The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1939: Implement insurance

Shangwen's revival plan is actually similar to Marshall's European revival plan. At present, the six kingdoms of Kwantung have experienced Qin's war against them, and as a whole they are in a state of exhaustion. Qin can attack all countries to unite the world according to the original historical process. However, the foundation of the unified world is not yet solid, and Qin can In a short period of time, the entire world was laid down. However, what happened after it was defeated? Qin was unable to control the economic foundation, or continuously increased financial revenue, and Qin itself was at a point where continuous battles caused financial difficulties. If we proceed according to the original historical steps, Shangwen is very worried that after the reunification of the Qin State, it will still be a short transitional dynasty, and then the Central Plains countries will enter the war again. In that case, history will revert to the original trajectory of history. Shang Wen didn't want to see this.

The proposed revival plan can boost the economies of various countries on a large scale. Qin is also helping countries to rejuvenate, increasing the task of developing markets for Qin itself. Once the market is successfully developed, countries will cooperate with Qin. Closely linked economically. With this close connection and mutual understanding, in the future unity, the sense of identity will be greatly enhanced. The reunification of the Qin State was a matter of course. Shang Wen is very clear about what economic ties will bring. This type of connection is not split all at once. It is a relationship between people, and this relationship is more reliable.

However, what King Qin thought was that the goal of Qin’s economic control of other countries was achieved through the revival plan. In fact, this goal and the goal of reunification have a lot in common. This commonality is that the war of unification uses military means to achieve reunification. The purpose is force and violence, but the result is to occupy the area and obtain it directly. In this way, both parties have losses. Shangwen’s method is economic. Through trade and finance, the goal of opening up the market and strengthening mutual economic ties is achieved. This goal is more stable, and the loss of Qin is not large, and the benefits brought by it are maximized. Seeing the benefits of this approach, I was naturally willing to let Shangwen do this.

After all, one cost a lot, and one cost a small amount. It can also bring the greatest benefit. King Qin naturally knew what to choose.

"Dawan's offensive is now at a standstill." Li Qing introduced.

"We currently have three battle groups, especially an artillery position established on our commanding heights. Artillery can fully cover Dawan’s offensive avenues. If the Dawan people want to take our artillery positions, they will have to pay a heavy price. Our three battle groups have crossed firepower, and the price paid by each other is high." Li Qing continued.

Li Qing ran back from the position to report the letter. His main task this time was to request reinforcements.

"However, our ammunition is running out. If this continues," Li Qing said worriedly.

"How many days can your supplies last?" a lieutenant colonel asked at this time. This was the first wave of Qin army Li Qing encountered.

"Counting from my departure, the maximum is seven days. If we add continuous attacks, I'm afraid this number will decrease." Li Qing said.

"En." The lieutenant colonel nodded.

"I understand." said the lieutenant colonel.

"In this way, I will send an infantry company and a cavalry platoon to support you. They mainly carry supplies, not to support." said the lieutenant colonel.

"This." Li Qing was a little worried, because this force was too small.

"This is the greatest force I can give you." The lieutenant colonel explained.

"But, okay." Li Qing reluctantly agreed. Although Qin Jun has agreed to send troops, he still doesn't know what purpose Qin will achieve.

"It's just that, as soon as possible, our people can't wait. I'm afraid it will take a long time. We will lose ground at that time." Li Qing said.

"Okay. I know what you say." said the lieutenant colonel.

Regarding the dispatch of troops. The lieutenant colonel can only mobilize so many troops. This is the largest amount of troops sent within the scope of his duties.

Li Xin frontline camp.

"The federal government has promised to give us government interest-free loans and export tax rebates. The benefits in the future are indispensable to us. I think we should actively send troops." A business representative said loudly, waving a telegram in his hand.

"Does the federal government really want to do this?" a middle-aged businessman stood up and asked.

"Yes, whoever sends more troops and who deserves the most credit will be evaluated by the Ministry of National Defense based on the course of the battle, and then converted into military merits to reward us." The business representative said.

"If you don't believe it, this is the Prime Minister's Mansion, the General Staff. The telegram of the Ministry of National Defense." The merchant representative passed the telegram in his hand to everyone. Everyone checked the telegrams one by one.

For a while, everyone was sure that this matter was true.

"It's just that there is a problem." At this time, a young man stood up and said.

"We can't blindly reinforce it. We have a combat plan. Otherwise, if we all work together, it will cause huge problems." The young man asked.

"The telegram has ordered Chief Li Xin to take command. We must first maneuver to a position west of Maza Mountain and dispatch military missions according to the time sequence of arrival. That is to say, the more you lean forward, the more benefits you will get. Okay. Are there any questions?" At this time, the businessman representative asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay. Let's start, time is money." said the business representative.

"Quick. Quick. Quick." The businessmen began to react. They knew that this was a race in time.

Qin State Xianyang. Shang Wen and Wei Liao walked side by side.

"The front line lacks a lot of maneuvering forces, and Cheng should be aware of this." Wei Liao said at this time.

"Yes, I know this very well. Our general has called me many times and asked them to increase the number of drafts, but I refused." Shang Wen said.

"But Prime Minister, this is indeed a fact." Wei Liao said.

"I know this. Our military strength is not much." Shang Wen said.

"I mean, we can borrow troops, or recruit soldiers from other regions, such as Wei, Chu, or those new Qin people who come to work in Qin." Wei Liao said.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen stopped and looked at Wei Liao. He felt that there was something in Wei Liao's words.

"It doesn't mean anything, I just want to solve a problem." Wei Liao said to Shang Wen.

"I discussed a question with the General Staff. They proposed that the Qin Army needs to be adjusted. In other words, a large number of Qin troops need to be withdrawn, refurbished, and reorganized. After all, they have been on the border for too long. General Wang Jian was very worried. They had already started planning this matter last year. At that time, the prime minister also thought about this matter." Wei Liao said. Shang Wen nodded after listening.

"But this matter has dragged on for too long. There has been no news for a long time. Therefore, our people are beginning to worry about whether the situation has changed a lot. You know, the staff is very worried. Many troops have already After staying at the border for three or four years, many soldiers became sergeants. Most of them formed their own families in the local area. If this continues, the combat effectiveness of the Qin army will be greatly reduced. In addition, the recruitment of recruits On the one hand, there are many problems anyway. We must consider the future of the Qin army." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

"En." Shang Wen nodded.

"Do you have a plan?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"Our plan is to use external forces as much as possible, we pay, and then change the area of ​​the Qin army, we can encourage them to expand abroad, allow them to establish their own colonies, etc. Anyway. That's it. The specifics are also necessary. Rely on the prime minister." Wei Liao said.

"En. I thought about this." Shang Wen said to Wei Liao. But most of them are immature. "Shang Wen said.

"It is impossible for us to give a large number of defense tasks to people from other countries, but we can allow them to enter our defense areas to fight against a few nomadic tribes." Shangwen said.

"It's just that, in this case, the military expenditures of various countries will also increase a lot. I am worried that they will not do this. After all, we have problems with the expansion of Qin, let alone them, and Zhao has placed 20,000 people on our border. , Our pressure is less, I think, should we really change people. We should let these old soldiers down, and then replace them with a large number of defensive troops, those recruits, and train them. Anyway, the General Staff has been busy with this matter recently." Wei Liao said.

"En." Shang Wen thought for a while.

"Let me think about it first. This is a big problem. You know, this is a small part of the entire national defense plan." Shangwen said.

"If we do it hastily, I am afraid it will be ineffective." Shang Wen said.

"This is the situation, but I think it has a lot to do with the prime minister's election." Wei Liao said to Shangwen at this time.

"The prime minister has lost too many points in the military. Quite a lot of points have been lost from the military." Wei Liao said.

"A large number of soldiers of the Qin Army cannot be promoted through military merits, and the troops cannot go home if they are stationed for a long time. There are also upgrades of weapons and equipment, combat tasks, etc., which will make the military lose patience." Wei Liao said.

"The other thing is that the military expenditure is too low. The generals complain a lot. If this continues, more than 200,000 votes will fall into the hands of the other party. I think Cheng should fight for this aspect. After all, the military situation is right. We are very advantageous," Wei Liao said.

"En. Your opinion is very useful to me, but I still can't come up with a good plan, but this issue must be taken seriously." Shang Wen said to Wei Liao seriously.

"En." Wei Liao nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Minister for reminding me." Shang Wen said.

"Thank you very much." Shang Wen said and shook hands with Wei Liao. Shang Wen felt that it was not very realistic to be able to win the approval of the military at once, because the entire military was very dissatisfied with Shang Wen's military expenditures. Some generals have already come to the opposite of Shang Wen. Shangwen might not have won all of a sudden. Shangwen needs to adjust his policies.

At this time, Shangwen realized that he had lost too much in military policy.

"These are all told by Wei Liao. At this time, I realized that we have lost too much in military policy. Before, we obtained a large number of military votes because we have increased a lot in military expenditure. The army has expanded into three major branches of the army, and the weapons and equipment have undergone great changes, but now." Shang Wen shook his head.

"We suppressed military expenditure quite severely. For a certain period of time, military expenditure was less than one-fifth of education expenditure. At that time, the general was almost forced to the point of mutiny." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"One-fifth is still more than the military expenditures of other countries." Shang Wen said.

"But the generals, the officers don't think so. They have never encountered such a thing." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Don't those generals never compare them?" Shang Wen asked.

"Now is not the time to consider this matter." Meng Yi said.

"We must think of a way to score again in the hands of the army. Obviously, other parties, such as the Federal Party, have already noticed this problem. The army's more than 200,000 votes are equivalent to the number of votes in a federal state in Qin. We can't be in the army. Lose too much on the top. Otherwise, it will be very detrimental to us. At least we have to get half of the votes." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"En. Half. I'm thinking now whether I can get half of the votes. When Wei Liao mentioned this issue today, I realized the seriousness of the problem. I originally wanted to drew Qin Jun back and reorganize it. , And then re-enhance the combat effectiveness, but for the present, it is estimated that it is difficult to draw the troops back. I really don't know what to do with other things." Shangwen said.

"En. I feel that there is still time, it is not too late, as long as we hurry up, we can do this." Meng Yi said.

"What I think is that at present, all countries should be in a period of military peace. The size of the military of each country remains relatively small, and the military expenditure is not very large. And Qin may also make corresponding adjustments. In this case, Qin The army may have to keep the number at around 200,000." Shang Wen said.

"Do you want to reduce it?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Yes. That should be it." Shang Wen said.

"After all, the future environment is peaceful. If the Qin army maintains a large-scale army, the situation will be very bad." Shang Wen said.

"But we can't handle this matter with Qin's safety." Meng Yi said.

"So, the key to the problem lies here." Shang Wen said.

"On the one hand, we have to solve the national security problem, and on the other hand, we have to solve the problem of the reorganization of Qin's army. These problems are difficult to deal with. I have no good ideas for a while, so I can only look at your situation. ." Shang Wen said.

"But, obviously we don't have a good idea to do it." Shangwen said.

"This issue is shelved, but it can't be left for too long. If it takes too long, it will be very unfavorable to us. We are very clear about the consequences for us after a long time." Meng Yi said.

"Right." Shang Wen nodded. But Shang Wen has no idea how to solve this problem. On military issues, Shangwen believes that he cannot give more support to the army. The financial expenditure on military expenditure has already determined Shangwen’s policy. He wants to rely on military expenditure growth to satisfy his military merits, especially Qin’s traditional military consciousness. military. Shangwen couldn't do it at all. This was caused by two development concepts. The previous Qin State was a farming war. And Shangwen's strategy is the development of free trade. Although the support of the army is also needed, it is more of the protection provided by the army, or the role of pioneering.

It is not just the State of Qin. For a period of time in the future, all countries will maintain a period of peace. During this period, it is impossible for countries to have large-scale wars, and there is no point in maintaining the army. The reduction of military spending is already in the recovery plan. For a period of time, Shang Wen thought that Qin Jun had maintained the status quo. But the question raised by Wei Liao made Shangwen rethink the issue of the army.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"I don't know, what's the matter with Prime Minister Zhang coming in such a hurry?" Han Shu asked with a smile. She saw Zhang Liang's hurried appearance, and the sweat was almost left behind.

"My lord, the minister has something important to report." Zhang Liang said anxiously.

"En. Let's talk." Han Shu put a report aside and said.

"Have you heard of Qin State's insurance?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Insurance?" Han Shu began to think about it in his head after hearing this word.

"This, not yet." Han Shu said.

"It is also the first time that the minister has heard that this is a new financial business of Qin State, but the development in Qin State is not very good." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh, what is insurance. The prime minister can speak slowly." Han Shu asked.

"My lord, insurance means that we take out insurance. It means to pay a certain amount of money in accordance with a certain percentage. This money can be guaranteed within a year or within a period of time to ensure that we have an accident. Naturally, after an accident, they will be able to take out the corresponding amount. In this way, our losses will be reduced a lot. The minister thinks of sailing. With the support of the insurance industry, the minister thinks that the loss of my Korean ships will be reduced a lot. The current navigation is right. We in South Korea have a lot of significance, but an accident on a ship is very likely to make our businessmen go bankrupt, and many people have suffered heavy losses." Zhang Liang said.

"If we buy insurance, our losses will be reduced a lot. Even if we pay a portion of the money to increase our costs, it can reduce our losses. The risk of sailing is very high. There is no way to reduce these losses, but there are With insurance, these things can basically be avoided. This is a good thing for us." Zhang Liang said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"That's right. I agree with this. The risks of sailing. Many people have already talked about it. People who come from the sea continue to talk about these experiences, and then publish them in the newspaper. I have read them. The risks are indeed true. It’s huge, and there are many shipwrecks along the way. Many people are gambling when sailing. When the season is bad, the profit is the most, but once the ship encounters a risk, it will be knocked out. Such a risk is too great." To.

"With the support of the insurance industry, the minister thinks that this loss can be reduced a lot. After all, our loss has been reduced. With this compensation, we can buy ships and cargo from scratch, and we can sail. "Zhang Liang said.

"En. Insurance is good," Han Shu said.

"But how to get our people to accept it, you must know that the insurance fee may not be low. This fee, once an accident occurs, it is okay, but if there is no accident, it will be confiscated by the other party." Han Shu said.

"Sir, you said, do we want accidents or don't want accidents?" Zhang Liang asked at this time.

"Of course it's no accident." Han Shu replied.

"This is our purpose." Zhang Liang said.

"En. The widow's name is out." Han Shu nodded.

"We can give it a try. However, this insurance fee is also a sum of money, and businessmen may not pay it. In the final analysis, it is still a problem of funds. If this problem is not solved, the difficulties will be great." Han Shu I thought about it.

“We can’t lend them to them. South Korea’s funds are inherently tight. Printing more banknotes can solve the problem, but the face value of the banknotes will be very large.” Han Shu said worriedly, in deflation and through the choice of inflation. Han Shu also found it difficult.

"My lord, the minister has one way, which is to open South Korea's own stock exchange, navigating trade, can issue shares in a shareholding system, and allow Koreans to buy, buy shares, and conduct unified transactions. This has formed our own South Korea. It is a securities trading center that does not depend on Qin. This can also solve the problem of funding. Everyone can subscribe for stocks and receive dividends. In this way, it is also a kind of risk and a kind of income. The whole country can participate, and it is necessary. If so, we can join Qin's stock system. In this way, we can also gather a certain amount of funds." Han Shu said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"These are all reasonable and there are ways, but few people are afraid. Once there is an accident, this is beyond your control and it will cause a lot of chaos in Korea." Han Shu said worriedly.

"But the king has no other way." Han Shu said.

"En." Han Shu thought for a while. Under such circumstances, South Korea really has no choice. If the funding problem cannot be resolved for a long time, the consequences will be extremely serious. Under such circumstances, South Korea may let its own companies go bankrupt, and it will be as uncomfortable for companies that do not receive funds to drain the air. Finally suffocated and died.

"It's decided by a few people. That's it, but it can't be too big. Control it well. Banking and sailing. Both must be done. Try insurance. If it's good, large-scale promotion and mandatory enforcement can be done." Han Shu ordered.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang agreed.

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