The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1932: Issuing a green card

"Can those northern nomads listen to us?" a major officer standing by the window asked worriedly.

"Yes, and you must listen. They gather here on our border and exchange their cattle, sheep, and fur with us constantly. How long can this exchange last? These things are not valuable. How many people need a lot of money? Leather." said the middle-aged businessman pouring himself a glass of wine.

"En." The major nodded.

"The question is, if we open mines, why don't we open them on our side? If we open there, we will get a lot of resources. There are a lot of minerals in the whole east and west of Mongolia. If we continue to develop this way, it may be even more advantageous than this one. "At this time the major asked.

"Development of minerals requires formalities. People belong to those places. For nomadic tribes, we only provide some cheap materials. However, if large-scale mining is carried out in these places, it will cost more than just these. Also, in the future, this is a military area, and railways will definitely be indispensable. Under such circumstances, as long as we develop them, they can be transported by railways, and the places they occupy, we develop, we have no scruples at all. Because these places are not within the jurisdiction of the Qin government, and what kind of resources are on them and how they are opened up are completely what we say." The middle-aged businessman said.

"You mean, if you develop this way, the cost will be much lower?" The major asked at this time.

"Yes." The middle-aged businessman nodded.

"However, how much money is needed to support such a group of people to fight the war. It costs a lot. Today I received a dunning letter from the bank. Now that there is such a large demand for funds, I can't help it." The major said embarrassedly. To.

"En. I know all of these. We can think of other ways. Maybe we will be able to make more money at a certain time." The middle-aged businessman encouraged.

"The bank's dunning is very tight, how to solve this problem?" At this time the major asked.

"We support those **** Huns. The northern nomadic tribes have spent a lot to go to the Western Regions. Up to now, there is no profit. We have no money to continue this way." The major said.

"Okay." The middle-aged businessman nodded.

"We can pledge our shares to the bank. This may be the best way." The middle-aged businessman said.

"En." The major nodded.

"We should make profits as soon as possible. If we don't have money, we can't do anything. We are here to make money, not constantly sending money in, and we can't do anything." The major complained again. The middle-aged businessman just waved his hand to let them keep fighting off the fire. Don't get angry. At this time, the more anxious, the harder it is to gather money.

Qin Kingdom's northern borders, inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"The above agreed to let us build a large number of strongholds, but the establishment of these strongholds is somewhat difficult." Li Xin said worriedly.

"En." The chief of staff nodded.

"The cost required, as well as the ability to provide logistics, makes us very embarrassed." The Chief of Staff said.

"Yes. It is impossible for us to complete these things with more funds." Li Xin said.

"Sir, I think there is a problem that we need to point out. We must think about it." The Chief of Staff said at this time.

"What?" Li Xin asked at this time.

"Building strongholds should be businessmen’s business, not our Qin army’s business. We don’t need to pay for this cost. We can provide some defensive weapons such as mines and barbed wire. We can provide the rest. The quantity provided will not be too much." Li Xin said.

"En." Li Xin nodded.

"According to the truth, their businessmen are all here to make money. They make money. Naturally, they have to invest some money and some costs. We are here to protect the security of the western borders of the Qin State. It is ours to build a stronghold for them. It’s superfluous. But things can’t be done like this.” Li Xin said.

"If these strongholds don't have the support of Qin Jun, if they don't, these businessmen won't get what they want, what will happen?" Li Xin asked at this time.

"You should be very clear about the situation." Li Xin said.

"En." said the chief of staff.

"However, in this case, it is very costly. Moreover, the construction of the railway is also difficult to carry out. You must know that if our strongholds are to stay, if we want to defend, we need a lot of materials, and these strongholds all carry a lot of materials. Strong commercial nature, the transportation volume of materials and the hoarding volume will be very large. At present, our transportation situation is not good at all. The transportation of horse-drawn carriages is very limited. The use of motor vehicles can increase the transportation volume, but the pressure of fuel and logistical supplies It will be very huge. This is a challenge for us. A huge challenge." The Chief of Staff said.

"Huh." Li Xin exhaled.

"This thing can't be done." Li Xin said.

"This is no longer something we can solve by 30 or 40 thousand people." Li Xin said.

"It is necessary to build a stronghold, and it also needs funds. There is still a lack of a lot of funds. How can it be possible to give us so much power to do these things? I think, go and gather the businessmen. Solve some of this methods." Li Xin Speaking of.

"Yes. Sir," the chief of staff said.

"I'm going to notify." As he said, the chief of staff left to notify the merchants to send someone.

Qin State Xianyang.

General staff, special meeting on military technology.

"Everyone knows the current state of Qin." Wang Jian walked back and forth and introduced.

"Qin's military expenditures have been reduced repeatedly, and the extent of the reduction is no longer possible for the Qin army to fight a large-scale battle. A battle-level battle must be considered for a long time by the above." Wang Jian said. Hearing this, some military officers felt aggrieved. They thought this was intentional by the prime minister.

"I know what you think. You think it was deliberate by the prime minister. We deliberately cut our military expenditure." Wang Jian said at this time. Some officers nodded.

"These can't blame the prime minister. The prime minister is in charge of economic affairs. If the military expenditure is too large, it will cause the overall decline of Qin. Everyone in this room has his own family. If Qin's economy is not good. Or it is burdened. . Then, can your family, your family, and relatives still survive?" Wang Jian asked.

"No," a lieutenant colonel replied. None of the other officers answered.

"No. That's right. Since it can affect our family, then what is there to be aggrieved." Wang Jian said.

"Okay. The topic is far-reaching. This time, we are holding a weapon research conference. For now, the size of the Qin army is controlled at about 250,000. An army of this size is not enough for Qin, but It is barely enough for national defense security. However, under such circumstances, we still have to make some plans for the future." Wang Jian went on to say.

"As we all know, since the prime minister came to power, Qin has won many wars by relying on advanced weapons. Therefore, the Qin Army attaches great importance to the research of weapons. In the future, the weapons of the Qin Army will be updated, but the speed will be slower. Some, but we should pay attention to a few points." Wang Jian said.

"There is bound to be a period of time in the future when weapons will develop rapidly. Therefore, it is very necessary to determine the direction of weapons development, and carry out some training in accordance with future expectations, and prepare new combat teams." Wang Jian said.

"So, let's talk about it, how will the future Qin army's weapons develop?" At this time, Wang Jian handed over the topic to everyone.

"General, I think so. Qin's current weapons development can be roughly divided into two types." At this time, an officer in charge of weapons research stood up and said.

"En. Let's talk about it." Wang Jian sat down and waved for the other party to continue.

"The weapons of the Qin Army should be divided into two types. One is light weapons. These types of weapons are the weapons currently used by our infantry, rifles, pistols, mortars, and light and fast-moving infantry artillery." The officer said.

"The other type is heavy weapons. The weapons are heavy fortress guns. Howitzers. These weapons are powerful enough, but their mobility is relatively poor, and they mainly rely on rail transportation." The officer said.

"General, these cannons are powerful enough. As long as there is a fortress and a cannon hits it, nothing can be resisted." Another officer said.

"These are all currently equipped, but in the future, what kind of weapons do we need in the future, that is to say, what do we need in the future, and what kind of weapons do we need in the longer term?" Wang Jian asked .

"Have you thought about these things? You may or may not have thought about these things, but don't forget. If our weapons can't adapt to the battlefield, then the situation will be very unfavorable for us." Wang Jian said To.

"It is foreseeable that in the future, our Qin Army's main weapons and equipment, especially in artillery or firearms, will not develop too much, but we need to consider the weapon vehicles we take." Wang Jian said.

"This is mainly taking into account that in the future, the Qin Army’s main combat targets assume that the Qin Army’s main combat targets may be nomadic tribes. Their weapons are lagging behind and cannot form a huge overwhelming advantage for us. On the contrary, , Our weapons are far greater than the other in terms of distance and power. Our company's combat capability is more powerful than thousands of nomadic tribe cavalry." Wang Jian said.

"It is no exaggeration to say. As long as the terrain and defense are proper, our one battalion may defeat tens of thousands of nomadic tribes. In terms of the power of weapons, we don't need to consider too much." Wang Jian said.

Yang Duanhe nodded. After hearing this, the other officers also nodded. Regarding Wang Jian’s statement, they believe that it is generally agreed that the Qin army, which has already used firearms, is much higher than other armies. The advantage of this weapon has caused the Qin army to often obtain an overwhelming victory. This situation does not need to be proved. Up.

"However, these weapons do not meet the current needs of the Qin army. These weapons require a large amount of logistical supplies. Our logistical supplies currently rely on rail transportation. Without logistical supplies, the consequences will be very difficult." Wang Jian continued.

"In addition, powerful weapons, such as fortress cannons, can blow up even one after one shot. But his mobility is very poor and heavily relies on railways, and some fortress cannons can't move at all. Even railway transportation has to disassemble the artillery and transport them away. For us, these things are both an advantage and a disadvantage." Wang Jian said.

"In the future, the opponent that the Qin army will face may suddenly attack. The Qin army is not prepared, and the reserve forces have not entered. How to quickly arrange these is a threat to the Qin army. We must have a clear understanding of this. Arrived." Wang Jian said.

"So, General, what kind of weapons do we need in the future?" a lieutenant colonel asked boldly.

"Very simple. A fast, highly mobile weapon." Wang Jian said. Wang Jian has been keenly aware of what kind of weapon the Qin army needs in the future. The current weapons of the Qin army are huge, but the mobile rifle, when the Qin army increases the power of the weapon, weakens the overall mobility of the Qin army.

"Don't we have cavalry?" an officer asked. As soon as the officer proposed, everyone began to shake their heads. Obviously, when these people engaged in such weapons research, it was clear that the cavalry could no longer meet the needs of the Qin army.

The logistics supplies of the Qin Army need transportation tools, and the weapons of the Qin Army also need a platform that can be carried to place heavy weapons. Machine guns, even rifles, as long as the mobility is maintained, but after all, this is a class of arms rather than a rifle. Weapons, but also absolutely cross-age weapons.

"General, I think that at present, we can put weapons on cars and make armored vehicles. Or rely on cars for transportation. Anyway, Qin State has a well-developed road network, but there are still some unstable cars at present, and these places A large number of gas stations are needed. For the time being, this is a bit unrealistic." A staff officer in charge of logistical affairs proposed.

"En. This idea is very good. I think it can be recorded in the memo. If we remember one day, we can use it." Wang Jian continued.

"Well, general, why not use our heavenly army? If we develop the heavenly army vigorously, we can transport airships and combat airships. The airship can reach places we can't reach, and the other thing is that it can carry all kinds of weapons, machine guns. , Artillery, we can reprint these weapons, in addition to heavy bombs, just one bomb can solve all the problems." A Celestial Army officer stood up and said.

"Don't forget. Your requirements for the weather are too high. If something happens, I think your situation might go down all of a sudden." An army officer poured cold water.

"Humph." The Celestial Army officer hummed coldly.

And Wang Jian began to think about this question. If you use the Celestial Army, you can do this. The Celestial Army has a unique advantage over any other service, which is air superiority. There are no enemies in the air, and as long as he can, he can. Arriving quickly from the air, there is no need to bypass the enemy or walk a long road for a long-distance attack. Consider all kinds of weapons to carry. These heavenly forces have an advantage.

Not only these, the Celestial Army and the airship can easily send soldiers to the battlefield, and if necessary, they can also transport them back. The opponents cannot intercept them because they do not have air superiority. Thought of this. Wang Jian felt that the next development of the Qin Army might lean towards the direction of the Heavenly Army.

However, during the debate, a problem was exposed. The problem is that the airship currently equipped by the Heavenly Army is highly dependent on the weather, and the Qin Army’s research on weather cannot keep up with such demand. At present, the Qin Army is still unable to accurately. Predict the conditions of the weather.

There was a lot of discussion at the meeting, and most of them were recorded and sorted out. These are some of the directions for Qin Jun's future development.

Zhao State of Handan.

"Boom boom boom." Outside Handan East City. Because it is close to the railway, coal and iron ore transported from the Taihang Mountains can be transported here. Therefore, Zhao Guoren put the royal steel factory here. The construction of workshops and the placement of equipment are all busy.

"The prime minister. The first step the Qin people gave us was to smelt iron on a large scale and let us make coking at the same time. This iron made from coke stone is fast, one pot after another, if it is not because the factory building has not been built. Relationship, I am afraid that the output can still be increased." The first iron smelting plant of the Royal Iron and Steel Plant started construction first, but the plant was only initially built in an abandoned aristocratic courtyard. Outside the courtyard, coal has accumulated very high.

"What are those places where white smoke is doing?" Li Mu asked.

"Oh. That's the coking method taught by Qin Guoren. Because there is no equipment, they gave us a local method. With this coke, iron ore can be smelted very quickly." The director replied.

"Oh. How much iron can be smelted in one day?" Li Mu looked at the white smoke in the distance. Because of the white smoke, he couldn't see how to make coking. However, they are still very concerned about the output of iron smelting.

"This number." The director said excitedly. He reached out five fingers and said.

"Five hundred stones? Well. Yes, it's already very high and the score is fast." Li Mu said.

"No, no, no. It's five thousand stones. There are so many in a day. I was shocked by such a large output. Now that coal is piled up like a mountain, the consumption of iron ore is really too great." The director was excited. Speaking of.

"So much?" Li Mu said in surprise.

"Yeah. Prime Minister. I didn't expect that so much iron would come out. Before, we could have five thousand stones of iron for a few months, and we didn't have to do it for a year. We can take a break. But now, So many appeared at once. It's really amazing. It's amazing." The director said excitedly.

"It seems that Qin's method is very good. If we can make steel, it would be better to have such a thing." Li Mu said.

"The prime minister, currently our No. 1 iron smelting plant has ten pots in operation. Qin Guo expects to send more pots next month. If this is the case, we can still increase production a lot." The director said excitedly. The factory director was born as a craftsman, and he couldn't even imagine that he could have such a large output.

"En. Good. Good." Li Mu said.

"These iron smelts can do a lot of things. You'd better be able to make some things, such as springs, or other parts." Li Mu said.

"This, it is estimated that Qin has introduced equipment. At present, I am afraid that the funds are not enough. These equipment and Qin's engineer's salary. This takes up a large part. These iron ingots will be packed and shipped to Taiyuan County after they are made. , A lot of steel can be smelted there." said the director.

"En. You can do this thing later, but don't relax. Go, go and see other places." Li Mu said excitedly. So much iron can be smelted at once. Li Mu could not even think about it.

Beigang of Qin State.

"What's your name?" a Qin clerk asked with a pen in his hand.

"Agou." A thin young man looked at the Qin clerk and said.

"Family name. What is your last name?" the clerk asked impatiently.

"I. I." The boy looked at the clerk timidly at this time.

"Okay. I see. You don't have a surname. It's just Agou." The clerk lowered his head and wrote.

"Well, you are from Chu country, how about Chu Shaogou?" the clerk asked. There are many examples where there is no last name but only name. He has met a lot today.

"This. Can you change it. This name doesn't sound good." said the boy.

"En. You can choose a name yourself." The clerk lowered his head and said.

"En. It's Chu Wen," the boy said.

"En. Okay. That's it." As he said, the clerk wrote down the name.

"How old are you?" the clerk continued to ask.

"Fifteen." said the boy.

"Okay. Take this form. Go over there. Get your documents, stamp it, and then go over there, eat, put on your clothes, wash and take a shower. Just follow that way. Don't ask so much. Next One." The clerk shouted, lowering his head. Then the boy walked away.

Because a lot of people came. Plus, the prime minister's office personally sent a telegram. This has to be taken seriously by the local government of Beigang. So the local government immediately initiated a complete set of simple procedures and issued a large number of green cards to these people.

When doing these things, the Qin government also classified these people and established files. At the same time, Qin also cleaned up these people.

"How to arrange these people still needs the needs of some companies in Qin State. Then, Mr. Xiang can sign contracts with these companies. After getting the contracts, these matters can be handled." A Qin official said to Xiang Liang To.

"En. Okay." Xiang Liang nodded.

"I will wait for these things, it doesn't matter." Xiang Liang said.

"But I kindly remind Mr. Xiang. Related enterprises should be established. In this case, cooperation is better. After all, this is commercial cooperation. Commercial cooperation can have certain benefits. This is good for others." The official said .

"En. I will." Xiang Liang nodded.

"It's just that some problems still need help." Xiang Liang continued.

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