can learn from." Shangwen said.

"Therefore, when we are open, we need to be tolerant and open-minded to accept foreign cultures. We study them and learn from them. We can learn if we think they have good places. We can use, or associate, and innovate to other things. Things. This is the benefit of openness," Shang Wen said.

"In fact, openness and tolerance have not yet satisfied the current needs." Shang Wen said.

"Oh." Hearing this, the audience was in an uproar. The people in the audience didn't know what kind of surprise Shang Wen's speech would bring.

"I think there are two more words that need our attention. These two words are freedom and democracy." Shangwen mentioned at this time.

"Freedom, democracy." The people in the audience whispered, but too many people were chanting. Instead, the voice became louder. And those reporters kept recording. For them, it was big news. When the report was open and tolerant last time, the major newspapers only reported the original text. What did the prime minister say about such propaganda? Qin's intentions, or what kind of thoughts he has, the people of Qin State still don't understand. It is precisely this kind of incomprehension that makes the people of Qin even more looking forward to Shangwen's speech to fully explain his views and let them understand what Shangwen is doing for Qin.

"Freedom, democracy." Shang Wen nodded and said.

"Yes. It is freedom and democracy." Shang Wen said.

"First of all, let me talk about why we need freedom." Shang Wen said.

"Maybe this is a bit difficult for Qin. The traditional national policy of Qin played a big role before, but great changes have taken place after I took office. The biggest change is to use commercial methods to manage agriculture. The facts are This proves that my view is correct, and the facts have also proved that this method is feasible." Shangwen said.

"In the previous Qin State, materials were extremely scarce, and the country's population and resources were insufficient, that is, the production of various resources was insufficient. Under such circumstances, if the country wants to develop rapidly, it really needs to revitalize the economy in a short time. The method of doing things in a certain period of time really played a big role, we don't have to doubt this." Shangwen said.

"But. With the passage of time, remember that time, this thing, you, me, and him, are invisible and intangible. Only by using other things to symbolically record can we understand the concept of time, hourglasses, clocks and watches. , The emergence of these timekeeping tools let us notice. Time is the key." Shangwen said. Speaking of this, some people also looked at their watches and pocket watches, while others looked at the large clocks in the distance, which were the clocks on the bus station platform.

"It is precisely because of the existence of time that the past policies suitable for Qin's national conditions have undergone great changes." Shang Wen said.

"At present, great changes have taken place in the State of Qin. If we continue to follow the past methods, we will have big problems. However, everything has its own rules of operation. For example, the sun rises and the sunset changes throughout the year. These are all rules." Shang Wen said.

"And if these laws are changed blindly according to human will, it is wrong to join human will, what should we do?" Shang Wen asked.

"What will the result be?" Shang Wen then asked.

"I think it might be catastrophic." The people in the audience said.

"Well, think about the state of Qin before. It is true that there are such things and many things, assuming it is really hard to say." The people of Qin state discussed with each other.

"For example, in the Changping War before I was born, the death of General Bai Qi was really unjust. But who can say this thing accurately." Qin Guoren said.

"There are many answers." Shang Wen continued on stage.

"Everything has its own laws. Instead of letting us discover and ponder such laws ourselves, it is better for us to follow the trend and let things develop on their own. For example, the story of Dayu's control of the water back then." Shang Wen said.

"We use dredging methods better than blocking methods. Qin is now developing faster and faster, with many rules and many connections. They have already happened before we find out. What should we do about such a thing?" Shang Wen asked.

"The answer is, freedom and free development. We need a relatively loose environment to develop our economy, free trade, free production, free to discover the scale of it to operate, etc., in short, for the economy, we should let it develop." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"Whatever we need and what kind of goods we need, we need to develop what we need. Free and free development can make Qin's economy develop further." Shang Wen said.

On economic issues, many people cannot stand at the same level as Shang Wen. Shang Wen believes in liberalism. He believes that economic development does not require too much management. Necessary management is very much needed, but excessive management will bring a lot of problems. The heap problem, the final problem will be rooted in a series of management problems, this is a serious malpractice, so Shangwen vetoed this malpractice from the beginning.

"While developing the economy freely, Qin also needs a new problem." Shang Wen said.

"It is to pay attention to the development of our political life. When developing the economy, many problems will inevitably arise. This requires democratic politics to ensure our rights and interests." Shang Wen said.

"Qin's society should be equal. Everyone is equal." Shang Wen said solemnly. Speaking of this, the Qin people present were silent, which means that Shang Wen's words meant that King Qin and everyone present were equal.

"The rule of law, rights, and rights should not oppress goodness just because some people are rich, nor should some people be powerful and ignore the rights of others. Qin needs to ensure that such rights exist. The fairer the society, the more the society is. Stability means fewer contradictions and conflicts. This is a prerequisite for ensuring the stability of the Qin State." Shangwen said.

"Democracy, only democracy can stabilize the society of the Qin State. A stable situation is guaranteed for the continuous development of the Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"Qin people need medical and health care, education, and a better living environment for our next generation. These are inseparable from our own maintenance. And these need to be guaranteed by democracy." Shang Wen said.

"Facts have proved that the development of Qin is more and more inseparable from the development of science and technology. The development of science and technology requires Qin to provide a strong educational guarantee. Education requires the development of wisdom, openness, and tolerance of all Qin people. The guarantee of freedom and democracy makes the people of Qin more intelligent." Shang Wen said.

After Shang Wen finished speaking, the Qin people present were silent for a long time. Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen worriedly, because no one applauded for a long time.

"Well, did this speech fail?" Meng Yi asked Fan Zeng on the side.

"Papa." Meng Yi had just finished speaking, when lonely applause came.

"Wow!" Qin Qinguo's applause rang.

"No need to ask. Our prime minister did it." Fan Zeng replied to Meng Yi. The applause has answered Meng Yi's question as the best answer.

"The prime minister used eight words, four simple words, openness, tolerance, freedom, and democracy to interpret his propaganda slogan. The prime minister still used his usual simple and clear style to express his political opinions, based on the content of his speech. Look, the prime minister will continue his political ideas. Qin has already received the convenience brought by liberal economism. The vigorous development of commerce will make Qinggou's finances prosperous, so that finances can be used to benefit Qin's economy. Come up." "Economic Times" reported.

From the reporter's point of view, Shang Wen's "freedom" refers more to Qin's economic policies rather than Qin's political claims. The public opinion of newspapers is the same as that of ordinary people in Qin. In their view, Qin should continue the economic policies that have been proven effective before. Only such economic strategies can enable Qin to develop fully.

Shangwen's policy is in line with Qin's current economic needs. Qin State needs a large number of markets, and in the process of developing this market, the government cannot develop the market alone. He needs the help of the entire capital power. This also requires market entities. Enterprises need not interfere too much. Can quickly develop a large number of markets, free, that is, give full play to the role of the enterprise. This will be supported by most of Qin's enterprises.

All entrepreneurs understand that the less the government has jurisdiction, the more they can give play to their abilities, and the power of capital will be maximized. This is also the result that Shangwen encourages and guides and hopes to see.

Qin State Council of East Mongolia.

"At present, we need more and more Huns to become the guarantee of our armed forces for external development of commercial activities. However, there are very few Huns at present, and our needs are so great that we are far from being satisfied. It makes us very dissatisfied." A middle-aged congressman stood up and said.

"The Huns are wolves. These people are difficult to control. The current number is better." said a one-armed veteran. His arm was lost while fighting the Huns, so he hated the Huns very much, and he couldn't understand the use of the Huns as his own armed force.

"It's a wolf, we can also be trained to be a dog." At this time a young congressman stood up and said.

"Wolves are still wolves. How could a wolf on the prairie be trained as a dog? This is simply alarmist." said the one-armed veteran.

"But we should clearly see the role of the Huns. They can bring great destructive power and can develop a large number of markets for us. These markets are in the Western Regions, far away from us. At the same time, they also need a lot of daily necessities. For us, these daily necessities are very redundant." The young congressman said.

"Our factory can continuously produce enough to meet their needs. In this way, the Huns must pay more people to fight if they want to get these things. Only in this way can the Huns' tribe survive, and Our products can be sold to these people." The young man said.

"I know what you guys think." The one-armed veteran stood up and said.

"You are all members of a trading company, and their idea is to sell the things here to the Huns and make money for the Huns." The veteran said.

"Yes," the young man said.

"This is what the Qin State needs at present, and a large market is needed. If there is no demand in these markets, our factories will stop functioning, and through the bloodshed and sacrifice of the Huns, we can get more spoils. They robbed them. The trophies need to be sold to us, and we can earn the difference in the middle. Such things are normal. It can be said that we earn a lot.” The young man said with a smile.

Hearing this, many congressmen showed joy. In their opinion, this kind of business is very cost-effective. If they don't do this, they feel that they are really sorry.

"I think there are still some things we need to pay attention to." At this moment, a Pentecostal old man wearing gold glasses stood up and said.

"The federal government once encouraged us to go to the north to find some minerals. I thought about it. The development of Qin is increasingly inseparable from minerals. If we can buy these land at a cheap price, or we build a building, Fixed real estate, let the Huns settle down, I think they are still willing to do this." The fifty-year-old old man looked at everyone and said.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly became excited.

"This idea is great." An obese congressman said excitedly.

"Think about it, those idiot-like Huns, they have seen nothing, they have never seen anything, if we give them a stable place to settle, they will be happy. They will come to us without mind. For this method, I think it can be done." The Fat Senator suddenly saw a trend in future development.

"Yes, build real estate and sell it to those Huns," said a member of the Diet sitting behind.

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