The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1922: Dispatch officer observers

For this kind of cooperation, the merchant councillors of Eastern Mongolia are very willing to see such a thing. This is obviously an opportunity that can definitely make huge money.

"Let the Huns not live on the grassland, and the minerals under the grassland will become what we need. If coal and iron ore can be discovered, and then a large amount of equipment for smelting iron and steel can be introduced, this kind of money will certainly not be small. If other rare minerals are discovered, the money will definitely be made.” A businessman congressman said shrewdly.

"It's not just these, I see, there is one thing we haven't noticed." A businessman with a beard and bright eyes said excitedly.

"This coal, iron ore, must be buried very shallowly. I heard that in some places to the south, coal was dug out just by drilling a well. Do you think such a thing is very beneficial to us? Ah." said the eight-character Hu businessman.

"Yes. Yes, it must be so." Others said one after another. In their view, gathering the Huns, stabilizing them, and providing them with stable wages. This will not only develop a large market, but at the same time they will get more mineral resources, which can also be tame. The unruly Huns, if they do this, they will raise a large number of Huns in captivity. The Huns who lose the prairie will gradually lose their wildness. Gradually be assimilated. Just like the fate afterwards.

"I think this kind of plan is very good. If we can, we will submit a report to the federal government, and then allocate funds to do it." The young congressman proposed.

"Very well, I agree, and I will definitely vote for it." A member of the Council raised his hand and said.

"I also agree and vote for it." Other MPs said one after another.

The veteran congressman looked at the people around him.

"Oh! All crazy." The veteran congressman shook his head helplessly. Under the huge commercial interests, the people of the Qin country became crazy. Although more than 80% of the people in the East Mengzhou are new Qin people who have migrated, they are even more people of the Qin country than the people of the Qin country. On the one hand, they frantically chase benefits, as long as they have benefits, they will do it frantically, and they are very utilitarian. On the other hand, they are very capable of attacking their own enemies. If the two are combined, they will create a lot of motivation. Under such motivation, the Qin State Federal State will always make some crazy moves.

Qin State Xianyang.

"Our East Mengzhou has another new move." Meng Yi said to Shangwen with a telegram.

"What new action?" Shang Wen asked, putting a document aside.

"Our East Mengzhou prefecture actually thought of moving the Huns tribe together and letting them settle down, so that they can provide them with a steady stream of energy to become armed forces." Meng Yi said.

"Those vacated places will be developed into mining, steel and coal production areas." Meng Yi continued.

"En." Shang Wen heard this and put down the pen in his hand.

"This idea is very good. Very constructive." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"So, this is a big deal. The Huns have always been rebellious. If they live together, they will need all kinds of supplies, and then they will provide us with soldiers, and we can call them specifically One piece to provide an army of Huns." Meng Yi said.

"In addition, there are many benefits. The demand of the Huns will create a large market, which is also a good thing for our product sales. There is also the northern area where the Huns live, and we can get a lot of money. In this area, the minerals in this area can also be obtained. This is a big temptation for us. If we can gather the Huns, I think we will be able to get a lot of land without any effort. Resources, these things are really useful for our Qin State." Meng Yi said excitedly.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"There are also many benefits. When the Huns settle down, their habits will change greatly." Meng Yi said.

"Wait." Shang Wen held his chin and stopped Meng Yi at this time.

"This matter is really done, but there are still many things that need to be resolved." Shang Wen said.

"En." Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen.

"In short, there are still many problems to be solved in this matter, for example, how to gather the Huns together." Shangwen said.

"En. I haven't considered these issues too much." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"I think you are looking for something to do for yourself." At this moment, Mo Li came in and said to Shang Wen and Meng Yi.

"Didn't you say you want freedom?" Mo Li asked.

"Right." Shang Wen said this.

"For specific matters, we can leave them to the federal states to deal with them. If something goes wrong, we can think of a way, or we can enact legal provisions in related laws to prohibit certain things." Shangwen said.

"Then this matter, is it to be reported to the king, or to the staff and the Ministry of National Defense?" Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Well, I think it can." Shang Wen nodded.

"This matter seems to us to be an economic issue. If it is placed from a military perspective, it may have a greater effect." Shang Wen thought for a while and said to Meng Yi.

"I'm going to inform." Meng Yi said.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Then Meng Yi quickly went to inform him. And Shang Wen is thinking about the current issue at this time.

"What are you thinking about?" Mo Li asked, looking at Shang Wen, who was holding his chin.

"Some things I think can be viewed from a long-term perspective." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What's the matter?" Mo Li asked.

"If these Huns can settle down, then the Qiang people in the southwest, as well as other minorities, if they can also accept the transformation, I think it will be very beneficial to us." Shang Wen said.

"En." Mo Li nodded.

"You are right. But, it hasn't been determined yet. If the Huns don't accept your terms, your situation will be very unfavorable." Mo Li said.

"En. I'm worried about this too." Shang Wen said.

For other minorities, the same method is used to solve such problems. It is still unclear whether it can be done. If it cannot be done, Qin will take coercive measures to expel them. In this case, it will cost a lot of money, and military means will cost a lot of money. Thinking of this, Shang Wen felt that it was not very cost-effective to do so.

Northern Xinjiang in the Western Regions. Li Xin's forward headquarters.

"This is Lieutenant Meng Xin." A major officer introduced to the lieutenant officer who saluted him.

"Oh. Hello, sir." A businessman greeted Lieutenant Meng Xin.

"Hello. Lieutenant Meng Xin." Meng Xin stepped forward and shook hands.

"Hello. Li Li. Merchant." Li Li replied.

"Are you clear about your mission?" the major said to Lieutenant Meng Xin.

"Yes, sir. I have seen the report. I will complete my mission." Lieutenant Meng Xin saluted.

"En. Not bad." The major nodded.

"This." Li Li looked at the major without understanding.

"That's the case. We need to understand the situation above. We will send some people to follow your actions. They can participate in the actions, but they will not interfere with your command. Of course. They can provide some reference opinions." Li Li said.

"Oh. That's it." Li Li nodded.

"They just observe, write down some of their opinions, and come back to submit a report, or something else. In short, these things have great military value to us and have little effect on you." The major comforted the other party.

"This, it doesn't matter." Li Li said quickly at this time.

"En. It doesn't matter," the major said.

"He will take his own people to follow you. Okay. So that's it. You can get to know each other. Talk about other issues and so on." The major said to Lieutenant Meng Xin and Li Li at this time.

"Yes, sir." Meng Xin saluted. Li Li also saluted that he was leaving. The major nodded. The two left. This is a method devised by the Qin State General Staff and the Ministry of National Defense. The Qin State Military Academy graduates a large number of graduates every year. If these officers cannot make reasonable arrangements, the situation will become very bad. The staff is very worried about this, but the total size of the Qin army will not expand too much. Under such circumstances, the issue of the arrangement of officers has become very prominent, and the ratio of Qin’s officers and soldiers has begun to appear serious imbalance. In the barracks, the number of lower-level officers will increase, and the lower-level officers promoted from the sergeant. Officer, an officer intern graduated from a military academy. There are many officers, they know a lot of knowledge, but they lack some practice. If in the past, this is definitely a good thing, because with officers you can expand a lot of the army at once, but now this is a big trouble, and the number of officers will increase over time.

In order to solve this problem, the General Staff came up with a good method, which is to dispatch these newly promoted lieutenants and second lieutenant officers out, and select an experienced non-commissioned officer to follow the merchant's armed forces to carry out military activities outside. In this way, the arrangement of officers and noncommissioned officers has been solved a lot.

This approach has great advantages. With the assistance of experienced non-commissioned officers, officers will get the opportunity of actual combat experience. This will allow the officers to combine the theoretical knowledge they have acquired. This is an opportunity for training, and there is no better opportunity than actual combat.

Another advantage is that these officers have a lot of curiosity. They have maintained a good military style when they study in the military academy. At the same time, they have a lot of military enthusiasm and are good at using their brains. They will summarize in actual combat military operations. Such a report will bring a lot of military information, which is very important to the Qin army, and it is an important way to understand their unknown area.

The military officers have a strong professional perspective, and there is also a drawing part in the knowledge they learn. This will bring unexpected information to Qin. For these reasons, the Qin Jun specially dispatched these low-level officers, which was also an opportunity for them to be promoted. After all, there are too many officers trained by the country. The competition is fierce.

On a low hillside in Dawan.

"Their horses are so good." A Huns sitting on the top of the mountain holding a telescope and looking at the Dawan cavalry in the distance.

"What a great horse!" a young Huns beside him exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, I haven't seen such a horse for a long time. This time, I must **** their horse." The Huns looked at the Dawan horse in the distance and said.

"Brother Yang. Don't look at it, let's just look at the situation in front of you." A Qin countryman walked over with his revolver and said.

"We have been surrounded. There are a lot of them. It is estimated that there is a regular army from Dawan. The nearby tribes have all let us kill them. It is estimated that the tribe men who are outside have returned. They have asked us to retaliate. "Speaking, the Qin countryman looked around. He felt that more people gathered around them. It seems that a steady stream of reinforcements came to surround them.

"En." The Huns surnamed Yang nodded. Many Huns accepted the way of life of the Qin people and replaced their Huns with the Qin surname. This means that they have accepted the Qin culture.

"If it weren't for the musket in your hand, I'm afraid it would have broken through our defensive circle for the first time. We have only 30 people. If they rushed over in a swarm, it would be difficult for us to resist them." The Huns surnamed Yang said.

"En." Qin Guoren nodded.

These Xiongnu and Qin people were in charge of the queen. They looted and looted many small tribes in Dawan within a few days. Like everyone else, the looting process was extremely bloody. The entire tribe was slaughtered by them. Not only these, they also captured a large number of women, these women can sell a good price, which is definitely a good business for them.

In order to make these trophies return smoothly, they specially assigned thirty people to take charge of the queen, so that they could fully guarantee the safety of their trophies.

When they were behind their palace, those Dawan tribes that had been ransacked began to gather to chase them for revenge, and most of them looked for their wives and daughters.

"Our situation is very bad. If we procrastinate for a long time, we will never be able to leave here. Our arrows and ammunition are almost consumed. If this continues, we will not be able to fight anymore." Qin said worriedly.

Facing the vengeful Dawan men, they had to fight and retreat all the way. Fortunately, their weapons were advanced. The Huns took full advantage of their bows and arrows and shot and killed those Dawan men who were catching up from a long distance. The men are all survivors of the ransacked tribe. Their wholehearted vengeance keeps them going forward. This kind of forwarding allows Qin Guo to seize the opportunity. Take advantage of their long-range shooting weapons to shoot them, but the more such shootings, the greater their consumption.

"This is indeed a very difficult question." The Huns surnamed Yang said in Qin dialect with wrong grammar at this time.

"Our horses are also tired. Damn it, we should keep some more horses." Qin said.

"It's almost night now. We must persist until the night, and then leave here during the night, otherwise there will never be a chance." The Huns surnamed Yang said.

"En. That's the only way. We must insist on defending our line of defense now. Only by holding this line of defense can we go back." Qin Guoren said.

"Oh oh oh. Oh oh oh." At this moment, there were bursts of excited shouts.

"Damn it, these Dawan countries seem to be launching an offensive. If this goes on, it's really hard to say whether we can hold them." The people of Qin State took the telescope and saw the assembled Dawan country cavalry send out the pre-war horn and felt bad.

"Prepare to fight, prepare to fight." The Huns surnamed Yang had already picked up their bows and arrows to fight.

Perhaps the Dawan Cavalry also realized this, and they quickly gathered their strength to bite them and try to solve the battle before dark.

Qin State Xianyang.

"What do you think? Tell me all about it." Qin Wang said, waving his arm.

Wang Jian put down the report submitted by Meng Yi. He did not know how to evaluate such a report. If we continue to say this according to this report, there might be a large number of Huns soldiers in the Qin army. Their combat effectiveness is unclear. Wang Jian is still not good at making an evaluation.

"My lord, the minister thinks this method is feasible. Compared with our forcibly conquering the land of the Huns, we need to pay a high price. Although the Huns are dying, in such a state, Qin will also Be careful. In addition, the economy of Qin State is undergoing tremendous changes. Financial support is very limited. Under such circumstances, this method is very good." Feng Quji said.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"Wang Jian, what do you think?" King Qin asked Wang Jian.

"My lord, the minister is not easy to make an evaluation." Wang Jian said.

"Oh?" King Qin looked at Wang Jian strangely.

"If this is a military operation, the minister still has a way, but this involves the political and economic fields." Wang Jian said.

"The minister has no good way." Wang Jian said.

"Well, that's fine." King Qin said after listening.

"Widow thinks this way. Such a solution is good, but it requires a lot of specific consideration to solve the problem. If it is good, Widow wants to come to the southwest of Qin State. On the side of Qilian Mountain, we are from Qin State. The flanks of the Hexi Corridor have always been in a dangerous situation." King Qin said at this time.

"Qin's development in the Western Regions is getting faster and faster." King Qin said.

"If such hidden dangers remain unresolved, it will cause a huge strategic security threat to the Western Regions of Qin State." King Qin said.

"The prime minister has been thinking of ways to develop the Western Regions, but the security issues on the flanks have been ignored. If such a method can make up for it, it is better to use it if there are few people." King Qin said.

"Qin State also has an example of paying Rong and Di." King Qin said at this time.

"If Qin can solve these problems without military means, it is naturally the best." King Qin said.

"Wang is wise," Feng Quji said.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"If the boiler problem is not solved, the ship will not be usable." A craftsman in his fifties shook his head and said.

"This boiler can do too little." Another craftsman on the side also said.

"It's not possible, but the power. We use a careful boiler. Such a boiler is inherently inconvenient to use. This can only be used on small ships. If it is too large, it will not be driven and will be slow." An engineer said at this time. He has been to Qin State to study.

"How does Enqin's boiler make?" the craftsman asked.

"I heard that it used to be foundry. It used a lot of labor and material, and it took a lot of man-hours," said the engineer next to it.

"Now, I heard that there are welding, and the materials used in the boiler are gradually coming up. Steel is also used in addition to cast iron, and I heard that it is alloy steel unique to Qin. I don't know the specific steel." The engineer shook his head and said.

"Qin's technical advantage is really too great." The engineer in his fifties said at this time.

"What should we do now?" the craftsman asked.

"En. There is only one way to introduce related technologies, especially boiler technology." The engineer said.

"I don't think it will work. The people of Qin are very strict with technology. If they don't spend a lot of money, they can't be introduced at all." The craftsman in his fifties shook his head and said.

"I think it's better to report this matter to the above, let the above think of a way, it is too difficult to solve this problem at once." The craftsman said. For craftsmen, such technical problems are indeed not something they can solve. A small boiler requires the collection of knowledge in all aspects. Korea does not have such a foundation. Experienced craftsmen don’t know the specific knowledge. The only thing they can do is What you do is to use your own experience to make judgments. However, Qin State systematically summarized, and this difference caused a big difference between the two.

"This problem is not that it cannot be solved, but it is not a problem that can be solved all at once." Zhang Liang said after reading the report.

"Qin Guo took a lot of energy to achieve this step. They did have the experience of craftsmen to satisfy them before, but afterwards, they modified the craftsmen. Then they just carried out the overall systemic induction. It's all things done by Qin Guo University. There are quite a lot of people from those colleges and universities. You can look at us." Zhang Liang said to his assistant.

"However, Korea can solve the boiler problem only if this problem is solved, and the boiler problem can be solved to solve the sailing problem. Sailing is only concentrated in a few months each year. Sailing boats are too demanding for sailing conditions." Zhang Liang continued. Speaking of.

"With such a vessel, the requirements for sailing conditions can basically be reduced." Zhang Liang said.

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