The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1933: Transfer paper money

"What's the matter?" the official asked.

"Loans, we need a lot of funds, but we don't have." Xiang Liang said.

"This." The official shook his head.

"This is a bit difficult. These things are of a commercial nature. Our government can't interfere too much. Otherwise, companies will be sued." The official said.

"However, I can introduce you to some of our banks. As for how you talk about it, it depends on you." The official said to Xiang Liang.

"En. Okay." Xiang Liang nodded. He originally thought that the local government of Qin would actively recommend some banks in order to win him over, or might get relevant discounts, but what he didn't expect was that the government of Qin would not care about such things. This still needs him to do it himself.

Within the territory of Dawan.

"Do you understand what we are saying?" said a Qin countryman waving a pistol.

"Yes," replied a captured man with a slightly yellow beard.

"Where did you learn the Qin dialect?" Qin asked.

"Western Regions. It is in the Western Regions." The man replied.

"What's your name?" Qin Guoren asked next.

"Tiluha," the man replied.

"Oh. The name is too ugly. We will call you Tizi from now on." Qin Guoren said.

Tiluha did not answer.

"I don't think it's a member of Dawan country. Didn't it come from the Western Regions?" Qin countryman asked at this time.

"Yes. I fled to Dawan, captured by them, and became a slave to herding." Tizi said.

"En." Qin Guoren nodded.

"I can restore your freedom now." Qin Guoren said. Hearing this, Tizi looked at the man of Qin in surprise, obviously he did not expect that the man of Qin would give him freedom.

"But you have to do something for us." Qin Guoren said at this time.

"Talk about it. I can do it." Tizi said excitedly.

The people of the Western Regions did not have a good impression of Dawan. The reason was that they had lost their land and were forced to be displaced. They arrived in Dawan, but Dawan did not treat them well, and instead made them slaves. This mentality of falling into trouble caused the Western Regions. People hate Dawan even more, and for the people of Qin, they have reduced a lot. They know very well that the people of Qin are very powerful, and they can't beat it at all. Not only them, but even the country of Dawan couldn't do this.

"Okay. We are here to do business with them and tell them that if we agree to do business with us and give us fair treatment, we can all say, otherwise, I will launch a bigger offensive against them. We are from Qin. You know how powerful it is." Qin Guoren said.

"Yes, my master, I will talk about it." Tizi said immediately.

"En." Qin Guoren nodded.

"Among the captured people, are there your wives and daughters?" Qin asked at this time.

"No, no." Tizi said, shaking his head. In fact, when his wife and daughter came to Dawan, they were already sold into slavery. He didn't know where they were.

"En. Those Dawan women, if you feel good, you can pick one. But for this task, you must do a good job. If you run away, you will understand what you will lose?" At this time, threats and profits were lured.

"I will be loyal to you, my master." Tizi said sincerely. And use the courtesy of the Western Regions.

"En." Qin Guoren nodded.

"Eat some food, take a break, if you do it well, I will reward you more." Qin Guoren waved his arm and said.

"Yes. Yes, my master." Tizi nodded and left.

"I understand this." A young man from Qin State with a rifle shook his head and asked.

"What?" Qin asked while looking at the young man.

"We can fight in the past, so why do business with them. With this kind of come, it is better to use those Huns, or to buy a lot of weapons, it is much better than this." The young man said dissatisfied.

"How long can we use the method of snatching, and, in a war, we can win now, and the opponent is not a vegetarian. If they counter-attack and tens of thousands of people gather to beat us, can we beat them?" Qin people asked at that time.

"This." The young man scratched his head, obviously he couldn't figure out this question.

"Tell you, do business with them, you have a big advantage, read the newspaper, have you heard? Little Wangzhou in the south. Those people do business with the people from the Western Regions and make money from the Yueshi people. It’s very easy. , As long as you send those flintlocks, those old muskets, you can make a lot of gold, but look at us, how many tribes have been robbed. In addition to the many women who have been caught, how much gold we have robbed, I didn't find any valuables at all." Qin said with dissatisfaction.

"We also have to spend costs when we fight with them. Those Huns are fine to say, but how to solve our cost problem?" Qin Guoren asked.

"We borrowed money to fight the war. Up to now, the things we have robbed are worthless. These tribes are really too poor. There is nothing. Such tribes won’t be able to make a profit if they grab a thousand. How much, and one day, what shall we do?" Qin Guoren asked. The young man stopped talking. These things are too difficult for her to understand.

As a large number of commercial armed forces entered Dawan, the tribes of Dawan were severely attacked. At this time, Dawan was in a period of transition between tribes and slavery countries, and Dawan’s control of tribes was not very strong. .

However, these tribes in Dawan Kingdom did not have much wealth at all. Their wealth was mainly concentrated in a limited herd of cattle, sheep, and horses. It is impossible for a large amount of wealth to gather here. The place where wealth is most likely to gather is in the city of Dawan, so the people of Qin wanted to solve this problem by commercial means, because they began to realize a cost problem. If they continue to expand abroad, there will be a military cost. The Huns are okay, but the Qin people can't afford it. They launch an offensive remotely and consume a lot of materials. If it goes on for a long time, the cost will inevitably be high. And no one knows how long it will take to fight.

However, trade and commercial transactions can avoid such problems. Originally, they are commercial armed forces. Armed snatching is only the first step to open up the market. The rest still needs commercial activities to meet. If there is no such commercial trade, their There is no point in armed robbery.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The cooperation with Qinguo Enterprise has caused our Korean companies to reduce by half now. This number is too alarming." Han Shu, who saw the business report, was taken aback by the reported number.

"Qin's ability to merge companies is also too great." Han Shu said angrily.

"Wang, it is our South Korean company that has merged, and the number of mergers may be more, because there are still a lot of approval documents that have not been reviewed." Zhang Liang said after listening.

"More?" Han Shu asked in an unbelievable tone.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang replied.

"This, this is too much. Han Shu said angrily.

"Before, I thought that our South Korean companies were reduced by at most one-third, but now it has been reduced by half, and this number is still increasing. No, if this continues, our Korean companies will be reduced to The situation of the freedom of several homes is really too painful for South Korea." Han Shu said worriedly.

"My lord, I think we should look at this issue from a long-term perspective." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"How do you say?" Han Shu said calmly.

"At present, Qin Guo is cooperating with our Korean companies, and the cooperating companies have merged those companies that are less competitive. I took a look at these companies, and they still have tax debts in arrears, and there are still some companies that cannot open them. Wages, and some, have been closed for a long time, and the things they operate are only some things that can survive. Such companies are zombies. Our tax exemption policy has stimulated some companies to survive, and they use their hands. The tax-free opportunities for them do some speculative things. They participated in the transportation of food in Qi. The original production enterprises have become trading enterprises, and the taxation of trading enterprises is relatively high. They have become an important means of tax evasion. "Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"In this way, those companies that have been merged should be merged, right?" the function asked.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang nodded and said.

"These companies are really uncompetitive. Uncompetitive companies are simply unable to survive. The merged companies are now very vigorous and competitive. King, you can look at the equipment imported by our company, and This can be seen from the expanded production line and the level of workers." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Oh." Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang with some surprise.

"For example, among the imported equipment this time, some advanced companies have also imported motors, which are much more efficient than steam engines. The processed products are also increasing. For example, we imported stamping machinery and iron shipped from Qin. We need to process and stamp into the parts of the musket, and the manufacturing of the spring has reached a level." Zhang Liang said, breaking his fingers.

"En." Han Shu nodded. He knew that manufacturing springs, especially machining springs, was a level. South Korea has made it before, but the level is not high. Can only simply cast some bullets.

"It's not just these, Wang Shang, our level of technicians has improved. Salary has also increased. But a lot of training is needed. If there is no training, no understanding of machinery, and no understanding of processing, these things will not appear." Zhang Liang Speaking of.

"It seems that the level of our workers has improved a lot. We were not able to process and manufacture these things in Korea before, but now, it is not only possible. We still have talents in this area. According to you, I think this is a merger. The enterprise. It seems that it should be." Han Shu nodded and said.

"Yes." Zhang Liang said.

"These are all imported from the State of Qin. I heard that these companies have already produced a lot in the State of Qin. For example, some parts of horse-drawn carriages and motor vehicles are produced in this way. However, these factories are still temporarily unavailable. We can’t come. Compared with Qin, we have only a few simple things. We still can’t have a huge rivalry with Qin.” Zhang Liang said.

"En. But our company is already competitive. It's just that our number of companies has been merged a lot. In this case, our taxation situation will be more difficult." Han Shu said worriedly.

"Yes, King, I am also worried about this, but we should see that after mergers, there will be some large companies. Although these companies are smaller in scale, they surpass the previous ones. For Korean companies, the competitiveness has increased a lot. This is a good thing." Zhang Liang said.

"This is indeed a good thing. I have never noticed such a good thing before." Han Shu nodded.

"However, the widows are also worried. If South Korean companies do not increase, and mergers decrease in this way, the number of Korean companies will continue to decrease. Decrease. This is a very unfavorable thing for us in South Korea. "Han Shu said.

"En. What Wang said is that Qin's experience in this area is to encourage the development of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises. The development of these enterprises depends on their own unique advantages, and then focuses on supporting some large enterprises. As a result, there will be some ratios between small and medium-sized enterprises and large-scale enterprises. The emergence of such a ratio has played a great role in the development of Qin State. I think that Korea should also encourage the development of some large-scale enterprises in the future. There are more Small and medium-sized enterprises." Zhang Liang suggested.

"En. Yes, it should be." Han Shu nodded. I think Zhang Liang's idea is very good.

"It's just." Zhang Liang continued.

"Just what?" Han Shu asked.

"It's just that, if an enterprise wants to develop, it must have capital, and it must have an opportunity. That is, an opportunity. These two conditions must have. This opportunity has been given to us by the people of Qin. We should be able to seize this opportunity. However, the situation is different. . Our funding still cannot solve the problem. We want to solve the corporate funding problem in order to completely solve the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of large-scale enterprises." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"Before, you said that you would use financial methods to solve it. This widow has thought about it." Han Shu said.

"Qin's stock market can indeed solve some of the problems, but it still requires a lot of capital to go public quickly. Time and profitability, without these, it is difficult for Korean companies to develop. At present, Korean banks cannot To provide such services, especially financial services, without such services, naturally there is no way to compete." Han Shu said.

"Yes, King. At present, South Korea's financial development is really too little." Zhang Liang said.

"Yes, we have too little financial development. With our current capabilities, it is impossible to provide large amounts of funds to these companies. Without financial support, these companies are equivalent to children without blood. Without blood, how could they? Grow up." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King, if we want to increase the number of enterprises, the first purpose is to increase financial means. Increase financial support for enterprises." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, in this regard, I think we should cooperate more with Qin State Financial Institution. We need to increase our experience in this area." Han Shu said.

"Your Majesty, Chen believes that in this regard, we should learn from Qin's experience. We can encourage commercial organizations to enter the financial industry. Only in this way can the financial industry develop rapidly." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"In the recent newspapers, Prime Minister Qin's selection, Shangwen's selection of slogans are worthy of our attention and study." Han Shu said.

"Openness, tolerance, freedom, democracy, the middle, freedom, was repeatedly mentioned by Qin's commercial newspapers, and in this freedom, the Qin government clearly stated that no matter many things, you say. Do we also learn Qin State, let go of many restrictions and take measures that don't matter?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"En. Chen thinks yes. The liberalization of the financial industry can quickly allow a large number of companies to enter it, and the development speed may be really faster, and financial means can also develop." Zhang Liang said To.

"En. Let's do it like this." Han Shu decided.

"Let's do this quickly." Han Shu said. Saying that Zhang Liang was about to do things, but when he reached the door, Zhang Liang suddenly stopped.

"My lord, the minister remembered one thing." At this time. Zhang Liang turned around and said.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked.

"Funding is the provision of funds." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Fund, what's the matter?" Han Shu asked.

"The people of Qin have already talked about the supply of banknotes. Qin has a lot of environmental reserves, and they can issue a lot of banknotes. At present, we also have a certain amount of gold reserves in South Korea. Do we increase the issuance of banknotes? In addition, Chen also recently discovered a secret." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Oh. What's the secret?" Han Shu asked at this time.

"It is the comparison between Qin national banknotes and South Korean banknotes. If our Korean banknotes and Qin national banknotes are compared, for example, the current one to seven, and suddenly to one to ten, this will generate an inflow of funds. This situation is very beneficial to our South Korea." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"How is it advantageous?" Han Shu asked.

"A large number of banknotes are issued. In this way, our Korean money supply problem is solved." Zhang Liang said.

"Go on." Han Shu still didn't understand what Zhang Liang wanted to explain, and she wanted Zhang Liang to continue.

"A large number of banknotes are issued, and our government has more funds. And with such a lot of funds, we can handle very large banks." Zhang Liang said.

"The comparison between our banknotes and Qin's banknotes will drop to one to ten. Qin's banknotes can be exchanged for ten of our banknotes, and our banknotes are very cheap. Qin's people can change a lot of money, and they can hire more. People cost very little. In this way, capital will flow into Korea quickly. Korea has a great advantage when it comes to cooperating with these companies.” Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded, feeling that what Zhang Liang said was reasonable.

"Qin's banknotes can be exchanged for more Korean banknotes, and a large number of banknotes can be issued to meet our needs. However, this is a bit bad for us Koreans. Because their money is actually less. A lot." Han Shu said worriedly.

"But there is no way. For Qin people, the current situation in South Korea is deflation. If deflation, it will be very unfavorable for enterprises and very beneficial for the people. Because prices are cheap, but if If a large number of banknotes are issued, it will cause inflation. Inflation is very beneficial to companies because the investment is strong and companies have sufficient funds to do a lot of things.” Zhang Liang said.

"However, prices are not good for South Korea." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu said.

"However, I don't think it should be possible to come here all at once. I think this thing can still be done." Han Shu said.

"That's it." Han Shu said.

"Qin State is definitely doing the same now, and we can too." Han Shu said.

"It's just that I think it's different." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"Why?" Han Shu said.

"At present, the state of Qin is the state of Zhao. I heard that Yan state is also considering the use of banknotes recently. It can be said to expand the use of banknotes. I heard that in their Qin state concession area, Qin state's banknotes are in circulation. It's very extensive, and the metal currency of Yan's circulation is getting worse and worse." Han Shu said.

"There is also the State of Qi. I heard that representatives of the State of Qi have also gone to the State of Qin. I am afraid that the State of Wei also has such thoughts." Zhang Liang said.

"En. We should hurry up. We have fallen behind a lot. I think that Korea should not only be used in these places at present." Han Shu thought about it and said.

"I think that more funds should be placed outside South Korea, such as South Korea's colonies. Those newly occupied by South Korea. If you find gold, you can use paper money to convert it." Han Shu said.

"Yes, what the king said is." Zhang Liang said.

"En. Just do it." Han Shu said. Qin people's banknotes can be transferred to various countries. If there is too much demand in this country, they can be transferred to other places. The situation in South Korea is different. South Korea has only a narrow market. Such a market situation is very unfavorable for South Korea. Qin can use the transfer method. But South Korea cannot use this method. In order to transfer these banknotes, South Korea can only transfer a large number of banknotes to the colony, open up the colony, and release a large number of banknotes. Then, more banknotes can be issued, which may reduce the risk of inflation in Korea.

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