The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1959: Hit father's idea

"However, after Qi State has built a large number of railways, there is another country that has not built railways." At this time, Han Shu said after thinking about it.

"Well, I think Chu has a well-developed transportation system in the country. Therefore, their demand for railways is not too important. However, we need to connect them. At least, the railway must be connected to the Huaihe River. Only this way. , The value of the railway can be further discovered.” Zhang Liang said.

"It’s just that I don’t know when Chu will build these railways. These railways will have a great impact on us. If Chu’s railways are completed, they will be able to enter the Huai River from the Yangtze River and be transferred to Xinzheng, South Korea today. A railway is of great significance. It is mainly Chu's southern materials that can reach Qin smoothly. Chu may pose a great threat to us. Therefore, the minister felt that the construction of a railway in Chu would have a negative meaning for Xinzheng, South Korea. "Zhang Liang analyzed.

In Zhang Liang’s view, Chu’s materials mainly consist of various products from the south. Such products do not make a big difference to Qin. However, there is a big conflict in the products formed by South Korea from the sea. For example, Both countries have overseas colonies. And most of them are within the scope of Nanyang. As a result, the two countries will have a big trade conflict. From a long-term perspective, Zhang Liang felt that such a conflict would be very detrimental to South Korea. If Chu did not levy heavy taxes like this, or if Qi adopted a heavy tax policy, then South Korea’s situation would be very bad. Zhang Liang was opposed to the question of building a railway in the southern state of Chu, because the two countries are very conflicting.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded.

"But the current situation is inevitable. Although Chu has a developed waterway system, they can do it without relying on rail transportation, but we still need some materials in the south. For example, silk, and some tea. We don't have these things in Korea. Even if we grow them overseas, it takes a lot of time. We can't afford to spend such time." Han Shu said.

"From a long-term point of view, it is indeed bad for us in Korea, but we have to look at it in the long run. Qin needs a market. Why don't we need a market? Chu has a large population and their demand will be very strong. If We can transport a large amount of materials to Chu, and import a large amount of agricultural products from Chu to Zhao, or the northern region. Our business can also be very large." Han Shu thought about it for a while.

"The current South Korea needs not only capital, but also a market. A large amount of market trade allows us to develop, otherwise it will be difficult for us to proceed." Han Shu said.

"Yeah." Zhang Liang nodded. He thought about what Han Shu said. He felt that it made sense. The current South Korea is not only lack of funds, but also the market. Qin people are actively exploring their market. So, what about South Korea, it also needs it. If you actively develop the market in this way, if you don't open up the market, you will be completely deadlocked, because without further development, it will be helpless to look far.

Qin State Western Regions Southern Frontier. Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"What did the staff say?" Wang Ben asked after seeing his chief of staff come in.

"It's not an order from the General Staff, but a letter from the Prime Minister's Mansion." The Chief of Staff said to Wang Ben.

"The prime minister's mansion?" Wang Ben felt very strange. The prime minister's mansion was responsible for managing government affairs, economics, and some military issues to the Ministry of National Defense. If the telegram was sent from the prime minister's mansion, it would be very strange. Could it be that the prime minister was not afraid of King Qin's doubts, if he did so, it would be very bad for King Qin to be alert. Wang Ben felt very confused about this, which was very abnormal.

"I'm also surprised, but the Prime Minister's Mansion just sent a suggestion, and the official order will be sent from the Ministry of National Defense." The chief of staff continued.

"Oh." Wang Ben relaxed. He thought that something important had happened. If the prime minister did not get King Qin and issued orders to the army without authorization, it would cause a lot of trouble. This is a question of the same return of military power. Shangwen's prime minister only has the right to use, issue, and give orders to part of the Marine Corps. But Wang Ben belongs to the regular army, and he can refuse this order.

"What did it say on the telegram?" Wang Ben stopped paying attention to this. Asked directly.

"This is what the order says. The Prime Minister's Office suggested that we set up a related commercial enterprise. The military reached a cooperation agreement by signing a contract, and then signed a contract with the Yueshi through the commercial enterprise. In this way, Qin Guohe Yue You can launch military operations and get a sufficient salary. There is great flexibility, and cooperation with the Yueshi can start.” The Chief of Staff said.

"Yeah. The prime minister thinks a lot." Wang Ben thought for a while and said.

"Well, I think that the prime minister thinks a lot about the relationship with the Yue family. We can't get too close at once. If it's too close, we don’t understand the situation of the Yue family at all. If we join in rashly, They may drag us in. The prime minister may have taken this into consideration, so he allowed us to sign such a contract through commercial trade." The Chief of Staff said.

"Yeah." Wang Ben nodded.

"At the same time, let us sign the contract, and then we can receive a lot of benefits." Wang Ben said.

"In the contract, if we generate revenue, it is naturally us and recognizes our revenue. I think this is the purpose of the prime minister's office sending us a telegram." Wang Ben thought for a while and said.

"What do you mean?" The chief of staff looked at Wang Ben and said.

"The prime minister's mansion has allowed our army to manage some things. In this way, the army will become a commercial organization. I am just worried that if the army blindly gains benefits, what will it do in the future?" At this time the chief of staff looked at Wang Ben said.

"Yes, I am worried about this too." Wang Ben said.

"Perhaps, there is their real purpose above. We are not yet aware of this purpose. However, we can improve the situation of our military. Compared with the domestic military, the garrison is really outdated. Many people enter the military to gain combat. Experience, qualifications, and then join the commercial armed forces to grab property. It is estimated that they did this. If the Prime Minister's Mansion asks us to do it specifically, I think we can do it too." Wang Ben said.

"However, I think that we should pay attention to it. We can send officers to do training, even if we can command operations. However, we must not participate in the war. Combat troops can enter in small groups, but we must not use our Qin flag, and More other iconic things, in this case, it represents the intervention of the people of Qin, I think, the bottom line above may be here." The chief of staff thought about it and said.

"Yes. You are right, then, you said, what should we do with Yueshi people?" Wang Ben asked at this time.

"I think we first set up a trade agency, and the object of our cooperation is the army. Then we cooperate with the Yueshi people and first train their army. Our training base is located outside our border. On the one hand, we need to observe and make the next transaction with them. On the other hand, we also need to observe them and sell our materials to them.” The Chief of Staff said.

"Yes. I think that should be the case, but there is still a little omission before. We must cooperate with the Yueshi people and sign a contract to let them pay first, or we must send out an army. We are responsible for training them. Weapons Equipment and other supplies can be purchased from our country, and we can provide them directly. For specific combat methods, we train, we train officers, and non-commissioned officers also participate in the organization. At the same time, we can provide consulting services, etc. Wait." Wang Ben thought for a while and said.

"These are the things we are best at. In this way, they will definitely cooperate with us. For specific trade, we can exchange for other materials. In short, this is the way things are." Wang Ben continued.

"Yeah. If you are sure, I will do it now and start as soon as possible. The Yue people are very anxious." said the chief of staff.

"Well. Do it as soon as possible. We have been delayed for a long time." Wang Ben said.

"Li Xin heard that the battle is over there. We have already sent people to negotiate. If we don't hurry up at this time, we will fall behind a lot." Wang Ben said.

"Hurry up," Wang Ben urged.

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now. For the Yue people, I think, sir, you should do this. After all, if the person cooperating is a general, you may be more convinced." The Chief of Staff suggested.

"Yeah. I understand that. I'm going now." Wang Ben left as he said. The two got busy quickly.

Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Their battle is over. However, our purpose has not been achieved." Li Xin shook his head and said.

"Yes, we just defeated the enemy, defeated the enemy, and killed more than 10,000 people. However, the rest of the opponent's troops retreated. Compared with their total number of casualties, our subsequent negotiations may not Too smooth. The result will not be too much." Li Xin's Chief of Staff said.

"Yeah. Just worrying about this, I think that the staff and the Ministry of National Defense will not be satisfied with such a war report. Our situation is not very good." Li Xin said.

"However, sir, I think we have done a good job this time. Our total strength is only a little more than two thousand troops, and the logistics transportation is still far away. The opponent has a lot of troops. We can achieve such a result. It is already very good. "The chief of staff comforted.

"For such a result, it is good for others. But for me, it is not good. Moreover, the war is purposeful. If we can't achieve such a goal, then we will fail. What are the consequences of failure, I think, you and I know best." Li Xin said.

"Yeah." The chief of staff nodded. There is no way, their strength is already very good, and the support is already quite good. If this continues, I am afraid it will be really difficult to proceed.

Maza Mountain.

"The Dawan people have retreated a lot. They seem to be very afraid of us." Matt said.

"Yeah." Li Li nodded. He is a businessman. This time I came to Maza Mountain to see if there are huge business opportunities.

"They retreated. I don't know, are they afraid of our fight this time." Li Li said.

"This, we don't know. We don't know the specific things either." Matt said.

"Yeah. I think we should get in touch with the Dawan people. Understand what they want to do?" Li Li said.

"In my opinion, there is a great business opportunity in this. Think about it. The Dawan people, eighty to ninety thousand people, surrounded us. They spent a long time but got nothing. They would like to see this. The result?" Li Li asked.

"I think, unwilling, they will think about this issue. Eighty to ninety thousand people cannot beat the other 2,000 people. Such a situation will make the Dawan people very difficult. If we sell our weapons at this time, there will be They don't have much money for all kinds of materials, and they can exchange with us. In this case, won't business opportunities arise?" Li Li asked.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense, but this is the battlefield. In such a situation, I think between us." Matt said. He is a veteran. In his eyes, he could not understand the various business principles demanded by the businessman, nor did he understand what it meant. What he knows is that this is the battlefield, and it should follow the rules of the war. The two sides end the battle shortly after the end of the battle. According to the convention, a period of time after the battle is over is a good time to negotiate. Judging from it, this battle did not cause a lot of damage to the opponent. If you negotiate at this time, it may be disadvantageous.

"Do you have any specific opinions?" Li Li said at this time.

"My opinion is that in this battle, we did not cause a lot of casualties to the other side. The other side may not pay attention to it, and the negotiation will not be too favorable." Matt said from a military perspective.

"Yeah." The businessman nodded.

"You are right. If the other party suffers a big loss, they will consider it. There were only more than 10,000 casualties this time. It did not cause much casualties to them, but I think this time is an opportunity. If we miss this opportunity, maybe next time, we still need a very large-scale battle. We cannot invest more for you at the moment. It costs too much to transport a box of ammunition. And you all use metal bullets. Such ammunition is too expensive. We simply cannot afford to consume it. Our merchants have already borrowed a lot of money from the bank. If we cannot repay them when they are due, we must end everything, everything, understand?" Li Li spoke from the perspective of a businessman.

"Our merchants have funded you. Without these, you would not be able to fight at all. However, your spoils are scrap copper and scrap iron. These things are useless to us. We fought such a big war. We are here to collect these scraps of copper and iron. We are here to make money. Do you understand?" Li Li said.

"Only if we make money. You can have wages, salaries, and loot rewards, otherwise you won't get anything." Li Li said.

"Okay. I see. What do you need?" When it comes to economic issues, the issue of making money. Li Li would say that he didn't play anymore, Matt was particularly disgusted, but he was helpless, because he was indeed his boss, and many things were obtained from him.

"Well, very good, I need someone who can speak Dawan's language, and then you bring an interpreter, and me, let's negotiate together." Li Li said.

"What?" Matt looked at Li Li in surprise.

"Negotiation, yes, yes, it is negotiation. We must negotiate. Otherwise, we will lose the first opportunity. In this case, we will be very passive." Li Li said.

"Well, fighting with us means the same thing. Translation. This is easy to find. I think we can find it from the prisoners of Dawan. They are building a stronghold. We can find it from this. Just go." Li Li quickly left as he said.

"Yeah. Good." Li Li said.

Qin State Xianyang.

"My lord, this time Wenyang Bank and Wenyang Bank are strange. They never joined us before, but this time, they are very strange." King Qin's client strangely reported to King Qin that the Royal Bank wanted to cooperate with Wenyang Bank. There are several pieces of cooperation between them. The first is to build a railway project with Zhao Guoren, invest in capital, and expand the scale of shares.

The second is to cooperate with the Koreans to launch some trade projects, mainly for maritime trade and shipbuilding projects. The third is the provision of funds from the city banks of the various federal states of the Qin State, as well as joint, merger, and merger projects. These places need a lot of funds, and the scale of funds is very large. It was precisely because of this that the client dared not make a decision, so he came to meet with King Qin to explain the specific situation.

"Oh." King Qin was also surprised. The Royal Bank was operating very cautiously because it involved King Qin's specific income. Therefore, the royal bank invests in Qin State, and places outside Qin State rarely participate. Moreover, the investment content is long-term profitable projects, such as steel smelting, railways, aircraft manufacturing, and power generation. Projects, telegraph communications, telephone communications, and other long-term beneficial projects, although a lot of investment, but in the long run, it is indeed easy to firepower, and Wenyang Bank’s operations have a certain degree of investment and speculation, especially It is some overseas projects that are more speculative. In this way, Wenyang Bank and Royal Bank are two different ways of operating. But this time, Wenyang Bank actively proposed to cooperate with Royal Bank, which is still the first. Times. King Qin felt very strange.

"What do you think is the reason?" King Qin asked the other party at this time.

"Small, I don't know, but, my guess, yes, it may be." The client said worriedly.

"Let's talk. The widow wants to listen." King Qin urged.

"Maybe this matter has a lot to do with the Federal Bank Reserve Board." The client said.

"What?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Qin State Federal Bank Reserve Committee." At this time the client said.

"Small is analyzed like this." The client said.

"Speak slowly." King Qin listened patiently.

"Wenyang Bank has expanded very strongly and quickly. They have previously pledged about 20% to 30% of the shares of the federal government. This is the largest share that Wenyang Bank can take out." People said.

"However, now Qin has established the Federal Bank Reserve Committee. This committee, in fact, the major banks must pledge their own shares and obtain sufficient funds. In this way, all major banks must pledge their shares. However, the shares The total amount of money is very limited. In this way, the funding is also very limited." The client said.

"However, something happened before that may have inspired Wenyang Bank." The client continued.

"Feima Bank merged with a bank in Taiyuan, and the capital has expanded a lot. The stock market has risen for several days, making many people rich. However, Wenyang Bank has noticed. They want more funds. If they do, their share capital must be increased by a number. In this way, the shares held by the federal government will be reduced a lot, and the shares of Wenyang Bank will be increased by a lot. In this way. To be able to expand rapidly and get a lot of funds, this is something that is difficult for us to support." The client said.

"The consequence may be that Wenyang Bank wants to use such things to expand its scale. In this way, Wenyang Bank can expand at once and get a lot of funds. Do a lot of money-making things." The client said .

"Oh. There is such a thing unexpectedly." Qin Wang said.

If it were not for the client to talk to himself about such a thing, King Qin would hardly believe it, and it would be hard to believe that such a thing happened. But this also gave King Qin a great reminder.

"Can our royal bank expand its scale, increase capital, and increase the number of shares?" King Qin asked at this time.

"Return, Lord, yes, absolutely. It is absolutely possible. Our royal bank has very good capital and can fully expand our capital. In this way, the shares we pledge to the Federal Bank Reserve Board will become larger and larger. The more, in this way, we can earn more funds and earn more funds." The principal said.

"Well. Widow knows. You go down and prepare first. Widow may want to cooperate with Wenyang Bank to expand our capital scale." King Qin thought for a while and said.

"Yes, Lord." The client went down as he said. King Qin shook his head and laughed at this moment, he didn't expect it. His own daughter has already planned to beat his father. I didn't expect it.

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