The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1961: Westward purpose

The place where the western plains and eastern mountainous areas of the Korean peninsula meet.

The flag of Yan State on a fortification of Yan State was flying. The weather was fine, and there was a heavy snowfall not long ago. A soldier of the State of Yan was standing on a high observation post to check the surroundings. He kept checking the surroundings with binoculars. But there is no law. Because of the cold, the soldiers of Yan State kept rubbing their hands and breathing for warmth.

"This **** place, these Goguryeos deserve to die." Inside the fortifications, a Yanjun officer shouted loudly.

"Men are going to die, women, we die." A Yan army veteran said indecently.

"Haha." The other soldiers who were surrounded by the fire also laughed.

"Look at what you are. You have such a good reputation. When you see a woman, you can't move your legs. His mother." The officer said angrily.

"Haha." The veteran touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly.

"Fucking, you are so embarrassed. Last time, I caught a chick, fucking. After I finished it, how long did you do it, and you almost suffocated the brothers behind. You are embarrassed." Officer Scolded.

"Haha." The veteran couldn't help laughing.

"Sir, it's really meaningless to go on like this. Let's go out and look around, let's talk about it. We don't have much supplies anymore. The brothers who sent supplies came here once a month, but now it's fine. I haven't seen them for a month and a half." A soldier of the Yan Army with the rank of corporal said dissatisfiedly.

"Yeah. Indeed it is." The officer looked at the people around and then at the mixed dough **** that were baked on the stove. This thing is simply not eaten by humans, and they haven't seen it for a month and a half with their supplies. The food for a month was already stressful enough. Now it has been more than half a month, they can only mix the surrounding wild vegetables with their last bit of grain to make this kind of food. This thing is unpalatable, but I am very hungry, so I can't eat it.

"It's just that when we go out, there will be Goguryeo people who are constantly attacking us. They are around us. We can't see them, but they can see us. If this goes on, it won't be good for us." The officer worried. Speaking of.

"Sir, we don't go very far, we are just around, there are some people around, we can take these out." A second-class soldier suggested.

"Furthermore, we will come back during the day, and we are not afraid of the other party's sneak attack at night. We gather together to act, then they will have nothing to do with us." Another soldier suggested.

"Yeah." The officer nodded.

"Okay. In that case, everyone will go out with me, walk around, catch a chick, and get some food back?" the officer asked.

"Yes, sir." everyone cried excitedly.

"However, this fortification has to be shown to me. If something goes wrong, we will die on this broken ground." The officer instructed.

"Okay. Let's go now. Let's go." The officer said, waving his arms and carrying his own hands to fight. Yan Jun's situation is very bad. Goguryeo did not fight the Yan people head-on, so they used guerrilla warfare against the Yan army. As a result, the two sides continued to consume. In order to besie the Goguryeo people, the Yan army had to disperse its forces and build a large number of fortifications in the mountainous area. Establish a stronghold on the main road to prevent the Goguryeo people from further escaping, but this way, the consumption is very large, and a large amount of transportation supplies will be transported from the country of Yan. Sometimes, although part of the supplies can be obtained by snatching, most of the supplies still need to be transported from the rear. Therefore, the situation in Yan State is getting worse and worse. The fiscal expenditures are increasing because the war continues to consume, and the country of Yan has been unable to maintain its operation.

In a position more than 100 miles north, a logistic supply convoy of the Yan army was attacked by Goguryeo people.

"Bang. Bang." The musket kept firing at the target. However, there are dense woods around, and there are mountains on both sides, so it is very easy to be ambushed by the other side.

"Damn it." A captain Yanjun hid behind the carriage with a pistol.

"Which." A bullet swept over his head, and his military cap was knocked off.

"Hold up, hold on to me, shoot." The captain's officer kept cursing. But the less he fights. Many soldiers didn't know where the enemy was, so they were hit by flying bullets.

"I was hit. Help." Not far away, a soldier whose arm had been knocked out let out a painful cry. The captain took a look and then stopped looking. This situation is really tragic.

"Bang." A soldier next to him had finished shooting at this time and was loading bullets.

"Puff." At this moment, a bullet hit the soldier's head. The market skull was knocked off. The brains flew out. The captain was taken aback by the scene before him. The brains of a living person who was just a moment ago flew out. This is really terrible.

"Not good. We, we are surrounded." The captain looked around. His soldiers were hiding behind the wheel and shooting. They shot at one side, but were hit by bullets from the other side. He was hitting fewer people. . He was terrified. Originally it was just transporting supplies, but I didn't expect to be attacked in such a mountainous area. He felt that his future was gone.

"Ah ah." And at this time, he heard some voices, like the ambush of Goguryeo people are attacked, temporary front of his people began to shake up the establishment.

"Retreat. Retreat quickly." At this moment an officer shouted loudly. The Yan army began to retreat.

"Withdraw." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." The captain had just ran away, and a bullet hit the ground just before his feet.

"Damn it. Goguryeo." The captain cursed.

"Puff." Not long after he ran away, a large group of Goguryeos rushed down from the opposite uphill. When the captain saw this, his mind was clouded. He knew that his people were over.

"Retreat. Retreat." The retreating Yan Army soldiers kept retreating, and they didn't break it. They can only throw away the supplies. For other things, he can no longer control so much.

And on the other side.

"Sir, there are no people in the nearby villages and tribes, it seems." A corporal reported.

"Damn, we have to go further, only then can we find those people." The officer said on the horse.

"Sir. If we go far, we won't be able to come back. Especially today." The veteran next to him said with his rifle on his back.

"No, we have to do this. I don't want to lose sight of things. Let us continue to be hungry like this." said the officer.

"Sir, if this is the case, our stronghold will be lost. In this case, we will not be able to survive." The veteran persuaded.

"No problem, we have more than 30 people in our stronghold. In addition, there are two cannons. This advantage is enough to allow us to maintain the current situation. Alright." The officer said.

"Brothers, follow me. Hurry up and find Goguryeo people, who have meat to eat and women to play with. Let's go." The officer shouted loudly. Then a group of Yanjun quickly followed the officer out.

late at night. Within the stronghold.

"It's really cold. It's almost freezing to death." A recruit from the Yan Army stood on the post at this time.

"Swish." At this moment, a cold arrow flew over, and then quickly inserted into the neck of the Yan Army recruit. Blood kept coming out. And the Goguryeo people are constantly touching the stronghold established by the Yan people through the night.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"As for the management method of the Western Regions, my idea is to establish a government enterprise funded by the federal government for management. The federal government must occupy more than 51% of the shares. Otherwise, there will be a great diplomatic crisis. "Bai Wen said solemnly. He is a director of government expenditures in the Ministry of Finance of Qin State. He is the main person in charge of the Qin federal government issuing a large number of banknotes to purchase shares in large enterprises. On the issue of the Western Regions, he has a better say.

"Go on." Meng Yi looked at Bai Wen and said.

"The Western Region Trading Company must have a government background. Otherwise, businessmen will not be able to figure it out, and they will not dare to participate in large-scale funds to the Western Region Trading Company. Therefore, we must do this. Inject a large amount of capital and establish it. For government-backed enterprises, the government can rely on the Western Region Trading Company as a forward to do certain things tentatively, establish trade contacts, investigate the intentions of the other party, and understand things that we have not yet understood before." Speaking of.

"Well. These merchants can do it too." Meng Yi said. The Federal Government of Qin State had certain differences on the specific issues of the Western Region Trading Company. The main point of difference lies in the status of the controlling shareholder and shareholder. Some people suggested that the Federal Government should not directly control the controlling shares. If this is done, the businessmen will be given full freedom. If so, trade will begin quickly. Others believe that the Qin federal government must have a controlling stake. The reason is that doing so will have a great positive effect. Many businessmen will participate because this is a government-backed enterprise. It represents the government’s will and can represent the government’s will. The Qin federal government is more flexible in developing trade activities in the Western Regions, and has obtained a large number of qualification contract certificates and so on.

"Businessmen have the advantages of businessmen. They are flexible, good at discovering and capturing business opportunities. We can meet many needs through businessmen," Bai Wen said.

"Yes, I very much agree with this." Meng Yi nodded and said.

"However, merchants also have their shortcomings. They are greedy. If they do not control well, such as trading in the Western Regions, buying and selling a certain commodity, or taking extremely unreasonable methods, they will be completely profitable. This can be done. This is a disaster for us." Bai Wen explained.

"Can you explain it concretely?" Meng Yi asked.

"This. I can't find a reasonable reason at the moment, but I think Cheng should understand this. For example, why our food prices are rising slowly? The reason is that we produce a lot and everyone is working hard to produce. There are many things. As long as they sell quickly, everyone will follow suit. This is the nature of merchants. If we indulge them, what will happen?" Bai Wen asked.

"They may continue to sell what they need, and they expand greedily. If they expand too much, we may lose everything in the end." Bai Wen said.

"However, without the flexibility of the businessman, I think it will be difficult for our trading company to proceed. I think you and I understand this. Therefore, I tend to invest less capital and should be controlled Forty-two percent. If it becomes a federal government enterprise, this enterprise will become a government department, and the Qin federal government does not need a government department. This will become a burden on the government. For this reason, the federal government does not want it. Expansion of larger-scale capital injections. In addition, in terms of operations, we hope to be more flexible. As for what you said represents the federal government. I think that forty-two percent of the capital injections are sufficient to illustrate this problem. This is Qin State is currently putting out the funds." Meng Yi said sincerely.

"But, Prime Minister." Bai Wen still wanted to explain.

"I know what you mean. If we directly hold a controlling stake, we may come directly. This is very beneficial to us, but I think it is better for us not to do this. Think about it, If we do it directly, it is the Qin government to take action. Some actions taken by the government can completely ignore the cost issue. For example, wars, wars against the Qiang people in the mountains, our plan is not very clever. Such losses, the government It can be stopped, but businessmen, if businessmen are involved, what will they do when they suffer huge losses? They will definitely withdraw their capital and take excessive measures. They will not bear such a huge pressure like the government." Meng Yi said.

"Therefore, I suggest that we should not do this." Meng Yi said.

"I accept such a suggestion. However, the actual demand is not like this." Meng Yi regretted to tell Bai Wen that his suggestion would not be adopted. Bai Wen nodded. He might be able to understand the thinking of the upper echelons. In the Western Regions, the Qin federal government refused to invest too much. The main purpose of establishing an enterprise with a government background was to guide businessmen’s funds to participate, not to involve a large amount of government. Funds are placed on it. This is the bottom line of the Qin federal government. Bai Wen was talking with Meng Yi. Gradually, he understood the purpose, so he felt that his suggestion was unnecessary.

In fact, the Qin federal government can do this because it can solve the funding problem by printing more banknotes, but in that case, Qin's other funds must be more infrastructure construction, and it will fall into an unfavorable situation. In order to avoid such a situation as much as possible. Meng Yi had to come up with such a thing.

A temporary parking site in Sangdang County.

"Prime Minister, this is the telegram we just received." Li Zuoche said.

"Oh. Let me see." Li Mu looked with the telegram.

"Haha." After reading the telegram. Li Mu laughed.

"What's wrong?" Li Zuoche asked at this time.

"Our nobles, they actually offered to buy shares in the Southern Railway Company." Li Mu said with a smile.

"This is a good thing. In this way, our funding problems can be solved a lot." Li almost clapped his hands on the left side and said. He did not think of such a thing.

"It seems that the previous iron factory has given our nobles a bit of benefit. Now, they want to eat more by themselves. It's just that the railway matter can be solved in this way. Not necessarily. Moreover, the nobles' funds can How many gatherings? We still don't know about this." Li Mu thought for a while and wanted to say.

"According to the calculations of Korean engineers, this is the data given by the Koreans. The construction of such a railway requires at least one million and two hundred thousand funds. If the nobles can solve half of it, it will be the best." Li Zuo Speaking of the car.

"But more than half of the funds need to be solved by ourselves. These funds still need to cooperate with the people of Qin to solve them." Li Mu said.

"Qin Guoren's bank funds are also in tension, they lack enough funds to carry out the project." Li Zuoche said.

"Has the telegram sent to the people of Qin been sent?" Li Mu asked at this time.

"Sent." Li Zuoche nodded.

"Send it again. If it is really impossible to urge them to allocate funds, we can use land as a resource for mortgage." Li Mu said. In the absence of government funds, Li Mu once again thought of using fixed assets for financing.

Forked town in the Western Regions.

"This is the first good news I heard when I came to Fork Town." Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng on the side.

"I don't know, what kind of good news the Prime Minister was so happy to hear?" Fan Zeng looked at Shang Wen without understanding.

"Cotton." Shang Wen said, passing a photo to Fan Zeng.

"Cotton?" Fan Zeng looked at Shang Wen suspiciously.

"The old man is not interested in flowers." Fan Zeng looked at the photo and shook his head.

"Haha." Shang Wen looked at Fan Zeng with a smile.

"This cotton is a kind of fiber. It is an important resource that can replace the catkins currently used by Qin. This resource is currently used for military purposes, but for civilian purposes, it is mainly clothing." Shang Wen said to Fan Zeng.

Fan Zeng didn't understand, but Shang Wen knew that the emergence of cotton was of great significance, and this was of great military value to the Qin army. The Qin army had already reloaded fixed gunpowder and ammunition on a large scale. However, the main component of gunpowder and bullets is black powder. Qin wants to popularize the smokeless gunpowder on a large scale. However, the production season of catkins is only one season, and it is short and difficult to collect. This makes the cost of Qin’s smokeless gunpowder expensive. The army cannot purchase on a large scale. It can only purchase certain smokeless powder guns and bullets according to a certain proportion. Although the Qin State Chemical Department continues to research and improve smokeless powder guns, it has not been able to bypass this barrier.

At this time, the emergence of cotton solved this problem very well. This is a major breakthrough for Qin State, which means that Qin State can produce smokeless powder guns on a large scale. In this way, the development of firearms will go further.

"It will take a certain amount of time to promote cotton. This is a matter for the agricultural sector, but this report is quite good." Shang Wen said. Because it was winter, cotton appeared in the greenhouse. It successfully produced cotton and had the first batch of seeds. With these seeds, Qin might build a large cotton production base in the Western Regions.

"This is a bifurcated town. To the north, you can reach the northern frontier of the Western Regions of the Qin State. To the south is the southern frontiers of the Western Regions of the Qin State. There are a lot of deserts and Gobi deserts. Drought and lack of water." Shang Wen introduced . The land here looks very barren, but it is rich in minerals and is an important production base for Qin. "Shang Wen said.

"In the development of the Western Regions, the Western Regions are other Western Regions other than the actual areas of the Western Regions controlled by the Qin State. The concept of the Western Regions is extremely broad. It can be said that it is a concept that has been given to the Pan-Western Regions. It includes many countries, such as , The small country established by the Yue people, the tribes of the Wusun people, the Dawan Kingdom, and the Shah State, etc. The actual control area of ​​the Shah State may have reached the largest Western Region we know." Shangwen said. .

"What else is on the west side?" Fan Zeng asked at this time. Because he was very curious, Shang Wen continued to develop the Western Regions and kept his sights on the Western Regions.

"Land, deserts, and various resources are a kind of resource that Qin must need in the future. This kind of resource is very important to the future development of Qin. Qin has already had this kind of demand, and what we need to do now is to explore this Demand." Shang Wen said.

"What resource?" Fan Zeng asked curiously.

"Yeah." Shang Wen thought for a while. He felt that he should tell Fan Zeng.

"Petroleum. A lot of oil, Qin's engine needs gasoline, or diesel, kerosene, etc., we all need these things." Shang Wen said.

"Although Qin already has an oil production site, and the smelting site is also established there, from a long-term perspective, these are not enough." Shang Wen said.

"At present, what Qin and other countries need is steel and coal. This requires a large amount of iron ore and coal resources. But after the steel is produced, we meet our needs for railway construction and after the demand for production machinery, we will continue What else will be developed?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"This." Fan Zeng shook his head, saying that he didn't understand and didn't know.

"The steam locomotive is really too big. The steam engines used by our ships rely on coal, but if we use a more powerful internal combustion engine, small in size and convenient, I think our development speed will be faster, but these rely on oil. , We need a lot of oil, to the west, only by continuously advancing west, we can have oil, only in this way, we can develop more space. This is the important significance of developing the Western Regions." Shang Wen said.

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