The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1940: The bullet factory exploded

The development of the insurance industry is largely related to the adventurous nature of navigation. If it were not for the extreme risks at sea, the maritime industry would develop rapidly, but. Huge profits from overseas trade are also a driving force for the rapid development of the maritime industry.

If the risk factors in the maritime industry can be reduced, then South Korea's overseas trade can develop rapidly. With these considerations in mind, Han Shucai decided to introduce the insurance industry. Although insurance cannot reduce the occurrence of accidents beforehand, it can reduce losses afterwards. This calculation is naturally willing to accept.

However, what really restricts the development of South Korea's navigation is still the problem of funding. Without sufficient funds, it is impossible to expand a large number of merchant ships. Without merchant ships, it will be difficult to develop overseas trade. Han Shu should be aware of this mutual restriction.

Zhao State of Handan. Li Mu's prime minister's house.

"This time there is another request from the Ministry of Defense of the State of Qin." Li Mu noticed a big difference in the content of the telegram sent this time. This telegram from Qin State Xianyang requested Zhao State to send troops to the Western Regions. And in the telegram, he promised to allow Zhao to establish his own colony. This temptation is not great for Li Mu. Li Mu is more worried.

"We have already loaned 20,000 people to Qin, and 20,000 people have no effect. Our army has not expanded a colony. If we continue to give Qin people, the effect will be very insignificant." Li Mu said worriedly.

"Prime Minister. At present, all countries are actively expanding colonies, and the pace of foreign expansion is very huge. Chu has several colonies overseas. Although they are loyal to Chu in name, they actually exist on their own, and Yan is also After actively attacking North Korea, they have initially occupied the coastal areas. They did not send troops in the high mountains. Even South Korea is actively expanding their overseas islands, but our country, Zhao, has nothing." The Minister of Economy said at this time. To.

"Yes, it is indeed nothing. Where is the development purpose of our country Zhao, we could originally develop toward the northern nomadic grassland, but the people of Qin have already taken the lead, but we have lost the first opportunity. We simply cannot move forward. To develop outside the country." Li Mu told the Minister of Economy.

"Prime Minister, there are many benefits to the development of a place that is unexpected to the country. First, it can transfer a large amount of labor. Because of the lack of labor in the State of Qin, they dare not launch a war, and the State of Zhao has a lot of labor, but cannot make a lot of money. These people have become the main consumables, and they have a great impact on Zhao Guo." The Minister of Economy said with his fingers breaking.

"Second, the prime minister wants to solve the population registration problem, especially the problem of a large number of slaves. If these slaves cannot be solved well, or if they are freed, the factory will still be unable to operate." The Minister of Economy said.

"So this external expansion can transfer the population. Then raise the free bodies of these workers. Suppress the power of the nobility, right?" Li Mu asked at this time.

"Yes. Prime Minister, only in this way can my country Zhao get rid of the current predicament. The noble forces have severely hindered the development of our country Zhao. If it is not resolved for a long time, the situation will only be very unfavorable to us. I hope the Prime Minister will soon Considerations." The Minister of Economy said to Li Mu.

"It's just that we currently have no development direction. Zhao State has been blocked in all directions. How does Zhao State develop?" Li Mu said.

"Cooperation." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"Cooperation? What is cooperation? How to cooperate?" Li Mu asked at this time.

"I mean, Zhao Guo has no specific development direction at present, but Zhao Guo can seek cooperation to find the direction of development. For example, at the invitation of Qin State this time, Zhao Guo can agree to cooperate with them. Once the cooperation results If this is the case, I, Zhao, can establish a colony of my own, and I, Zhao, don’t know what we need for external development, logistics supplies, and other things. We can all understand and know through cooperation." Minister of Economy Suggested.

"En. Keep talking." Li Mu thinks what the Minister of Economy said is very reasonable. Under the current situation of Zhao, only cooperation can be thoroughly solved, and the current dilemma of Zhao’s inability to open up colonies can be fundamentally solved.

"We can cooperate not only with the people of Qin, but also with Koreans, Yan, Qi, and Chu. All of these can cooperate. We can achieve our own goals in expanding overseas or in other directions.

"En. This suggestion is good." Li Mu said.

"External expansion has always been our pursuit of Zhao Guo." Li Mu said.

"Especially under the current aggressive situation in the Qin State, we must build a large number of bases outside the Qin State to restrain Qin State. It is difficult for them to concentrate their forces against my Zhao State. Your suggestion is very good." Li Mu said. To.

"Only, there is one thing, we don't have to think about it clearly." At this time, the Minister of Economy said.

"What's the matter?" Li Mu asked.

"The problem of capital and capital has not been completely resolved. Although we currently build a large number of factories in the country of Zhao, the nobles have also participated in them, some private businessmen have established a large number of commercial organizations, and the taxation of Zhao has also increased, but this We still cannot conceal our extremely cruel reality. We are extremely short of funds. At present, a large amount of funds are in the construction of factories. In this way, we can't do more things. The capital of the factory is very large. We are very large. There is no way to allocate funds to do these things." The Minister of Economy said.

"En." Li Mu just nodded when he heard this.

"This is beyond our imagination." Li Mu said.

"If we cannot solve these problems in the country of Zhao, I am afraid that it will be difficult to develop next, and it will be difficult to expand the colony outside the country. The limitation of funds makes it difficult for us to develop further." The Minister of Economy said worriedly. In fact, the Minister of Economy has discovered this problem. He found that when the country of Zhao was unable to develop due to domestic problems, various countries had begun to expand overseas colonies on a large scale. Although some of the expansion was not very smooth, they were still developing, even the humble country of Yan. When Zhao was developing, he noticed this problem. However, if Zhao wanted to develop a colony, he had to pass through the territories of other countries and had sufficient funds. However, Zhao did not have these funds, and Zhao had all the funds. With the pressure on the construction of factories, there is no money to develop the colony. The development of colonies also requires a lot of funds.

"This is a difficult problem. Go back and investigate it carefully to see if there are other solutions. It is best to come up with a solution. Otherwise, our situation will be very bad." Li Mu said.

"If you don't have a strategic vision, when you develop into the future, you will inevitably have huge difficulties." Li Mu said.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Minister of Economy nodded and left.

On the road to the north of Qin State.

"This **** northern Xinjiang should really be building roads." An ensign officer of the Celestial Army kicked the sunken wheel angrily.

The flying sergeant next to him looked at him,

"The train, not far away, still stopped for a long time. It was worn on a caterpillar, and it was worn out, no parts were found, and there was no oil. What is even more annoying is that the carriage can't go far. How are we going." The ensign scolded angrily. They were ordered to go to Dawan to support them, but the bad situation made it difficult for them to support. In addition, the weather conditions were very bad and the strong cold air constantly harassed them. They could not take off at all. If there is no other way, they can only Transit in this way. But the result is that the road foundation is extremely backward, making it difficult for them to move forward. The airship of the Celestial Army was blocked alive in this place.

"Why stopped?" At this moment, an officer on horseback appeared behind him. According to his military rank, he is a major.

"Sir. The wheels have gone in again. Our car is too heavy, and the road is soft and difficult to move forward." The ensign stood up a little discouraged and reported.

"Trying to find a way to get the car out, we don't have much time to delay." The major looked at the wheels, and then said.

"It's the sir," the second lieutenant replied.

"Sir." At this moment, a captain quickly stepped forward.

"Sir, we can't move forward on such a difficult road. I think, if conditions permit, we'd better fly." The captain suggested at this time.

"Flight, the weather conditions are extremely inadequate, we don't know what will happen. I don't want to have a big loss before I arrive. Now we only have three airships. I can't afford such a loss." Said the major.

"However, the sir is advancing at such a slow speed. When we arrive, the war is probably over. There will be nothing for us." The captain said anxiously.

"It's better than you can't get there. The weather conditions in the Western Regions, those experts don't understand. If we fly rashly, what will happen? You know more than me. There are many examples of this, and there are too many. People discard their lives because of the weather. Our number one killer is not the enemy, but the weather." said the major.

"Yes, sir." The captain couldn't continue. This reason is enough to cancel all missions. Because of the weather, the Celestial Army lost quite a few aircraft. The dust storm in southern Xinjiang could tear the airship into the sky in an instant, or roll it up into the sky like a piece of paper, and then their airships would not be found. Many airships. Because of the sandstorm, some of them couldn't even find the wreckage. What is even more worrying is that they are unable to accurately predict these dust storms. As a result, weather observations cannot provide weather forecasts for the airship. For a while, this makes the space pilots extremely troublesome. The upper flight officers were worried.

"Let's go," the major said with a wave. Then turned and left.

"Our heavenly army was originally in the sky. As a result, we became an army. We are advancing on horse legs and two legs. Our propellers are gone." A soldier complained. Despite the complaints, they had to move forward. They had to reach the war zone smoothly to solve all the problems.

Qi State.

"We need a lot of funds, but the people of Qin State have replied to us by telegram. They can only try to make commercial loans with us at present, and the scale is not very large." Tian Heng said to his generals.

"Let's talk about it, is there any good way to solve this problem?" Tian Heng asked.

Everyone shook their heads at this time.

"Lord, we don't have money, we can still build ships, and we have built a lot of ships. We can go to sea without Qin people." A general with a beard stood up and said.

Hearing that everyone here shook their heads, it was obvious that there was no money. Even if there was a ship, they couldn't find the direction. Not only that, they didn't have sailors yet, and the goods were another sum of money. Without these things, how would you say it? Most of these people have considered. Only such a general who was promoted by courage would say such a thing.

"Ship, we do have, but the cargo, what cargo we deliver is the key. The most important thing at the moment is that we don't have enough money to do something." Tian Heng continued.

"North Korea's ginseng is a great stimulus to us, but I don't know why, North Korea's ginseng has decreased a lot recently." Tian Heng continued. If we continue, the funding problem still cannot be solved.

"Lord, North Korea is said to have been occupied by the people of Yan, Goguryeo, North Korea and other countries have lost their ports to go to sea, and they cannot reach Qi." A counselor stood up and said.

"Oh." Tian Heng was a little surprised when he heard such news for the first time, but then he calmed down. Because of the relationship between the country of Yan, they couldn't get the ginseng that North Korea had waited for. The price of ginseng has now risen. There are many, but people in Qi have no source of supply. This also makes them feel anxious.

"We figured out a way to go to North Korea, Goguryeo, so that we can get the supply of goods, and then transport it to our Qi. In addition, we can get a lot of muskets from Qin. Go to Goguryeo and they will fight against the people of Yan. We need such a weapon." Tian Heng said.

"Master, there is another piece of news. This is from the State of Wei." The counselor thought for a while and said.

"What news?" Tian Heng asked.

"Qin people established a bullet factory in Wei, and I heard that they have built a gun assembly factory in South Korea." The counselor said.

"If we can buy from Wei, I think the firearm problem can be solved." The counselor said.

"En." Tian Heng nodded.

"It seems that the people of Qin have solved a lot of problems for us. In this way, we don't need to go to Qin. Moreover, if you buy in Wei, you may still get enough bullets." The counselor continued.

"En." Tian Heng nodded.

"Let's leave now." Tian Heng said.

The territory of the Northern Wei State. Inside a newly constructed factory building next to the temporary railway.

This factory was just built, and it uses rammed earth instead of a cement structure. Because of the fast ramming speed, there are fewer seasonal restrictions. Therefore, the plant adopted a rammed earth structure.

This factory is not owned by Wei or South Korea, but by Qin's Li's arsenal in Wei's bullet factory.

"Haha." A young girl chuckled her little hand gently. Because it is a bullet factory, their awareness of fire prevention here is very high. Qin State had come to check before, otherwise there would be Mars, because it was not long before the spring, the weather was still very cold, this kind of weather made these women a little overwhelmed.

"It's so cold in this cold weather." An old woman said at this time.

"The Qin people's factory is not allowed to live, it is better to go to the textile factory, where there is still steam, and the hands can still be warm." The old woman said.

"I heard that this bullet factory needs to avoid these things because of the production of bullets, because these things are too easy to catch fire. Once they are ignited, the consequences are very serious." The girl said.

"Bullets will burst out everywhere and can kill us. We absolutely can't do that." said the girl.

"But it's too cold. Summer is fine." said the old woman.

"However, we also earn a lot. Five and a half two dollars a day is enough for two and a half catties of flour. At the end of the day, we make a lot. If we do more, we will earn a lot of money a day." The girl said .

"All of your dexterity, I can see it. You make a lot of money this day. I think you can make fifteen and a half taels in a day. This month, it really happened." The old woman said .

"Haha." The girl smiled slightly.

"Hey, you guy, why did you bring the brazier in. Quickly, quickly get out." A female worker called out loudly.

"This, doesn't it feel that you are cold? This day. You can cook a little bit, don't get too close, I think it's okay." said the man with the brazier.

"No, this is a bullet factory. Gunpowder is everywhere. When the gunpowder touches a fire, it will be ignited all of a sudden. In one fell swoop, we will all be killed." The female worker said.

"Get out. Get out," the female worker urged.

"This." The man held the brazier.

"Dang." At this moment, the female worker pushed the man, and when the man was hot, she threw the brazier on the ground.

"This." All the people present were stunned.

"Bang. Bang." At this moment, the bullet was detonated.

"Ah." A female worker screamed, and unfortunately she was hit.

"Boom." Then there was a huge explosion, and everyone was shocked. The terrible thing they were worried about finally happened.

"Where did this explode?" At this time, a Wei Guoren asked in shock.

"It's not someone's boiler that exploded, right? That thing is a bomb. Once it explodes, no one can get it." A Wei nationale said.

"Yes, I have seen this boiler explode, the sound is really loud, this thing is too dangerous." said the Wei Guoren next to him.

"It's not good. It's not good." Wei Guoren shouted at this time.

"The bullet factory exploded. The bullet factory exploded." A surprised voice came from outside the window.

"How come?" the two Wei people cried out in surprise. Then they ran out quickly. The first thing they saw was the billowing smoke coming from the direction of the bullet factory, which was caused by the explosion of the gunpowder. At the same time, they kept hearing the crackling sound, the bullet was ignited, and more There were constant explosions. The two of them stood motionless, and they were surprised.

"Hurry up and have a look." Some Wei people curiously leaned forward to see the situation, but the situation was not optimistic. What they saw was that some people were hit by bullets, or were lying motionless on the ground due to the impact of an explosion, and many people did not know what to do. They stood stupidly and did not dare to move.

"The situation is too bad." The Wei Guoren who came to hide, the flying bullet hit the escaping person.

Inside Zhang Er's office.

"No, it's not bad. Sir, it's not good." A Wei countryman ran in anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Er said calmly.

"The bullet factory exploded." At this moment Chen Yu entered anxiously.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Er asked anxiously.

"The bullet factory exploded. The sound of the explosion just came from here, and the situation is very bad now. If it continues, it will lose a lot of people." Chen Yu said.

"This." Zhang Er looked at Chen Yu anxiously, he couldn't believe his ears.

"Let's go, go and have a look, and after you understand the situation, send a report to the people of Qin." Chen Yu said. Then the two went to check the situation where the incident occurred.

The bullet factory suddenly exploded, which surprised them. He originally thought that such a situation was impossible, but it did happen. This was a big surprise to them. The people of Qin had warned them seriously before, to be careful, to be careful, but as a result, something like this still happened, and Zhang Er's heart was very regretful.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The prime minister. Look at this." An assistant handed a telegram to Shangwen.

"En." Shang Wen nodded. Then open the telegram to look.

"Oh my God." Shang Wen said after reading it. The ministers looked at Shang Wen at this time, because Shang Wen's expression was wrong.

"Did something happen?" Meng Yi asked from the side.

"Wei's bullet factory exploded. The casualties are high. The specific number is not known yet, but it is estimated that there are more than two hundred people." Shang Wen handed the telegram to Meng Yi, which was sent by Zhang Er.

"How could such a thing happen?" Meng Yi asked.

"It is estimated that it is due to improper operation and other reasons. Such things would have happened more often," Meng Yi said.

"The key is how to deal with it afterwards?" Shang Wen said.

"It's more troublesome to deal with." Meng Yi said.

"I think it would be better for me to go there, to see how the situation is handled?" Meng Yi asked, looking at Shang Wen.

"En. Well, after all, it is a factory funded by our people from Qin country, so we can comfort the people from Wei country. Give them an explanation." Shang Wen thought about it.

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