"Okay. Let others scold it." Zhang Er took Chen Yu back. Chen Yu gave the parliamentary member who wore silk fiercely. The other party was unwilling to suffer a loss and tore with Chen Yu. During the tearing process, Chen Yu also measured the other party's sleeves. There was no silk in the first place. The fabric of Qin's blended fabric was strong, which made the other party even more irritated, and the meeting place was once very chaotic. If it weren't for Zhang Er insisting on pulling it, Chen Yu would have to crippled the other party.

"Can you endure such anger?" Chen Yu asked Zhang Er.

"Whoever makes us the government, the government does not do well, we should accept the duties of the parliament, you look at the people of Qin, people of Qin can scold the prime minister. Members scold us, why not?" Zhang Er said.

"Qin State, Qin State, I think you are almost stupid." Chen Yu said dissatisfiedly.

"I don't care if I encounter such a thing in the future." After speaking, Chen Yu left. As a scholar of class Chen Yu, he believes that Zhang Er's doing so is really sorry for the dignity of scholars.

"Hey." Zhang Er shook his head.

"Our situation is not as good as Qin State. The entire Wei State has not improved. What dignity is there to speak of." Zhang Er said helplessly.

Inside the Xianyang Palace.

"At present, Yan and Qi also need a lot of funds. Qin can only meet these funds by providing a large amount of commercial loans. Not only these countries, but in the near future, the needs of Chu may also be relatively large." Shang Wen Speaking to King Qin worried.

“In addition, there is also the domestic demand of Qin State. In this way, Qin State needs to issue a large number of banknotes. The minister is a little worried that excessive issuance of banknotes may cause excessive Qin State banknotes issuance and huge inflationary pressure." Shang Wen said of.

"En. The widow knows some things. The banknotes currently issued by the State of Qin require a certain amount of gold reserves. However, the widow thinks that the current gold reserves of the State of Qin are more than the sum of the six countries. Such issuance should be no problem, right?" King Qin asked at this time.

"This. Chen thinks that he can't be optimistic." Shang Wen replied.

"The minister also believes that we cannot be optimistic. At present, Qin has obtained a large amount of gold through trade in the Western Regions. The import of this gold can increase gold reserves for Qin. However, the current level of economic development of Qin requires the number of banknotes. It far exceeds the current total value of gold. In fact, Qin has issued a large number of banknotes. If the gold reserves do not meet the requirements, in this way, the banknotes issued by Qin and the system of banknotes are hard to build. It will have a huge impact," said King Qin, who was worried about Meng Yi.

"En." King Qin nodded. King Qin still knows a little about the advantages of the currency system, but only at the level of knowing. The current economists in Qin have divided the currency system into three systems, barter exchange, metal currency system, and paper currency system. The current state of Qin is a high-level banknote system. This system requires strong government credit from the country. This credit system will be one of the important foundations for banknote issuance. However, to maintain the development of such a system, many factors need to be considered. In this way, King Qin has a feeling of powerlessness with existing knowledge.

"The commercial development of all countries is in progress, but the commercial development of all countries without exception has a common shortcoming, that is, the lack of a large and sufficient amount of funds. If there is sufficient funds, then all problems can be solved. On the one hand, the State of Qin must actively develop the local market, and on the other hand, the State of Qin will also carry out large-scale capital export. As a result, the scale of Qin's capital expenditure will be unprecedented." Shang Wen continued.

"En. What do you mean? Just say it." King Qin couldn't understand it at this time. He didn't know what kind of situation this kind of consequence would bring, how this kind of situation happened, these are not the objects of his own research, what Qin Wang knows is that he only needs to know one result.

"Qin Guoguo's excessive issuance of paper currency has caused paper currency inflation. In other words, paper currency will become less and less valuable." Shang Wen said to King Qin worriedly.

"Oh. In that case, Qin's banknotes will one day become flying all over the street?" King Qin asked Shangwen.

"This hasn't deteriorated like that, and Qin's banknotes will not deteriorate to such a degree." Shang Wen shook his head and said.

"En. Then, the widow asks you, if something happens to this paper currency in the future, will you have a way to solve it?" King Qin asked at this time.

"En." Shang Wen calmed down and thought for a while.

"Rising interest rates. Withdrawal of funds, in this case, it may be as scary as draining the air." Shang Wen said.

"Let's talk about it in detail." King Qin waved his arm at this time to signal Shang Wen to continue.

"The situation is like this. Qin needs a lot of banknotes and issues a lot of banknotes. After the banknotes are issued, it will cause the proliferation of Qin's banknotes. After all, the funds will consciously develop toward the most profitable place. The paper money will be gathered. Wherever paper money is needed, paper money will continue to be needed. For example, steel companies need a lot of paper money, and railways also need a lot of paper money as start-up capital. When these industries cannot make absolute profits, Or when profits are reduced, capital will be reduced and the investment will gradually flow out. If a large amount of capital appears in the market, it will cause prices to rise, because there are more banknotes. The goods have not undergone fundamental changes." Shang Wen explained Tao.

"At this time, paper money will be inflated, right?" King Qin asked.

"Yes." Shang Wen nodded. King Qin at least knew what inflation was about, and the circulation of banknotes would increase a lot. At this time, the commodity did not change, but what changed was the number of banknotes. Zhao, Yan, Qi, and the developing Chu state, the scale of this banknote far exceeded Qin's needs. Faced with such a large-scale currency demand, Shang Wen had to worry about such dangerous ideas as he had put forward such dangerous ideas in previous cabinet meetings.

"Faced with such a situation, the only way is to raise interest rates, tighten money, and recover the released funds at once. If this is the case, it will cause the capital exported by Qin to be recovered at that time. , The situation of various countries will be very bad. A large amount of funds returned to Qin State, and the lack of funds in the hands of various countries, this will cause severe social unrest." Shang Wen said worriedly. To be honest, this is the situation that Shang Wen most wants to see, but it is irreversible. In the face of such a consequence, Shang Wen is very worried. Therefore, he is currently considering whether it is restrictive lending.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"It's a bit like a vacuum experiment in Fusu's biology class. A mouse is closed in a sealed glass jar, and the air is drained little by little. In the end, the mouse is suffocated and died due to lack of air. The country’s funds are equivalent to this air. We have closed all these companies in sealed glass jars.” Qin Wang said.

"Yes, Lord." Shang Wen nodded.

"Widow remembers that the Prime Minister said this before. We only vaguely understood some truths at the time. At that time, Widow still didn't understand the specific situation, but now, Widow understands." King Qin said at this time.

"Qin's funds are the air of the six countries. The six countries without air are like mice closed in a sealed glass jar, which will be drained by Qin little by little." King Qin said.

"Yes. King." Shang Wen just said so. Thinking of what happened later, Shang Wen's back was soaked. Although it is still the end of winter. But Shang Wen could still feel the chills.

"Rising interest rates. Raising interest rates is a means to drain the air in the glass jar. To the few people, Qin really needs to issue such a large scale of banknotes." King Qin said to Shangwen.

"Wang Shang." Shang Wen wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say when he spoke.

"What's the matter?" King Qin looked at Shang Wen.

"Are there any widows who haven't noticed?" King Qin asked at this time.

"No, no more." Shang Wen shook his head.

"The minister just believes that the current release of these funds requires a process, and it cannot be satisfied all at once." Shang Wen said.

"In addition, that is, gold reserves, countries may reserve their own, we should also pay attention to some, only with a large amount of gold reserves, Qin can issue more banknotes today." Shang Wen said.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"That's right, I think it's up to the prime minister to decide the release of funds." King Qin said to Shang Wen.

"Yes, Lord." Shang Wen nodded.

"The few people think that we should not see the following results, we should see the current and future development results. You must know that these countries, they will not produce anything, steel, they cannot be mass-produced, no matter it is Steel rails, or cement, and those high-rise buildings. They will not be able to appear in a hundred years, but if we help them with the funds of the State of Qin, these things will appear. For them, these are already It's a very fair thing." King Qin seemed to comfort Shang Wen, because Shang Wen had been absent-minded since just now.

"Yes, the king." Shang Wen nodded mechanically.

"They may not have all of these things. Qin State helped them achieve these things." Shang Wen said.

"From a historical point of view, although a major economic crisis may be triggered later, this is also a step that must be developed." Shangwen said.

"En." King Qin just nodded. However, Shangwen thought of the Great Depression, and Shangwen had read the information from that period. As a result, the impact is no less than that of the Second World War. This means that in the future, there will be no need for a large-scale war to cause a Great Depression. Shang Wen doesn't know how the Great Depression will come, and what the world will be like when it comes. Shang Wen felt a chill in his heart.

"What's the matter?" Meng Yi asked, looking at Shang Wen.

"After coming back from Xianyang Palace, I found out that your soul doesn't seem to be on your body anymore." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Oh." Shang Wen said in response.

"I think, what should I say about some things I have done." Shang Wen waved his arms stiffly.

"I don't know whether I should do this or not. What kind of benefits will there be in doing so," Shang Wen said.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled heavily, and he felt depressed all over his body.

"This is also impossible. I feel that what you said may really happen. However, we must do the current step well. If we do not take this step well, there will be no such thing in the future, but we are here. If you don't take one step, no one will survive." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. Shangwen nodded after hearing Meng Yi's words.

"Yes. You are right. If we don't take the current step well, I'm afraid we won't be able to go on in the future." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, so we can walk wherever we should go now. It's good to see far away. But it's not good to walk while watching with a telescope." Meng Yi's opponent Shang Wen said.

After listening, Shang Wen nodded.

The northern border of Qin State.

The Qin army was stationed on the south side of the border line. This section had a complete fortification, densely covered with barbed wire, and there were a large number of mines in the middle of the barbed wire. The tins were hung, and the guard was very strict. In the north, there are nomadic tribes who have taken refuge in. They gather in the north with large and small tents. They are as close as possible to the Qin army, so that they can feel safe.

"There are more and more tribes. If so many tribes can't be solved, the problem will be too big." A colonel who came to inspect said worriedly.

"Sir, the above did not give us an order to drive them away. How do these people deal with it makes us very embarrassed." A lieutenant officer behind him shook his head and said.

"Huh." The colonel officer only exhaled to express helplessness. No matter what the above is done, officers like them can't interfere. They can only follow orders.

"What's over there?" At this time, the colonel saw in the telescope three people crossing the barbed wire area arranged by Qin Jun.

"Oh. Sir, there are businessmen over there. They have a certificate of entry and exit, and they have a business license issued by the federal state government. The prime minister's office has approval. If you need approval from the Ministry of Defense, they also have it." The merchant of Qin State, who is doing business with tribesmen, explained. The border guards did not receive less benefit from these merchants, so the captain did not explain less at this time.

"Just kidding, this is a military forbidden zone. They enter and exit like no one's land." The colonel said with some dissatisfaction.

"Sir, there is no way. They have approval documents. From the Ministry of Defense, we have no way to interfere with them," the captain said.

"This is a military security zone. It is a military restricted zone. Businessmen are also civilians. How can civilians enter here." The colonel said dissatisfied.

"Yes, sir. This." The captain wanted to explain, but seeing how angry the captain was, the captain couldn't say anything.

"I will report the above incident." The colonel said dissatisfiedly.

And on the tribe's side.

"Congratulations to the leader. Congratulations to the leader." A middle-aged Qin businessman smiled and arched his hands to the tribe leader.

"This. This is, I don't know what other happy events in our tribe." At this time, the tribe chief shook his head and said.

"My distinguished guest is better to sit down first. Drink a bowl of marquee to warm yourself up." The tribe chief waved his hand.

"Leader, there is really a happy event." The middle-aged businessman from Qin State said solemnly.

"Huh. Well, since the husband said that there is a happy event, I don't know where the happy event came from. Let's talk about it." At this time, the tribe chief said helplessly. The current situation of the tribe is very bad for them. The reason is that their sources of income have received a great challenge. It is good to be close to the people of Qin, but there is no grassland. Their cattle and sheep cannot survive, and the materials of the Qin Kingdom in exchange need a lot of leather. If this goes on, or they have to go out to many tribe warriors, this result is a fact that is unacceptable to them.

In order to raise money to purchase materials from the Kingdom of Qin, the tribal leaders anxiously stepped forward.

Qin needed too much material, but the more needed, the less money.

"Dare to ask the chief, where was your pastoral grazing place?" the middle-aged Qin countryman asked at this time.

"This, there is no fixed place for this, but there is an area, as long as there is a plump grassland. Our cattle and sheep can be herds." The tribe leader said.

"En. We are willing to pay for these places. The premise is that you want to take them back. We can give you certain weapons. After taking them back, we will build a large number of defense circles there." said the middle-aged Qin countryman.

"What are you going to buy these for?" the tribe leader asked at this time.

"Are you going to manage a large number of ranches?" the tribe leader asked at this time.

"Oh. No, no, no, we use other uses, we will give you a good price, the safety of the entire area, we will also hire you, these money, we give it separately, in this way, you will have a stable Income, with this income, you can buy more supplies.” said the middle-aged Qin countryman.

"But, this, I don't think I can believe it." At this time, the tribe leader said incredibly. He thought it would be great for his own affairs. But the better things he felt, the more wrong he felt, and the more things he felt, the worse he felt.

"This is of great benefit to you, don't worry about it," said the middle-aged Qin countryman.

"We will never return you. We will provide you with the weapons you need. In addition to these, you can unite with other tribes. This way you have a greater chance of winning. In this way, you will be tendered. Bigger land. You can make a lot of money by selling these land to me, and then send a small number of people to protect the area from invasion, it is possible." At this time, the middle-aged Qin countryman continued to say.

"This." The tribe leader was still a little worried.

"I think if you do this, it's possible. It's not possible." The tribe leader shook his head. He thought such a thing would be too good for them. Very good things are a threat to them. He feels unsafe.

"En. You don't need to live in such tents. You can live in a fixed place of residence. Just like Qin State, it is much more convenient to have a house, eat, wear, and come. In this way, you only have to have you You can get these things from your work," said the middle-aged Qin countryman.

"This matter, I think we should think about it. In this case, it is too smooth for us." The tribe chief said at this time.

"Hehe, I think the leader can think carefully and talk with the leaders of other tribes. If this problem can be solved, I think it is still possible." The middle-aged Qin countryman looked outside the tribe and said.

"After all, there are many people in a tribe. With such a large number of people, the cost of food and clothing is not a small number. You are usually robbers. Now you are very dissatisfied with the Qin army. I heard that our Ministry of National Defense has received a lot. The letter from the border officer wants to do it on you, but the Ministry of National Defense did not do it. It just asks you to trade the land for you. It will give you a safe way and will not sacrifice many outstanding warriors of the tribe.

"Qin's approach is very beneficial to you. If you are really unwilling to accept it, then we will not be able to move. After all, the above do not want to see such a huge danger on the border of Qin." The middle-aged Qin people secretly threatened.

When the tribal leaders heard this, they were shocked. They gathered on the border of the Qin State. There was nothing they could do, because they could not defeat the Huns. They wanted the protection of the Qin people. The Qin people were more powerful than the Huns. So close, if the people of Qin really want to do something, they will surely suffer heavy losses, and the tribe’s vitality will be severely injured. If they return to the grassland, they will be swallowed by the Huns. This is the situation they least want to see. It is also a situation to avoid in the first place.

"Our people on the grassland like being free. But in this case, to us." The tribe leader said hesitantly.

"If there is gain, there will be loss. This is what we said in the Central Plains. You have obtained stable supplies, but you can continue to get the grassland. As long as you keep patrolling, this grassland is still yours, let alone. With money, You can buy back these pastures again and graze yourselves, and no one will interfere with you. Wouldn't it be better?" The middle-aged Qin countryman continued to persuade.

"This." The tribe leader still hesitated.

"You can see that our ranch in Qin State is like this. Their ranch is very large. There is no problem grazing thousands of cattle and sheep. The larger ones can graze tens of thousands. Your tribe can buy such a ranch. At ordinary times, you can gather together, live together, live together, and you don’t have to worry about other supplies. You can graze when nothing happens. Your life has not changed much, and you have got more pastures. Good pasture." At this time, the middle-aged businessman from Qin State encouraged him. Hearing this, the leader of the tribe throbbed with pleasure. What Qin people said was exactly what he hoped, grassland, cattle and sheep.

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