The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1960: Find a businessman to do business

"Cooperating with the Royal Bank can certainly get a lot of benefits, but I don't think it is possible for my father to agree to such a plan." Yingyu said to Xiao He. Xiao He suggested that Yingyu cooperate with the Royal Bank. At least the failure of this cooperation is a kind of temptation. After all, the cooperation between the strong and the strong is also a common occurrence in business. Therefore, Xiao He suggested to cooperate with the Royal Bank.

"The strong alliance is very normal in commercial activities." Xiao He emphasized again.

"But my father will not abide by business rules. He only has political and military rules in his eyes. On the contrary, he doesn't know much about business rules." Yingyu said.

"In this regard, we should do this without any hope." Yingyu continued.

"Okay." Xiao He nodded. He knew that the princess must know what King Qin knew.

"There is one more thing, I think we should pay attention to it." Xiao He said.

"What's the matter?" Ying Yu asked.

"Regarding the issue of market development in the Western Regions, the Prime Minister planned to adopt a commercial cooperation approach to manage the entire Western Regions. The king said that the establishment of the Western Regions Protectorate should be carried out by the federal government. Later I heard that it is still The prime minister’s plan was adopted. The problem now is that we still don’t know what the prime minister wants to do?" Xiao He said.

"But I think that in the next situation, the continuous development of the Western Regions will become a focus." Xiao He said.

"Yeah." Yingyu nodded.

"We figured out a way to learn more about the situation. I think it won't be long before we know what we should do." Yingyu said.

"You can't worry about this matter and let it go." Yingyu knows very little about the Western Regions. No one knows exactly how to do it. Therefore, it is best to let it go if it is not clear. Way.

One hundred and fifty miles northeast of Maza, an armed logistics team is advancing.

"Huhu." A horse made a whirr, and then stopped in place and stopped moving.

"Pa." At this moment, an armed member of the State of Qin came forward with a whip.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." The armed team violently drove the horse. The other horse in the same company struggled constantly.

"Hurry up," the team member shouted loudly. Then the whip kept whipping up.

"Stop it." Just as the team member kept beating the horses, a Huns stood up and shouted.

"Can't fight horses." The Huns defended.

"I'm hitting my horse, and it's not yours. Get up and drive." The Qin member was about to push the opponent away.

"Get up and drive." The Qin team couldn't push each other, the Huns stood firmly on the spot, glaring at the Qin with both eyes.

"You are not allowed to hurt the horse." The Huns said to the Qin players. In the eyes of nomadic tribes, horses are the same as their lives, and it is very unforgivable for the people of Qin to not cherish their horses in this way.

"Boy Huns, you'd better get out of me." Qin Guoren took out his pistol and aimed at the opponent.

"You are not allowed to hurt the horse like this." As the other Huns came over and surrounded the Qin people, the other Qin players came over at this time.

"Disperse, disperse." At this time, a young Qin officer came over. He was a member of the military observation group. His main task was to check the logistics capabilities of the merchants.

"Disperse, hurry up." The young Qin officer quickly came over with cavalry. But the Huns did not leave, they protected the two horses.

"What's the matter?" the young officer dismounted and scolded. His rank is second lieutenant. The Qin member did not salute, after all, he was not a soldier, but a mercenary.

"They stopped me from driving the carriage," the team member said.

"Why are you here, leave here." The ensign officer said to the Huns.

"He's fighting horses, it's not right." A Huns said to Lieutenant Qin Jun.

"I know. I'll take care of this. You can leave now." Lieutenant Qin Jun said to the Huns. Huns look at me, I look at you, and then did not leave.

"You better leave, otherwise I will execute you." The ensign officer said harshly to the Huns.

"We just lead the horse, and we can't do anything." Talking about the Huns, they led the horse.

"Damn, you took the horse away, what should I do?" the team member shouted loudly.

"Enough. Let these Huns go." Lieutenant Qin Jun said to the team member.

"These Huns are too presumptuous." The member said to Lieutenant Qin Jun dissatisfied.

"Okay. We are also at fault. How many horses we killed along our way, these horses were all captured, but these horses are rare and good horses for these Huns. They will never look at you. Kill such a good horse like this." Lieutenant Qin Jun said to the team member.

"However, these horses were captured by me. I make money by transporting goods. Why do they take my horses?" The Qin team members watched with extreme dissatisfaction as their horses were pulled away like this. Lieutenant Qin Jun looked back at the team member, and then left. Along the way, Qin’s commercial armed forces killed many horses, cattle and sheep. They didn’t cherish these spoils at all. There were a lot of such things in Qin’s country, and the prices were very cheap. Such things were sold in Qin. It’s not a lot of money. Instead of doing this, it’s better to use all of these things to transport goods from the Western Regions of the Qin Kingdom to the front line. The goods themselves are not valuable, but the price is very expensive. Therefore, many trophies of horses are used for transportation. on.

There are many good horses in Dawan. The Huns on horseback recognized these good horses at once, but the Qin people used them to transport goods. This made the Huns feel a pity, especially when they were guarding these goods. At that time, they felt very distressed when they saw the people of Qin kill those tired carbines. That's why this situation emerged.

The logistics supply of the Qin armed forces cannot rely on railway transportation, and the front is far away. The armed forces are extremely dependent on logistics supplies. As long as they can solve the logistics supply problem, the Qin people can no longer take care of anything. It was a pity that the horse, which was originally a good horse, was killed by the Qin people so casually.

"Dawan. Dawan cavalry." At this moment, a patrolling cavalry issued a loud alarm.

"Toot toot toot toot." A rapid horn came quickly. It reminded the people of Qin to be on alert quickly.

"Protect the convoy and don't face it." The officer shouted loudly. Others took out their rifles one after another to take aim. A group of Huns cavalry quickly got off at this time, and they went forward to investigate the specific situation of the other party. On the other hand, the people of Qin State quickly gathered their teams, and gathered them as much as possible to prevent excessive dispersion from causing great losses.

"Hurry up, gather the team together, other people from Dawan attack our convoy." The officer shouted loudly. The carriages gathered one after another. At this time, the team member who had been robbed of the horse came over, and he saw that the Huns were not far away from him. Perhaps it was because of the enemy. This made them not pay much attention to the movements of the people of Qin. They are waiting for the order to attack. They are similar to mobile troops, they need to go out to look for opportunities to wipe out the enemy with flexibility.

"You horse thieves." The team member took out his pistol as he said, because he saw the two horses that had been shot right in front of him.

"Huh." The horses seemed to be aware of the danger, and they neighed one after another.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." Three shots in a row. The team member fired three shots at the horse's head.

"Huhu." The Xiongnu cavalry was shocked. If it weren't for their quick response, the player might be hacked to death by the Huns. The Huns saw the horse being shot. They are angry. Some Huns cavalry had already brandished sabers to chop off.

"Stop, stop." At this time, the cavalry captain of the Huns grabbed his own horse. The Huns looked at the Qin armed member very angrily. But the team members calmly let their own people calm their anger and look around.

Because they were on a high level of alert, the Qin people raised their guns and turned towards the place of the incident after hearing the gunshots. Suddenly, the Huns were surrounded. It is precisely because of this that the captain of the Huns cavalry let them calm their anger.

"Damn it, what's the matter?" the captain of the armed transport team cursed loudly.

"Yes, it's a native of Qin, who killed two horses." At this time, the captain of the Huns cavalry team replied.

"Fucking, I thought something big happened." Hearing this explanation from the Huns, he looked at the triumphant face of the team member. Although it was a bit strange, the captain couldn't say anything. After all, Dawan was the greatest enemy of Qin's armed forces.

"If you shoot like this indiscriminately, I will shoot you." The captain yelled at the team member dissatisfied. Then the others turned around to check the surroundings.

The triumphant team member looked at the angry Huns and turned around with a smile, and the eyes of the Huns were about to burst into flames. In their view, the people of Qin are challenging their dignity again. Many Huns were very annoyed. If it weren't for the extreme suppression of their captain, they might have to fight with the Qin people on the spot.

"Don't forget our tribe. Your wives and children are under the control of the people of Qin. If we fight with the people of Qin, do you know what we will encounter?" At this time, the Xiongnu cavalry captain asked everyone. Hear such questions. The Huns lowered their heads. They thought of the tribe in the distance. Why did they come here to make their tribe alive better. If they go to war with the people of Qin, they will be expelled and killed. And they didn't know whether they could beat the Qin people down. This is a disaster for them. If they obey the Qin people’s arrangements, they will get a lot of supplies and they can live well. If they can’t, they will be severely hit by the Qin people, and their tribe will disappear completely from history. It was the cruelest punishment. Faced with such a provocation, the Huns finally suppressed it. Many of them severely chopped off their sabers to express their anger.

"The report is just a small group of Dawan people. They rushed over and were driven away by the cavalry. The threat to us is not great." A cavalry quickly reported.

"Yeah. Keep on alert and wait for the Dawan people to leave before we move forward." The transportation team leader shouted loudly. The Qin people continue to maintain their alert status, and if there are problems with logistics, their problems will be very serious.

Maza Mountain.

"From our place to the Western Regions of the Qin Kingdom, it takes almost a thousand miles. Such a distance makes logistics supplies too long. Fortunately, our number is controlled at two thousand people. If the size of the army reaches 10,000, we are like this. A war is about to be defeated," said an ensign of Qin Jun, lying on his army bed worriedly.

"I think you are worrying." At this moment, a lieutenant officer next to the ensign put down the newspaper in his hand and said to the ensign officer.

"Why?" the ensign asked.

"Because the merchants are armed with careful calculations. Regardless of the fact that they transport a lot of materials here, most of these things can be sold. I checked the warehouse yesterday and there were silk, tea, and old-fashioned. Flintlock, these things, can we use them in war?" the lieutenant asked rhetorically.

"Well, these things are definitely not for fighting." The ensign replied.

"Yes. I think those **** businessmen have already figured out a way to contact the Dawan people." The lieutenant said contemptuously.

"How do you say?" the second lieutenant asked the lieutenant.

"When I went to check the prisoners of war yesterday, I remembered that several Western Regions who could understand our words were taken away by the merchants. They said that it was their trophies. These people, I plan to use them to reflect The information we should get, at least, we should know what we should know, but we didn't expect it. The businessman thought of going ahead of us. Very **** it." The lieutenant cursed loudly.

"Perhaps." The ensign didn't know how to explain it himself.

"Perhaps, they are thinking of ways to make money. The munitions shipped are getting less and less. Except for food and ammunition, they have cancelled all the medicines. They are all old-fashioned flintlocks. These old-fashioned weapons must be sold to the Dawan people. Silk, tea, these are things that the upper class of the Dawan people can get, and now they have it." The lieutenant said dissatisfied.

"Okay." The ensign said at this time.

"I know, at this time, we shouldn't continue." The lieutenant said.

"However, these businessmen are not here to fight at all. They are here to do business and do business. This is what they care about every day. They can deliver military supplies at the end. If they can, they can’t wait to build all the railways. Come here, do business directly with the Dawan people." The lieutenant said dissatisfied. In his view, the merchants’ armed forces had a big defect in this Maza Mountain operation, that is, their combat effectiveness was average, and their organizational capabilities were not as good as the army. The most important point was that the merchants had great decision-making power in command. This made the lieutenant very dissatisfied.

"Okay. What we are here to observe is not to cause trouble. We can't control these things at all. They must have their reasons to let these businessmen handle this matter." The ensign comforted. Despite this, the second lieutenant himself does not understand why the above cannot spend a little more money to completely solve the Dawan people. The Dawan people’s combat effectiveness is very weak and they can completely ignore it. As long as a unit of 10,000 people, they can quickly The occupation of this country, in that case, military merit is absolutely indispensable. The ensign thought for a while, and then went to sleep.

Southern Xinjiang.

"The contract must be signed by the Qin State, otherwise we will not recognize it. We will establish a training base in the border area between our Qin State and your Yueshi people. You will buy weapons and equipment. We will provide training and some logistics guarantee materials. , We can fund you a batch, but you need to deal with most of the following.” Wang Ben said to a Yueshi sitting in front of him.

"In addition, the cooperation between us, there are other weapons and ammunition you need, we can buy you enough. In addition, there are other materials to help you train and defeat the Parthians. Then you can do business. It doesn't matter, I provide you with the goods, and you can sell them." Wang Ben said.

"We don't understand the Qin characters, I can only read very little. Me." The Yue clan looked at Wang Ben. But Wang Ben shook his head.

"Regardless of these, I just make money, and help you fight the Parthians. As for other things, you can take good things from the Parthians. In short, things are still good for you. If you can go early Sign this contract, then we can start these things quickly." Wang Ben said to the other party. Yueshi looked at the contract and hesitated.

"Pop." Wang Ben patted the table at this time.

"Hurry up. Otherwise we will go to war with you." Wang Ben looked at each other impatiently. The chief of staff on the side looked at Wang Ben at this time. He couldn't imagine that Wang Ben would directly intimidate him.

"Okay. Okay, I'll sign, I'll sign." Said Yueshi signed his name on the contract. Wang Ben took it over and looked at it.

"Use our words to sign, otherwise it will be invalid." Wang Ben said impatiently.

The Yue family looked at Wang Ben nervously, and then had to write his name crookedly. After Wang Ben took it and read it, he nodded and turned to leave. The Yue family waited for Qin’s next question.

"Now that the Yue family has a contract. When we come this way, we can do a big fanfare." Wang Ben excitedly said to his chief of staff.

"It's just that I don't know when the Yueshi people will give us money. We can only grow if we make the first step of money. Otherwise, we will mobilize an army casually, there will be a big problem." The chief of staff worried. Speaking of.

"Yeah." Wang Ben nodded.

"I'll settle this matter. Just report the situation here to the staff to know. They will solve it. As for the salary given in the first step, you and I have to come together. This amount of money does not mean it. Little." Wang Ben said.

"Yeah. I'm also worried. If the Yueshi people can't come in accordance with the contract, our money may not be enough." The chief of staff said to Wang Ben embarrassingly.

"If it's not enough, it's not enough, let's start first." Wang Ben said that he didn't care and left.

Inside the city of Changsha in the Kingdom of Chu.

"This is the news from all parts of the Chu nobles." Xiang Yan was very anxious and handed a few letters to Xiang Liang. Xiang Liang looked up quickly. What he saw was that the nobles of Chu State arrested people from various places and transported them to Qin State. Because of the lack of people, population trading can bring great benefits.

"When did this happen?" Xiang Liang asked anxiously.

"I just received it not long ago. It should have happened when you did your first business." Xiang Yan speculated.

"Qin State is trying to hollow out the population of our Chu State." Xiang Liang said.

"But there is no way. Without these people, we would not have the first funds. Now, we must stop the population business and transfer it to other directions." Xiang Yan said decisively.

"It's just that it's not possible now." Xiang Liang said, shaking his head.

"Why?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Our funds are not enough. The most important thing is that we currently have no projects to do. Although we have a business organization, business cooperation with Qin people and doing business are not what we are good at. In this way, we can't do it naturally. To start business quickly." Xiang Liang said.

"Yeah. But the business of this population can no longer be done." Xiang Yan said, shaking his head.

"If this continues, the population loss of Chu will be extremely serious. This will be very unfavorable to us, no, no, resolutely no." Xiang Yan said.

"Why don't we continue to do the population business, we exchange for the merchant ships of the State of Qin, and then go south to find the population overseas, so that the population will be replenished." Xiang Liang said.

"Yeah. Just as soon as possible, the time can't be delayed too long." Xiang Yan said.

"It will be fast. However, if the tariffs between the nobles and merchant ships travel, if these tariff barriers cannot be broken, it will be difficult for business to continue, and it will be difficult for these nobles." Xiang Liang said worriedly at this time.

"This matter, I think, I will go to the young master to solve it. If this matter can be resolved, Chu's problem will not be big. Everyone has a way to survive. This also provides an important opportunity for our Chu State. "Xiang Yan said.

"Yeah." Xiang Liang said.

"I will buy ships from Qin people as soon as possible. However, I have a suggestion. We do business, it will definitely not work. It is better for us to find some businessmen to help us do it. We will fund and let them follow their own ideas. If they do, the business they are doing is the business we are going to do. I don’t know, what does the general think?” Xiang Yan asked.

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