The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1962: Technical output

"The prime minister gave us trouble, but these things are nothing, just some food, and some medicines. The school is only enlarged." The mayor of Tupo Town said.

"It's just a lot of people," the mayor said.

"Yeah. I am worried that these people will disrupt our life order. Our town is already very good. Now that they have come, they have caused us a lot of trouble." The town's sheriff said.

"Don't worry. In the past few days, some of them will leave. There will be a large number of women and children staying in the town. You should pay attention to these things." The town mayor said.

"Why?" the sheriff asked.

"These people are all going to repair the railway. In order to settle these people, their wives and children have to stabilize in our town. These are also what the prime minister meant." said the mayor.

"Their existence can also bring us a lot of development. After all, if a small town wants to have long-term development, it must have a population. Without a population, our small town is just a few lonely hills." Speaking of long.

"Okay. I see." The sheriff said.

"It's best to reassure them as much as possible. If they can integrate into our town, we welcome them." The sheriff continued.

"Welcome them with an open mind." The mayor said to the sheriff.

Qin is building many railways. Railway construction requires a large number of railway workers. These railway workers come from the impoverished states of Wei and Chu. They have travelled all the way to Qin to stabilize and provide a good environment for their children. Stay alive.

"The Western Regions is a beautiful place." Shang Wen stood on the podium.

"Qin State needs such a beautiful place, so Qin State needs to develop this place." Shang Wen said with a wave of his arm.

"A lot of railways and highways are needed here. All kinds of houses, as well as tap water, gas, sewer pipes, etc.. The Western Regions need a large city. The population of this city will exceed one million. This city can represent the Western Regions." Shang Wen said To.

"The prime minister. The prime minister." At this moment, one of the onlookers in the audience raised his hand. He is a soldier.

Everyone looked at the soldier. Judging from his rank, he was just a corporal.

"Hello, Prime Minister. You are right. The Western Regions are indeed a beautiful place, but this place is not as good as my home. Soldiers of us have been in the Western Regions for more than two years. Many soldiers have not returned home. Many people came to the Western Regions and were able to make a fortune. They developed the Western Regions while doing business and became wealthy. This was the case with several partners who came to the Western Regions with me.” The corporal looked at Shang Wen and said.

"I want to know, Prime Minister, is there any way to let us soldiers go home, or so that we can settle down in the Western Regions." The corporal said.

"Yeah. I understand. I can also understand the feelings of those soldiers guarding the frontier." Shang Wen said to everyone.

"The General Staff has hoped more than once that I can recruit from various states, form new combat units, and then rotate those troops fighting on the border." Shang Wen said.

"To be honest, I vetoed it several times." Shang Wen looked at everyone and said. The soldier looked at Shang Wen puzzled.

"It's not because I don't understand the soldiers, but just because of financial difficulties. Some problems cannot be solved. Moreover, if the army is drafted, the population of each state will have difficulties. They are short of manpower. Otherwise, our railway construction will not be based on Wei Wei. State, Chu State recruited a large number of railway workers to solve the problem." Shang Wen said.

"The security of the country will be borne by Qin Jun." Shangwen told the other party with some regret.

"However, your suggestion is right. Our soldiers need to be replaced, retrained, and some fresh blood is needed to replace the Qin army. Our soldiers cannot stay in the army for a long time. They need to marry wives and have children. They need a period of peace and beauty. They can’t fight on the front lines all the time. They also need the lifestyle they want.” Shang Wen said to the soldier.

"Here, I will fully consider your opinions. It is very likely that I will conduct tentative recruitment in various states, and then rotate. Let some soldiers retire actively and return to construction so that they can earn Money, have a new life." Shang Wen said.

"Here, we want to thank those fighters who fought on the border for their tremendous contributions to the State of Qin." Shang Wen said.

"The prime minister." At this time, an officer stood up.

"The prime minister, it is really possible to recruit troops to replace those soldiers. So, are we officers who have to retire? To be honest, I have submitted two resignation reports. However, there are such officers in the army, and there are a large number of young men. Officers, they are energetic, capable, and very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, they have very little experience. During the war, many soldiers are unwilling to carry out the orders of those young officers. In their opinion, the orders issued by the young officers will harm Kill them. But, I want to go home and see my mother. I haven't seen her for a long time. Here, I stayed too long." The officer said.

"However, in the army, I can't find someone who can replace me. I hope, sir, can solve this problem." The officer said sincerely at this time.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"Wait a minute." As Shang Wen said, he took out his notebook and pencil from his pocket.

"Let me record, do you have any questions?" Shangwen asked while looking at the officer.

"Yes." The officer looked at the people around him. It was obvious that the people around him also hope that the prime minister can sincerely understand their actual situation.

"I still want to come back, but once I retire, there will be no chance. For me, it is very contradictory. I want to go home, but the army cannot do without me. After I left, I want to come back. I still miss it. This kind of life, after all, I have been a soldier for a long time, and I am used to it. If one day, I take off my uniform, it will turn out. I may not be able to adapt." The officer said to Shangwen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"Anything else?" Shang Wen asked.

"Not for the time being. I just, hope, one day in the future, I will be able to come back again. With these, I will be enough." The officer said.

"I understand what you mean." Shang Wen said to the officer.

"I think there are still many people in the army who have the same ideas as you. I understand their ideas, and I know what they think." Shang Wen said.

"I just thought about it. There is a preliminary plan in the country of Qin. Set up conscription stations and recruit soldiers. Soldiers are paid according to different ranks. The army must be professional or semi-professional. "Shang Wen said to the officer.

"Non-commissioned officers, especially skilled non-commissioned officers, should be retained by the Qin army. Large-scale upgrades to the army will be carried out. The mobility of the army will be improved as much as possible, so that the Qin army can retain a large number of mobility Forces and mobility will be greatly enhanced, and combat effectiveness will be further improved. For the Qin Army, this is a very important standard for improvement." Shang Wen said.

"In addition, the army will undergo a large-scale reorganization, redistribution, deployment, and specific content. As you will see later, I am just making my own suggestions. You also understand that the prime minister only has the right to provide suggestions, and specific methods are needed. Further discussions with the General Staff." Shang Wen said to the officer.

"For the welfare of military officers, you will have your own vacation. Besides, you don’t have to worry about your military career. The Qin Army has a reserve service system, but this system is not perfect enough. Many of us don’t know what to do now. , We are going to improve these systems. You can join the reserve. When the country is ready for major operations, priority will be given to you, so that you can be reclassified to the active military." Shangwen said.

"Your military career will continue." Shang Wen said.

"Thank you. Thank you, Prime Minister, thank you very much," the officer said excitedly.

"No, no. This is what I should do. There are still many things that need to be further improved. You have been here for a long time. I will think of a way to move you out of here as much as possible and let you rest. , Refurbish, we hope that the Qin army will be stronger in the future, and there will be a strong army, which is important to us one by one." Shang Wen said to everyone.

"Prime Minister, there is one more question." At this moment, a businessman raised his hand and said.

"What's the problem?" Shang Wen asked.

"Policy. The public security situation here in the Western Regions is very poor. The horse bandits are particularly noisy. The local sheriffs are difficult to subdue and the army cannot be mobilized. They need to maintain the security of the border. We cannot guarantee the security here. , If the prime minister wants commercial development, he must ensure our safety in our commercial activities." The businessman said to Shang Wen.

"Does the horse bandit matter still exist?" Shang Wen asked. Everyone nodded.

"It seems to be my negligence." Shang Wen said. Although the Qin State has integrated the power of public security, the power of public security has not increased, because the financial aspect has only increased a little bit of funds. The specific security forces have not increased much. Therefore, Shangwen needs to face it again on the issue of public order.

"This requires the army. Without the help of the army, we would not be able to do such a thing. It seems that the Qin army needs to be strengthened." Shang Wen said to the businessman.

"I don't know, do you have more questions?" Shang Wen said.

"Such issues may be the most we need to consider." Shang Wen continued. Everyone saw Shang Wen’s sincere attitude, so they came forward to put forward their opinions. The opinions were mainly on the infrastructure of the Western Regions. The Western Regions’ towns were mainly constructed temporarily around the original transportation hub and then further expanded. When the construction started, there was no long-term planning. The cities and towns in the Western Regions had incomplete transportation facilities, poor environmental sanitation, and prominent drinking water. These are the things that the people most urgently want to change. However, local government funds are tight, and a large number of railway construction is underway. It is difficult to take this into consideration.

Qin State Xianyang.

"I think we should cooperate with South Korea. At least their railway company is expanding very quickly, and if this is the case, it can increase our capital. I have seen this project. Zhao Guo will also participate. The most important thing is South Korea. An important transportation location." Yingyu said to Xiao He with a report. Yingyu’s report comes from South Korea, and South Korea hopes that Qin Wenyang Bank can participate and purchase most of the shares of the Korean Royal Railway. Then, with such a portion of funds, most of the funding problems can be solved.

"However, if our family enters, it will be difficult to solve the funding problem. You must know that we need to mortgage a large number of shares to the Federal Bank Reserve Board and the Korean Railway Corporation. Their share will be very large. Our family may be difficult to eat. To lose such a large share. We must have another bank as our backing to reduce our financial pressure." Xiao He suggested.

"I think our bank can achieve this goal." Yingyu said.

"If we were okay before, but currently, we can't. The current capital demand is extremely strong. The demand is greater than the supply. If our family does it, it will cause a lot of financial pressure. If this continues, we will mortgage more. This is not good news for us, and the Royal Bank is as strong as ours. In this way, we can reduce the financial pressure on us.” Xiao He suggested.

"Chairman, I think you should take a long-term view. This is only a country in South Korea, there is also the country of Wei, the country of Chu to the south, the country of Qi to the east, and the country of Qi. These countries are the same as our state. In Qin State, we have eight states that are much larger than these countries. In this way, we must find people to cooperate. If one family does it, it will eventually cause serious financial pressure. We cannot bear such pressure. "Xiao He told Yingyu very wisely.

"Okay." Yingyu nodded.

"I agree to your plan to work with the Royal Bank of Korea." Yingyu said.

"In this way, we can also participate in Zhao Guo's affairs." After that, Xiao He handed another report to Yingyu.

"What is this?" Ying Yu looked with the report.

"In this way, we have a part of the funds to do two things. The railway of Zhao Country is actually the same as the South Korean railway in the south. In this way, there will be two railways built in it." Xiao He said To.

"Well. If we support South Korea, Zhao Guo will be short of funds, because we really don't have excess funds to invest in the Zhao Guo railway project. With Zhao Guo doing it himself, this thing is definitely impossible." Yingyu Speaking of.

"It seems that your opinion is correct." Yingyu thought for a while and said.

"Zhao's affairs are handled like this. If other countries have railway construction, I think we can also work with the Royal Bank to do it. After all, this is nothing to us." Yingyu said.

"Yes, chairman." Xiao He nodded.

Inside the Xianyang Palace.

"According to your guess. Both Zhao and South Korea lack enough funds to build railways?" King Qin asked the agent.

"Yes. King. Now that country lacks enough funds to build railways, but they want to build railways. In this way, the funds can only be borrowed from our country, Qin. In this way, the funds will be It was passed on to our country, Qin." The agent explained to the frog.

“The Royal Bank can mortgage its shares to the Federal Bank Reserve Board. I heard that many banks are doing this. The Wenyang Bank’s affairs have been investigated. Wenyang Bank’s idea is indeed feasible. On the one hand, they continue to buy shares, and then With these shares as a further mortgage, their share plate will get bigger and bigger. This kind of business is really good for them." Qin Wang said.

"Not only Wenyang Bank, but few people have heard that many banks are doing the same. In this way, the Federal Bank Reserve Board will have a large number of shares gathered in its hands." Qin Wang said at this time.

"Yes, Lord, many banking companies are expanding like this. They tried to mortgage their shares to the Federal Bank Reserve Board. After getting a lot of funds from here, they started capital expansion, and their business expanded very quickly. , Many banks have begun to do some small business cooperation." The agent replied.

"According to our understanding, there is such a business in Zhao State. They target some nobles or powerful businessmen to jointly establish factories, factories, or trading companies. Once such enterprises are in, Some are joint ventures, and others are directly merged. As a result, their assets have expanded a lot. The company is rapidly becoming bigger and stronger." The agent said.

"In this case, the Royal Bank must not fall behind. Talk to Wenyang Bank and see what they do, and we will do what they do." Qin Wang said.

"Yes, Lord." The agent nodded.

Zhao State of Handan.

"I have a good talk with the people of Qin. Doing glass business." Zhao Shen said.

"Glass business?" Wang Wan asked, rubbing his hands.

"Yeah. Glass business." Zhao Shen said. He heard that many nobles are doing business, and they are doing a lot of business, they think of ways to do business.

"Yes, the glass business, if you think about it, now many people invest in steel business. This kind of business is not something you and I do with a little money to invest and want to open a factory." Zhao Shen said.

"Therefore, what we can do is small business. I looked at it. In Qin, all of them are high-rise buildings. Every household has glass. But look at us. Every household has no windows. Some of them don’t have windows, and they have a little money. People are just pasting paper. What kind of windows are not counted at all." Zhao Shen said.

"That's right, this business is best done with rich people. Why do you want to do such a business?" Wang Wan said with no interest.

"Don't do it. These people can't use glass. It can be used in the future, but, think about it. Those nobles, their homes can't be changed?" Zhao Shen asked at this time.

"Think about it again." Zhao Shen inspired.

"With this glass, it's so bright. How beautiful, this nobleman must change it. This is what we have to do. Let these people change the glass, not only the nobleman, in the future, all the good buildings in the Zhao country will be replaced. How is it?" Zhao Shen said to Wang Wan.

Wang Wan wondered at this time. Significant changes are currently taking place in the state of Zhao. Some areas of the state of Zhao have demolished city walls and used them to build new buildings. Not only that, there are many buildings in the city that have been renewed. High-rise buildings began to increase, and buildings with more than three floors were concentrated in the center of the city. Especially Handan Railway Station, which is built on a five-story building, is currently the best building in Handan City of Zhao State. There are a lot of glass on this building, especially in the waiting hall. There are quite a lot of large pieces of glass. Such a large glass has to be imported from Qin State. If Zhao State can produce it, how many railway stations and high-rise buildings can be built by Zhao State. In the next few years, Zhao Guo will definitely have a large number of buildings in need of glass, and the demand for glass will be great. Not only State Zhao, but also Qin State of South Korea may still need it. In this way, this business will definitely work.

"I think this business is pretty good, quite good. I want to do this business too." Wang Wan said.

"I need your capital. I have already mortgaged my house. I got some funds from Qin Guo's bank. If you can contribute, this is the best thing." Zhao Shen said.

"Well. I can pay 10,000 gold." Zhao Shen said.

"How much can you pay?" Zhao Shen said.

"I can pay 30,000 yuan." Wang Wan said.

"Yeah." Zhao Shen nodded.

"I want to take up 55% of the shares. Because, I have agreed with the people of Qin. The people of Qin have issued technical patents. The technology of glass comes from the people of Qin. The equipment and raw materials are all theirs. I found the people of Qin." Zhao Shen said.

"Yeah." Wang Wan nodded, still thinking.

"In this case, my capital will be reduced to 20,000. The shares are still as much as the rest." Wang Wan said.

Zhao Shen nodded.

"Okay. That's it. I lack funds. All of my funds have been used to pay patent fees and hire a large number of technology patents. I need a part of the funds to use as start-up funds. Now I particularly need such a Funding, now. Okay, I have solved the problem." Zhao Shen said to the other party.

"Happy cooperation." Wang Wan nodded and said.

For Qin Guo, glass is not a new technology anymore. However, as an important building material, but with a wide range of uses, Zhao Guo did not lack so many raw materials, only technology was lacking. With the beginning of capital export, technology also entered Zhao State as original shares. Become a kind of financial aid for Zhao's economic development.

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